View Full Version : Nothing is actually something that is not nothing but a bubbling bath of....

4th November 2014, 05:15 PM

The amended soundtrack is nice. Why doesn't he just say, 'hey, we're bringing back an aether'.

4th November 2014, 05:59 PM
The word aether is yet widely defined, hence the long description.

ofcourse he's a mainstream science apologist, but to go full tilt venus on him with mocking laughter is in no way constructive.

The Earth currently has an axial tilt of about 23.4°.[7] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_tilt#cite_note-ReferenceA-7) This value remains approximately the same relative to a stationary orbital plane throughout the cycles of precession (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precession).[8] (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_tilt#cite_note-8) However, because the ecliptic (i.e. the Earth's orbit) moves due to planetary perturbations (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perturbation_(astronomy)), the obliquity of the ecliptic is not a fixed quantity. At present, it is decreasing at a rate of about 47" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_of_arc) per century (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Century) (see below).


4th November 2014, 07:16 PM
If Earthe straightened itself would it rid us of the filth that tries to completely rule us?

Problem with white people is they are so fucking stupid. They allow the Jews to control them due to political and church like constructiveness. The elimination of the white people is inevitable due to built in retardness. I see my fellow sheep on social media standing up in all fashion for the perpetrators of our demise. fuck them all, I will be gone. I have one white son who knows but will probably be stupid enough to let it happen. The others are non white so they can continue my legacy without problems. Asian Caucasian, better than other inherent breeds.

4th November 2014, 08:04 PM
Not a fan of laugh tracks, though I could go on endlessly writing about nothing, but I won't because in effect it would amount to nothing.
In this case, writing nothing seems to be the best scenario to accomplish something, that is, sparing the reader from reading nothing.

Unless, of course the reader wants to read nothing, which is well within the laws of the literary universe. In fact, the literary universe
is an overflowing caldron of written nothings. Holy shit. Multiple nothings. I'm erecting a tower of babble out of nothing. 0+0=1

God's gonna be pissed off at me. :o

4th November 2014, 10:36 PM
Not a fan of laugh tracks, though I could go on endlessly writing about nothing, but I won't because in effect it would amount to nothing.
In this case, writing nothing seems to be the best scenario to accomplish something, that is, sparing the reader from reading nothing.

Unless, of course the reader wants to read nothing, which is well within the laws of the literary universe. In fact, the literary universe
is an overflowing caldron of written nothings. Holy shit. Multiple nothings. I'm erecting a tower of babble out of nothing. 0+0=1

God's gonna be pissed off at me. :o

I will say nothing. But unfortunately I did say something, so I really can't claim to say nothing, to say nothing of the fact that I said more than one somethings. Much ado about nothing, or is it much ado about something because nothing is actually- STOP. Stop at nothing? No. I will have to redefine nothing so that I can say something yet claim to have said nothing. Nothing to it.

4th November 2014, 10:41 PM
ofcourse he's a mainstream science apologist, but to go full tilt venus on him with mocking laughter is in no way constructive.

Just a little fun. The laugh track actually is timed pretty well.

I understand what he is saying, but he is obviously not talking about nothing. Another way of saying it is the vacuum used to be considered nothing, but really is not nothing. This is just a little skit he does (he did it in The Principle also), and it is often tongue in cheek. And once he launches into the multiverse it gets even crazier.

5th November 2014, 06:07 AM
Link courtesy of an old friend who used to post here, not sure whatever happened to keehah?

Einstein in his special theory of relativity postulated there was no medium, called the ‘aether.’ But Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetism requires it. And Sir Oliver Lodge saw the aether as crucial to our understanding. So Einstein, at a stroke, removed any possibility that he, or his followers, would find a link between electromagnetism and gravity. It served the egos of his followers to consecrate Einstein’s ideas and treat dissent as blasphemy. “Sometimes a concept is baffling not because it is profound but because it's wrong.”[9,10]

Decades later, Paul R. Heyl wrote in Scientific Monthly, May 1954:
“The more we study gravitation, the more there grows upon us the feeling that there is something peculiarly fundamental about this phenomenon to a degree that is unequalled among other natural phenomena. Its independence of the factors that affect other phenomena and its dependence only upon mass and distance suggest that its roots avoid things superficial and go down deep into the unseen, to the very essence of matter and space.” —Gravitation: Still A Mystery.

This sentiment has been echoed down to the present but few are listening. The problem has been worsened by the particle physicists who indulge in their own virtual reality — inventing “virtual particles” to transmit forces. If they “could understand the structure of the particle, in terms of the medium of which it is composed” and put flesh on the metaphysical bones of quantum theory we should be much further advanced. Sir Oliver Lodge deserves to be heard once more:
“..it may be that when the structure of an electron is understood, we shall see that an ‘even-powered’ stress in the surrounding aether is necessarily involved. What I do feel instinctively is that this is the direction for discovery, and what is needed is something internal and intrinsic, and that all attempts to explain gravitation as due to the action of some external agency, whether flying particles or impinging waves, are doomed to failure; for all these speculations regard the atom as a foreign substance -- a sort of ‘grit’ in the aether -- driven hither and thither by forces alien to itself. When, some day, we understand the real relation between matter and aether, I venture predict that we shall perceive something more satisfying than that.”


5th November 2014, 06:20 AM
The word aether is yet widely defined, hence the long description.

ofcourse he's a mainstream science apologist, but to go full tilt venus on him with mocking laughter is in no way constructive.


That's very strange - why does Venus rotate the opposite direction?

5th November 2014, 06:43 PM
That's very strange - why does Venus rotate the opposite direction?

it's a comet.

pay a attention to the angle of 3 of the planets.

6th November 2014, 04:41 AM
Piled High and Deep.

6th November 2014, 05:38 PM
That's very strange - why does Venus rotate the opposite direction?

And she burns...


6th November 2014, 10:19 PM
aether does exist but it is the paramount of all question marks... alchemy was all about it (interaction of the aether with other elements), and thats why it was banned.

The word aether is yet widely defined, hence the long description.

ofcourse he's a mainstream science apologist, but to go full tilt venus on him with mocking laughter is in no way constructive.


6th November 2014, 10:48 PM
I did nothing at work on my last shift. My coworker relieving me asked what I did. I said "I did nothing, and it was all I hoped it could be." (Thanks to the movie Office Space for that one).

The opposite of nothing, is something. Often doing something is not worth the drama that follows it. Nobody can say shit if you do nothing. There's nothing to bitch and moan about.

You want to fly under the radar? Do nothing. Period.

6th November 2014, 10:59 PM
That's very strange - why does Venus rotate the opposite direction?
It's female. Uranus seems undecided. Pluto too but that's a dog, not a real planet...

7th November 2014, 12:13 AM
Nothing is basically a concept of our minds and has no true basis in reality.

7th November 2014, 12:23 AM
Nothing is basically a concept of our minds and has no true basis in reality.
Nothing defines everything...

7th November 2014, 05:45 AM
Nothing defines everything...

Some thing a noun, no thing a verb.

(the above sentence is a complete one)

7th November 2014, 09:40 AM
I concur, the Aether is God' s mind from which emanates everything, and since we can't be in God's mind... it is easy to fall for the nothingness argument.

Nothing is basically a concept of our minds and has no true basis in reality.