View Full Version : The more that I think about it the more angry that I get....... V

31st October 2014, 08:26 PM
Someone posted elsewhere that I am always defending the Muslims.......well, what I am "dfending" is how they are acting for what we are doing to them, how about you?.....if a foreign country comes to you town and start killing your friends and family would you not take arms agaisnt them?

The haven't done anything against the US HERE in America.........YET...... and if were they to do that I would not blame them......then of course we would have to fight them but I still would not blame them.

You and I know that many things that the US blames the Muslims for was done by the Zionist in order to turn us against them.....I know of so many acts of terror blamed the Muslims but either done or known by the Zionist.

Why are we fighting in so many Middle East countries?.......simple........to take what they have, it has NOTHING to do with the freedom of the US or the safety of the Ameican people......a public poll was taken by "What Really Happened" and 99% are against any aid to the state of Israel.

So much wrong doing being done by the US........so much wrong doing being accepted by the Americans............. oh well.


old steel
31st October 2014, 09:02 PM
Just don't think about it Ponce.

31st October 2014, 09:31 PM
Is the almighty turning you towards Islam ponce?

General of Darkness
31st October 2014, 09:43 PM
Ponce don't take shit too seriously from some posters here buddy. We all love ya brother.

31st October 2014, 09:51 PM
I don't know a damn thing about them, only that you have to wash your hands a face when entering their mosque and that their women have to cover their faces.......as far as "turning me towards Islam?", to belong to them is to belong to a religion and to me a religion is a religion no matter what you call it, after all, "A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME?"......... you don't have to belong to a "religion" to believe in "The Force", some call it "GOD".


Celtic Rogue
1st November 2014, 04:38 AM
Why are we fighting in so many Middle East countries?.......simple........to take what they have, it has NOTHING to do with the freedom of the US or the safety of the American people......a public poll was taken by "What Really Happened" and 99% are against any aid to the state of Israel.

The primary reason we are fighting so many countries in the middle east is not because we want their esources.... Its for israel and israel alone! They know what they are doing is wrong and the people that surround their stolen nation do not support them either. So israel has used the zio-media to promote fear of muslims with the incessant drumbeat of anti muslim propaganda in the west and the US in particular. This is done so that the people in America and NATO countries who normally abhor unprovoked war will feel justified in destroying countless counties to quell the paranoia of the zionist! We are fighting the zionists wars for them! They will not be satisfied until every nation surrounding isreal and any other nation that could stand up to them is in chaos and unable to sustain any war against the zionist state!!


Hatha Sunahara
1st November 2014, 12:44 PM
Greater Israel is the entire planet. Our politicians understand that, and make it so by patying tribute to Israel. Israel doesn't have the strength to extract tribute from the muslims that surround them, so they use American proxies to extract that tribute to Israel. This is all about empire. Don't believe that there is an American empire. There is neocon control of America that is directing American strength to build a Zionist global empire. There are a few outposts in the world that don't want to pay tribute to this Zionist empire. These are the countries that don't recognize Israel, mostly Muslim, and the countries that don't have Rothschild owned central banks. That's on the 'institutional level. There is also widespread resistance to this Zionist global empire among the slaves in all countries who don't need another 'boss'. These unwilling slaves are the ones who are most resistant to, and have not yet been dumbed down enough to 'just go along to get along'.

I understand your sympathy for the muslims, Ponce. It shows you can see the real game being played. Most of the slaves are so stupid and cowardly, they side with their masters against other slaves, and have no concept of 'freedom'.


1st November 2014, 01:37 PM
Ponce, it's about big oil. The almighty petro dollar. As other's have said, don't worry about it because there's nothing we as individuals can do. Keep prepping, be healthy! Enjoy your life.

1st November 2014, 02:05 PM
I read and think more than most and I can tell you this...........is a hell of a lot more than just oil.


1st November 2014, 02:10 PM
Ponce I remember that guy ron paul had an ad with something about chinese troops invading texas and what america would think of it. Nobody would go for that, but we send troops, tanks, choppers, not to mention all the alphabet agencies over to stir stuff up and wonder why dirt poor people with nothing to lose might be pissed when their daughter gets killed and it's called collateral damage.

Here it is.


Brings back memories of when I thought we might have a chance at changing some things.

I still agree with the message, though nothing's likely to ever change in my lifetime.

Fuck that guy for throwing in the towel.

Where'd all that money go?

1st November 2014, 02:24 PM
Don't you think that many countries are not getting ready to fight in our homeland?......think again........about five years ago while walking around the hills (when I was able to do it) I saw in the distace three guys taking notes so I decided to find out what was going on, I stood high on a rock where they could see me and one of the guy did see me and I think that he shit his pants.........I wave at them and went to see them.....after the hello and all that crap they told me that they worked for the land of so on and so forth, I know that it was a lie. Another time three Viets (they said that they were) were back there picking some kind of grass to eat.......I know a Viet when I see one and the faces of this people were to sharp, know what I mean?


Hatha Sunahara
1st November 2014, 04:29 PM
I read and think more than most and I can tell you this...........is a hell of a lot more than just oil.


It's about Empire and World Domination. It is about control of resources and people. And the way it's done is with money and 'laws'. Laws are supposed to give legitimacy to that which is illegitimate or immoral, or unjust. Laws are no longer principles that assure civilized existence. They have become instruments to assure conformity and obedience. Money is an instrument for granting or denying survival. So, if you want to survive, you better conform and obey. And that means agreeing with TPTB about who 'owns' all the resources in the world--including the 'human resources' aka 'slaves'. Oil is a large part of it. So is food. And water. And 'government'. And it's all controlled with money. So, if you want freedom, find a way to exist without money.


mick silver
1st November 2014, 04:40 PM
hatha I think most here feel the same so that could be why we buy gold and silver looking for ways to keep what we have and hoping one day we can gain control over this country again that has been lost and I own land with water I can feed my family
It's about Empire and World Domination. It is about control of resources and people. And the way it's done is with money and 'laws'. Laws are supposed to give legitimacy to that which is illegitimate or immoral, or unjust. Laws are no longer principles that assure civilized existence. They have become instruments to assure conformity and obedience. Money is an instrument for granting or denying survival. So, if you want to survive, you better conform and obey. And that means agreeing with TPTB about who 'owns' all the resources in the world--including the 'human resources' aka 'slaves'. Oil is a large part of it. So is food. And water. And 'government'. And it's all controlled with money. So, if you want freedom, find a way to exist without money.
