View Full Version : Best conventional fighter jet on the planet

old steel
7th November 2014, 11:49 AM



The impressive Su-35S is the latest incarnation of the T-10 family of fighter aircraft. It would be fair to describe this aircraft as the pinnacle of current conventional fighter design, blending a superb basic aerodynamic design with advanced engine, flight control and avionic technology.


midnight rambler
7th November 2014, 11:52 AM
Count 'em, TWELVE hard points.

7th November 2014, 12:41 PM
To me size is not what is important but rather the weapons that they carry.....you can be a fify year old little plane and still defeat the most modern fast planes,

Bigges is not always better.......uffffffffff luck me hahahahahahahah.


7th November 2014, 01:16 PM
Count 'em, TWELVE hard points.
Says 14 at the link...

Celtic Rogue
7th November 2014, 01:16 PM



Looks a lot like the F-14 Tomcat.

7th trump
7th November 2014, 03:39 PM

Looks a lot like the F-14 Tomcat.

Yep.....stolen or copied aerodynamics.
Definitely stolen electronics.
Without the American know-how (and some captured German engineers) the satanic loving bolshevic synagog of satan fake chosen would still be somewhere in the 50's using what outdated advancements they tortured out of the Germans.
They have to murder, lie and manipulate as God doesn't bless them. They sliver on the ground all their days on earth.

All conventional fighters are outdated and worthless in todays technology.
Stealth missiles controlled through satellite links will outmaneuver that Russian piece of shit.
Russia is behind at least 30 years in technology.

7th November 2014, 03:52 PM
Without the American know-how (and some captured German engineers) the satanic loving bolshevic synagog of satan fake chosen would still be somewhere in the 50's using what outdated advancements they tortured out of the Germans.

Are you a clown in real life or do you just play one on the Internet?

The Synagogue of Satan is in Tel Aviv and Jew York Shitty.

The Russians are hardly stupid. Only an imbecile believes that.

Stealth missiles controlled through satellite links will outmaneuver that Russian piece of shit.

I'm gonna laugh when some Russian teenagers simply hack the command links on the WGS satellites, and destroy these "superior" stealth missiles mid-flight. Or send them back where they came from.

7th trump
7th November 2014, 04:02 PM
Are you a clown in real life or do you just play one on the Internet?

The Synagogue of Satan is in Tel Aviv and Jew York Shitty.

The Russians are hardly stupid. Only an imbecile believes that.

I'm gonna laugh when some Russian teenagers simply hack the command links on the WGS satellites, and destroy these "superior" stealth missiles mid-flight. Or send them back where they came from.

Wow...the ignorance coming from you is incredible.
Who do you think the bolshevics are?

midnight rambler
7th November 2014, 05:20 PM

Looks a lot like the F-14 Tomcat.

The F-14 was (emphasis on was) a fine aircraft, but it's nowhere near the aerodynamic perfection of the Su-27 (T-10 family of aircraft). There are several notable distinctions, specifically compare the leading edge root extension aka LERX (of the wings) on the T-10 aircraft (as clean as it gets) vs. the F-14 LERX (pretty dirty), a night and day difference.

And the Sukhoi PAK FA (T50) has moveable LERX, pretty badass (the T50 is light years ahead of the cRaptor) -


7th November 2014, 05:28 PM
Wow...the ignorance coming from you is incredible.
Who do you think the bolshevics are?


midnight rambler
7th November 2014, 05:32 PM
Says 14 at the link...

Four on each wing, one on each nacelle, two on the centerline of the fuselage - the other two elude me.

7th November 2014, 05:32 PM


7th trump
7th November 2014, 05:41 PM
The F-14 was (emphasis on was) a fine aircraft, but it's nowhere near the aerodynamic perfection of the Su-27 (T-10 family of aircraft). There are several notable distinctions, specifically compare the leading edge root extension aka LERX (of the wings) on the T-10 aircraft (as clean as it gets) vs. the F-14 LERX (pretty dirty), a night and day difference.

And the Sukhoi PAK FA (T50) has moveable LERX, pretty badass (the T50 is light years ahead of the cRaptor) -


The lerx isn't what makes a plane.
Face it....the F14 is a 60's design for a 70's plane which the T50 is a modified design copy of.

The pathetic bolshevics have always copied and/or stolen American technology and design...and now they think they are better?
Conventional aircraft are obsolete.... stealth super sonic turn on a dime drones with stealth missiles are the future....and the bolshevics don't have anything remotely close.

midnight rambler
7th November 2014, 05:44 PM
There ya go, all good Satan-worshiping schlong slurpers consistently defend and support the death and destruction of the Death Cult's war machine - REGARDLESS of the facts. lol

7th November 2014, 06:13 PM
Yep.....stolen or copied aerodynamics.
Definitely stolen electronics.
Without the American know-how (and some captured German engineers) the satanic loving bolshevic synagog of satan fake chosen would still be somewhere in the 50's using what outdated advancements they tortured out of the Germans.
They have to murder, lie and manipulate as God doesn't bless them. They sliver on the ground all their days on earth.

All conventional fighters are outdated and worthless in todays technology.
Stealth missiles controlled through satellite links will outmaneuver that Russian piece of shit.
Russia is behind at least 30 years in technology.

The Bolsheviks were Jewish. They were financed by Jewish banks in New York under the auspices of the Rothchilds (Jewish owners). The ensuing revolution and Collectivist (Jewish/Marxist) regime murdered millions of Christians. Just facts that you need to know. Another fact you need to know is that the government of the United States is controlled by the same forces that brought about the Jewish Bolshevik revolution that created the USSR. They are Fucktards of the highest degree and the only thing that ensures their continued dominance is gullible Christians such as you.

My father was an aerospace engineer and no doubt his designs are being used today in the aircraft such as these. He was coerced into training young engineers from China during the 80's and 90's. I think he was a Blue Piller though and would follow his government anywhere and do anything they called on him to do. He was a good man but he was gullible. Intelligence and stupidity can reside in the same place.

7th trump
7th November 2014, 10:28 PM
The Bolsheviks were Jewish. They were financed by Jewish banks in New York under the auspices of the Rothchilds (Jewish owners). The ensuing revolution and Collectivist (Jewish/Marxist) regime murdered millions of Christians. Just facts that you need to know. Another fact you need to know is that the government of the United States is controlled by the same forces that brought about the Jewish Bolshevik revolution that created the USSR. They are Fucktards of the highest degree and the only thing that ensures their continued dominance is gullible Christians such as you.

My father was an aerospace engineer and no doubt his designs are being used today in the aircraft such as these. He was coerced into training young engineers from China during the 80's and 90's. I think he was a Blue Piller though and would follow his government anywhere and do anything they called on him to do. He was a good man but he was gullible. Intelligence and stupidity can reside in the same place.

The bolshevics are not jewish...they are just one factor in who the fake chosen are.

Yes...I know the USofA is influenced....but not controlled entirely by the same bolshevics that brought the world communism.....I've been saying that the whole time I've been posting on this board!
Where the heck have you been?

I'm certainly not gullible.....you're problem with me is you are getting my understanding of who is who all confused with your version.
You're getting your info (disinfo) from this website and other websites....I'm getting all of mine directly from the Bible.
I've known about the fakes since the 1980's when I was in my early 20's ....even have a full set of the "International Jew" by Henry Ford....the originals!
However, much more knowledge is needed in identifying who they are besides todays internet and old books as there are two tribes who didn't go over the Caucasus mountains after Egyptian bondage...the bolshevic fakes have hijacked these two tribes.
You just cant go and kill all the jews...or you would be murdering the two tribes who were hijacked.
This is why God says not to disturb the tares within the wheat...so you don't harm any of the wheat...the angels will surgically remove the tares from the wheat when the harvest is ripe.
You need to pipe down because you aren't mature enough yet!

8th November 2014, 12:20 AM
The bolshevics are not jewish

Ashkenazim (Eastern European or "German" "Jews") = Gog & Magog = Khazars = Bolsheviks

Marx, Trotsky, Lenin - all Ashekenazim. And as Shami's video asserts, Lenin's Bolsheviks were 80+% Jews. So were most of Stalin's killing machine leaders.

8th November 2014, 04:48 AM
You just cant go and kill all the jews...or you would be murdering the two tribes who were hijacked.
This is why God says not to disturb the tares within the wheat...so you don't harm any of the wheat...the angels will surgically remove the tares from the wheat when the harvest is ripe.
You need to pipe down because you aren't mature enough yet!

I never said anything about killing anyone. Strange that you would come out with this statement. As far as me 'piping down' young fellow; I am older than you and possessed of an enormous store of wisdom and lore. Why you young whippersnapper! You are certainly gullible too. You believe in fairy tales promulgated by a book that claims to be the ultimate wisdom and yet cannot even reconcile the concept of God in it's two major parts. The dichotomy is staggering. It is so full of fallacy and contradiction as to be nullified by contradiction upon examination. If I were to believe this book, I would be compelled into the belief that God is Satan himself! Maybe he is.

7th trump
8th November 2014, 07:51 AM
Ashkenazim (Eastern European or "German" "Jews") = Gog & Magog = Khazars = Bolsheviks

Marx, Trotsky, Lenin - all Ashekenazim. And as Shami's video asserts, Lenin's Bolsheviks were 80+% Jews. So were most of Stalin's killing machine leaders.

Completely have it wrong on a biblical stand point of them being jewish.
The word "jew" is a made up name to identify themselves as a member of the 12 tribes when in fact they aren't nothing but imposters.
They aren't jewish in the sense of being the chosen.

Even their God..........lucifer is booted to this earth to play yet another imposter role to fool the earth into worshipping him as Christ Himself.
The word "anti" of "antichrist" as used in Revelations when translated back to its original language means "instead of"......as in "instead of Christ"....not the opposite of Christ but an imposter "instead of Christ".....a fake just as these soviet bolshevics call themselves "jews". They are anything but fakes...they are liars in every aspect.
Until communism (lucifers form of world government) is complately eradicated off the face of this earth don't rule out Russia as being anything friendly....Putin is in power because the fakes have installed him in that position.
I keep telling you twits that Russia attacks from the north...and they will...and it is Putin who is arming Russia to do this.
China has no role in this biblical prophesy of attacking from the north even though they are communism. China doesn't trust Russia and Russia doesn't trust China...reason being is the ethnic difference.
The Chinese don't like their communist government and can easily over throw that dictatorship....quite easily and the communist Chinese government knows their people will.
Study the Chinese before communism took over and you'll see the problem the communist have with the billions citizens it has.
The Chinese are like us...they want to be left alone and live their lives as we do. The Chinese communist government has a problem.

midnight rambler
8th November 2014, 08:00 AM
Donald Trump has a crush on his hero and fantasizes about giving him a happy ending.


8th November 2014, 09:21 AM
Stalin's Jews (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html)

7th trump
8th November 2014, 09:53 AM
Donald Trump has a crush on his hero and fantasizes about giving him a happy ending.


No...you have it backwards.
It always been you who has put the (communist) soviet Russians as one of the worlds greatest achievers....when in fact they aren't nothing but copy-caters. They have to steal and use others idea's...because they aren't blessed.....they slither on their bellies their whole lives while on this earth.
You feverishly defend the soviet Zionists who have murdered and destroyed more than other nation in just a little over 100 years and cost countless tax payers dollars to combat them socially, military and economically.

When you prop up the soviets you are also propping up the fake chosen...the Zionists Israelis.....they are one in the same.

midnight rambler
8th November 2014, 10:15 AM
No, you're confused Donald Trump - it's YOU who'd love to have a romantic evening with your hero Russiaphobe Zbigniew Brzezinski, you'd be hanging to his every word.

7th trump
8th November 2014, 10:34 AM
No, you're confused Donald Trump - it's YOU who'd love to have a romantic evening with your hero Russiaphobe Zbigniew Brzezinski, you'd be hanging to his every word.

Actually, I've never heard of the guy until you brought him up......funny you know all about this guy and about soviet Russia.

What is it with people who accuse others of something...and if the truth be known its always the accusers who are the guilty party.
So I guess you going to tell me and anyone reading to your pro-soviet idolizing bullshit you are not pro Russian?
Hahahahaha....what ever anti-American communist sympathizer!

midnight rambler
8th November 2014, 10:36 AM
No, you're confused Donald Trump - it's YOU who'd love to have a romantic evening with your hero Russiaphobe Zbigniew Brzezinski, you'd be hanging to his every word.

And when you're hanging onto Zbig's every word while he talks shit about Russia you'd be thinking to yourself, "Let's get nekkid Zbig!"

7th trump
8th November 2014, 10:53 AM
And when you're hanging onto Zbig's every word while he talks shit about Russia you'd be thinking to yourself, "Let's get nekkid Zbig!"

Thanks for confirming your a closet soviet zionists (pro-bolshevic murderer).
I bet your a member of the fake tribe as well.

No wonder you hate America so much.
If you hate America that much then just leave America....or is it you stay in America for the free tax-payer benefits?

I notice you are dear friends with the general of darkness who comes from a soviet block country.
BTW, those Dobermans are the dumbest dog you can possibly have. Not a trust worthy dog by any means...they will turn on you with age.
Besides the way GoD is training them...they aren't happy dogs.
I'll take a black Shepherd over any Doberman any day.
Watched a few dogs get into fights before and the long haired dogs always win...besides the sheperds has the strongest bite. Strongest jaw muscles hands down over any dog.
A Doberman like many dogs cant get much of a bite, but fur, on long hair dogs. And when a Sheperd bites down that short haired Doberman its going loose a patch of skin or bleed out.

We had a Spitz (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4c/Spitz.jpg) on the farm and took on two raccoons 3/4 his size that should have done Snoop in, but all the raccoons could do was bite fur. By the time dad got there Snoop had one dead and had cornered the other up against the house....All Snoop had was scratches on his nose and limping on one hind leg. He should have been torn to pieces by two coons with a bigger fight than he had, but the two coons lost in the end.
BTW, the spitz is an excellent shepherd dog...would herd in the cows when they got out and stayed at the location they got out until we showed up. Snoop 4 distinctive barks we knew what they meant...strangers, friends, family or wild animals coming on premises.
A Doberman is a worthless dog in my book.

8th November 2014, 11:07 AM
Trump ~ Do the real Jews you speak of and the Khazar imposters both read from and study the Talmud?

midnight rambler
8th November 2014, 11:11 AM
I've never heard of the guy until you brought him up

You're either lying or you've just confirmed that you're a completely clueless moron, which is it?

Only the completely clueless morons of the world "have never heard of" Carter's national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski (aka Henry Kissinger's evil twin), the evil fuck who formed the Trilateral Commission for David Rockefeller and who single-handedly engineered the fall of the USSR in Afghanistan and subsequently the rise of Al-CIA-duh.

Zbig with his pal Osama been Forgotten



Your hero Zbig giving a pep talk to the newest recruits to the Taliban on behalf of the Death Cult you admire so much -


8th November 2014, 11:13 AM
7th, you do know that the Trotskyites are in control of our government, don't you? They are also known as the Neocons, although there is nothing conservative about them. I would say that the Russians and other satellite nations were able to 'slightly' throw off a bad infection of Marxist collectivism, which is really just Jewish supremacism in disguise. A the while, we in the 'Free World' have been sliding down the toilet bowl of this same Marxism. It smells like a toilet bowl and the smell is coming from our government.

7th trump
8th November 2014, 11:19 AM
7th, you do know that the Trotskyites are in control of our government, don't you? They are also known as the Neocons, although there is nothing conservative about them. I would say that the Russians and other satellite nations were able to 'slightly' throw off a bad infection of Marxist collectivism, which is really just Jewish supremacism in disguise. A the while, we in the 'Free World' have been sliding down the toilet bowl of this same Marxism. It smells like a toilet bowl and the smell is coming from our government.
Not saying we don't have a problem here with our government.......but I'm not a soviet sympathizer either and will not throw out the baby with the bath water.....that's the game pro soviet bolshevic turds like midnight want you to do. Get rid of the Constitution so they can install a soviet style government for America.

midnight rambler
8th November 2014, 11:22 AM
Our own Donald Trump has a burning desire to be Zbig's secret gay lover.

8th November 2014, 11:24 AM
I'm glad we'll all be dead some day.Oh, and 7th are you Hypertiger?

midnight rambler
8th November 2014, 11:26 AM
I'm glad we'll all be dead some day.

"There is no such thing as death" --Bill Hicks

8th November 2014, 11:28 AM
"There is no such thing as death" --Bill Hicks
I'm glad my body will discontinue working.

7th trump
8th November 2014, 02:41 PM
Our own Donald Trump has a burning desire to be Zbig's secret gay lover.

I'll take your name calling and projection as....................defeat!

8th November 2014, 04:15 PM
Not saying we don't have a problem here with our government.......but I'm not a soviet sympathizer either and will not throw out the baby with the bath water.....that's the game pro soviet bolshevic turds like midnight want you to do. Get rid of the Constitution so they can install a soviet style government for America.

Our constitution has been and still is the best thing going. Too bad our illegitimate government will not adhere to the law of the land. I believe it is probably too late for the US. We have been immigrated to death. The Jews made sure that the 'Immigration Reform Act of 1965 was passed. The base of this country, white Christians, are on the run and soon to be seriously outnumbered by 3rd worlders and minorities with a bone to pick, egged on by Jewish media. I am not a Christian, but my family and neighbors are and it is them that I identify and side with if it comes to taking sides, which I believe it will.

I don't believe any on this board are Soviet sympathizers. Anthony aka Occams Razor hasn't been around for years. Russia is a country with loads of good Caucasian stock, and this is a rarity anymore. The farm owners who believe they own us, are pissed off that Russia ( a White country) has vast resources that they can't easily attain. They want to break her up. They are probably doubly pissed because they are not accepting masses of Blacks and Arabs to impregnate their women and overrun their society. Remember when Putin flatly stated that visitors to Russia would do well to adhere to Russian customs and not expect Russians to kowtow to their ways? But what the hell do I know.... I do know that if you are looking for a country that embodies Christian ideals and morality, Russia is doing a lot better than the JewSA.

8th November 2014, 04:48 PM
I find it hard to see any beauty in something designed to kill people for some lying reason.

In fact its the opposite for me , I find it UGLY.............but hey thats just me..........

midnight rambler
8th November 2014, 05:01 PM
I find it hard to see any beauty in something designed to kill people for some lying reason.

In fact its the opposite for me , I find it UGLY.............but hey thats just me..........

How does the above apply to the Russians developing arms for self-defense against the aggression of the Death Cult Bolsheviks?? ???

Kindly cite an instance where one of the Su-27 family of aircraft has been used to kill people "for some lying reason". (and FYI, KAL 007 was not shot down by a Su-27)

8th November 2014, 05:06 PM
How does the above apply to the Russians developing arms for self-defense against the aggression of the Death Cult Bolsheviks?? ???

Kindly cite an instance where one of the Su-27 family of aircraft has been used to kill people "for some lying reason". (and FYI, KAL 007 was not shot down by a Su-27)

sorry its not something Im an expert on or wish to be

midnight rambler
8th November 2014, 05:07 PM
sorry its not something Im an expert on or wish to be

Oh...I see. Don't confuse you with the facts. Got it.