View Full Version : Man who owns a smart TV says he’s ‘afraid’ of using it after reading its privacy poli

2nd November 2014, 08:09 AM
Someday I'll be using rock and grass to wipe my ass because my toilet paper holder will tell someone when I sat down and HOW MUCH toilet paper I did use, is the end I am telling you, IS THE END..........V
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Man who owns a smart TV says he’s ‘afraid’ of using it after reading its privacy policy
Posted by Randy Lahey on November 2, 2014 at 4:38am
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.Just like with other electronic devices that used to be “dumb,” TVs have become increasingly smart lately, but that doesn’t mean that’s necessarily a good thing, especially when it comes to user privacy. At least that’s what Brennan Center’s Michael Price seems to think after he replaced his older TV that could offer access just to TV programs with a smart TV model that also delivers “streaming multimedia content, games, apps, social media and Internet browsing.”

“The only problem is that I’m now afraid to use it. You would be too — if you read through the 46-page privacy policy,” Price wrote. “The amount of data this thing collects is staggering. It logs where, when, how, and for how long you use the TV. It sets tracking cookies and beacons designed to detect ‘when you have viewed particular content or a particular email message.’ It records ‘the apps you use, the websites you visit, and how you interact with content.’ It ignores ‘do-not-track’ requests as a considered matter of policy.

2nd November 2014, 10:38 AM
yes I see this guys problem. 4th gen game consoles do the same and I think the 3rd gen were doing it as well. Also with the air gesture thing it means the units can track where you are in the room. I was like that with the last computer I was given. It sat there for 6 months before I finally had to switch to it. The built in camera has something taped over it because the unit has face recognition on it and I think it runs on auto in silence when you first setup the pc. it is difficult to keep out of the system though. It's coming from all angles.

2nd November 2014, 11:07 AM
Hahahahahahahahahaah, that's funny because my lap to also has a tape over the camera hole and voice hole, and a couple of more places that I didn't like.


Twisted Titan
2nd November 2014, 11:52 AM
I dont know what this guy is harping about.

He is just now becoming aware of the chains he had all along.

Now he realizes what smart in smart phone really means.

It makes those who rule over you.


2nd November 2014, 02:34 PM
Someday I'll be using rock and grass to wipe my ass because my toilet paper holder will tell someone when I sat down and HOW MUCH toilet paper I did use, is the end I am telling you, IS THE END..........V

Toilet paper? Haven't you heard? Al Gore, inventor of the Internet, has teamed up with Sheryl Crow to create the new Air Bidet. Toilet paper will be banned by 2020 in order to save the Earth. The Air Bidet will clean your ass (or not) without generating any additional greenhouse gases other than what came out of your rear-end.

2nd November 2014, 02:36 PM
yes I see this guys problem. 4th gen game consoles do the same and I think the 3rd gen were doing it as well. Also with the air gesture thing it means the units can track where you are in the room. I was like that with the last computer I was given. It sat there for 6 months before I finally had to switch to it. The built in camera has something taped over it because the unit has face recognition on it and I think it runs on auto in silence when you first setup the pc. it is difficult to keep out of the system though. It's coming from all angles.

First, it's "voluntary." Then, it's "mandatory." I wonder if Orwell ever imagined that people would not only willingly install the two-way Telescreens, but go to Best Buy and pay a pile of money for it?

2nd November 2014, 02:47 PM
First, it's "voluntary." Then, it's "mandatory." I wonder if Orwell ever imagined that people would not only willingly install the two-way Telescreens, but go to Best Buy and pay a pile of money for it?

In 1984, O'Brien told Winston that the ultimate goal of the Party was to develop the ability to know what any given individual was thinking at any time. With the advent of "smart" technology, and the ability to monitor its use by any individual at will, I would say the Party has all but achieved its goal. If the average person believes that TPTB only spy on "the bad guys" they will never censor their own use of such technology, thereby essentially exposing what they are thinking at all times. Facebook posts, smart phone texts, conversations, internet browsing and searches... the aggregate of this information is essentially a window into a person's mind. And they carry this technology around with them constantly!

Fucking brilliant, you gotta admit.

2nd November 2014, 03:19 PM
In 1984, O'Brien told Winston that the ultimate goal of the Party was to develop the ability to know what any given individual was thinking at any time. With the advent of "smart" technology, and the ability to monitor its use by any individual at will, I would say the Party has all but achieved its goal. If the average person believes that TPTB only spy on "the bad guys" they will never censor their own use of such technology, thereby essentially exposing what they are thinking at all times. Facebook posts, smart phone texts, conversations, internet browsing and searches... the aggregate of this information is essentially a window into a person's mind. And they carry this technology around with them constantly!

Fucking brilliant, you gotta admit.

Are "they" really this smart, or is there a Master Mind* behind them?

* Satan

2nd November 2014, 05:51 PM
Are "they" really this smart, or is there a Master Mind* behind them?

* Satan

Good an explanation as any I suppose. Personally I can't say for sure.

2nd November 2014, 08:52 PM
It ignores ‘do-not-track’ requests as a considered matter of policy.

do these TV's use their own proprietary browsers? or the common ones like firefox, IE etc? If the latter, should be able to help some with the privacy add-ons,
Thread: Privacy Tools (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?78399-Privacy-Tools)
"Do Not Track Me" touts overriding the attempts by sites which ignore your browsers friendly/voluntary request that you not be tracked. "Self Destructing Cookies" seems good too, though I'd like to turn off its notifications, just don't know if it's an option? Don't see it.

Anyways, if there aren't free 3rd party privacy add-ons for "smart tv's", I'd skip the smart tv's! No sacrifice here; I quit routinely watching tv years ago. Haven't even had a dumb, much less smart mobile for 10 years. The latter are tempting though; some of the capabilities would come in handy. If I made that plunge, it would be kept in an RF blocking bag when I wasn't actually using it.

2nd November 2014, 09:27 PM
I think they use mostly Apps from the google thing. So they will track everything. I'm trying to find a suitable browser for andriod but its difficult. I used Dolphin for a while but they got even more pervasive. I tried opera but its not very good. The firefox for Android is totally different to the PC version and tracks to much and saves too much.

2nd November 2014, 11:47 PM
And so instead of watching TV the TV is watching you.................

3rd November 2014, 01:37 AM
And so instead of watching TV the TV is watching you.................

At TioT, my .sig line is "In Soviet Amerika, Internet search YOU." Same goes for "Smart" TVs now.

3rd November 2014, 04:09 AM
the screens are a key tenent of 1984. We're there. Its all operational, just not saturation deployment yet.

3rd November 2014, 04:21 AM
problem is, taping over the (web)cam you can see, prolly isn't enough...

Apple patent embeds thousands of cameras among LCD pixels (http://www.engadget.com/2006/04/26/apple-patent-embeds-thousands-of-cameras-among-lcd-pixels/)
www.engadget.com/ (http://www.engadget.com/) 2006/ 04/ 26/ apple-patent-embeds-thousands-of-cameras-among-lcd-pixels/ - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=42795662515239664b6a737348535262484777545 268594659536c4b44304563576a305a45487361486b4178463 36b61477a744d4742596f49425170495538474755457a44305 1454e474a484d4542424d6c676a497a4646434567575242355 74a32676b4b4878376169634b6277526358674538424349394 16838724d58633344546763536a595a556c7446456c525a516 c70415452464655317857426b784e456b55664258634f53566 c4758304e6147437474567a773048466772587941444e56307 76353513748416769454542414142557744685a484168452b4 16749384630675047416f65436c776e546b634545675a42413 055445a584a374c32424764513877456e59304f526f6358436 c45476e78414943566665696f58656c5a31644831695352464 c63426c6a443241584843424a5752456c57693459487931614 7474a52417834364251682b52514972555364544841637a534 6645046534173556c31464279425a527877614a446c394c776 33759535a51444459364457316c466c74424c5667324f586f5 662466c6159333045554556584c6d4a3652336b6354436c424 83064516353355048526b4a58473847424741654230736e525 74e6644695662666963554f6a385a42464973534851744f555 a4e6441304e5a533855496c703766326c62564256574452454 86248316e633352555141702f65684a55575168424c5664466 54877474845513d&epile=4q6n41784r4445784q444q784q6p38344s4335725n58 6o3q&edata=4d5b48c0596bd1e868d44bab9db00098&ek=5n6o316q5n334r695431564p6355306s644570776533356 n52306s72653378725031382s59555n736479525565464n356 56p5n6q4q334r46516r464r525370694q6n46616479466s523 06o6s566q737955537047526p39756243466p4r484933586o3 557524545314n576p50535859314s6n7877546q3579546o396 766535637526q6o36496p706s627n4q785n695171654856765 06q556o4953676q5n79736s50435n77614668714n6r59314s6 9496s65304r4p4s6o68456244524o4q5564325644705654454 6566532524p5979686q62574641666q5972503364594n47394 95n7n68736558346n66546p4661444935656r4931633241774 n46644n615556304q3368485n566852563331394s453468626 p496n543068365347776p536q5n445555386o65535675516p3 9524s55556p576o45354o58314164313535613067306245383 0626r7866595874544q5770454n465179636q4r415n5467704 s454r4r507n67335n6p4r304n6r4631536p355151325266544 6593564464r57666o68585548303053546p4357456432576n7 738&ekdata=9417610a866fc243d31ba33f9894c8ae) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=video+cam*+embedded+pixels+of+screen+display&rl=NONE&rid=LJLOLPKLRLKQ&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/search&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&mtcat=web&u=http:%2F%2Fwww.engadget.com%2F2006%2F04%2F26%2Fa pple-patent-embeds-thousands-of-cameras-among-lcd-pixels%2F)
26 Apr 2006 ... ... Apple for an LCD display embedded with thousands of microscopic image sensors that would allow users to video-conference while looking straight into the "camera. ... Since the patent specifies almost as many sensors per screen as ... such as employing the displays in ...

Apple files patent for camera hidden behind display - AppleInsider (http://appleinsider.com/articles/09/01/08/apple_files_patent_for_camera_hidden_behind_displa y)
www.appleinsider.com/ (http://www.appleinsider.com/) articles/ 09/ 01/ 08/ apple_files_patent_for_camera_hidden_behind_displa y - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=42795662515239664b6a737348535262484777545 268594659536c4b44304563576a305a45487361486b4178463 36b61477a744d4742596f49425170495538474755457a44305 1454e474a484d4542424d6c676a497a4646434567575242355 74a32676b4b4878376169634b6277526358674538424349394 16838724d58633344546763536a595a556c7446456c525a516 c70415452464655317857426b784e456b55664258634f53566 c4758304e6147437474567a773048466772587941444e56307 76353513748416769454542414142557744685a484168452b4 16749384630675047416f65436c776e546b634545675a42413 055445a584a374c32424764526b334654513050684d4f55537 0454848784149435666656970454f4249714d694e424367426 34247396f4848646a616e4163477a74775433744c4c536c454 8434e524d526f324452346762686f6c55444663426a776d436 b703257794967576b70574f547364516855514a4145794a677 732496a4a6d45446f6c446951324b5674424c5667324f58704 6616c31614e6e5145426b55444c47497552797765456978484 7453842646e67664742396358446c63575741654230736e525 7426644695662666963554f6a385a42464973534851744f555 a4e6441304e5a533855496c703766326c62564256574452454 86248316e633352555141702f65684a55575168424c5664466 54877474845513d&epile=4q6n41784r4445784q444q784q6p38344s4335725n58 6o3q&edata=44342fe5603404d77a6467d709f4750e&ek=5n6o316q5n334r695431564p6355306s644570776533356 n52306s72653378725031382s59555n736479525565464n356 56p5n6q4q334r46516r464r525370694q6n46616479466s523 06o6s566q737955537047526p39756243466p4r484933586o3 557524545314n576p50535859314s6n7877546q3579546o396 766535637526q6o36496p706s627n4q785n695171654856765 06q556o4953676q5n79736s50435n77614668714n6r59314s6 9496s65304r4p4s6o68456244524o4q5564325644705654454 6566532524p5979686q62574641666q5972503364594n47394 95n7n68736558346n66546p4661444935656r4931633241774 n46644n615556304q3368485n566852563331394s453468626 p496n543068365347776p536q5n445555386o65535675516p3 9524s55556p576o45354o58314164313535613067306245383 0626r7866595874544q5770454n465179636q4r415n5467704 s454r4r507n67335n6p4r304n6r4631536p355151325266544 6593564464r57666o68585548303053546p4357456432576n7 738&ekdata=1dd08d58af29554a4dcaf67d5a5aa1ba) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=video+cam*+embedded+pixels+of+screen+display&rl=NONE&rid=LJLOLPKLRLKQ&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/search&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&mtcat=web&u=http:%2F%2Fappleinsider.com%2Farticles%2F09%2F01 %2F08%2Fapple_files_patent_for_camera_hidden_behin d_display)
8 Jan 2009 ... Video would also be possible by cycling the display "between the active state ... " Constantly looking back and forth between the display screen and the ... them they embed camera detectors between the pixels of their screens.

LCD Screen With Embedded Optical Sensors - Slashdot (http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/07/09/03/1721208/lcd-screen-with-embedded-optical-sensors)
hardware.slashdot.org/ story/ 07/ 09/ 03/ 1721208/ lcd-screen-with-embedded-optical-sensors - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=42795662515239664b6a737348535262484777545 268594659536c4b44304563576a305a45487361486b4178463 36b61477a744d4742596f49425170495538474755457a44305 1454e474a484d4542424d6c676a497a4646434567575242355 74a32676b4b4878376169634b6277526358674538424349394 16838724d58633344546763536a595a556c7446456c525a516 c70415452464655317857426b784e456b55664258634f53566 c4758304e6147437474567a773048466772587941444e56307 76353513748416769454542414142557744685a484168452b4 16749384630675047416f65436c776e546b634545675a42413 055445a584a374c3242476452416d467a776d4e673859466a3 14e4479464c4b79634f5a674e584c554e78467a7851466c635 85a323058435849416141634a454668794d57354b546e70795 858674758303576575635686477596e51486c424552456c414 6594554796f3556785653437a4552516855514c6e4d2f4d784 1324c7a64565753417a45447334496734535046306a4c435a4 c4f46344c5a537853563064624b6a4e2b456e3852456e6c495 17873426479735a4742344e5757384d5679524b42565137433 2394b58434956446a345245776b44455773616645736641473 850596e70736331683264316b3265325a5957526c524230745 5626e786c645859415241777365555652573139456677314c6 5586c5447305161&epile=4q6n41784r4445784q444q784q6p38344s4335725n58 6o3q&edata=dcdf0bae22c21c8b36fc3a131955f3ba&ek=5n6o316q5n334r695431564p6355306s644570776533356 n52306s72653378725031382s59555n736479525565464n356 56p5n6q4q334r46516r464r525370694q6n46616479466s523 06o6s566q737955537047526p39756243466p4r484933586o3 557524545314n576p50535859314s6n7877546q3579546o396 766535637526q6o36496p706s627n4q785n695171654856765 06q556o4953676q5n79736s50435n77614668714n6r59314s6 9496s65304r4p4s6o68456244524o4q5564325644705654454 6566532524p5979686q62574641666q5972503364594n47394 95n7n68736558346n66546p4661444935656r4931633241774 n46644n615556304q3368485n566852563331394s453468626 p496n543068365347776p536q5n445555386o65535675516p3 9524s55556p576o45354o58314164313535613067306245383 0626r7866595874544q5770454n465179636q4r415n5467704 s454r4r507n67335n6p4r304n6r4631536p355151325266544 6593564464r57666o68585548303053546p4357456432576n7 738&ekdata=6297692a04a4a45620eda8ccf4ccb6da) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=video+cam*+embedded+pixels+of+screen+display&rl=NONE&rid=LJLOLPKLRLKQ&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/search&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&mtcat=web&u=http:%2F%2Fhardware.slashdot.org%2Fstory%2F07%2F 09%2F03%2F1721208%2Flcd-screen-with-embedded-optical-sensors)
3 Sep 2007 ... Most decent mobiles have a video camera mounted on the front these days ..... It sounds like this Sharp monitor uses embedded sensors, but the Planar .... Come on people, it's just pixels on a screen, goatse can't hurt you.

Patent US8754927 - Video display screen with camera position ... (https://www.google.com/patents/US8754927)
https://www.google.com/patents/US8754927 - View by Ixquick Proxy (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/proxy?ep=42795662515239664b6a737348535262484777545 268594659536c4b44304563576a305a45487361486b4178463 36b61477a744d4742596f49425170495538474755457a44305 1454e474a484d4542424d6c676a497a4646434567575242355 74a32676b4b4878376169634b6277526358674538424349394 16838724d58633344546763536a595a556c7446456c525a516 c70415452464655317857426b784e456b55664258634f53566 c4758304e6147437474567a773048466772587941444e56307 76353513748416769454542414142557744685a484168452b4 16749384630675047416f65436c776e546b634545675a42417 84d5646785a7357774e52415434774569392f4d42495358794 a455144464d496d31494468784550674d744a54774253324d3 74557646d444845636148596658426b68417a394544796f434 3437741576b786e5642706c55676c335144425753314d6d565 67364576e457344677052416d4653564145614f574e6b5a524 173635274744a5373594b676b7648676478506e636c6658517 9667739344a6a3457576b7055656d312f516e524c524868445 36b6c574a69394953303850586a774c5543565651424a6e486 a4d59&epile=4q6n41784r4445784q444q784q6p38344s4335725n58 6o3q&edata=d6c15b115889465c4741b92820c5c960&ek=5n6o316q5n334r695431564p6355306s644570776533356 n52306s72653378725031382s59555n736479525565464n356 56p5n6q4q334r46516r464r525370694q6n46616479466s523 06o6s566q737955537047526p39756243466p4r484933586o3 557524545314n576p50535859314s6n7877546q3579546o396 766535637526q6o36496p706s627n4q785n695171654856765 06q556o4953676q5n79736s50435n77614668714n6r59314s6 9496s65304r4p4s6o68456244524o4q5564325644705654454 6566532524p5979686q62574641666q5972503364594n47394 95n7n68736558346n66546p4661444935656r4931633241774 n46644n615556304q3368485n566852563331394s453468626 p496n543068365347776p536q5n445555386o65535675516p3 9524s55556p576o45354o58314164313535613067306245383 0626r7866595874544q5770454n465179636q4r415n5467704 s454r4r507n67335n6p4r304n6r4631536p355151325266544 6593564464r57666o68585548303053546p4357456432576n7 738&ekdata=bf0d69ab43d665fc70c5a5172a8ae4b9) - Highlight (https://ixquick-proxy.com/do/spg/highlight.pl?l=english&c=hf&cat=web&q=video+cam*+embedded+pixels+of+screen+display&rl=NONE&rid=LJLOLPKLRLKQ&hlq=https://startpage.com/do/search&mtlanguage=english&mtpl=ff&mtcat=web&u=https:%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fpatents%2FUS8754927 )
17 Jun 2014 ... Video display screen with camera position optimized for video conferencing ... a surface with a plurality of pixels distributed over the surface, and a .... at the other end to a hinge embedded in the chassis of a laptop computer, ...

3rd November 2014, 04:35 AM
so the front facing camera on the phone is just for show? I don't even know where the damn thing is.

We're already in now. If you go anywhere near anyone else who has a phone, uses an iPhone or Facebook, your voice is recorded.

I didn't know about those patents though. That guy was right back in 06/07 who was saying the tv's had camera's in them.

6th November 2014, 04:19 AM
From 2.5 years ago; March '12 DailyFail.co.uk

Is your TV watching you? Samsung's latest sets with built-in cameras spark concerns (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2117493/Samsungs-latest-TV-sets-built-cameras-spark-concerns.html)

Published: 05:07 GMT, 20 March 2012 | Updated: 12:18 GMT, 20 March 2012
82: View comments

Samsung's latest breed of plasmas and HDTVs may allow hackers, or even the company itself, to see and hear you and your family, and collect extremely personal data.

The new models, which are closer than ever to personal computers, offer high-tech features that have previously been unavailable, including a built-in HD camera, microphone set and face and speech recognition software.

This software allows Samsung to recognise who is viewing the TV and personalises each person’s experience accordingly. The TV also listens and responds to specific voice commands.

High-tech: Samsung's latest sets feature built-in HD cameras, microphone
sets and face and speech recognition software

But some critics have suggested that the TV company could be spying on you, or even watching and listening to you - without your knowledge - through these features.

Gary Merson, who runs website HD guru, said that because there is no way of disconnecting the camera and microphone, users cannot be 100 per cent sure that Samsung is not collecting data and passing it on to third parties.

Merson said: ‘What concerns us is the integration of both an active camera and microphone. A Samsung representative tells us you can deactivate the voice feature; however this is done via software, not a hard switch like the one you use to turn a room light on or off.

‘And unlike other TVs, which have cameras and microphones as add-on accessories connected by a single, easily removable USB cable, you can't just unplug these sensors.

Invasive: Gary Merson suggests that the Samsung's new models could be hacked into

‘During our demo, unless the face recognition learning feature was activated, there was no indication as to whether the camera (such as a red light) and audio mics are on. And as far as the microphone is concerned, there is no way to physically disconnect it or be assured it is not picking up your voice.’

Merson claims that this problem raises questions about whether Samsung can watch someone watching their TV, and listen to them, at will, via the microphone and internet connection.

It also sparks concerns, he says, about where Samsung stores this data that it collects and how secure it is.

He goes on to suggest that the TV sets could be hacked into if, for instance, they are run by operating systems that have a prior history of hacking.

When Samsung was approached to provide information on the set's privacy features or the company's policies, it did not respond.



privacy policy samsung smart TV (https://startpage.com/do/search?cmd=process_search&cat=web&query=privacy+policy+samsung+smart+TV&language=english&no_sugg=1&ff=&abp=-1)

6th November 2014, 06:59 AM
Winston Smith just picked up the latest model...


6th November 2014, 10:33 AM
Recently I moved and had to get a new ISP that used a form of Yahoo Mail for their e-mail service. For some reason I read the "Terms of Use" agreement that I was "signing". One clause in the TOU Agreement said something like (sorry I can't remember the exact jargon) "You agree to notify anyone you exchange e-mail with that by sending e-mail to you they are consenting to allow us to store, categorize, analyze and process the content of their e-mail and use it however we see fit."

I don't remember anyone who ever has notified me of this condition when exchanging e-mails with me through their Yahoo account. I imagine that if is in the Yahoo TOU Agreement, then it is probably in the agreements we sign for Gmail and Hotmail, etc., too.

Scary stuff.


6th November 2014, 11:16 PM
For those of you who won't buy a "Smart" Talmudvision, amazon.com has something for you:


Always listening...

6th November 2014, 11:57 PM
So we dont call them TVs anymore but SOs..........................Silent Observer

Dosnt tip many people over the edge to say .......f#@k Im not going to buy a TV ever again .........your brain will thank you later.

7th November 2014, 01:37 AM
So we dont call them TVs anymore but SOs..........................Silent Observer

Dosnt tip many people over the edge to say .......f#@k Im not going to buy a TV ever again .........your brain will thank you later.

Talmudvisions and computers will merge soon enough...they have already done so de facto, with Roku, HDMI out to TV, etc.. Just the formality remains.

7th November 2014, 06:00 AM
I just bought one of these smart tv's, I love it. Great for watching football and golf.


The little camera is tucked away in it's home which points at the ceiling. I did try out the camera mechanism, but found it's worthless in low light situations. I found myself wildly swinging my arms while screaming at the god damn thing. Samsung knows how to press all my buttons.

The voice recognition is very nice. I wanted to watch the Gophers and didn't know what station was carrying their game. I just asked the tv to take me there and it did.

7th November 2014, 10:27 AM
I just bought one of these smart tv's, I love it. Great for watching football and golf.

Sports > Liberty.

Panem et circenses.

The little camera is tucked away in it's home which points at the ceiling.

But which part of the Talmudvision is actually the camera?


The voice recognition is very nice. I wanted to watch the Gophers and didn't know what station was carrying their game. I just asked the tv to take me there and it did.

Just wait until it starts giving you orders...

(I'll just turn it off...no, you won't...)


8th November 2014, 07:31 AM
be afraid, be very afraid, like crimethink is.

8th November 2014, 08:23 AM
I think this is small potatoes. The ultimate spy program is facebook. It's amazing how the sheeple do all the work for the CIA/NSA/FBI/et al.

8th November 2014, 11:45 AM
be afraid, be very afraid, like crimethink is.

Be gullible, be very gullible, like Bigjon is.