View Full Version : so, who's voting today?

4th November 2014, 05:36 AM
lol :rolleyes:

4th November 2014, 06:09 AM
and how's monsantoCo going to work with the spook agencies to make the OR GMO labeling vote outcome end up with a defeat?

I heard one Oregonian say, the anti-labeling money/ads have really intensified in these recent few days; but he figures coz OR is a 100% mail-in ballot state, most will have already mailed in their votes before today, so the big anti-labeling $$ is chasing votes already cast. Terrific idea, btw... mail in ballots are categorically paper ballots, which means they can be recounted/audited... :)

we know how ponce is voting on the OR marijuana legalization measure....


4th November 2014, 06:33 AM
I thought about not voting but I think I will. There's only one guy I'm going to vote for that seems to support the constitution. The others on both sides are criminals or communists so I'll just leave those blank.

There's an issue on the ballot that needs to be voted down concerning more government control of water and water sheds. I need to vote against that.

The interview in this video is pretty good for people to listen to that arn't Jew wise that would help them become more so. In it Wayne Jett makes the point that the elite really don't want people like us to be able to vote because it screws up their attempts to take over natural resources like the water issue I need to vote against. Taking control of the water and then charging the goyim to use it or making back room deals to put money in their own pockets is just another money making opportunity for them.

At one point the interviewer speaks negatively about Hitler but Wayne Jett doesn't take the bait and join him. He doesn't mention the Jews or ever speak negatively about Hitler but he sure sounds to me like he is wise to the Jews, their crimes and how they've been destroying this nation.


4th November 2014, 06:35 AM
I don't vote anymore (for reasons I don't really have to explain here), but it does make me sad how so many people think this is the answer to their problems. By and large, people still believe in salvation through legislation. I can't tell you how many local commercials I've heard talking about "taking back Colorado" or "taking back" this or that. How people can believe this year after year I don't understand.

4th November 2014, 06:52 AM
I don't vote anymore (for reasons I don't really have to explain here), but it does make me sad how so many people think this is the answer to their problems. By and large, people still believe in salvation through legislation. I can't tell you how many local commercials I've heard talking about "taking back Colorado" or "taking back" this or that. How people can believe this year after year I don't understand.

What people don't realize is that whatever it is they feel they need to "take back" was taken from them with their consent in the first place.

4th November 2014, 06:52 AM
I usually vote every election. Sadly, it's been a number of years since I voted for someone I believed in. I find myself voting against rather then for.

4th November 2014, 06:54 AM
I usually vote every election. Sadly, it's been a number of years since I voted for someone I believed in. I find myself voting against rather then for.How's that working out for ya?

4th November 2014, 07:12 AM
I thought about not voting but I think I will. There's only one guy I'm going to vote for that seems to support the constitution. The others on both sides are criminals or communists so I'll just leave those blank.

There's an issue on the ballot that needs to be voted down concerning more government control of water and water sheds. I need to vote against that.

The interview in this video is pretty good for people to listen to that arn't Jew wise that would help them become more so. In it Wayne Jett makes the point that the elite really don't want people like us to be able to vote because it screws up their attempts to take over natural resources like the water issue I need to vote against. Taking control of the water and then charging the goyim to use it or making back room deals to put money in their own pockets is just another money making opportunity for them.

At one point the interviewer speaks negatively about Hitler but Wayne Jett doesn't take the bait and join him. He doesn't mention the Jews or ever speak negatively about Hitler but he sure sounds to me like he is wise to the Jews, their crimes and how they've been destroying this nation.


I was listening to this as I do some house work and it's at 34 minutes into the interview Wayne Jett speaking about the great depression mentions the elite not liking the common people voting and the reasons why.

4th November 2014, 07:23 AM
Vote? why? is like falling from the 100 floor of a building and trying to fly.....you are going to hit the ground no matter what, in voting is the same thing, no matter who you vote for it already has been decided.


4th November 2014, 07:53 AM
How's that working out for ya?

Not so well

4th November 2014, 11:03 AM
I am.

I am giving a Vote of No Confidence & No Consent by refusing to participate.

4th November 2014, 11:48 AM
i ended up going in and voting for sheriff because i know the guy, and sheriff's are actually somewhat accountable. i left the rest of the ballot blank.

4th November 2014, 11:53 AM
Of course, I voted. They give out neat little stickers that say " I voted".

4th November 2014, 12:27 PM
I drove someone to go vote...does that count? Lmao

4th November 2014, 12:47 PM
Is voting related to gambling...............

Hatha Sunahara
4th November 2014, 02:37 PM
I sent in my mail ballot two weeks ago. I voted only for three ballot measures. One that would reform the voting process to qllow the top two votegetters to run aginst each other. i voted against that. Also i votef to legalize marijuana in Oregon, and for requiring labeling of GMO content in food, i.e. against Monsanto. I couldn't get meyself to vote in any races between republicans and democrata, or to endorse anyone running unopposed. So, I vote for no people. I doubt that anything I voted for will win. It never does.


4th November 2014, 03:24 PM
Is voting related to gambling...............

No, because the results are certain with voting: you lose.

Twisted Titan
4th November 2014, 03:37 PM
I refuse to give sanction or validation to my oppressors.

I give them nothing but contempt and scorn.

4th November 2014, 03:44 PM
Also i votef to legalize marijuana in Oregon

Was there an option to decriminalize it? Legalizing it only makes our oppressors more money, kinda like keeping it 'illegal'.

4th November 2014, 04:20 PM
Of course, I voted. They give out neat little stickers that say " I voted".

Sounds like they're adopting the flu shot marketing campaign

4th November 2014, 04:29 PM
No, because the results are certain with voting: you lose.

Same with gambling.....haha

Silver Rocket Bitches!
4th November 2014, 04:40 PM
Michigan had a ballot initiative to lift the ban on hunting wolves that I voted on. Other than that I just voted straight Libertarian ticket. Why not. Oh and I made sure that I voted against the blind joo running for state Supreme Court.

Hatha Sunahara
4th November 2014, 07:15 PM
Was there an option to decriminalize it? Legalizing it only makes our oppressors more money, kinda like keeping it 'illegal'.

Marijuana had effectively been decriminalized in Oregon, by a reluctance of the cops to aggressively enforce possession laws. Also, the fact that there are more than 50,000 medical users in the state detracts from effective criminalization of marijuana. There was no option to formalize decriminalization in the law. It waslegalization or no legalization--no other choices in the ballot measure. I read the ballot measure thoroughly before I voted. They're going to tax the hell out of it, regulate every step of growing and processing it, and require licenses for anything you do with it. But they will let you grow 4 plants for your own use, and you can have 8 ounces in your possession without being prosecuted for violating any laws. The upside is that they won't throw you in jail for mere possession. And, since I don't plan on buying or selling it, rather growing and using it myself, I don't care how they regulate or tax it for commercial purposes. The only major objection I have to their plan on 'legalizing it' is that they will distribute the fees and taxes collected to the police and to the education system. These are two organizations that have resistted legalization of this substance based on lies and distortions, and should not be rewarded from legitimate use of this plant. Still, the lies and distortions are very much alive in this ballot measure, and the main arguments opposing legalization is that it will make it available to children, and will result in an increase in 'impaired driving'. If it is available to children, it will make it that much harder to dumb them down in public schools, and the people who think it will result in impaired driving should consume some of this weed and take a test drive, to see how much it improves your driving. The cops are going to have some difficulties weeding out the stoned drivers (no pun intended). I heard the Washington cops have a foolproof test for stoned drivers: They claim that it reduces your capacity for multitasking. Some people just have no capacity for multitasking to be reduced--but I don't doubt the courts will find the argument presented by the cops to be reasonable and valid regardless of it's real world validity. I can see already that the lies and distortions will not die out after legalization. I'm just waiting to hear how it's going to make all the white girls crave sex with black men.


4th November 2014, 08:41 PM
Florida's medical marijuana initiative, Amendment 2, received more than 50% of the vote, but failed to reach the 60% needed to pass.

Sheldon Adelson pumped millions of dollars into squashing that initiative here in Florida. Scum of the earth. Florida is owned by the Jew Drug and Gambling Cartel.

5th November 2014, 06:29 AM
But they will let you grow 4 plants for your own use, and you can have 8 ounces in your possession without being prosecuted for violating any laws.

It's the same in Colorado, and in the last year I've seen a handful of hydroponic equipment and grow stores pop up around the state. Lots of people grow their own now.

5th November 2014, 06:34 AM
I-594 passed in WA. Loan a buddy your gun anywhere other than a .gov certified range- felon.

mick silver
5th November 2014, 12:08 PM
yep I voted for the worst mother ficker that was running in my state I am now hoping it breaks this country a little faster so yes I am trying to fix what's wrong
are add to what wrong