View Full Version : Norway is TOO WHITE… According to the President of Jewish Communities in Oslo

General of Darkness
4th November 2014, 09:36 PM
These fucking kikes are relentless. I think a new pogrom is coming and these fuckers aren't going to be able to lie themselves out of this one.

Norway is TOO WHITE… According to the President of Jewish Communities in Oslo… Posted on November 4, 2014 (http://ingramdaily.com/2014/11/norway-is-too-white-according-to-the-president-of-jewish-communities-in-oslo/) | Comments (0) (http://ingramdaily.com/2014/11/norway-is-too-white-according-to-the-president-of-jewish-communities-in-oslo/#idc-container)
http://ingramdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/EK.jpgErvin Kohn – President of The Jewish Community in Oslo and the Deputy Director at the Norwegian Center Against Racism

“The Norwegian people have very little experience dealing with minorities… So we have a BIG “job to do” in bringing minorities to them, according to Ervin Kohn.

Kohn is the President of The Jewish Community in Oslo (https://twitter.com/Ervin01) and the Deputy Director at the Norwegian Center Against Racism.

The question is, since when did Norwegians decide they needed an organization to solve the “problem” of racism in their country? After all, isn’t Norway a homogenous country?

Not for long, if Kohn has his way…

Norway is just TOO white for Kohn and his organization. So they’re now planning to “enrich” the Norwegians with an onslaught of third-world immigrants… And according to Kohn “this will be beneficial to the society, as a whole”.

To understand his interpretation of “beneficial”, just take a look at Sweden; which recently conceded 55 of its own communities to Muslim gangs (http://ingramdaily.com/2014/11/swedish-police-have-ceded-control-over-55-no-go-zones-to-muslim-gangs/). Not to mention a crime wave that’s sweeping through the country exponentially…Or the fact that it’s poised to become an economic third-world country by the year 2030.

Or how about Britain…with its concession to Sharia Law in a growing number of its own communities? In addition to its social strife, crime, unemployment, and a displacement of the British [White] middle-class.

IF all of this is so “beneficial”, why doesn’t Kohn work toward benefiting Israel? Why is he so worried about Europe?

Then again, maybe it’s time for Europeans to stop being so selfish in hogging-up all of these “benefits” and “enrichments” for themselves… Perhaps it’s time for Europeans to round-up coalitions [made up of minorities] to advocate for immigration to ISRAEL. After all, hasn’t Europe been “enriched” enough?


4th November 2014, 10:35 PM
Henrick (Swede) and his Red Ice Radio have done lots of anti-multicult shows this year (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?78250-anti-cultural-marxist-multiculti-White-preservationist-podcasts). This one dealt with their neighbour Norway.

Ingunn Sigursdatter - Norway: Happiest Country on Earth Myth & Awakening the Norsemen (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2014/04/RIR-140414.php)
April 14, 2014

Ingunn Sigursdatter - Norway: Happiest Country on Earth Myth & Awakening the Norsemen
April 14, 2014

Ingunn Sigurdsdatter, was born into a religious and politically active family. Her grandfather was a prominent Norwegian politician for 20 years and head of the Leftist Party. She has degrees in languages & social sciences. She has founded and co-founded three companies, taught at university, high school and alternative school. Ingunn also co-authored a book for children about Thor Heyerdahls crossing of the Pacific Ocean in a balsa fleet. She’ll discuss her profound change in direction that resulted in the decision to turn in her passport to the city mayor and relinquish her citizenship, causing much commotion in the national media.

We’ll discuss the nefarious side of the praised Scandinavian social democracy. She’ll explain how Scandinavian society is engineered to create a citizen that loves their servitude and defends the state at all costs because they cannot see life without it. She points how Norway is The Brave New World. We’ll also discuss the government pension fund of Norway and the corporatization of the state turning human resource into a range of products to be sold on the market.

In the second hour, Ingunn shares what happened when the Norwegian police showed up at her door because she was making and selling food without a permit. Later, we talk about unplugging from the system, anarchy, the Vikings and pre-Christian society in the Scandinavian countries. We’ll talk about why the Nordic countries have been so fiercely opposed and sought to be controlled.
http://www.redicecreations.com/img/radiodownloadbutton.png (http://rediceradio.net/radio/2014/RIR-140414-ingunnsigurdsdatter.mp3)

a few shows there about Sweden's multicult probs too, http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/nonsubscriber.php < CTRL-F "Sweden"

4th November 2014, 11:59 PM
Especially when it snows......

5th November 2014, 12:02 AM
Immigrants gets more money from the state to take Norwegian lessons than students get in scholarship and loan combined. Where i live it's gotten to the point that we cant even house the students because of the increase of immigrants.

These days they are pushing another angle in the immigration issue and that is that children should have special rights so that they wont get sent out of the country. I'm getting seriously sick of all this manipulation.

5th November 2014, 02:26 AM
Israel is too Jewish:


5th November 2014, 06:26 AM
Israel is too Jewish:


Beat me to it. But to further the point, why don't we migrate minorities into Israel so they can also celebrate them?

mick silver
5th November 2014, 12:23 PM
they do go to Israel mad but they are called slaves

5th November 2014, 01:26 PM
Proof that the Jews are not parasites, but parasitoids. Parasites want their host to remain alive. Parasitoids are slash & burn, and will not stop until they kill their host.

These Kosher f**ks advocate for the very (Muslim) immigration that will ultimately destroy them.

5th November 2014, 06:16 PM
Israel is too Jewish. I think they need to diversify it with Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and more Arabs.

5th November 2014, 06:33 PM
Israel is too Jewish. I think they need to diversify it with Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and more Arabs.


5th November 2014, 07:18 PM
Israel is too Jewish. I think they need to diversify it with Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, and more Arabs.

And Palestinians. I guess that would be more Arabs, but, they need to encourage minorities and diversity.

5th November 2014, 08:09 PM
Its just like here, only its mexicans .... but they don't seem as crappy as the muslims?

5th November 2014, 09:13 PM
Its just like here, only its Mexicans .... but they don't seem as crappy as the Muslims?

It is what is readily available because of all the crap that has been going on in the middle-east and Africa since the creation of Israel. Lower level Jews/Zionists hate Muslims with a passion, but the higher level ones sees them as beneficial because they can blame all the problems with immigration on the Muslims.. which is beneficial for the Jewish state.

Bottom line is that all immigrants that are dependent on government handouts lowers the quality of living for everybody else, whether Muslim or Mexican.

5th November 2014, 09:32 PM
It is what is readily available because of all the crap that has been going on in the middle-east and Africa since the creation of Israel. Lower level Jews/Zionists hate Muslims with a passion, but the higher level ones sees them as beneficial because they can blame all the problems with immigration on the Muslims.. which is beneficial for the Jewish state.

Bottom line is that all immigrants that are dependent on government handouts lowers the quality of living for everybody else, whether Muslim or Mexican.

Turd Worlders are Turd Worlders wherever they are, and regardless of whether they have handouts or not. Take away the free ride, and they'd be even nastier.