View Full Version : Rawdog Quits Tech Industry - Says It Will Be Finished in 5-10 Years
1st November 2014, 11:49 AM
Rawdog admitted he quit his job recently. He believes that the tech industry will be automated away in the next 5-10 years. He explains how you need to have your own business that is made up of something like art, love, sex, and so on that robots simply cannot replicate (at least in the near future.)
He also mentioned the recent Lowes commercial where an automated robot replaces store employees entirely:
1st November 2014, 03:33 PM
The problem with those Lowe's robots, is they don't have knowledge. When I'm in a hardware store, I'm not looking for a hammer. I'm looking for solutions, parts that would work/fit my needs. I need to ask someone, this is what I want to do, what is the best thing to accomplish that.
I will always visit hardware stores where there is men who know what they are doing, and can help me. Put the robots in the mcdonalds, hardware stores need Men, period.
1st November 2014, 05:51 PM
I think the plan is to do away with anything that needs knowledge to make it. If the machines cant make it, it doesn't get made. Eventually they will start designing their own solutions. They won't look like the solutions we humans would build but they will do the job. If they get a learning AI happening I think we will be in trouble. Eventually it will realise that we live by the law of the jungle and that means one thing. Fight that progress and take up knowledge to keep them at bay.
department stores once had serving staff, gathering your items and helping with selection. These were replaced with checkouts, tallymen to tally your items and unknown night dwellers who restocked the stores. Now there is one person who supervises the auto tally machines and you have to show the machine each item you are taking and it tallys it up for you. It beeps every time it wants you to show it another item and it has a face on it that tells you to select more items from the shelves in the store. I refuse to use them. I've had to walk out a few times without buying anything. No human workers.
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