View Full Version : Why The Principle is the Most Dangerous Movie Ever

4th November 2014, 04:46 PM
Why The Principle is the Most Dangerous Movie Ever (http://www.theprinciplemovie.com/principle-dangerous-movie-ever/)

Why is The Principle so dangerous? Why is there a media blackout about The Principle? The media is not blacking out Citizenfour, an interesting and positive documentary about Edwards Snowden, a man practically accused of being a traitor to the United States by some and hero by others. The media had no problem praising Brokeback Mountain, a very pro-homosexual movie.The media did not hush up The Cider House Rules, a movie that presented a “loving” side to abortion. Sure, they did produce some ruckus around The Passion of Christ, as well as some criticism of Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed, but they did not in the end go silent on them. Part of the reason for the last two, is that they just could not succeed, and eventually that will happen with The Principle (and it is already starting).

The interesting question is why is The Principle so controversial- a simple film about cosmology? What controversial topic does The Principle deal with? Not treason or releasing government secrets to the enemy; not homosexuality; not abortion; nothing that could be called anti-semitic; there were one time statements by some of the interviewees that perhaps they were misled in the interviews or that bits and pieces of interviews were patched together form the internet, the strongest of those which were withdrawn after the fact (see this (http://www.theprinciplemovie.com/concise-overview-media-hoax-principle-documentary/)). Journalists often interview people about uncomfortable topics- this is called investigative journalism, and it often uncovers crimes and corruption. These journalists are often lauded as heroes.

The answer is very simple. The Principle asks uncomfortable questions relating to the very nature of man, God, and the universe, and garners answers that are very different than the mythology that has been painstakingly and at great cost developed over the last four centuries.

The Principle demolishes in 90 minutes in the imago Dei minds of men what took 400 years of stubbornly crafted propaganda to create.
Even as experiment after experiment and observation after observation began challenging the mythology, science itself was modified to maintain the myth, and all aspects of society were conscripted to maintain it.

The Principle reverses all that in 90 minutes. The Principle must be stopped at all costs. Do not allow The Principle to be stopped.

4th November 2014, 06:58 PM
All of those movies have multi tens of millions of budget. they paid for the coverage. thats how you get it. To claim its being deliberately suppressed when there is not the budget to promote it like hollywood does is disingenuous IMO.

I won't be watching this movie JQP. I'm sick to death of it.

4th November 2014, 08:12 PM
No where does it mention the Jew... I find this interesting since we all know about it.

4th November 2014, 08:37 PM
Hoping I can watch it online sometime. There a pay site to view it JQP?

4th November 2014, 10:30 PM
All of those movies have multi tens of millions of budget. they paid for the coverage. thats how you get it. To claim its being deliberately suppressed when there is not the budget to promote it like hollywood does is disingenuous IMO.

I won't be watching this movie JQP. I'm sick to death of it.

This is a low budget flick. There is no millions of dollars involved at this point.

4th November 2014, 10:30 PM
Hoping I can watch it online sometime. There a pay site to view it JQP?

After the theatrical run it will probably go DVD and online. Likely sometime next year.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
5th November 2014, 01:51 PM
This is a low budget flick. There is no millions of dollars involved at this point.

That explains the media blackout. No one knows about it.

5th November 2014, 03:51 PM
That explains the media blackout. No one knows about it.

Fortunately the media blackout followed the media blitz, so there was some visibility to build on.

A Concise Overview of the Media Hoax Against The Principle Documentary (http://www.theprinciplemovie.com/concise-overview-media-hoax-principle-documentary/)

mick silver
5th November 2014, 04:36 PM
so john how has the movie done so far ?

5th November 2014, 06:29 PM
I prefer movies that have done badly, not sure about this one yet. Not going to count this one out.

old steel
5th November 2014, 06:57 PM
Looks very interesting i wish i could find it online to watch, nevertheless it seems there are just as many in the preview that say yea earth and we inhabitants are special as there are that say, no we aren't.


Anyways like someone said in the comments section.

Hasn't the idea of a geocentric universe been debunked since the 1500s?

5th November 2014, 08:50 PM
so john how has the movie done so far ?

The Premier went well in Addison, Illinois. So well that AMC picked it up and will open it in downtown Chicago starting Friday. There are plans to get it to LA and possibly Dallas before the holidays. If these things work out, come the new year, things could get interesting.