View Full Version : The Huni Mystery Solved... Debunking History Again

2nd November 2014, 08:24 AM
I have decided to post this to show the root of racism. Once upon a time, being black didnt matter, one even could become a pharaoh... it is well known that ancient egyptians were not entirely white nor black, depending on their dynasty, blood line. Some of which were obviously "very black" . Many black countries like Etophia and Sudan, were evolved civilizations at the time.

However, africa is most likely the richest continent, there are thus many reasons to keep it economically and socially depressed so plunder can continue unabated. ... the West, since the so called great rpme, has systematically made sure that africa would remain as primitive as possible.

How we view culture and race is very often linked to the image, social status... but when looking back at history and investigating anthropology , this is way too often proven misleading.

Queen Tiye is regarded as one of the most influential Queens ever to rule Kemet. A princess of Nubian birth (sometimes called Queen of Sheeba)

Huni ("the smiter") was the last pharaoh of the third dynasty. We do not know whether he was the son of Khaba, his most likely precedessor. There was an official in the court of Djoser named Huni who may have been promoted to the position of pharaoh. Huni was the father of Queen Hetepheres I, the wife of Sneferu who was his successor and the first king of the fourth dynasty. It is also possible that he and his wife, queen Meresankh I, were the parents of Sneferu

Pink granite head attributed to Huni, Brooklyn Museum
Huni, the Last King of Egypt's


HIP HOP STAR. krs one

more black pharaohs
Teti Pharaoh

The Pharaoh Akhenaten

Head of Ahmose I, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Ahmose I (ca. 1550–1525 B.C.)


The man chosen to succeed Tutankhamun was Kheperkheprure Ay,

PS: the more I come across the pictures of black pharaohs, the more I see mutilated noses... coincidence?

2nd November 2014, 08:25 AM
so now, what do we make of this ??
(yes, I chose kids with appealing features on purpose to contrast with those on here always posting less than appealing black features to perpetuate baseless stereotypes)

Black People with Naturally Blonde hair and blue eyes





2nd November 2014, 09:35 AM
Thanks for posting this......many don't know that Sudan (a black nation) was one of the greatest nation in the world, and right next to Egypt.....at one time they even took over and had their own king as the king of all......Anything about Sudan in the Bible? anything about the Jews in Sudan?, that's how you can prove who came up with the Bible......if a nation had nothing to do with them it not worth while to say anything about them..........many beatufull things are being found in the state of Israel and the same are sent into a black hole because they are from others....up till now they havent found any real evidence the the real Jews were even there.......and the things that has been found were made in China.


Twisted Titan
2nd November 2014, 12:13 PM
To quote winston churchill.

History will be very kind to me.....for I intend to write it.

2nd November 2014, 02:55 PM
Goldissima has jumped the shark...she's went full Afrocentrist on us!

Ancient Egypt and Ethiopia both were purely products of the Caucasoid (Hamite) mind. Sub-Saharan Africans ("Blacks") were merely used for working livestock. However, as always occurs when racial separation is not maintained, race pollution pervaded, and, the greatness of ancient Egypt consequently faded.

Of course ancient Egypt has some mulatto Pharaohs. America, too, has a mulatto Pharaoh right now! Does that mean both ancient Egypt & America were product of the Black mind? LOL, uh, no, definitely not. (well, maybe today's Detroit...)

For decades, King Tutankhamen was regarded as "Black" by Afrocentrist fanatics, and even some "mainstream" archaeologists. However, much more recently it's been demonstrated that King Tut was genetically identical to the average autochthonous West European man.

Afrocentrists (anti-White racists) cannot explain the complete absence of native advanced technology in Sub-Saharan Africa, and must consistently point to Egypt as "proof" of how "smart" Negroids are. Only two races have not been able to create civilization on their own: Negroids, and Australoids. This is not the result of "racism" or "real history buried by 'racist' conspiracy."

2nd November 2014, 02:58 PM
so now, what do we make of this ??
(yes, I chose kids with appealing features on purpose to contrast with those on here always posting less than appealing black features to perpetuate baseless stereotypes)

Black People with Naturally Blonde hair and blue eyes





At least two of those are Australian Aborigines, not Africans. Blond mutation of the Aborigines (genetically distinctive from the blondness of Europe) is well-known, and no "secret."

Albino Negroids are also well-known. And it's actually funny that they prove the stupidity of the "skin color is the only difference" canard. Negroids are uglier pale & blond.

2nd November 2014, 03:02 PM
To quote winston churchill.

History will be very kind to me.....for I intend to write it.

Ironically, the mulattoes who inherited ancient Egypt may very well have done so, by ordering the sculptors to re-shape their predecessors into their likeness. Some of the artifacts that show Negroid traits appear to be reworkings of prior Caucasoid originals. The same goes on today, as "Black greatness" is written into the "history" books.


2nd November 2014, 03:15 PM
One of the only Sub-Saharan examples of "civilization" is the Middle Ages-built (11th Century AD) Great Zimbabwe stone works in Rhodesia (now Mugabe's "country" of Zimbabwe).

Oxford professor John R. Baker tackled the subject in his simply-titled masterpiece, Race. Others have also addressed it. The evidence is conclusive: (Caucasoid) outsiders, probably Arabs, built Great Zimbabwe as an outpost for gold. The local Negroid Shona tribe, given credit by Afrocentrist fanatics and anti-White racists, could not and did not.

A specific analysis:


midnight rambler
2nd November 2014, 03:20 PM
Free-range kneegros in their natural habitat doing what comes naturally -


2nd November 2014, 03:31 PM
Free-range kneegros in their natural habitat doing what comes naturally -



2nd November 2014, 09:12 PM
a black skin IS black skin, I am sure that if you were an aussie citizen, you'd go after them too

I am not an afrocentrist but pro-humans beings. It is easy to discriminate when history is concealed and a total fraud.

this black baby with frizzy blond hair doesnt look like an albino, does he?



At least two of those are Australian Aborigines, not Africans. Blond mutation of the Aborigines (genetically distinctive from the blondness of Europe) is well-known, and no "secret."

Albino Negroids are also well-known. And it's actually funny that they prove the stupidity of the "skin color is the only difference" canard. Negroids are uglier pale & blond.


2nd November 2014, 09:38 PM
actually all the blond blacks shown here are aboriginals but it doesnt resolve the question. I am sure that if we dig deeper, one will find an anthropological deception.

I had a thread on here that you have missed, and is about the Rh factor in the blood. Surprisingly only 15% of world population is Rh-, meaning that they do not have the monkey gene. And one finds also Rh negative regions in africa.

I am sick and tired of seeing the world being destroyed by lies.

2nd November 2014, 10:01 PM
hey Ponce, agree .... and anyone willing to do some research will find out that the hebrews and greeks stole all the egyptian knowledge... and that the ancient roman culture borrowed from the greeks.

Thanks for posting this......many don't know that Sudan (a black nation) was one of the greatest nation in the world, and right next to Egypt.....at one time they even took over and had their own king as the king of all......Anything about Sudan in the Bible? anything about the Jews in Sudan?, that's how you can prove who came up with the Bible......if a nation had nothing to do with them it not worth while to say anything about them..........many beatufull things are being found in the state of Israel and the same are sent into a black hole because they are from others....up till now they havent found any real evidence the the real Jews were even there.......and the things that has been found were made in China.


2nd November 2014, 11:54 PM
a black skin IS black skin


No one seriously and sanely claims the Negroids and Australoids are the same race.

I am sure that if you were an aussie citizen, you'd go after them too

Oh, noes, the poor darkies are being "oppressed"!

The Aboriginals are a nuisance and burden to White Australians. Not nearly as so as with Negroids on White Americans, but nonetheless parasitical.

I am not an afrocentrist

Yes, you are. The "Egyptian civilization was Black" lunacy is pure Afrocentrism.

but pro-humans beings.

Neither Negroids nor Australoids are pure Homo sapiens sapiens. Anyone who is "pro-human beings" would cut the Africans and Australian natives loose.

It is easy to discriminate when history is concealed and a total fraud.

It's easy to discriminate when the facts demand it.

Afrocentrism is a total fraud. Racial equality is a total fraud. African behaviors, in Africa and elsewhere, speak for themselves.

this black baby with frizzy blond hair doesnt look like an albino, does he?

I didn't say he was an albino. This is a Negroid albino:


3rd November 2014, 12:07 AM
I had a thread on here that you have missed, and is about the Rh factor in the blood. Surprisingly only 15% of world population is Rh-, meaning that they do not have the monkey gene. And one finds also Rh negative regions in africa.

You make the serious mistake of assuming the Rhesus factor is a "monkey gene." The name "Rhesus" was applied since early experiments used Rhesus macaque blood, not because it established an hereditary link between Rhesus macaques and "evolved humans."

In fact, most primates and humans share the majority of genes. This fact is not contrary to "racism," but supportive of it. Primates and humans are a continuum, from orangutans & chimpanzees to extinct hominids like habilis to currently extant Homo erectus (the genetic & phenotypical foundation of Australoids and Negroids) to true humans, Homo sapiens sapiens. When honestly assessed, the Australoid and pure Negroid are actually closer to both not-true-humans like Homo erectus and even the Gorilla than true humans.

I am sick and tired of seeing the world being destroyed by lies.

The world is being destroyed by the lies of racial & cultural equality.

3rd November 2014, 12:08 AM
hey Ponce, agree .... and anyone willing to do some research will find out that the hebrews and greeks stole all the egyptian knowledge... and that the ancient roman culture borrowed from the greeks.

Honkey dun stole da Black man's celestial wisdom! Sheeet!

And now, reality:


3rd November 2014, 12:14 AM
I had a thread on here that you have missed, and is about the Rh factor in the blood. Surprisingly only 15% of world population is Rh-, meaning that they do not have the monkey gene. And one finds also Rh negative regions in africa.

I am sick and tired of seeing the world being destroyed by lies.

You are propagating the lies.

I've explained amply in your thread where people with Rh- still have genetic ties to our ape ancestors. You had no valid response to this at the time and still continue not to either. Instead of accepting the facts you then start attacking things irrationally which you don't understand.

Once again you've attempted to use some parts of scientific knowledge and terminology but then refuse to accept the complete picture. Picking and choosing which fits your insane theories.

Why don't you put a link to the thread instead of making absurd claims we've already been over which were thoroughly debunked at the time?

Also how does any of this fit in with your wild and absurd theory about the Egyptians origins? Remember that one?

3rd November 2014, 04:38 AM
aeon and crimethink, one of my jobs in this life is putting up data to help people make their own mind.

crimethink, the not-so-black-and-white egyptians had the most advanced civlization ... LONG before any white ones, and if you cant cope with it, and the fact that there were some black Pharaohs it is YOUR problem.

say whatever you want, your aryan explanations hold no water as I go by archeologists like Michael Tellinger,

it doesnt matter what theories one endorses about Rh-, what is interesting and does matter is that the Rh- represent 15% of world population and that Rh- women have a lot of problem to give birth to Rh+kids... WHY... the science has NO explanation other than saying "its a mutation", the typical answer when they do not know or want to hide the truth

Also, I am not a born again creationist, I have said many times on here that I lean toward genetic manipulations caused by a pre-diluvian civilization.

The history of mankind is a lot more amazing that what one is told and current theories are all made up to sustain the racial and cultural divide, zionist-masonic made.

however it doesnt even occur to you that if the west hadnt inflicted such a harm for centuries, most africans would still be on their own continent. the number of black in america could most likely be cut by 75%... and the same could be said about today latino invasion of north america caused by economic depressions and the so called free trade agreements imposed upon them by the west....

before worrying about ^whiteness preservation^, how about addressing the power structure first because doing otherwise is really like placing the cart before the horse, it is self-defeating.

Also keep in mind that I am a voluntaryist and that my "vonlutary-self-segregation" stance is based on empathy, unlike yours which is based on subhuman theories and fears. Like I said we are world apart. Get a grip crimethink and have a good say

3rd November 2014, 05:10 AM
do you know that all ancient cultures regarded albinism as sacred? Even today, natives up here wont kill whatever albino animal. Something that I will one day investigate, when I have more time.

extreme albinism

3rd November 2014, 05:35 AM
aeon and crimethink, one of my jobs in this life is putting up data to help people make their own mind.

The value of information is contingent upon it being credible and accurate. Yours here is neither.

crimethink, the not-so-black-and-white egyptians had the most advanced civlization

The Sumerian and Indus Valley civilizations predate the Egyptian.

... LONG before any white ones

Sorry, but your Afro-Centrist horseshit doesn't stand. Egypt was built by Mediterranean White people.

and if you cant cope with it, and the fact that there were black Pharaohs it is YOUR problem.

America has a Black Pharaoh right now, and only a loon would claim his existence "proves" Blacks created America. Likewise with ancient Egypt.

say whatever you want, your aryan explanations hold no water


Everywhere there is civilization, there is or was White people. Even in China (Tarim Basin Tocharians). Heyerdahl proved that the ancient American civilizations were founded by adventurous Whites. The so-called "Native" Americans are a biracial composite in most of the Americas, and a triracial composite in small areas of Central America.

as I go by archeologists like Michael Tellinger,

Tellinger is far less of an archaeologist than I am. At least I have an actual earned degree in Anthropology with actual experience in Archaeology. He has a Bachelor's level degree in Pharmacy, and his career has been that of an "entertainer" (actor & musician), not an Archaeologist.

I should not be surprised that an Afro-Centrist would have such a phony as her source.

it doesnt matter what theories one endorses about Rh-, what is interesting and does matter is that the Rh- represent 15% of world population and that Rh- women have a lot of problem to give birth to Rh+kids... WHY... the science has NO explanation other than saying "its a mutation", the typical answer when they do not know or want to hide the truth

You have no "truth" about the Rhesus factor.

Also, I am not a born again creationist, I have said many times on here that I lean toward genetic manipulations caused by a pre-diluvian civilization.

Yes, of course, of this I have no doubt. Tellinger is an aficionado of the complete loon, Zecharia Sitchin. You probably are, too.

The history of mankind is a lot more amazing that what one is told and current theories are all made up to sustain the racial and cultural divide, zionist-masonic made.

The lies of racial and cultural equality are the product of Judeo-Freemasonry, and are the greatest "crimes" to the Judeo-Freemasonic Babylon System. You, not I, peddle the Judeo-Freemasonic lies of "all the races are the same."

however it doesnt even occur to you that if the west hadnt inflicted such a harm for centuries, most africans would still be on their own continent.

Oh, stop with the bullshit! Sub-Saharan Africa has been a basket case into the depths of ancient history. Long before the Evil White Man™ "exploited" (brought civilization to) Africa, savagery & barbarism, including slavery, was the norm.

And, BTW, most Africans are still in Africa. Thank God.

the number of black in america could most likely be cut by 75%...

The number of Blacks in America could have and should have been zero, but the Jewish slave traders wanted to make money by buying slaves from the Blacks who enslaved their own kind. While in the US, Whites purchased most of the Black slaves, in the Caribbean, Jews ran the sugar, etc., plantations, and employed them as livestock directly.

and the same could be said about today latino invasion of north america caused by economic depressions and the so called free trade agreements imposed upon them by the west....

The Latrino invasion is due solely to treason on the part of the America's "government." The border should be sealed, and free benefits to the invaders should cease.

before worrying about ^whiteness preservation^, how about addressing the power structure first because doing otherwise is really like placing the cart before the horse, it is self-defeating.

The Babylon System has worked tirelessly for White genocide for well over a century now. It aims to relegate the world to a one-race, one-culture, one-religion, one-government system. A restoration of the Tower of Babel. And you support this!

White racial preservation is the most revolutionary act one can engage in when a System exists to destroy God's finest creation.

Also keep in mind that I am a voluntaryist and that my "vonlutary-self-segregation" stance is based on empathy, unlike yours which is based on subhuman theories and fears.

What you call "empathy" is just another term for stupidity.

My love for God and His finest creation, my own kind, is what drives me. Not "theories and fears."

Like I said we are world apart.

You're right! A different planet altogether.

"Goldissima, this is Houston. Come in, Goldissima. Have you lifted off from Nibiru?"

3rd November 2014, 05:39 AM
do you know that all ancient cultures regarded albinism as sacred?

Wrong. Many ethnic groups regard albinos as demonic, and they are shunned, banished, or even killed.

"Throughout Africa, an indeterminate number of individuals with albinism, especially children, have been the victims of brutal attacks and murder in the name of witchcraft, superstition, and wealth."


An overview (no, I am not citing Wikipedia as "proof" - it is an overview, with links with proof contained within):


3rd November 2014, 05:47 AM
one of my jobs in this life is putting up data to help people make their own mind.

A more apt description is you selectively put up data that fits some absurd theory you hold.

say whatever you want, your aryan explanations hold no water as I go by archeologists like Michael Tellinger,


Michael Tellinger is a South African author, songwriter and politician


it doesn't matter what theories one endorses about Rh-, what is interesting and does matter is that the Rh- represent 15% of world population and that Rh- women have a lot of problem to give birth to Rh+kids... WHY... the science has NO explanation other than saying "its a mutation", the typical answer when they do not know or want to hide the truth


Firstly science doesn't claim to have every answer. Its you who thinks that because it doesn't it has no validity, which is an extremely foolish position to take.

Secondly, if you had done even the most cursory of study into this field, you'd have discovered that Rh- is by no means the only antigen which can cause problems in conceiving a child and carrying to full term in good health. This inherent difficulty is the very thing that contributes greatly to the insular nature of these genetic populations. Its not a mystery!

Besides any of this, science DOES have something to say in regards to this particular mutation, bearing in mind that ALL genes are themselves mutation of earlier ones (duh!)

It was also suggested that differences in the prevalence of Toxoplasma infection between geographical regions (0–95%) could also explain the striking variation in the frequency of RhD-negative alleles between populations. According to some parasitologists [21] it is possible that the better psychomotor performance of RhD-negative subjects in the Toxoplasma-free population could be the reason for spreading of the “d allele” (deletion) in the European population. In contrast to the situation in Africa and certain (but not all) regions of Asia, the abundance of wild cats (definitive hosts of Toxoplasma gondii) in Europe was very low before the advent of the domestic cat.

What this is saying is that Rh- subjects have better psychomotor performance, this in and of itself could be the reason for its prevalence coupled with its inherent inability to genetically mix with others. The reasons why certain mutations succeed over others is subtle yet complex.

RhD- (Rh-'ve) populations are still related to our primate ancestors. FACT.

Lastly, it is sure that some of Egyptian genetics were sub-Saharan, I don't doubt this. The Egyptian language is from the Afro-Asiatic group, like Semitic and Berber. There is plenty of proof of African links to the Egyptians.

Is there any great sub-Saharan civilization? None has been found as of yet...

3rd November 2014, 05:59 AM
I have said everything I say Aeon and crimethink

nothing selective here... just following ignored or much less known historical facts, and which of course disturb train of thoughts. Asking the right questions that demand the re-evaluation of old data and preconceived ideas. The both of you are engaged in a catch 22 (thinking in circle) and I have no time for this. I am found a way out of this matrix...

Aeon, you have proven to be a fundamentalist atheist in many occasions, so to you also, I say that we are world apart. Have a good day.

3rd November 2014, 06:04 AM
Aeon, you have proven to be a fundamentalist atheist, so to you also, I say that we are world apart. Have a good day.

Your interpretation, not mine...fundamentally you're not thinking straight.

midnight rambler
3rd November 2014, 06:09 AM
It's the genetic programming* of the head nigger what's in charge in the White Hut which has fucked over the people of this country more than all those who presided this post turtle**.

*very similar to how the genetic programming of Khazars predisposes them to do what they do 'best', it's just their make-up

**this particular post turtle was strictly a creation of the Ayers family and other dyed in the wool Marxists/Bolsheviks imo, and he'd have NEVER gotten to where he is (not even close, probably were have never held any office higher than city govt. in Detroit) on his own merits (i.e. if he were to actually have any lol)

3rd November 2014, 06:14 AM
I have said everything I say Aeon and crimethink

nothing selective here... just following ignored or much less known historical facts, and which of course disturb train of thoughts. Asking the right questions that demand the re-evaluation of old data and preconceived ideas. The both of you are engaged in a catch 22 (thinking in circle) and I have no time for this.


You are such a fanatic.

Most of what you have posted has nothing to do with historical or prehistoric facts, little known or otherwise.

Since I was a kid, I have studied "alternative history," including little-known archaeological facts. I have admired the real scholars who acted with sincerity, seriousness, and responsibility, like Thor Heyerdahl, and later, William Corliss & Paul Devereux. It's one of the reasons I selected Anthropology for my Bachelor's major.

You pretend that you have this great reservoir of "forbidden knowledge" that neither aeondaze nor I have. In fact, however, you are merely scooping from a cauldron filled with the vomit of cranks & kooks who have little understanding of what a fact is, let alone basic principles of anthropological or historical analysis.

Some might find your patronization insulting, but I only find it amusing. You have no clue of the breadth of my knowledge of ancient history. Your condescension is just laughable. The fact I am here a GSUS right now is largely due to the fact I was and remain open to new things on any topic. But I also don't swallow bullshit.

Aeon, you have proven to be a fundamentalist atheist, so to you also, I say that we are world apart. Have a good day.

His atheism is not the issue. He's trounced you on several issues, none of which involve his non-belief in God.

3rd November 2014, 08:35 AM
demonic? you mean from a fear based perspective? The same fear that got us the inquisition? LOL

edit: I made a quick search, correct human albinos seem to be cursed, especially in developing countries. But wait, something isnt right here... The albinos killed for their 'magical' body parts

well, all over the world now organ trafficking exists at levels that most of us cannot fathom.

animals are definitely luckier:
A rare albino moose, sacred to aboriginal people


10 Spirit Animals, Sacred Animals Around World

“We know the significance and we’ve been teaching that to the non-native population for almost 500 years — about the importance that this and other white animals played in our lives.

We are not to harm them in any way, shape, or form because they could be one of our ancestors coming to remind us of something significant that’s going to happen within our communities.”

“We know the significance and we’ve been teaching that to the non-native population for almost 500 years — about the importance that this and other white animals played in our lives.

We are not to harm them in any way, shape, or form because they could be one of our ancestors coming to remind us of something significant that’s going to happen within our communities.”

boooo, sounds very demonic to me... boooo



more amazing albinos animals

His atheism is not the issue. He's trounced you on several issues, none of which involve his non-belief in God.

not with me, when I suggested a doc involving architecture, earth grid and PURE MATH, he mocked it, because he cannot wrap his mind around the fact that ancient societies were indeed aware of cosmic geometry. and who says "cosmic" says "spiritual", hence religion. Look at his sig. He still cannot get over it:)

On a lesser note, Aeon will never acknowledge that we are currently being genetically manipulated, puts his head in the sand while claiming the virtues of academia.

MY mistake, not archeologist. meanwhile Micheal Tellinger (a fringe anthropologist, very possibly self educated, but who cares since mainstream history is unprecedented hoax anyway) is very successful and is the only one willing to dismantle the central bank of south africa as a potential presidential candidate.

not your typical Negroes, here is how Egyptians, E-thi-o'-pi-ans, Nubians were looking like 4000 years ago, they have not changed, they really look like neanderthals, huh?

EDIT: there are many different ethnic backgrounds in africa and it is just wrong to put them all into the same bag to fit your point of view.


http://billygambelaafroasiaticanthropology.files.wordpres s.com/2009/04/ethiopian-girls.jpg

the plot against the african continent is very ancient because the elites throughout the ages would hate to tell us where they got their Knowledge from. And the same can be said about latin america, the Mayans, Aztecs, etc... this problem is not about race issues but control which shapes perception that some races are subhumans and in the end, make them act so ... coming soon to the so called civilized west!

again, have a great day, both of you

edit: you say that my tone is insulting, why because I assert that a human being **IS** a human being and that without empathy NOBODY will ever get out of this Matrix, while you think otherwise, see subhumans and demons everywhere? ... :)

ooh and by the way, much of the violence in central africa today is the side-effects of Leopold 2nd, a bloodline king of belgium, who ordered the massacre of 10 millions of what you call subhumans for the sake of red rubber. Sure african leaders are too very corrupt, but that doesnt explain everything, they are sold out as much as the latino leaders.

Belgian Congo | Colonial Genocides | The Butcher of Congo

so who are the savages now? Ohh yeah the King was right because there are subhumans. It is precisely this very train of thought that made whites oblivious that the same was done to them. But wait, it is going to catch up with ALL of us - eventually. What differentiate the blacks from the whites is that whites household debts up to their ears.

I am not afro-centrist, just a restless history investigator on a mission to undo the harm done to humanity since eons.

here is the King's genocide doc (trailer)


White King, Red Rubber, Black Death (2004) full movie
The story of King Leopold II of Belgium's brutal colonisation of central Africa, turning it into a vast rubber-harvesting labour camp in which millions died.

edit2: despite the fact that throughout the world, education is the mega farce....it is only possible to resolve all the anger and hatred when the "the ugly" on each side of the fence is entirely exposed. Blacks do not like much at all what I have to say about their suicidal apathy either....

18th November 2015, 05:38 AM
I have decided to post this to show the root of racism. Once upon a time, being black didnt matter, one even could become a pharaoh... it is well known that ancient egyptians were not entirely white nor black, depending on their dynasty, blood line. Some of which were obviously "very black" . Many black countries like Etophia and Sudan, were evolved civilizations at the time.

However, africa is most likely the richest continent, there are thus many reasons to keep it economically and socially depressed so plunder can continue unabated. ... the West, since the so called great rpme, has systematically made sure that africa would remain as primitive as possible.

How we view culture and race is very often linked to the image, social status... but when looking back at history and investigating anthropology , this is way too often proven misleading.


Typical post by Goldissima from last year. Africans good. Whitey evil.

:rolleyes: abandoned by her african mom's tribe...raised and educated by her White dad in Germany

18th November 2015, 06:37 AM
NO power IS evil.... all races have committed atrocities but unlike you, i take responsibility for ALL the evil that exists in the world, see both sides of the fence
24/7... when are you going to admit that slavery is evil, regardless of the IQ, respect for ALL human life is paramount, regardless of the race ???

right, after being talked to like a subhuman in this thread, I have pointed to the horror of colonialism. Intellectual self defense is my absolute right. Then you spin tables around and accuse me of saying whites are evil. LOLOLOLOL

seems like you have a very short memory again, remember the rwanda thread in which I proved that there is NO difference between low and high IQ savagery
and this made you sooo mad.

Your mindset is which the NWO used against us ALL... but you are too blinded by your "all blacks are apes " to see through the fog of the divide and rule. Or would rather use the jews as scapegoats... instead of facing the ugliness of humanity as a whole, and which explains why we are here and on the edge of the abyss... That is so sad.

Supremacy = extreme darwinism = all races faced with doomsday.

not raised in germany but france, my father was Alsatian originally on his father side and french riviera/italian from his mother side.

moreover, you havent yet understood that non dualistic think is a real intellectual Force in action and the only way to fix the divide and rule, not to mention get rid of the death cult.

Typical post by Goldissima from last year. Africans good. Whitey evil.

:rolleyes: abandoned by her african mom's tribe...raised and educated by her White dad in Germany

18th November 2015, 08:36 AM
I have pointed to the horror of colonialism.

"MY I.Q. IS 130"

:rolleyes: You poor victim!

"MUH I.Q. BE 70"

mick silver
18th November 2015, 08:49 AM
Farrakhan Tells Black Soldiers To Desert- It’s The ‘Day Of Judgment’ For Whites! (http://www.americasfreedomfighters.com/2015/03/06/farrakhan-tells-black-soldiers-to-desert-its-the-day-of-judgment-for-whites/) Dean James AMERICAS FREEDOM FIGHTERS –
Question- Who is the nation’s most racist person? Some would say Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. Others might say Eric Holder or even Barack Obama. What about Oprah or Kanye West? There’s really no way to choose who earns this prestigious award but there is one man that sticks out like a sore thumb.Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan…
From Scott Greer (http://dailycaller.com/author/scott-greer/) at The Daily Caller (http://dailycaller.com/2015/03/05/farrakhan-tells-black-soldiers-to-desert-for-the-day-of-judgment-for-whites/):

18th November 2015, 09:11 AM
Book, you are just hopeless... incapable to see that there also are non negroid educated blacks ... do you think obese whites eating junk, watching celebrities news and sports while cashing disability pay checks, actively participating in the country's destruction sound more intelligent? Or a wall street broker slushing around trillions of derivatives? watch out, primitive behaviors are going to strike america soon enough - and in a big way.

if your obsession with more primitive life style make your world go round, it tells a lot about your self-esteem. I have lived in a state of survival for about 2 years, with so little and it thought me humility and why the "now" only matters.

You cannot and wont take responsibility for all the ugliness in the world. In fact this is the REAL message of the biblical crucifixion.... and that is why christianity has gone down the road and was so easily misled. Christians do not get that.

18th November 2015, 09:28 AM
there is no such thing as a forest, Mick... but only individual threes... any group think is collectivism, and that is why we are now staring at the abyss.

Life is only about you and God. And one is completely alone to figure that one out.

Farrakhan Tells Black Soldiers To Desert- It’s The ‘Day Of Judgment’ For Whites! (http://www.americasfreedomfighters.com/2015/03/06/farrakhan-tells-black-soldiers-to-desert-its-the-day-of-judgment-for-whites/) Dean James AMERICAS FREEDOM FIGHTERS –
Question- Who is the nation’s most racist person? Some would say Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson. Others might say Eric Holder or even Barack Obama. What about Oprah or Kanye West? There’s really no way to choose who earns this prestigious award but there is one man that sticks out like a sore thumb.Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan…
From Scott Greer (http://dailycaller.com/author/scott-greer/) at The Daily Caller (http://dailycaller.com/2015/03/05/farrakhan-tells-black-soldiers-to-desert-for-the-day-of-judgment-for-whites/):

18th November 2015, 09:29 AM
watch out, primitive behaviors are going to strike america soon enough - and in a big way.



18th November 2015, 09:38 AM
Very good thread! I miss crimethink! An intelligent and open minded poster!

18th November 2015, 09:46 AM
Book, you are just hopeless... incapable to see that there also are non negroid educated blacks ... do you think obese whites eating junk, watch celebrities news and sports while cashing disability pay checks, actively participating in the country's destruction sound more intelligent? Or a wall street broker slushing around trillions of derivatives? watch out, primitive behaviors are going to strike america soon enough - and in a big way.

if your obsession with more primitive life style make your world go round, it tells a lot about your self-esteem. I have lived in a state of survival for about 2 years, with so little and it thought me humility and why the "now" only matters.

You cannot and wont take responsibility for all the ugliness in the world. In fact this is the REAL message of the biblical crucifixion.... and that is why christianity has gone down the road and was so easily misled. Christians do not get that.

You know your rent seeking, Muh Feelings Black privilege shit doesn't work here. That only works on cuckolded White people. There aren't many here, and the ones that were have left.

Younger generations of White people have been been demonized their entire lives and fewer, and fewer are buying into the bullshit. We will gain power once these Cuckservatives like Mike Huckabee all die off. The coming backlash will make Hitler look tame.

I don't have a personal issue with your skin color here, but when you pull the Leftist rent seeking guilt crap, it's not going to be put up with. I'm sick of being a bitch.

18th November 2015, 10:00 AM
Carthage was removed from history.


18th November 2015, 10:51 AM
Why is news about the Hamites suppressed - the Nose knows!

Hamitic race is right beside the Semitic race in classification - and the Jews don't want to be associated , even remotely, with "black" people.

It is why they hate "Schwartzies" so much - they are closer to Hamites than they want to admit!

19th November 2015, 04:17 AM
watch out for the ignorant obese whites and the stock brokers like I said. There are doing as much damage as those extreme leftist blacks.


19th November 2015, 04:31 AM
racial issues are more intricate that most want to admit... it is not a black vs white matter figuratively speaking.

was a time when blacks living in the neighbor countries of egypt and nile region were considered as smart as caucasians, and still are, but there is a century old agenda that is against them too (this agenda has gone worldwide) Realizing this would surely help assess that not all blacks are dumb.

curiously, they only imported to america the negroid type... WHY?

ps: I am not racist toward the negroid type, I am sure they have as much to share that those remote amazonian tribes, which I will visit next spring. In the west it all comes down to the stock market and we can see the extent of the damage done to humanity and nature. Yet we claim being more intelligent than them ???

Why is news about the Hamites suppressed - the Nose knows!

Hamitic race is right beside the Semitic race in classification - and the Jews don't want to be associated , even remotely, with "black" people.

It is why they hate "Schwartzies" so much - they are closer to Hamites than they want to admit!

19th November 2015, 04:42 AM
you cannot look at history as a whole... something in you is definitely broken, your inner fragmentation is too deep for you to even comprehend that what you project IS what you get. And this makes you worship victimhood... the same victimhood that is dooming the whole planet because most prefer having scapegoats than taking full responsibility.

Humanity has been demonized since ever, and the agenda keeps shifting the target of this demonization. There is no free will without taking responsibility for all the sufferings in the world. Period. It is not about "muh feelings" but how the Universe works.

Your bubble is PURE darwinism... mine just extends its reach BEYOND it. I will never stand by any blacks that do not nor can overcome their black guilt... same toward any whites or any other races complaining about their own abuse or falling for a one sided scapegoating, because it is mere intellectual suicide. But will support anybody advocating for Free Will and capable to understand the grand failure and deception of darwinism which led us to this deadly impasse, that will result if we dont wake up to a massive "raceless" genocide.

You know your rent seeking, Muh Feelings Black privilege shit doesn't work here. That only works on cuckolded White people. There aren't many here, and the ones that were have left.

Younger generations of White people have been been demonized their entire lives and fewer, and fewer are buying into the bullshit. We will gain power once these Cuckservatives like Mike Huckabee all die off. The coming backlash will make Hitler look tame.

I don't have a personal issue with your skin color here, but when you pull the Leftist rent seeking guilt crap, it's not going to be put up with. I'm sick of being a bitch.

19th November 2015, 04:45 AM
you cannot look at history as a whole... something in you is definitely broken, your inner fragmentation is too deep for you to even comprehend that what you project IS what you get. It is up to you to fix it. And this makes you worshiping victimhood... the same victimhood that is dooming the whole planet because most prefer having scapegoats than taking responsibility.

Your bubble is PURE darwinism... mine just extends its reach BEYOND it. I will never stand by any blacks that do not nor can overcome their black guilt... same toward any whites or any other races, because it is intellectual suicide.
What is black guilt? Never heard of it...

19th November 2015, 05:04 AM
I have lived in a state of survival for about 2 years, with so little and it taught me humility and why the "now" only matters.

You cannot and wont take responsibility for all the ugliness in the world...

http://cache3.asset-cache.net/gc/140552034-couple-white-man-with-black-woman-on-the-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=fTQHRoa3V1xzSjEQOszxfivT3jRlIOAJJrhCnc8f8HjYubPX PEoKE5BqM7xCUVvPFBjO4R%2F9siBbdzHNxXJG3w%3D%3D

You quit your job in NYC and moved to live in a yurt on a hippie commune in the Arizona desert. Then you lived out of your Ford pickup truck until it got cold. Past two years you work part-time at a gas station while "house sitting" for wealthy White people in New Mexico. You recently announced here at GSUS that you are soon going to South America to live for the Now. You lecturing us about Taking Responsibility in this thread?

"Goldissima actin' all Humility and shit"

Whitey isn't responsible for all the ugliness in your world. Goldissima is.


19th November 2015, 05:16 AM
I am not racist toward the negroid type, I am sure there have as much to share that those remote amazonian tribes, which I will visit next spring.

Arrogant Light skinned black women. Are a lot of them full of themselves? (http://www.topix.com/forum/afam/TV3TVQDGIRV199994)

:rolleyes: Egyptian Queen Goldissima...lol.

19th November 2015, 05:24 AM
To quote winston churchill.

History will be very kind to me.....for I intend to write it.
I did read it. Funny he doesn't mention the holocaust.

19th November 2015, 05:25 AM
"...Leonardo DiCaprio finds me appealing"


19th November 2015, 05:31 AM
Ironically, the mulattoes who inherited ancient Egypt may very well have done so, by ordering the sculptors to re-shape their predecessors into their likeness. Some of the artifacts that show Negroid traits appear to be reworkings of prior Caucasoid originals. The same goes on today, as "Black greatness" is written into the "history" books.

With black greatness should also come black guilt.

19th November 2015, 05:39 AM
Islam seems to have appeared when arabic nations were in the midst of a mathematics boom and about to overshadow western, greek and roman, knowledge.

plunging them into a new middle age was imperative.

Carthage was removed from history.


19th November 2015, 05:39 AM

Ahhh the benefits of a higher education! Very succinct and clearly spoken!

19th November 2015, 05:43 AM
there is something to learn from every race, Book... that is called humility, especially when there is a agenda to harm all races evenly. Is standing up for Humanity a sin? In your world it surely is.

Arrogant Light skinned black women. Are a lot of them full of themselves? (http://www.topix.com/forum/afam/TV3TVQDGIRV199994)

:rolleyes: Egyptian Queen Goldissima...lol.

19th November 2015, 05:58 AM
What is black guilt? Never heard of it...
every nation that has been invaded, exported, conquered, genocided , etc carries this guilt in its very core... denial just makes it worse and seeks to repeat history.

it is a generational pattern very profitable to the NWO. That you dont see it, is puzzling

war is a very deep stigma... causing a fear of being, hence a guilt of being a human.

midnight rambler
19th November 2015, 06:04 AM
there is something to learn from every race, Book... that is called humility, especially when there is a agenda to harm all races evenly. Is standing up for Humanity a sin? In your world it surely is.

Book could not possibly be more clueless about humility.

midnight rambler
19th November 2015, 06:09 AM
"...Leonardo DiCaprio finds me appealing"


Book, I take it you're fluent in ebonics 'cause I couldn't comprehend hardly any of that.

19th November 2015, 06:15 AM
Ahhh the benefits of a higher education! Very succinct and clearly spoken!

he does repeats himself a lot and clearly does not expound, just complaining... but black men have serious identity issues too... just like withe men and women. Nothing is new under the sun. Pointing to this video rather highlights the inherent dualism of society and relationships caused by an induced dichotomy .

racism does exist between the various shades of blackness and that is why I will not stand by any of them... being interracial while remaining true to one self is highly challenging, especially when racial tensions are on the increase.

I have never ran across a black man who didnt try to make me feel like a victim and wanted me to remember slavery or colonization 24/7. Yes black guilt does exist.

Book, you got a D for posting this

19th November 2015, 06:39 AM
Book could not possibly be more clueless about humility.

I am all for self segregation, trust me, it is humans' absolute right... but that doesnt mean disrespect for life.. I dont know how we are going to fix the world mess... wait an see.

19th November 2015, 07:19 AM
I am all for self segregation, trust me, it is humans' absolute right... but that doesnt mean disrespect for life.. I dont know how we are going to fix the world mess... wait an see.

Self segregation is impossible when THEY come to you, by force.

19th November 2015, 07:46 AM
Self segregation is impossible when THEY come to you, by force.

Its a natural response as history shows, the first order of business in any human collective is to go crush skulls of those not part of it.

19th November 2015, 07:53 AM
Carthage was removed from history.

Excellent find! Many apparent parallels in history between Carthage and Rome and Germanics and Zionists.

19th November 2015, 08:03 AM
every nation that has been invaded, exported, conquered, genocided , etc carries this guilt in its very core... denial just makes it worse and seeks to repeat history.

it is a generational pattern very profitable to the NWO. That you dont see it, is puzzling

war is a very deep stigma... causing a fear of being, hence a guilt of being a human.
Oh I see, so black guilt is the polar opposite of white guilt, where we are supposed to feel guilty about our ancestors subjugating negroes and other people of color... If that is the case I think black guilt makes far more sense, it is a horrible thing to be invaded and have your rights and property taken away from you, by the invaders, without a fight...

19th November 2015, 11:13 AM
Now that Neuro has come to a greater enlightenment on Negro guilt,

its time we all try to come to a greater understanding of jewish guilt... ._.

19th November 2015, 11:46 AM
racism does exist between the various shades of blackness and that is why I will not stand by any of them... being interracial while remaining true to one self is highly challenging, especially when racial tensions are on the increase.


Being light skinned half-negroid you apparently enjoy a sort of higher social status among common negros. That black guy in the video complained that women like you are "arrogant". Whites may just find you uppity and presumptuous.

I am not racist toward the negroid type, I am sure they have as much to share that those remote amazonian tribes, which I will visit next spring.


You do realize that your mom's Tutsi tribe is indeed taller but still negroid? That makes you half negroid not some invented "Egyptian" special snowflake.


midnight rambler
19th November 2015, 11:58 AM
Book, it appears to me you have some very serious personality defect(s). I would suggest you wake up to that and take positive corrective measures.

19th November 2015, 12:00 PM
Book, it appears to me you have some very serious personality defect(s). I would suggest you wake up to that and take positive corrective measures.

Jewboo needs some brain damage to become less Racial Realist:

midnight rambler
19th November 2015, 12:03 PM
Jewboo needs some brain damage to become less Racial Realist:

No, I think you're mistaken, he already has an overabundance of (self-inflicted?) brain damage by all appearances.

WTF is with the over the top OCD shit attacking another contributing forum member??

19th November 2015, 12:21 PM
You do realize that your mom's Tutsi tribe is indeed taller but still negroid? That makes you half negroid not some invented "Egyptian" special snowflake.

some blacks are NOT negroid and this thought is for you too much to endure. It makes you mad as hell because it pops your racial bubble-argument big time. You are emotionally imploding!

Nobody is forced to love another race, and to each is town is also something very important when there are no affinities, all good, I encourage that, better than fighting, live and let live is also showing EMPATHY... but such a steep denial isnt going to make you right.

You are absolutely dishonest Book.

19th November 2015, 12:27 PM
attacking another contributing forum member...


Disagreement is not attack. Debate is not violence.


19th November 2015, 12:32 PM
You are absolutely dishonest Book.


:rolleyes: negroids still not accepted by "Israel" for citizenship

19th November 2015, 12:41 PM
it is all the same bottom line guilt, it just comes in various colors obviously.

The trauma of war is real... millennia of this pattern has branded 'everybody' deeply emotionally on this planet. A bounty for the death cult. They just stroke the "fear button" and they get their reaction.

edit: I am not referring to slavery per se, dont know why you cannot see war as a whole as an absolute scourge that has affected ALL nations alike. Id think that when europeans were seeing a viking float on the horizon, they already knew death was coming. Same feeling in the face of whatever invaders.

It is this trauma again that prevents masses from stopping their own elites from waging war.. this trauma is at the core of slavery, physically, intellectually and morally.

the problem is that as long as war exists, human conflicts on a more local level cannot be resolved. When people turn on their TVs and see so much destruction, there is no incentive to treat each others with more respect.

why people allow themselves to be dragged into a war is highly discombobulating. Racism is the immediate consequence.

Oh I see, so black guilt is the polar opposite of white guilt, where we are supposed to feel guilty about our ancestors subjugating negroes and other people of color... If that is the case I think black guilt makes far more sense, it is a horrible thing to be invaded and have your rights and property taken away from you, by the invaders, without a fight...

19th November 2015, 12:52 PM
:rolleyes: negroids still not accepted by "Israel" for citizenship

I see, now using the jew sword to turn the table around. Many non negroid blacks have semite origins as most of them lived in countries surrounding egypt, some even migrate along the Nile til its source.

what makes somebody jewish (or from any other culture) is his/her education above all... the environment (and beliefs) modifies the DNA as proven by epigentics.

keep imploding book

19th November 2015, 12:56 PM
We wuz Kings N sheeiit!

http://img.ifcdn.com/images/954bc24e05ffa77d607b586cbfbef4921c14c8d9198ae70c58 9feb45b7156a01_1.jpg






19th November 2015, 01:02 PM
it is all the same bottom line guilt, it just comes in various colors obviously.
The trauma of war is real... millennia of this pattern has branded 'everybody' deeply emotionally on this planet. A bounty for the death cult. They just stroke the "fear button" and they get their reaction.
Well I would argue the guilt of losing (black) is very different from the supposed guilt of winning (white)... However I think having guilt over something you had no control over is ridiculous! It is better to have guilt over your own failings. Even better it is to feel proud over what you actually achieved. One should focus on the positive I think!

19th November 2015, 01:07 PM
I see, now using the jew sword to turn the table around. Many non negroid blacks have semite origins as most of them lived in countries surrounding egypt, some even migrate along the Nile til its source.

what makes somebody jewish (or from any other culture) is his/her education above all... the environment (and beliefs) modifies the DNA as proven by epigentics.

The environment doesn't modify the actual DNA, it modifies the expression of it. That's what epigenetics proved! It's a huge difference!

19th November 2015, 01:19 PM
We wuz Kings N sheeiit!

thanks for showing the evidence that the education is key and everything...

19th November 2015, 01:22 PM
The environment doesn't modify the actual DNA, it modifies the expression of it. That's what epigenetics proved! It's a huge difference!
but the modification of the expression is all what is needed to affect thought patterns as beliefs also modify its expression.

of course, a black isnt going to turn white skin. LOL

19th November 2015, 01:29 PM
you think you have no control... thats why the NWO is winning. Same generational faulty logic. The whole affects any individual constantly, and otherwise. My parents and grand parents were too thinking this way. War isnt a fatality but spring from a lack of free will. And free will implies full responsibility.

That argentina got poisoned by monsanto is also **our** problem. It is our own failing too. And thinking one can shrug indefinitely is just going to make things worse. They already are.

yesterday somebody told me "why dont you care only about your life" ... I shook my head in disbelief.

This Universe is conscious, hence its self existing and immutable natural laws. We obey or not... there is no escape, free will or a massive genocide.

Well I would argue the guilt of losing (black) is very different from the supposed guilt of winning (white)... However I think having guilt over something you had no control over is ridiculous! It is better to have guilt over your own failings. Even better it is to feel proud over what you actually achieved. One should focus on the positive I think!

19th November 2015, 01:41 PM
but the modification of the expression is all what is needed to affect thought patterns as beliefs also modify its expression.

of course, a black isnt going to turn white skin. LOL
Neither would someone with 2 80 IQ parents come out with a 130 IQ...

19th November 2015, 02:04 PM
Neither would someone with 2 80 IQ parents come out with a 130 IQ...

my father is white remember... I also wouldnt have mentioned my IQ if not continually faced with people who assume that all the blacks are stupid. Some just aren't.

130 isnt that much but well above the average. To be part of the mensa club, 150 is the required minimum.

The IQ is somewhat meaningless however... could you survive in the amazonian jungle alone? Many tribal people can do it. I know that I couldnt. Intelligence is relative... tribal people would feel lost dealing with our lifestyle too.

but your answer clearly establishes that you are running out of arguments.

19th November 2015, 02:12 PM
you think you have no control... thats why the NWO is winning. Same generational faulty logic. The whole affects any individual constantly, and otherwise. My parents and grand parents were too thinking this way. War isnt a fatality but spring from a lack of free will. And free will implies full responsibility.

That argentina got poisoned by monsanto is also **our** problem. It is our own failing too. And thinking one can shrug indefinitely is just going to make things worse. They already are.

yesterday somebody told me "why do you care only about your life" ... I shook my head in disbelief.

This Universe is conscious, hence its self existing and immutable natural laws. We obey or not... there is no escape, free will or a massive genocide.
I don't know about you, but my ancestors never had anything to do with bringing negroes to America, they had nothing to do with negroes at all. Sweden itself did never gain any benefit of slavetrade across the Atlantic. Likewise Sweden has had nothing to do with the wars in the Middle East the last 50 years. Still through white guilt/privilege the Swedish population has been convinced to take in 600,000 refugees over the last 5-6 years, usually convinced by the Jewish media dominant in Sweden. Collective suicide!

19th November 2015, 02:16 PM
my father is white remember... I also wouldnt have mentioned my IQ if not continually faced with people who assume that all the blacks are stupid. Some just aren't.

130 isnt that much but well above the average. To be part of the mensa club, 150 is the required minimum.
I wasn't talking about you. I just gave an example. I think the requirement of Mensa is 138 or so...

19th November 2015, 02:30 PM
my father is white remember... I also wouldnt have mentioned my IQ if not continually faced with people who assume that all the blacks are stupid. Some just aren't.

130 isnt that much but well above the average. To be part of the mensa club, 150 is the required minimum.

The IQ is somewhat meaningless however... could you survive in the amazonian jungle alone? Many tribal people can do it. I know that I couldnt. Intelligence is relative... tribal people would feel lost dealing with our lifestyle too.

but your answer clearly establishes that you are running out of arguments.

Not all Blacks are stupid.

Not all Whites are smart.

Here's a bell curve for both races:


The historical diagnoses for being retarded is having an IQ of 75 or below. This had to done away with once Dindus entered the population since about half the Dindu population is considered retarded under these parameters.



19th November 2015, 02:59 PM
The IQ is somewhat meaningless however... could you survive in the amazonian jungle alone? Many tribal people can do it. I know that I couldnt. Intelligence is relative... tribal people would feel lost dealing with our lifestyle too.

but your answer clearly establishes that you are running out of arguments.
As you added this to after I answered your post... I gave an example that epigenetics doesn't significantly modify the basic IQ that you inherited from your parents. Sure I can see that a high IQ won't allow you to survive in an environment you are completely unfamiliar in alone... A lower IQ individual who is familiar with the environment would probably have an advantage especially together with his tribe.

Don't worry I am not running out of arguments, you are!

19th November 2015, 03:59 PM
I understand what you mean, though the Universe doesnt work that way... but will make sure that suffering remained unaddressed or ignored becomes exponential and eventually harms everybody. This is valid on a household and global levels

That is the reason why enforced altruism is working so well, and my take is that human psyche is aware, intuitively, that allowing suffering may/will affect each of us directly or not. This is where the PTB lurk and frame populations for their own generosity, which they used to further their grip. So yes, it is our responsibility to grasp that. So yes, all the sufferings that exist is our responsibility. Thinking one can get away with it is a delusion and precisely why we are at crossroads.

The NWO has used mankind as life stock in order to create a race of cyborgs that will be at their image (and deem us worthless in due time) aside they also are reengineering the human DNA. I will not speculate on the whys and hows. All what matters is: can we allow something or anything to happen without our consent.

I say no and understand that it is now my responsibility. There cannot be any excuse when giving away our consent. Scapegoating is useless because eventually we'll have to do something. physically, intellectually, or both

I don't know about you, but my ancestors never had anything to do with bringing negroes to America, they had nothing to do with negroes at all. Sweden itself did never gain any benefit of slavetrade across the Atlantic. Likewise Sweden has had nothing to do with the wars in the Middle East the last 50 years. Still through white guilt/privilege the Swedish population has been convinced to take in 600,000 refugees over the last 5-6 years, usually convinced by the Jewish media dominant in Sweden. Collective suicide!

19th November 2015, 04:12 PM
As you added this to after I answered your post... I gave an example that epigenetics doesn't significantly modify the basic IQ that you inherited from your parents. Sure I can see that a high IQ won't allow you to survive in an environment you are completely unfamiliar in alone... A lower IQ individual who is familiar with the environment would probably have an advantage especially together with his tribe.

Don't worry I am not running out of arguments, you are!

Neuro I have dealt with enough tongues in the cheek from you that I am prepared and also read between the lines -- but yes after clicking on the send botton, briefly thought you could possibly be joking.

what I should have responded instead
lets not forget the case of parents with a very average IQ giving birth to a genius.

what is happening to the globalized countries, especially the west, is that they have lost touch with nature due to hypermaterialsim. Maybe it will be a good thing when many will start to walk with buckets on their heads to get water at some nearby farm when city water will ran out and they are unable to afford gas. How many tent cities are we going to see?

19th November 2015, 04:44 PM
shami, high IQs are too a problem, our psychopaths have shown this.

THIS IS INTERESTING... and seems to say that the environment plays a much more important role
--When black or mixed-race children are raised in white rather than black homes, their preadolescent test scores rise dramatically. Black adoptees' scores seem to fall in adolescence, but this is what we would expect if, as seems likely, their social and cultural environment comes to resemble that of other black adolescents and becomes less like that of the average white adolescent.

I believe this is very likely true. adopted black kids start hanging out with other blacks suffering from the guilt of being black, emotions are transmissible, can infect or heal

for my part I was born with dyslexia, I have remained an average student til the end, unless passionate about specific classes like philosophy and sports. I found reading out loud terrifying because words, letters, were jumping. Creativity took only off in my mid 20s, painting and writing. writing helped me overcome dyslexia almost completely.

Not all Blacks are stupid.

Not all Whites are smart.

Here's a bell curve for both races:


The historical diagnoses for being retarded is having an IQ of 75 or below. This had to done away with once Dindus entered the population since about half the Dindu population is considered retarded under these parameters.



19th November 2015, 05:02 PM
my father is white remember...


Oh. He is why you constantly guilt-trip and bash Whitey so much here at GSUS? He the evil colonizer who genetically provided you with a much higher-than-negroid I.Q of 130 and a European education? Dat de white debil "colonizer" you still be mad at?


19th November 2015, 05:12 PM
Collective suicide!

In typical white collective fashion.

You're all guilty of it!

Its an environmental response to misery.

19th November 2015, 05:13 PM
I am not bashing witheys, just trying to make the point that not ALL blacks are stupid and that NON negroid blacks exist --- and you just cannot cope with that idea.
seems like anger consumes you at the speed of light.

I didnt revive this thread, did I?

ps: in several occasions I said I was grateful to my father... but NO, I will not side with people who only look at one side of the coin, whatever their skin color or IQ.

Ohhh, because I do not side with you, I am guilt grip ??? Give me a break.

You are so sneaky Book...

at least shami plays fair, I like him.

Oh. He is why you constantly guilt-trip and bash Whitey so much here at GSUS? He the evil colonizer who genetically provided you with a much higher-than-negroid I.Q of 130 and a European education? Dat de white debil "colonizer" you still be mad at?


19th November 2015, 05:20 PM
okay, I am not going to close this thread but consider it at such

19th November 2015, 05:30 PM
I am not bashing Whiteys...on several occasions I said I was grateful to my father...


Please link us to one thread where you give thanks to your White father for rescuing you from your mom's Tutsi Tribe existence. Better yet, start a whole new thread here at GSUS and tell us more about this wonderful White man.

:) for once Goldissima will actually say something positive about colonialism and White men

19th November 2015, 05:56 PM
shami, high IQs are too a problem, our psychopaths have shown this.

THIS IS INTERESTING... and seems to say that the environment plays a much more important role
--When black or mixed-race children are raised in white rather than black homes, their preadolescent test scores rise dramatically. Black adoptees' scores seem to fall in adolescence, but this is what we would expect if, as seems likely, their social and cultural environment comes to resemble that of other black adolescents and becomes less like that of the average white adolescent.

There is some truth about this since I've seen it personally; however, race still is more of an important factor:
http://s17.postimg.org/98njvrgj3/1447035356932.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

19th November 2015, 07:49 PM
Singular_me vs Hillary.

No doubt in this world who would have our backs.

Facebook wont load the other suff...

20th November 2015, 02:12 AM
I understand what you mean, though the Universe doesnt work that way... but will make sure that suffering remained unaddressed or ignored becomes exponential and eventually harms everybody. This is valid on a household and global levels

That is the reason why enforced altruism is working so well, and my take is that human psyche is aware, intuitively, that allowing suffering may/will affect each of us directly or not. This is where the PTB lurk and frame populations for their own generosity, which they used to further their grip. So yes, it is our responsibility to grasp that. So yes, all the sufferings that exist is our responsibility. Thinking one can get away with it is a delusion and precisely why we are at crossroads.

The NWO has used mankind as life stock in order to create a race of cyborgs that will be at their image (and deem us worthless in due time) aside they also are reengineering the human DNA. I will not speculate on the whys and hows. All what matters is: can we allow something or anything to happen without our consent.

I say no and understand that it is now my responsibility. There cannot be any excuse when giving away our consent. Scapegoating is useless because eventually we'll have to do something. physically, intellectually, or both
Exactly, non-aggression is not an option when you are actively guilt-tripped into suicide of your own race...

20th November 2015, 03:40 AM
Exactly, non-aggression is not an option when you are actively guilt-tripped into suicide of your own race...

there are two ways to look at it... self defense is the consequence of **refuting** non aggression principles in the first place. Intellectual self-defense can only be effective when considering the big chess game and the realization we ALL have been treated like subhumans for hundreds of years. It makes no sense to mock primitive lifestyles while we are threatened with a derivative time bomb among other things. And right now, I dont see this outcome as a possibility. Seems like evil needs to reach a higher level of saturation, an unbearable threshold prompting a wake up call with a sudden a critical mass that *gets* it. At this stage saving oneself means saving the whole, it is thus motivated by Empathy. It represents positive chaos.

but this time physical self defense might be proven completely useless because 1st, it is what they are waiting for and 2nd, that people spend more time to fight among themselves instead of looking at the big picture, a lack of coordination will not play in our favor. The Laws of Correspondence and Polarity are NWO's trojan horses and explain why everything has become a controlled opposition that makes people feel so disempowered - causing more hatred and anger. Destructive chaos is too a possibility to return to Order... but if choosing that path, very few are going to make it. Biblical Judgment Day is pretty clear about it. However, the Revelation is a mind control imagery that has subdued the human minds into accepting the upcoming final confrontation. It doesnt need to happen that way. We have free will til the end.

wait and see...it is a Mind game.

20th November 2015, 03:52 AM
There is some truth about this since I've seen it personally; however, race still is more of an important factor:
http://s17.postimg.org/98njvrgj3/1447035356932.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)
This is the biological difference when not reared by your biological parents. It seems that difference between racial IQ's are more or less maintained, perhaps with a slight extra advantage to Black children. It is interesting that everyone seems to fair better by being reared by white middle class families, and it is white middle class values that is under attack in media, schools, politics and economically.

Go figure!

20th November 2015, 04:14 AM
Who is smarter???

The Labour and time of the poor is in civilised countries sacrificed to the maintaining of the rich in ease and luxury. The Landlord is maintained in idleness and luxury by the labour of his tenants. The moneyed man is supported by his extractions from the industrious merchant and the needy who are obliged to support him in ease by a return for the use of his money. But every savage has the full fruits of his own labours; there are no landlords, no usurers and no tax gatherers.” --Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations

In the so called civilized world people purchase an abode for $175,000 and pay $300k in interest over 30 yrs., all the while they are subjected to numerous annual tax gatherers on their homes, personal property and labor..... While the so called savages build a mud hut just about wherever they like using natural resources found on the land.... No taxes, no initial expenses and no usury.... and their greatest asset is a natural economy, not the fake nonsense used in the civilized world.

Continue to brag about measured IQ's in the west, etc.....I'll believe it when the tax gatherers & usurers are run out of this civilization, and a "REAL" economy is installed....

20th November 2015, 04:22 AM
it is OUR failure to grasp that the less successful is here to teach us Empathy. And this failure now prompts us to reevaluate the meaning of being successful. It is self inflicted.

You'd spend more time to study the glue of the Universe, electromagnetism, empathy is the only way to keep social equilibrium. Lack thereof leads to enslavement.

infamous mason francis bacon: in order to control Nature, one must first obey Her..... wow, insightful, isnt it?

was meant for shami and co

20th November 2015, 04:47 AM
Who is smarter??

Continue to brag about measured IQ's in the west, etc.....I'll believe it when the tax gatherers & usurers are run out of this civilization, and a "REAL" economy is installed....

supremacy and laziness in thinking are bed fellows. People of ancient rome learned it at their own expenses. Since then we have been repeating the scenario over and over... and who is winning now? Qui bono? High IQ psychopaths.

20th November 2015, 05:32 AM
Exactly, non-aggression is not an option when you are actively guilt-tripped into suicide of your own race...

The non-aggression principle is a LARPy belief that's not possible in a world dominated by Jews, Muslims, and various Shitskin flavors who wants GibsMeDat. It's a belief that only works if everyone follows it in a perfect world. It sounds good on paper just like Communism.

Communism works
People just need to stop being greedy

Anarchism works
People just need to stop being violent

You can't do it when the White race has been trained from birth to be suicidal and take it up the ass from anyone outside of their group because Muh Feels.

No shocker that the non-aggression principle was formulated by two Merchants: Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard. Goyim eat this shit us.

"Yes goy. Don't be aggressive and wipe out the ones who will destroy you if you don't destroy them first."

That's seriously fucking gay. When you say it, Merchants rub their hands and Muslims scream "Allah Snackbar!" Enemies of the White race know there's no consequences for them fucking us up, so they do it with impunity.

Everyone takes what they want by force but you. Your interests, and then your race's interests should come first. That's just fucking nature.

How is the “right” to property that the libertarian axiom depends on established?
How could hierarchy in human relationships ever be prevented without resorting to a hierarchical anti-hierarchy police agency of some sort?
How does pollution work in a world with the NAP?
How does over fishing/hunting work in a world with the NAP?
The Amerindians followed the NAP. How did that work out for them?

20th November 2015, 05:34 AM
I started a new thread on the non-aggression principle to not derail this thread:

20th November 2015, 06:02 AM
And speaking of who is smarter..... Take a hard look at the biblical genesis story of the "tree of knowledge." The biblical god tells Adam & Eve they can, at their leisure & pleasure do anything they want in the garden except "eat" the fruit of the tree of knowledge, and this god say if they did, "on that day you shall surely die."

The myth continues when the "serpent" tempts Eve to "eat" the fruit of the tree...

Whats being said here is that the god of Genesis is seeking to keep mankind in a state of ignorance & stupidity for mankind is easily controlled w/o knowledge, thought & ideas. On the other side, the "serpent" is tempting man with knowledge so that he may easily be controlled....

The bottom line, the myth informs the reader that both civilization builders & their bloodlines per stirpes are competing to control man thru either knowledge (biblically "evil") or ignorance (biblically "good").

Either way, whether by design or natural competition, the result is a philosophy of "divide & conquer." Either way, the so call civilized man is thrust against a wall of competing controllers in a mortal conflict to the end if it is not arrested & terminated....

The name of the game is control, hence all laws, rules & regulations are nonsequitor & not applicable to the controlling & competing bloodlines. If they begin to lose control, they just change or invent new rules in a moments notice. Why havent the soldiers in the 2007-08 collapse gone to jail? They were, as always "just following orders". The French Revolution scared these bloodlines into a form of submission, for it was the first time in thousands of years, both sides in the mortal conflict received a commupance for their vile actions in their game...

Maybe you should begin asking yourself "who" or "what" threw the switch to intitiate the peoples of MENA to invade Europe.... We can easily blame the Joo's, Jesuits, or even the oil comanies, but at least inquire as to whom or what do these groups or organizations work for! What is their long term ambitions that they strive for. This nonsense has divided mankind for millenia, same controllers, same competitions, same wars, same divide & conquer, etc...

The great experiment of the U.S. Constitution was an attempt to provide remedy & relief from the hostile antagonisms between the slave & the master, since all economics is a zero sum game. It provided in its design a supposed designated third party disinterested arbitrator to negotiate the natural antagonisms between the slave & master.... It did not take lg before the idea & concept was destroyed, and the same olde competing bloodlines retook America by its neck and created a Universal Empire to control it from within & without.... Pull out a world map and track the rise & fall of empires. It will reveal the competing civilization builders mvements and wars all to well as they subjugate mankind....

Politics, religion & economics are just "side shows" to prevent the so called civilized world from recognizing the REAL struggle that is "on stage" & occuring behind the curtain....

Money, what a joke! They own the banks! The Fed Reserve ex post facto the 2007/08 collapse created $16 trillion in dollar denominated credit out of thin air.... BOJ & ECB are creating trillions more in ¥ & €..... Money is a RELIGION, in its many forms... And ALL religions are about creating control for its creators... to enslave its believers!!! History is relete with gods and religions BOTH dieing, today the narrative has been changed and "ALTERED" (LOL) into the FAITH of money and the church of .gov being omnipotent, omnipowerful & OMNIPRESENT...... To instill this faith, like all religions, FEAR is the construct to gather the congregation together for the high priests & priestesses. The Muzzies are duped into the game, playing their roles.

The "dark continent" of Africa with all of its natural resources has been somewhat spared by the civilization builders.... not because of IQ, but because of culture. The culture thus far has protected the peoples from the game of control perpetuated by the religion of money and servitude to it.... to these people, a piece of paper with fancy scribblings and numbers cannot be more valuable than a goat or a cow, or even their next meal. If their mud hut gets destroyed, they just construct another from the environment. Insurance... LOL, an unknown concept to them. Insurance is servitude!

In summation, Detroit, London, Moscow, Bejing, N.Y., Atlanta, Washington DC etc. are supposedly the APEX of civilization... Monuments to mans achievements... ad naseum. These are supposedly the best representations of modern civilization..... ALL BUILT UPON SLAVERY & SERVITUDE in its many forms.... Just exactly WHO were these citadels of modern civilization constructed for? Who benefitted, as it surely did not nor does not benefit the common debt slave.... ???

Meet the Cronide Family


20th November 2015, 06:57 AM
I started a new thread on the non-aggression principle to not derail this thread:

Non-aggression.... the Jesus & Ghandi philosophies! Jesus got hanged on a tree, and India got re-absorbed into chattel slavery. Ghandi is no hero....

The ONLY event that temporarily changed or altered human history in the previous 250 years was the French Revolution.... That accomplished a temporary compromise between the slaves & the masters with the illusion & dillusion of democracy. Democracy was then easily overthrown by TPTB with the emissions of bonds by & thru the religion of money at all levels of hu-man activities and organized institutions....

Bonds are "bondage.'" Consider SCOTUS Chief Justice Marshalls opinion, "the power to tax is the power to destroy." What is a .gov bond? It is a promise by the .gov institution and its faithfull congregation of worshippers (local, state or federal) to politically, socially, economically & financially control the population as a MASTER of all hu-man activities in such a manner & way as to guarantee that present & future taxation will service the principle & interest on the bond.... NO MATTER WHAT!

If it requires a police state, a dictator, a king, or numerous wars to service the bonds, the REAL PTB demand their bond entitlements before all else.... its the religion of mammon and Molock is its god....

The American Republic and now Democratically elected institutions (local, state & federal) all died along with liberty on the altar of Molock and the religion of mammon in the name of civilization & socialism.....

The American dream was promoted as "owning your home," that too is a lie when your forced to remit property taxes to service state & local bonds... And to secure those bonds, your deed is created in "fee simple," the lowest form of so called ownership, for someone higher up the holds the allodial claim..... Fee Simple deeds are nothing but a claim that in essence allows the holder to buy, sell, transfer or partially control the property, but never own it!

Indeed the "American Dream" is a dream to the usurers & controllers, and as 2007/08 has proven a nightmare for most....

Thus I do declare that the nonaggression principle is absolute BS, as history hath shown by the American & French Revolutions that TPTB only understand real force, hence their controlling mantra that "MIGHT MAKES RIGHT." Everything else is subjugation to servitude & slavery to nameless, faceless, unknown hidden controllers....

20th November 2015, 06:59 AM
http://www.trueorthodox.com/pictures/blackon.jpg http://www.trueorthodox.com/pictures/fedr1.jpg

Money, what a joke! They own the banks! The Fed Reserve ex post facto the 2007/08 collapse created $16 trillion in dollar denominated credit out of thin air.... BOJ & ECB are creating trillions more in ¥ & €..... Money is a RELIGION, in its many forms... And ALL religions are about creating control for its creators...

Thanks BagelBob for warning us about these jew banksters who control our planet!

20th November 2015, 07:10 AM

The American Republic and now Democratically elected institutions (local, state & federal) all died along with liberty on the altar of Molock and the religion of mammon in the name of civilization & socialism...Indeed the "American Dream" is a dream to the usurers & controllers...subjugation to servitude & slavery to nameless, faceless, unknown hidden controllers....

Thanks BagelBob. That video says it all. Let's believe our own eyes...

20th November 2015, 07:13 AM
And speaking of who is smarter..... Take a hard look at the biblical genesis story of the "tree of knowledge." The biblical god tells Adam & Eve they can, at their leisure & pleasure do anything they want in the garden except "eat" the fruit of the tree of knowledge, and this god say if they did, "on that day you shall surely die."

The myth continues when the "serpent" tempts Eve to "eat" the fruit of the tree...

Whats being said here is that the god of Genesis is seeking to keep mankind in a state of ignorance & stupidity for mankind is easily controlled w/o knowledge, thought & ideas. On the other side, the "serpent" is tempting man with knowledge so that he may easily be controlled....

The bottom line, the myth informs the reader that both civilization builders & their bloodlines per stirpes are competing to control man thru either knowledge (biblically "evil") or ignorance (biblically "good").

Either way, whether by design or natural competition, the result is a philosophy of "divide & conquer." Either way, the so call civilized man is thrust against a wall of competing controllers in a mortal conflict to the end if it is not arrested & terminated....

The name of the game is control, hence all laws, rules & regulations are nonsequitor & not applicable to the controlling & competing bloodlines. If they begin to lose control, they just change or invent new rules in a moments notice. Why havent the soldiers in the 2007-08 collapse gone to jail? They were, as always "just following orders". The French Revolution scared these bloodlines into a form of submission, for it was the first time in thousands of years, both sides in the mortal conflict received a commupance for their vile actions in their game...

Maybe you should begin asking yourself "who" or "what" threw the switch to intitiate the peoples of MENA to invade Europe.... We can easily blame the Joo's, Jesuits, or even the oil comanies, but at least inquire as to whom or what do these groups or organizations work for! What is their long term ambitions that they strive for. This nonsense has divided mankind for millenia, same controllers, same competitions, same wars, same divide & conquer, etc...

The great experiment of the U.S. Constitution was an attempt to provide remedy & relief from the hostile antagonisms between the slave & the master, since all economics is a zero sum game. It provided in its design a supposed designated third party disinterested arbitrator to negotiate the natural antagonisms between the slave & master.... It did not take lg before the idea & concept was destroyed, and the same olde competing bloodlines retook America by its neck and created a Universal Empire to control it from within & without.... Pull out a world map and track the rise & fall of empires. It will reveal the competing civilization builders mvements and wars all to well as they subjugate mankind....

Politics, religion & economics are just "side shows" to prevent the so called civilized world from recognizing the REAL struggle that is "on stage" & occuring behind the curtain....

Money, what a joke! They own the banks! The Fed Reserve ex post facto the 2007/08 collapse created $16 trillion in dollar denominated credit out of thin air.... BOJ & ECB are creating trillions more in ¥ & €..... Money is a RELIGION, in its many forms... And ALL religions are about creating control for its creators... to enslave its believers!!! History is relete with gods and religions BOTH dieing, today the narrative has been changed and "ALTERED" (LOL) into the FAITH of money and the church of .gov being omnipotent, omnipowerful & OMNIPRESENT...... To instill this faith, like all religions, FEAR is the construct to gather the congregation together for the high priests & priestesses. The Muzzies are duped into the game, playing their roles.

The "dark continent" of Africa with all of its natural resources has been somewhat spared by the civilization builders.... not because of IQ, but because of culture. The culture thus far has protected the peoples from the game of control perpetuated by the religion of money and servitude to it.... to these people, a piece of paper with fancy scribblings and numbers cannot be more valuable than a goat or a cow, or even their next meal. If their mud hut gets destroyed, they just construct another from the environment. Insurance... LOL, an unknown concept to them. Insurance is servitude!

In summation, Detroit, London, Moscow, Bejing, N.Y., Atlanta, Washington DC etc. are supposedly the APEX of civilization... Monuments to mans achievements... ad naseum. These are supposedly the best representations of modern civilization..... ALL BUILT UPON SLAVERY & SERVITUDE in its many forms.... Just exactly WHO were these citadels of modern civilization constructed for? Who benefitted, as it surely did not nor does not benefit the common debt slave.... ???

Meet the Cronide Family


http://s3.postimg.org/t4gku0dxf/1432255129873.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

20th November 2015, 07:17 AM
http://s3.postimg.org/3mke56s1v/1432434991173_0.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

http://s3.postimg.org/g3r1scn7n/1432434991174_2.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimg.org/image/rg3na4vwf/full/)

http://s3.postimg.org/qy8hua6bn/1432435073836_1.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimg.org/image/ye7rg2u0v/full/)


(http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimg.org/image/tytxok70f/full/)http://s3.postimg.org/d188okkub/1432909263617.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

(http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimg.org/image/tytxok70f/full/)http://s3.postimg.org/e4ag0xsw3/1432465716569.png (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

20th November 2015, 07:18 AM
Money is a RELIGION

http://s3.postimg.org/71okrqw03/1436811627776.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

20th November 2015, 07:55 AM
http://s3.postimg.org/t4gku0dxf/1432255129873.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)
I wish we could get a clearer picture of who is behind our enslavement? Is it the Jesuits, the Freemasons, evil space aliens, the Swedes, the Egyptians?...

20th November 2015, 08:45 AM
Jewboo, you remind me of Adolf Hitler, a jew hater, even though he himself was a jew, and also a pawn of the real PTB bloodlines....


You dont seem to realize or you have elected to remain in ignorance of history, namely that with the exponential growth in population, the REAL PTB that once managed all things socially, economically, politically & financially were FORCED to reorganize & compartmentalize into departments.... Some control media & money, others religion, and still others politics, etc... Its a control system, and there is one (1) family blood-line that has broken into two (2) competing factions to gain absolute control over humanity & earthly affairs. The family feud has been ongoing for thousands of years....

"Sakla you are blind, you only see what you want to see!"

Hitler, Stalin & Lenin were all Jews, however they were separated by the competing family feud... All of them killed millions of Jews under their rule. Jews killing Jews! That in itself ought to awaken you to some axiomatic facts, that ought to inform you that there is error in your presumptions.... that ought to inform you that you dont really understand the struggle that is occurring underneath the surface....

Zionism is akin to Masonry is akin to Rosicrucianism, etc., etc., etc.... You have lumped every Jew into one pot to boil, the average Jews themselves have suffered much at the hands of the elite Jews on both sides of the Cronide family feud.... Duh! The warring family feud and their essences are after as even they state, "the hearts & minds" of their victims, and they dont see white or black, jew or gentile, they see targets. Hu-manity has been carved up and delegated to the authorities (Archons) in the competition.... We are the ones who suffer, not from sin or any other nonsense, but from the war of essences & philosophy.

Your ignorance in these matters is nauseating.....

20th November 2015, 08:52 AM
I wish we could get a clearer picture of who is behind our enslavement? Is it the Jesuits, the Freemasons, evil space aliens, the Swedes, the Egyptians?...

They're all in it together, albeit two sides of the same coin, and it goes back to "The Cronides." The question now becomes, where & what bloodline did the Cronides come from?

Jesuits, Zionism & Masonry, etc., et al are just agencies of the blood-line feud that has been playing out for millenia on earth.... they're energy vampires!

Meet the Cronide Family


20th November 2015, 08:54 AM

Jewboo, you remind me of Adolf Hitler, a jew hater...

...You have lumped every Jew into one pot to boil, the average Jews themselves have suffered much at the hands of the elite Jews...We are the ones who suffer, not from sin or any other nonsense, but from the war of essences & philosophy.

Your ignorance in these matters is nauseating...

Poor BagelBob and other innocent "average" jews.


20th November 2015, 08:59 AM
Meet the Rothschild Family


Thanks BagelBob! I had no idea that this jew family practically owns and controls our whole world...


20th November 2015, 09:12 AM
Jewboo, you remind me of Adolf Hitler, a jew hater, even though he himself was a jew, and also a pawn of the real PTB bloodlines....

Here's more to follow up on your link which also says Hitler wasn't a Jew.

Werner Maser (not a Holocaust revisionist) was considered one the foremost experts on Hitler and possibly the foremost. After his retirement he in 2004 published a less politically correct book criticizing and rejecting many politically correct, speculative, and negative views on Hitler. Germar Rudolf (http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Germar_Rudolf) wrote in a review of the book that "Hitler had no Jewish ancestors; he had nothing to do with the suicide of his niece; he was an active heterosexual person all through his life; he was a fairly gifted painter and composer (!); since his early childhood, he was known as a very courageous and strong-willed individual; even though he had no academic education, he was very well read; he was a virtuous orator, a gifted diplomatic negotiator, a good listener, a talented military strategist, and on top of it all perfectly healthy both mentally as well as physically, aside from a few minor health issues in his later years due to his age and the stress of his life during the war."

20th November 2015, 09:20 AM
Jewboo, you remind me of Adolf Hitler

Call me Hitler too. PLEASE!

I want to be the savior of humanity!


(http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)http://s14.postimg.org/c1zv98agx/1443496542135.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimg.org/image/xoevq9919/full/)

(http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)http://s14.postimg.org/70nfaqwox/1444026178519.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

(http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)http://s4.postimg.org/dssdzrs4t/1442170466867.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

20th November 2015, 09:23 AM
Jewboo, you remind me of Adolf Hitler, a jew hater, even though he himself was a jew, and also a pawn of the real PTB bloodlines....


Your link says he wasn't Jewish...

20th November 2015, 09:26 AM
Your link says he wasn't Jewish...

That's a lie, it says so right here.

Despite the claims, Adolf Hitler (https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Holocaust/hitlertoc.html) was not Jewish.

20th November 2015, 09:45 AM
The white race most noticeably different trait is its respect for Individual rights independence and self reliance.

Relying on a Hitler or Putin makes you a shitskin of a different slavic color.

20th November 2015, 09:48 AM
The white race most noticeably different trait is its respect for Individual rights independence and self reliance.

Relying on a Hitler or Putin makes you a shitskin of a different slavic color.


mick silver
20th November 2015, 09:51 AM
oh there is a forest but most will only see one tree and then say they cant see the forest because of the one tree
there is no such thing as a forest, Mick... but only individual threes... any group think is collectivism, and that is why we are now staring at the abyss.

Life is only about you and God. And one is completely alone to figure that one out.

20th November 2015, 10:49 AM
They're both going to the same place, Shami.


20th November 2015, 10:55 AM
Amongst all the love for Hitler, can I just ask: did he ever try to kill any of the Warburgs, Kuhn, Loebs, Rothschilds, Seligmans, Sassoons, etc. All the leading families of the parasitical banking class?

20th November 2015, 11:05 AM
The white race most noticeably different trait is its respect for Individual rights independence and self reliance.

Also uniting and working for a common good, it used to be anyway...

20th November 2015, 11:09 AM
Amongst all the love for Hitler, can I just ask: did he ever try to kill any of the Warburgs, Kuhn, Loebs, Rothschilds, Seligmans, Sassoons, etc. All the leading families of the parasitical banking class?

He was against killing, contrary to popular opinion.

20th November 2015, 11:12 AM
Also uniting and working for a common good..

The Common Good, lol

Oh Quit it, you sound too much like Obama.

What's good for him ain't that great for anyone else.

20th November 2015, 11:19 AM
Hitler was against killing, contrary to popular opinion.

Sure he were a regular Ghandi, lol pfft.


20th November 2015, 11:25 AM
They're both going to the same place, Shami.


That's the results of the Jews winning.

http://s14.postimg.org/y5n29efpd/1432526072958.png (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

20th November 2015, 11:26 AM
Poor BagelBob and other innocent "average" jews.


The rise of the U.S. empire was preceeded by the liquidation of the British empire... A power shift requires a new narrative. WWI created the emphasis to transfer powers to America, but the outbreak of the spanish influenza created a temporary reprieve from the war. The armistice in the meantime created the opportunity to bring America down with the "Roaring Twenties" bubble and its subsequent collapse into the "Great Depression" of the 1930's... The narrative was changing, TPTB thru FDR reorganized America prepping it for universal empire. Hitler came to power in Germany, WWII was fought and the new global narrative was born....

The post depression & WWII narrative & PROGRAMMING is melting away into the annals of history... Their death beds are forcing TPTB to create a new narrative, an artificial construct to control human behavior... This is your so called NWO, its the same as the olde world order.

Th wars on terror, the war on Islam, etc., et al are all designed to create fear and foment a new narrative that will retain TPTB rulership for the next cycle... "Change you can believe in!" LMAO

20th November 2015, 11:30 AM
http://s29.postimg.org/41cw0gayv/1446861762984.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

http://s29.postimg.org/mi7ar9qx3/1446863799682.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

http://s29.postimg.org/jcmp128av/1446868737232.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

http://s29.postimg.org/5s0yz1ytj/1446869414620.png (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

http://s29.postimg.org/8uwn5b7gn/1446871057986.png (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

20th November 2015, 11:30 AM
The Common Good, lol

Oh Quit it, you sound too much like Obama.

What's good for him ain't that great for anyone else.
I didn't speak of Bama's good whose purpose is to tear down the white race. Bad example, the fact a lot of whites united to vote this communist creep in is an indication that the 'uniting for common good' was a thing of the past!

20th November 2015, 11:41 AM
'uniting for common good' was a thing of the past!

the only "common good" that was ever united for was for an individual's rights, and that was uncommon or more rare than common.

and no not those gifting rights they claim as rights afforded to you by someone else.

20th November 2015, 11:48 AM
http://s29.postimg.org/ntf1zqmiv/1446413702937.gif (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

20th November 2015, 12:04 PM
If Hitler had won the world

and the land were all gone and the sea glass,

The world would have been where it is today only it would've been there in 1964.

20th November 2015, 12:32 PM

Link us to one single thread over at GIM2 wherein you ever exposed the jews. One. Here you are now whining that GSUS is pointing "hate" fingers at your fellow jews.

:rolleyes: ONE

20th November 2015, 12:45 PM

http://jewishwebindex.com/Costa_Rica%20-%20Jews.jpg http://www.sdjewishworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/entrance-jewish-museum.jpg

Here in Costa Rica me and my fellow jew buddies are treated very well. Glad I don't live anywhere near you haters in the USA!

Yeah...you wouldn't like Idaho much...lol.


20th November 2015, 12:53 PM
Had Book won the world, I'm almost positive he'd be jewish with it.

put a jew -n- negro scapegoat in office on the downtrend to hide himself away for sure.


20th November 2015, 01:01 PM
You guys know I only post music videos and otherwise just shitpost here.

Here is my all time favorite. Gives me goosebumps every time I play it:


Thank you Horn for sharing from Costa Rica!


20th November 2015, 01:16 PM
Waiting for you, jewboo.


20th November 2015, 01:21 PM
I started a new thread on the non-aggression principle to not derail this thread:

If Hitler had won the world

you already lost the debate shami, sorry

if you do not recognize the non aggression principles, it means that you are PRO-agression principles, and that you would OK any invasion, pillage, genocide, enslavement, etc WITHOUT being attacked. How moral is this ???

or would also be fine with staging being attacked to justify that you must attack. NWO just does it the time

I love threads being derailed in this case. No prob.

You live in lalaland, Hitler was a mere puppet... and already had lost the war before it even started. Otherwise he wouldnt have rejected the help of the major european corporations which helped him prepare for war.

20th November 2015, 01:31 PM
Also uniting and working for a common good..

reads like collectivism to me.

there is no such a thing that the common good... other than NOT giving one's consent to harm others. All the Cosmic Forces are exponential so as soon as one moves towards aggression, stopping it is extremely difficult. Though aggression will stop by itself only when the collateral damage is drastic enough or by the annihilation of the opponent.

agenda 21 is in place and WW3 on the horizon.

20th November 2015, 01:36 PM
you already lost the debate shami, sorry

I didn't know we had a winner. I do know more and more Libertarians are turning into Fascists day by day. Most of the people in my camp are former Libertarians. I used to subscribe to the non-aggression principle.

if you do not recognize the non aggression principles, it means that you are PRO-agression principles, and that you would OK any invasion, pillage, genocide, enslavement, etc WITHOUT being attacked. How moral is this ???

Anything is moral if you're the winner. You should have learned that lesson from history.

If you don't initiate force, someone else will. You will either be the subject to the force of another, or do it yourself. There's virtually no escape from this unless you can dig out a very deep bunker, or live off-world somehow.

20th November 2015, 01:44 PM
you already lost the debate shami, sorry

if you do not recognize the non aggression principles, it means that you are PRO-agression principles, and that you would OK any invasion, pillage, genocide, enslavement, etc WITHOUT being attacked. How moral is this ???

or would also be fine with staging being attacked to justify that you must attack. NWO just does it the time

I love threads being derailed in this case. No prob.

You live in lalaland, Hitler was a mere puppet... and already had lost the war before it even started. Otherwise he wouldnt have rejected the help of the major european corporations which helped him prepare for war.
Pretty aggressive, claming a lost debate without debating any of the issues brought up by Shami...

20th November 2015, 01:46 PM
Amongst all the love for Hitler, can I just ask: did he ever try to kill any of the Warburgs, Kuhn, Loebs, Rothschilds, Seligmans, Sassoons, etc. All the leading families of the parasitical banking class?

good question... how insightful...

20th November 2015, 01:49 PM
Waiting for you, jewboo.

anyone who does not agree with him must be/is jewish or admires them

I do not have anything against them, as people, they are as trapped as we are, they may even be more brainwashed than western masses... but their elites, like any other ones, are merely using races and religions to frame us all.

politics is religion... religion is politic... for the naive and gullible

20th November 2015, 01:51 PM
reads like collectivism to me.

there is no such a thing that the common good... other than NOT giving one's consent to harm others. All the Cosmic Forces are exponential so as soon as one moves towards aggression, stopping it is extremely difficult. Though aggression will stop by itself only when the collateral damage is drastic enough or by the annihilation of the opponent.

agenda 21 is in place and WW3 on the horizon.
Working together to build a road that benefits every person, or working together to defend ones people from an invader/robber/murderer is collectivism? I think it got very much to do with self preservation and the people you care about! Please tell me how this is wrong?

20th November 2015, 02:31 PM
No matter which angle we take to observe the situation, sure culprits are obvious and we have tags for them BUT it is like seeing the tip of iceberg... what about the invisible part... what is it made of? The collective unconscious embodied by all the people who think following orders to harm is right

order followers, mathematically speaking since they outweigh by far the elites, are very likely even more evil than their generals.

20th November 2015, 02:42 PM
or working together to defend ones people from an invader/robber/murderer is collectivism?

A common defense, is typically sold as such by shield polishers of every race.

Most nations learned they could do more for their "common good" by importing coffee and cocaine debt money thru sacrifice to feed their people.

20th November 2015, 03:01 PM
Amongst all the love for Hitler, can I just ask: did he ever try to kill any of the Warburgs, Kuhn, Loebs, Rothschilds, Seligmans, Sassoons, etc. All the leading families of the parasitical banking class?
He took Germany off the hooks of the international Jewish banking scam, and thus created a miraculous economic recovery from the depression they created. That's the main reason why they waged war against Germany.

20th November 2015, 03:06 PM
He took Germany off the hooks of the international Jewish banking scam, and thus created a miraculous economic recovery from the depression they created. That's the main reason why they waged war against Germany.

Could not get a bankruptcy claim in quick enough to foreign international creditors.

Got love a guy that sticks it up his neighbors ass, only Poland knows?


What a Negro, you go!

20th November 2015, 03:10 PM
as long as legalized aggression and all the tricks to justify it exist, forget about your dreams, if not you, your kids or grand kids will pay the heavy price.

The fact that man has the dominion over Nature, wars should scare the hell of us instead of taking it as a casualty of life. It cannot end well. Even animals do not behave like us because even when they fight for survival, they are unable to destroy earth.

if you wish your dreams to ever come true, join the rank of those who want to abolish war.

Considering the war and peace cycles, what to think of family values when parents agree with policies that will eventually condemn their offspring to face war? How can the pro-life movement, against abortion, even think that it is doing the right thing trying to protect life when turning a blind eye to the enrollment into the army?

Working together to build a road that benefits every person, or working together to defend ones people from an invader/robber/murderer is collectivism? I think it got very much to do with self preservation and the people you care about! Please tell me how this is wrong?

20th November 2015, 03:14 PM
as long as legalized aggression and all the tricks to justify it exist, forget about your dreams, if not you, your kids or grand kids will pay the heavy price.

Legalized aggression has always existed. It's called Nature.

This utopian construct you have in your mind is a fairytale.

20th November 2015, 03:32 PM
He took Germany off the hooks of the international Jewish banking scam, and thus created a miraculous economic recovery from the depression they created. That's the main reason why they waged war against Germany.

... isnt germany still paying reparations?
How many european-elites-corporations did participate in this miraculous boom?

20th November 2015, 03:35 PM
... well we see where legalized aggression led us... turn on your TV.

Even animals do not behave like us because even when they fight for survival, they are unable to destroy earth. Again Man is not animal because of that.

Darwin is an unprecedented grand fraud.

Legalized aggression has always existed. It's called Nature.

This utopian construct you have in your mind is a fairytale.

20th November 2015, 03:38 PM
If it weren't German aggression neither Israel or U.S. S.S. would exist.

Fact is Hitler and Germany were partying with jew bankers as far as history permits.

The pursuit of Zion that used the "common defense and good" of the people to grease the wheels of their Nazi/Zion.

20th November 2015, 03:42 PM
... isnt germany still paying reparations?
How many european-elites-corporations did participate in this miraculous boom?

The United States pays reparations too.

http://s9.postimg.org/kdvj5ofjj/1434607059417_1.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

20th November 2015, 04:28 PM
anyone who does not agree with him must be/is jewish or admires them...

http://tuzico.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Tuzico-Logo-Flag.png https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-we7yKa3WTXY/VD4Gn1rAxII/AAAAAAAAAD4/_i8fUVYEDn0/w426-h237/Tuzico-Pic-cover.png

Oh. Now Goldissima is forgetting that her mom's Tutsi Tribe claims to be jews.


20th November 2015, 04:52 PM
... isnt germany still paying reparations?Of course they are there are no limitations on faked crimes against chosenites...

20th November 2015, 05:09 PM
... am just an european intellectual living in a no man's land... and who knows that Truth doesnt come from any group think, but thinking for oneself.

Your are the worst darwinian-freudian oriented individual that I have ever known

Oh. Now Goldissima is forgetting that her mom's Tutsi Tribe claims to be jews.


20th November 2015, 05:16 PM
... am just an european intellectual living in a no man's land... and who knows that Truth doesnt come from any group think, but thinking for oneself.

Your are the worst darwinian-freudian oriented individual that I have ever known
likewise, I see no-one mentioning Darwin and Freud more than you here. Surely you must be projecting now?

20th November 2015, 05:21 PM
The United States pays reparations too.

http://s9.postimg.org/kdvj5ofjj/1434607059417_1.jpg (http://anonym.to?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)

we all pay for war... and reparations at some point. Paying to be killed... no thanks

20th November 2015, 05:23 PM
... am just an european intellectual living in a no man's land...


Two days ago you said your mom's (jewish) Tutsi Tribe abandoned you to an orphanage and also said your White dad was (nazi) German.

Today on Friday you are now a "European Intellectual" living in New Mexico?

http://www.thepowderblues.com/forum/images/smilies/shrug.gifnext week you will be telling us (again) you are a reincarnated Egyptian Queen

20th November 2015, 05:26 PM
likewise, I see no-one mentioning Darwin and Freud more than you here. Surely you must be projecting now?

I am sorry you do not see what is wrong with their theories. It is in your DNA like accusation is a darwinian statement. Group Association or by clan is a freudian theory used in psychology. Both can be stretched til a certain point, beyond that they turn into hoaxes

really surprised you understand the so many hoaxes in this world but these two.

I have studied psychoanalysis for almost 3 years but dropped off because the school board was in the hands of freudians, while I was into C G Jung and dissecting freud's fallacies and it was upsetting them. I know how freudians think... it is all about the parents/clan.

Well, my book about emotions and sexuality proves that it isn't. Psychology is another monetized scourge.

but that is okay for Book to always bring up the same pointless pictures maybe?

20th November 2015, 05:26 PM

20th November 2015, 05:28 PM

Two days ago you said your mom's (jewish) Tutsi Tribe abandoned you to an orphanage and also said your White dad was (nazi) German.

Today on Friday you are now a "European Intellectual" living in New Mexico?

http://www.thepowderblues.com/forum/images/smilies/shrug.gifnext week you will be telling us (again) you are a reincarnated Egyptian Queen
Seems like a very conflicted individual, or what say you Dr Freud?

20th November 2015, 05:32 PM
Seems like a very conflicted individual, or what say you Dr Freud?


Section 86.666.2.1 - Delusions of intellect and imagined 130 I.Q


20th November 2015, 05:33 PM
I am sorry you do not see what is wrong with their theories. It is your DNA like accusation is a darwinian statement. Group Association or by clan is a freudian theory used in psychology.
You are the one obsessed with them. I don't really care about them. DNA was discovered a 100 years after Charles Darwin wrote 'Origins of Species', but applying some type of chronology to your logic I have realized is a worthless feat...

Group association existed far before Freud and is way more than a theory!
Good evening!

20th November 2015, 05:59 PM
singular_me, you should start rent seeking (http://therightstuff.biz/2013/12/15/the-tragedy-of-postmodernism-rent-seeking/) as a Black, White Nationalist.



Imagine all the White people worshiping you.

20th November 2015, 06:03 PM
nope YOU are making a BIG story out of it... I was raised in EU.. since when telling the truth has to be used as sword against me BECAUSE what I say upset train of thought? That germans under hitler have been deluded.

Keep turning tables around, Book... never said 2 days ago that my father was german but partly Alsatian/french/italian... and all you keep in mind is GERMAN and now insert NAZI... wowowow

more sneaky than you is hard to find, really... Attacking my genealogy to debunk my intellectual stance... is it all what you can do to make you feel good?

Poor you, really.

Two days ago you said your mom's (jewish) Tutsi Tribe abandoned you to an orphanage and also said your White dad was (nazi) German.

Today on Friday you are now a "European Intellectual" living in New Mexico?

http://www.thepowderblues.com/forum/images/smilies/shrug.gifnext week you will be telling us (again) you are a reincarnated Egyptian Queen

20th November 2015, 06:08 PM
sure you will not admit just yet that extreme survivalism/competition, is darwinian in essence, and the fallacy that led this planet on the brink... hence will never consider the non aggressive principles.

As a matter darwin theories have served the (deceptive) DNA research ever since. There is a close link between the two.

as for Freud, his theories gave birth to structural mind control and also institutionalized the parental/clan influence as inescapable.

You are the one obsessed with them. I don't really care about them. DNA was discovered a 100 years after Charles Darwin wrote 'Origins of Species', but applying some type of chronology to your logic I have realized is a worthless feat...

Group association existed far before Freud and is way more than a theory!
Good evening!

20th November 2015, 06:16 PM
Keep turning tables around, Book... never said 2 days ago that my father was german but partly Alsatian/french/italian... and all you keep in mind is GERMAN...

more sneaky than you is hard to find, really

:rolleyes: Oh. Now your German-speaking dad isn't German.


Alsatians are the German-speaking people of the French region of Alsace, located between the Vosges Mountains and the German border in the departments of Bas-Rhin and Haut-Rhin. There are perhaps 1.5 million speakers of German dialects in this region. There is no single Alsatian dialectal variant, although High German is used as the written standard.

20th November 2015, 06:43 PM
thanks for this suggestion, I may consider it as a last resort . LOL

singular_me, you should start rent seeking (http://therightstuff.biz/2013/12/15/the-tragedy-of-postmodernism-rent-seeking/) as a Black, White Nationalist.



Imagine all the White people worshiping you.

20th November 2015, 06:51 PM
:rolleyes: Oh. Now your German-speaking dad isn't German.

actually french was his native language... his father was alsatian, but he moved to the south of france when still a kid, where later he met my grandmother, which was a south of france/italian mix. As far as I can recall my father never told me he spoke german with his dad. So now lets see how you are going to use this data to attempt pigeonholing me.

aber ich kann etwas deutsch auch sprechen

en ik kan zeer goed nederland ook spreken

20th November 2015, 07:05 PM
actually french was his native language... his father was alsatian, but he moved to the south of france where he met my grand mother, which was an south of france/italian mix

aber ich kann etwas deutsch sprechen auch

en ik kan zeer goed dutch spreken ook

Oh. Thanks for clearing that up Goldi.

BTW...we all go back ten years since GIM1 when you were still a capitalist in Manhattan. Every year as you reinvent yourself it becomes harder and harder to decide what to give you for Christmas. Easy to gift that canteen when you lived at that desert hippy commune and even easier to gift those woolens when you moved to Santa Fe but this year is a puzzle for me. Since you are soon going to live with that Amazonian Tribe in South America maybe this will be appropriate so you can share with your new friends down there. Teach them that food is actual just a toy not to be eaten:

http://queenbeecoupons.com/wp-content/upload/2014/10/Mr.-and-Mrs.-Potato-Head.jpg http://guideimg.alibaba.com/images/shop/67/08/01/3/idaho-potatoes-5-lb_1614593.jpeg

Me and Shami here in Idaho can maybe put together a shipping container and buy in bulk if this works out for you Goldi...


20th November 2015, 07:28 PM
happy to read that the storm is fading away...

by the way, I am just going to Peru in the Machu Picchu area for 6 weeks and since I have contacts, I will take it from there... maybe go back next year for several months in a row. But I will definitely spend some time with a tribe and go for a week trekking in the jungle.

20th November 2015, 07:32 PM
I didn't know we had a winner.

Santa Claus won, he has 3 or more independent Adolph Reindeer on thread to pull his jewish sleigh.


20th November 2015, 07:38 PM
This utopian construct you have in your mind is a fairytale.

Call me Hitler too. PLEASE!

I want to be the savior of humanity!

http://s14.postimg.org/kwr28w3k1/1443376678115.jpg (http://anonym.to/?http://anonym.to/?http://postimage.org/)



20th November 2015, 08:22 PM
post #1

i have decided to post this to show the root of racism...

post #172

happy to read that the storm is fading away...


20th November 2015, 08:29 PM
This utopian construct you have in your mind is a fairytale.

we just have to look at natural equilibrium throughout the cosmos where forces oppose but keep everything balanced. For Humans it is not a given, precisely because we can alter Nature .. so we have to be extremely aware that if we regard ourselves as mere animals, we systematically become a culture of death. We are becoming the death cult. It was for sure not really noticeable until the industrialization era, but since WW1 it is in our faces and getting worse by the days. Technology is highlighting this and is a big warning flashing light.

How humans regard themselves just depends on the their programming, and if the latter teaches that legalized mass murder for a greater good must occur, most will endure cycles of utter upheavals but also be tempted to fool the system at their own level because hopelessness rules over their hearts, and which also explains why corruption is the foundation of the system, and which in turn gullibility ends up condoning. Rationally speaking, if large scale legalized and organized murders are deemed perfectly acceptable, why would anybody taking part in any underground criminal organization or financial ponzi schemes even question his actions? If 'the too big to fail' can get away with a slap on the wrist, why would street gangs dissolve, why would anybody stop using whatever system's loopholes? If when people turn on their televisions and see so much geopolitical and fictional bloody violence, why would they refrain themselves from cheating the system at their own level at all ?

So in my view, the utopia is to continue what we are doing, worship competition. From an individual standpoint it seems to make sense to compete, yet on a large scale it is collective suicide.

21st November 2015, 03:10 AM
we just have to look at natural equilibrium throughout the cosmos where forces oppose but keep everything balanced. For Humans it is not a given, precisely because we can alter Nature .. so we have to be extremely aware that if we regard ourselves as mere animals, we systematically become a culture of death. We are becoming the death cult. It was for sure not really noticeable until the industrialization era, but since WW1 it is in our faces and getting worse by the days. Technology is highlighting this and is a big warning flashing light.

How humans regard themselves just depends on the their programming, and if the latter teaches that legalized mass murder for a greater good must occur, most will endure cycles of utter upheavals but also be tempted to fool the system at their own level because hopelessness rules over their hearts, and which also explains why corruption is the foundation of the system, and which in turn gullibility ends up condoning. Rationally speaking, if large scale legalized and organized murders are deemed perfectly acceptable, why would anybody taking part in any underground criminal organization or financial ponzi schemes even question his actions? If 'the too big to fail' can get away with a slap on the wrist, why would street gangs dissolve, why would anybody stop using whatever system's loopholes? If when people turn on their televisions and see so much geopolitical and fictional bloody violence, why would they refrain themselves from cheating the system at their own level at all ?

So in my view, the utopia is to continue what we are doing, worship competition. From an individual standpoint it seems to make sense to compete, yet on a large scale it is collective suicide.
Strange I argued for working together towards a greater good, like building a road, you discarded that as collectivism, now working alone to survive is bad too, especially if you do it in competition with others (Yes the product you provide has to provide a superior value vs other people's products in the eye of the prospective buyer). What do you actually suggest? Do nothing and die? Should everyone just intellectualize while sitting in someone else's house?

What is your grand plan for getting rid of the criminal Zionist banking political cabal that are stealing our livelihoods, houses (did you do house sitting for houses stolen by banks, btw?), families, freedom, health and lives?

21st November 2015, 03:29 AM
nope YOU are making a BIG story out of it... I was raised in EU.. since when telling the truth has to be used as sword against me BECAUSE what I say upset train of thought? That germans under hitler have been deluded.

Keep turning tables around, Book... never said 2 days ago that my father was german but partly Alsatian/french/italian... and all you keep in mind is GERMAN and now insert NAZI... wowowow

more sneaky than you is hard to find, really... Attacking my genealogy to debunk my intellectual stance... is it all what you can do to make you feel good?

Poor you, really.
SISTER! My straight line paternal ancestor also came from Elsass-Lothringen, came to Sweden around 1630, during the 30 year war, I carry his family name. We are probably related then. Do you know if you have any family ties to the Alsatian nobility?

21st November 2015, 05:14 AM
Do you know if you have any family ties to the Alsatian nobility?


Oh great. Serene Highness Princess Goldissima of Alsace will now refer to me as that "english-irish mutt commoner of Boise".

http://www.thepowderblues.com/forum/images/smilies/shrug.gif wasn't she insufferable enough already Neuro?


21st November 2015, 05:32 AM
the difference between you and I is that our premises are different. Mine is about radically changing the way we regard life itself, because obviously it is not working. You stick to old paradigms that do not serve any purpose anymore. We cannot change what is if we do not change the paradigm. So there is NO solution until we realize it.

When we zoom in, human competition seems logical: the bank teller and the taxi driver for example do whatever they can to keep their jobs, but the same happens on every and higher social level, we all do that... and there lies the *nefarious power of the NWO* which is the SUM of all competitive behaviors that exist within the pyramid.... and the true horror is only possible to be assessed when we zoom out. The legacy of Darwin.

You know Neuro, where I am at today is the result of a vivid daydream I had when I began to think in term Humanity, the planet, Life and death. very clearly... I was 10 or 11 years old when I felt my worst fear ever, that something was not right with our system, I could sense all its predatory frameworks and I felt myself in grave danger. And since then I have always been a rebel of society. 911 confirmed 40 years later that I was right and immediately quit my capitalist big apple lifestyle. And all what I had been thinking for all these years began to align in my mind.

My life purpose is to share a vital information. Quite a few did it before me, I didnt invent anything, they just helped me discover this knowledge, which I found out going down the rabbit holes for 5 years, because I wanted to understand why/how the NWO was able to remain in power for so long. And as crazy or daunting as it may sound, we will not get rid of it, unless we begin to grasp that they are successful because they have compartmentalized society so well that the cracks between compartments are very deep entrenched, and worse abysmal. That fragmentation is what is killing us in slow motion, we are so divided that social and household conflicts are about to reach a threshold.

The premise that I am defending is simply the merging of spirituality, materialism, sciences, philosophy. This is that or we continue to work toward our own extermination. There is no way around because the 7 Cosmic Principles, which all are scientifically proven, are immutable and must dictate the way we think.

So no, I dont have any other answer for you... understanding the deep inner workings of power, and its relationship with the world FIRST is the only way to fix what needs to.

Action has meaning only in relationship, and without understanding relationship, action on any level will only breed conflict. The understanding of relationship is infinitely more important than the search for any plan of action -- Jiddu Krishnamurti

Strange I argued for working together towards a greater good, like building a road, you discarded that as collectivism, now working alone to survive is bad too, especially if you do it in competition with others (Yes the product you provide has to provide a superior value vs other people's products in the eye of the prospective buyer). What do you actually suggest? Do nothing and die? Should everyone just intellectualize while sitting in someone else's house?

What is your grand plan for getting rid of the criminal Zionist banking political cabal that are stealing our livelihoods, houses (did you do house sitting for houses stolen by banks, btw?), families, freedom, health and lives?

21st November 2015, 05:47 AM
ohhh nooooo... not again...

my grandfather was born in Kaysersberg, a county in the Haut-Rhin department in Alsace in north-eastern France. The entire family moved to the south of france when he was more or less 9 years old to start an export-import flower business which became very successful. When he married my grandmother he was a millionaire in gold.... but also an alcoholic and gambler. Didnt end well.

SISTER! My straight line paternal ancestor also came from Elsass-Lothringen, came to Sweden around 1630, during the 30 year war, I carry his family name. We are probably related then. Do you know if you have any family ties to the Alsatian nobility?

I see book, back into sneaky mode again, was it all theater (again) then? ... have fun with yourself... giving book a thank, also tells about you neuro. My previous posting was my last one to you in this thread because if what I am saying in it doesnt make sense to you, nothing ever will.