View Full Version : IMF warns of dollar devaluation and hyper-inflation..... V

3rd November 2014, 11:19 AM
Money this and money the other.....I took a peek by way of the back door, is not a matter of the dollar going down but of less products coming in or GROWING.....what good is it to have money if you can't buy anything because is not there?

"BUY TODAY WHAT YOU WILL NEED TOMORROW" ....because there will be none tomorrow, AT ANY PRICE.

The IMF Just Talked It Over — And They’re Worried About The Global Economy

The International Monetary Fund’s member countries on Saturday said bold action was needed to bolster the global economic recovery, and they urged governments to take care not to squelch growth by tightening budgets too drastically.

http://investmentwatchblog.com/imf-warns-of-dollar-devaluation-and-hyper-inflation/ ................... video.

old steel
3rd November 2014, 11:25 AM

Historic shot from Bank of Canada, Ottawa - Gold Vault (Source: Library and Archives Canada)

Is the gold still there today?

Oh yea as a side note. The Swiss want their gold back too.


3rd November 2014, 06:27 PM
they urged governments to take care not to squelch growth by tightening budgets too drastically.

This is the same IMF who back in 2008 told Governments to tax more.

There was nowhere to collect any taxes from.