View Full Version : Lyndon LaRouche says Obama goes down and this will bring new configuration of forces

5th November 2014, 09:17 PM
Lyndon LaRouche says Obama goes down and this will bring new configuration of forces very quickly
Obama Goes Down (http://larouchepac.com/node/32007)


The Nov. 4 midterm elections in the United States were a massive repudiation of everything that Barack Obama represents, which now has to be translated instantly into his actual removal from power, by impeachment or other Constitutional means.

This means the breakdown of Obama, Lyndon LaRouche commented today. This is exactly the trend I saw coming and warned about over the course of last week, he said; now it is happening. Not only has Obama been stripped naked and is wearing only a barrel, which itself is disintegrating, LaRouche commented—in reference to the front page headline and graphic of today's New York Post ("STRIPPED! Emperor has no clothes"). The entire Democratic party, even the serious people, are now wearing nothing but a barrel. You simply cannot merchandise Obama any more; he is a piece of crap who simply needs to be flushed down the toilet.

Not that the Republicans are any damned good either, LaRouche added.

So what we are seeing this week, LaRouche elaborated, is the breakdown of Obama, and the ongoing breakdown of the trans- Atlantic financial system. Everything on the planet is now blowing out, and there is a general collapse of the global economy underway. Things are getting very rough: the global boat is not being rocked, LaRouche said; it is sinking.

This is coming on very fast. Obama has gone down, and this will bring about a new configuration of forces very quickly, LaRouche noted. So get ready for the sleigh ride.
Democrats Wiped Out for Failing to Impeach Obama

The results of yesterday's midterm elections in the United States were not surprising: the Republicans regained the Senate, taking seven new seats (they needed six), including Iowa, North Carolina, Arkansas, West Virginia, Colorado, South Dakota, and Montana. There may be more, depending on expected run-off elections in a couple of states. The House also went further Republican, with 14 (and still counting) seats added to their majority. Obama's coat-tails were so poisonous, that the Democrats even lost the gubernatorial race in the highly- Democratic state of Maryland.

A senior Washington intelligence source summarized the results as a de facto "political impeachment" of Obama, if not yet an actual legal impeachment.

Besides Democratic cowardice and insanity in refusing to break with Obama, House Speaker John Boehner's strategy of protecting Obama from impeachment in order to wipe out the Democrats in these elections, also "succeeded"—if you want to call bringing the world to the edge of thermonuclear war and a financial blowout a "success."

Exit polls show the obvious: 60% of voters were angry or dissatisfied with Obama, and a similarly high percentage were also furious at the Republican Congress; 78% said that they were very or somewhat worried about the economy. But the most telling exit poll was reported by CBS: "half of voters believe the economy will be worse for the next generation." This idea that the future is going to be worse for the next generation, is about as un-American as you can get, and points to the deep current of pessimism that has taken over the country since the murder of JFK. Lyndon LaRouche commented on this poll: That is impossible, we cannot accept that; because if it were true, it would mean the extinction of our country and the human race.

The issue posed by the election is what happens next: Will the Congress (and population) finally move to oust Obama from office immediately? Two years of being a lame duck is unacceptable: that's more than enough time for him to catapult the world into thermonuclear war, obliterate the world economy, and otherwise carry out the British Empire's mandate.


midnight rambler
6th November 2014, 05:20 AM
When has LaRouche ever been right about anything? lol

6th November 2014, 05:59 AM
the once highly demonized Larouche... yeah...