View Full Version : Your favorite War Memorial(s)

7th November 2014, 07:31 AM
not sure where to put this thread . . .

anyway, I was watching some Canadian tv showing the veterans getting ready for Rememberance Day here

and as I saw a pic of the Vimy Ridge Memorial, it makes me think about how war was fought back in the day

in the mud, hand to hand, watching your enemy die before your eyes

i'm not saying that doesn't happen today

i'm just thinking about 10,000 dying IN ONE DAY, ON ONE BATTLEFIELD

not like today
where kids get medals
for killing people
with a drone
using a keyboard
thousands of miles away

my 2 favorite War Memorials are

Vimy Ridge


Vietnam War wall


comments and other suggestions for favorite war memorials . . .

7th November 2014, 09:45 AM
The one down town here that have all the people that have served from here, both the living and the ones killed inscribed with all the names in polished granite standing stones. Have not yet had the chance to visit any other memorials.

midnight rambler
7th November 2014, 09:49 AM
Monuments are the purest form of propaganda, the bigger the monument the bigger the lie, e.g. the Lincoln Memorial.

7th November 2014, 10:08 AM
My favorite War Memorial...not many celebrate peace:


I carry one with me everywhere I go.

midnight rambler
7th November 2014, 10:56 AM
I carry one with me everywhere I go.

You and me both. I use it to show people not only REAL money but that it's the ONLY coin or currency issued by the Dept. of Treasury with a peace eagle on it - everything else has a war eagle (wings outstretched and/or talons out as opposed to an eagle at rest).