View Full Version : Have a small problem.......Ponce here............... V

31st October 2014, 02:24 PM
Just got my bank statement a while ago and it shows that on the 20 of last month I took out $500.00 as I do every month.....only thing is that because I have house tax and insurance plus aouto insurance, all in Dic, I did not take out any money last month.....I called the bank and she said "Oh yes you did, I have your signature in your whitdrawell account".......I am very, very, very carefull with my money sinse my only income is my SS..... so, monday I will be going in and ask for the video tape for 10-20, I want to see myself in that tape......anyone could forge my signature because it looks like nothing that you can read.........let's see what happens............I hope that they don't tell me that I need a lawyer to see the tape.

Any advise?......thanks.


31st October 2014, 02:46 PM
Just got my bank statement a while ago and it shows that on the 20 of last month I took out $500.00 as I do every month.....only thing is that because I have house tax and insurance plus aouto insurance, all in Dic, I did not take out any money last month.....I called the bank and she said "Oh yes you did, I have your signature in your whitdrawell account".......I am very, very, very carefull with my money sinse my only income is my SS..... so, monday I will be going in and ask for the video tape for 10-20, I want to see myself in that tape......anyone could forge my signature because it looks like nothing that you can read.........let's see what happens............I hope that they don't tell me that I need a lawyer to see the tape.

Any advise?......thanks.


I'll bet that under expert analysis your signature would stand out and a forgery would be apparent. Don't be afraid to push them and don't let them bully you.

31st October 2014, 03:02 PM
Expert signature analysis would be more expensive than the $500 in question, unfortunately.

I very much doubt they'll show you the security tapes, but if you do have a lawyer who demands it, you might get them.

Ponce, my recommendation is, since they said they have your signature on the withdrawal request, I'd ask for a copy of that form. Check the date, and check your sig. Nobody knows your signature better than you, and you'll know right away if it's yours or if it's forged. If they don't have the form, then you can then claim it's a mistake on their part and you never made the withdrawal.

31st October 2014, 03:08 PM
Besides we can be your alibi , you where here the whole time....................:D

31st October 2014, 03:59 PM
And something else, I never leave the whole ammount of cash in the bank but always take out 5-7 hundred of the second to the forth day after my SS money comes in.......in this case the money came in on the 8 and the money was taken out on the 20 so that I know for damn sure that I din't take it out......this will be fun..........the Cuban style hahahahahhah


mick silver
1st November 2014, 05:17 PM
you were here on the 20th so we all know it couldn't of been you ponce

1st November 2014, 05:47 PM
OK guys, my freaking mistake.......I never took it out because what I got was a cashier check which I sent to my X two minutes later......I knew that I didn't have another $500.00 put away but I forgot that I did send the money to her........peace and love, all is calm. And don't say that I forgot becacuse I am OLD.


1st November 2014, 05:53 PM
Brain rot-----Happens to the best of us!



1st November 2014, 07:20 PM
Any advise?......thanks.

Close the account and find a credit union:


If you're dealing with a Megabank, you're in for quite a ride.

1st November 2014, 07:22 PM
Expert signature analysis would be more expensive than the $500 in question, unfortunately.

I very much doubt they'll show you the security tapes, but if you do have a lawyer who demands it, you might get them.

Ponce, my recommendation is, since they said they have your signature on the withdrawal request, I'd ask for a copy of that form. Check the date, and check your sig. Nobody knows your signature better than you, and you'll know right away if it's yours or if it's forged. If they don't have the form, then you can then claim it's a mistake on their part and you never made the withdrawal.

Unfortunately, the "signature" is probably an electronic image generated by one of those signature pads all the big businesses are now using. They're hardly ever accurate, and, of course, a genuine image can be transferred effortlessly to any electronic form they wish it to be affixed to.

1st November 2014, 10:13 PM
Think? reade post #7......thanks.