View Full Version : Stunning experiement in world's biggest vacuum chamber

7th November 2014, 02:39 PM
The reason that the bowling ball and the feather fall together is because they are not falling. There is no force acting on them at all. Their masses have effectively been nullified by the vacuum.

serious question for the "gravity" theory... a theory must always be proven right, mustn't it?


the point is that no absolute theory exists. Every time the paradigm changes the theory does too.

7th November 2014, 02:47 PM
The vacuum of space can be used as a form of energy......why no one is working on it?........with a very small tank of oxigine a vacuum can be use with just a drop of air from a tank to create a reciprocation space engine......more oxigine can, menwhile, be created in the ship itself.

Ok, after thinking about it for two hours I came up with the following......like a Wankle (?) engine....more in the future. Don't think of it as being a regular engine........here you are creating propulsion and not rotation.


7th November 2014, 03:34 PM
Stunning experiement in world's biggest vacuum chamber

thought you where talking about the white house for a minute there..........

7th November 2014, 05:25 PM
The only thing this post proves that you have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA ABOUT PHYSICS. PERIOD.

This doesn't disprove gravity in the slightest! Their masses have not been nullified at all. (I can't believe I'm quoting verbatim your illiterate garbage, lol)

If you had any understanding about the matter you'd know that the speed of which an object falls due to gravity IS NOT related to its mass. Thats why in the vacuum, both objects fall at exactly the same speed! ITS SHOWING YOU THAT OUR UNDERSTANDING OF GRAVITY IS CORRECT NUMBSKULL

What determines an objects free-fall speed in an atmospheric environment is its TERMINAL VELOCITY!

Here is the equation for terminal velocity...


NOTE: Cd = the DRAG coefficient!

In other words, the terminal velocity in the feather is much much lower because 1) the mass is a lot less 2) the drag coefficient is lot higher 3) the projected area is a lot higher!


You always utterly butcher anything that has to with academic pursuits, its a crying shame.

You have a lot to learn.

7th trump
7th November 2014, 05:42 PM
What is so hard about understanding gravity?
Gravity has the equal pull on any two objects of any size and weight.

Just because the bowling ball weighs more doesn't mean it has more gravitational pull than the feathers and moves faster.
They both have the equal amount of gravity pulling them to the source of gravity itself.

I was amazed at the weight of air in the chambers though....didn't know air weighed that much.

7th November 2014, 05:45 PM
The reason that the bowling ball and the feather fall together is because they are not falling. There is no force acting on them at all. Their masses have effectively been nullified by the vacuum.

serious question for the "gravity" theory... a theory must always be proven right, mustn't it?

the point is that no absolute theory exists. Every time the paradigm changes the theory does too.

So, you are proposing that Earth is moving towards the feather & ball, not vice-versa? Or are you claiming that neither is happening, and it's all an illusion.

With you, one cannot be sure, since your relationship with reality is not a strong one.

For the sane, we understand that the lack of friction (air) causes both to fall at the same speed, with gravitational effects upon them equal. No other explanation works in any non-psychotic scenario.

EDIT: I tried to present an explanation in "laymen's terms," and aeondaze gave the formal explanation. :)

7th November 2014, 05:49 PM
The vacuum of space can be used as a form of energy......why no one is working on it?........with a very small tank of oxigine a vacuum can be use with just a drop of air from a tank to create a reciprocation space engine......more oxigine can, menwhile, be created in the ship itself.

Ok, after thinking about it for two hours I came up with the following......like a Wankle (?) engine....more in the future. Don't think of it as being a regular engine........here you are creating propulsion and not rotation.


You are referring to Zero Point Energy, and, yes, both kooky amateurs and serious scientists (both system and esoteric independents) are working on harnessing it. As for oxygen as a propellant, that runs out really quickly, and no, you can't "make more" in the ship; it has to be there already, in some form (e.g., water).

As for the Wankel engine, it's an internal combustion engine with a rotating three-sided cylinder; not exactly mysterious.

7th November 2014, 05:52 PM
You have a lot to learn.

Her position is that we are "ignorant" and we are "blinded by the myths we've been taught by the mystery schools."

I think Goldissima would have been a beloved figure at Jonestown.

7th November 2014, 06:43 PM
Rather than insult you like everyone else, singular, why do you say that no gravity is acting on the masses? The vacuum does not eliminate the gravitational field of the earth below the chamber.

7th November 2014, 07:07 PM
You have a lot to learn.

that we agree or not on the observation, I stick to my conclusion: the point is that no absolute theory exists. Every time the paradigm changes the theory does too, in which case gravity is not constant... just as the speed of light is not constant either.

yes another academic bummer

april 2013
Speed of Light May Not Be Constant, Physicists Say
A non-constant speed of light could mean that estimates of the size of the universe might be off

off by HOW much??? billionsssss of light years ?

Doesnt the speed of light arise directly from Maxwell's equations?

7th November 2014, 07:27 PM
space is not a vacuum but filled with aether generating electromagnetic fields. I made clear that I was in favor or the electric universe many times on here already, what aeon of course tried to debunk... he sticks to current so-called theories that are all bound to be REwritten and sooner than he thinks, and this makes Reality what one thinks it is based on the amount of data at the time of investigation itself. Hence elusive, an illusion.

I am far more interested in pioneering ideas, concepts and models, so I can remain open to the unknown and very flexible in my thinking. :)

I identify myself as a pre·cur·sor and hope that my book (in the making) linking metaphysics and emotions/sex will allow me to establish myself and seriously challenge 'psychiatry inc'.

So, you are proposing that Earth is moving towards the feather & ball, not vice-versa? Or are you claiming that neither is happening, and it's all an illusion.

With you, one cannot be sure, since your relationship with reality is not a strong one.

For the sane, we understand that the lack of friction (air) causes both to fall at the same speed, with gravitational effects upon them equal. No other explanation works in any non-psychotic scenario.

EDIT: I tried to present an explanation in "laymen's terms," and aeondaze gave the formal explanation. :)

7th November 2014, 07:32 PM
tnx for dropping by sparky... instead of saying "Their masses have effectively been nullified by the vacuum.", sure I can definitely go along with no gravity is acting on the masses :)

long time no see, hope you are well

Rather than insult you like everyone else, singular, why do you say that no gravity is acting on the masses? The vacuum does not eliminate the gravitational field of the earth below the chamber.

7th November 2014, 08:08 PM
You are referring to Zero Point Energy, and, yes, both kooky amateurs and serious scientists (both system and esoteric independents) are working on harnessing it. As for oxygen as a propellant, that runs out really quickly, and no, you can't "make more" in the ship; it has to be there already, in some form (e.g., water).

As for the Wankel engine, it's an internal combustion engine with a rotating three-sided cylinder; not exactly mysterious.

That is what separets some of us from the many of you.......if everyone were to think as you do we would still be living in the stone age.......now because I can't spell does not means that I cannot think........an item can be used for more than one thing, a Wankel engine can be used for power or to be dropped on you head........see? I gave one solution hahahahahahaahh.

I made a note of my idea, an as usual, simply put it away as a reference.....as a matter of fact I am already working on something else the EVERYONE uses every day at least five times......it will improve this item so that there wont be a spillage......don't blame me for being a thinker, my brain guides me and I follow.


7th November 2014, 09:04 PM
Speed of Light May Not Be Constant

People think they can measure time. As if a second was constant. It depends upon the system you establish for your clock.

In my clock 6 A.M. is marked by sunrise. Absolutely. Where ever I am. 6 P.M. is marked by sunset. Now there is a problem with railroad time (commercial time?). Because at far northern climes the sun mostly circles the horizon during the summer. That makes some interesting paradoxes. Maybe the sun only sets for 2 hours (commercial time) yet in my system there is still twelve hours of darkness ... just compressed into a shorter time. And during daylight what in commercial time is 22 hours to me is still 12 hours. And if this isn't strange enough think of what this non-commercial time system does to a minute and a second .. because in my system minutes and seconds still exist .. they just are not constant.

So is the speed of light a constant? How can it be when an hour isn't even a constant. Yet in the commercial system speed of light is most probably a constant.

Now ... more importantly ... if your bank account contains ten thousand dollars ... do you have a non-commercial definition for what the basic unit of one dollar is actually valued at?

7th November 2014, 09:18 PM
There you go again! Presupposing incorrectly what you think I believe.

I'm all for scientific thought and theory to be re-written BUT...not by buffoons that have zero understanding of the principles and jettison any semblance of logical thought in arriving at their conclusions, which is in essence what you've attempted to do.

I get what you are trying to say or what you think is happening.

You think the presence of a vacuum has somehow changed the gravitational field. An interpretation which is an absolute hack-job and mockery of physics.

What it actually all comes down to is a little thing called division by zero.

Basically the terminal velocity equation has no meaning whatsoever in a frictionless environment like a vacuum because that Cd term becomes zero, then one is dividing by zero which is a mathematical absurdity, quote:

In mathematics, division by zero is division where the divisor (denominator) is zero. Such a division can be formally expressed as a/0 where a is the dividend (numerator). In ordinary arithmetic, the expression has no meaning, as there is no number which, multiplied by 0, gives a (assuming a≠0), and so division by zero is undefined.

Its what happens sometimes in mathematics, not all equations are applicable at all times, there are limits to their functionality. Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of mathematics can grasp when certain equations are applicable and when they are not.

I've said it and I'll say it again. Your understanding of the world is very poor, yet you continue to want to try to marginalize those that understand it quite well.

You suffer form a lethal cocktail of hubris mixed with willful ignorance. Maybe if you tried climbing down from your ivory tower of idiocy for a brief moment you might learn something.

8th November 2014, 02:12 AM
space is not a vacuum but filled with aether generating electromagnetic fields. I made clear that I was in favor or the electric universe many times on here already, what aeon of course tried to debunk... he sticks to current so-called theories that are all bound to be REwritten and sooner than he thinks, and this makes Reality what one thinks it is based on the amount of data at the time of investigation itself. Hence elusive, an illusion.

I am familiar with the "Electric Universe" theory. That is not relevant to this discussion. If it were, you'd have asserted that the feather & ball were influenced in such manner, instead of claiming "they are not falling."

I am far more interested in pioneering ideas, concepts and models, so I can remain open to the unknown and very flexible in my thinking.

I am open-minded, and am here at GSUS because of that. However, one must never be so "open-minded" that their brains fall out.

my book (in the making) linking metaphysics and emotions/sex will allow me to establish myself and seriously challenge 'psychiatry inc'.

Oh, God!

Your publisher will be Adventures Unlimited Press, I presume?

Will Xenu be quoted in your book?

8th November 2014, 02:18 AM
That is what separets some of us from the many of you.......if everyone were to think as you do we would still be living in the stone age


In reality, if science was based on Goldissima's theories, humanity would still be painting on rocks about the "signs from the heavens" (comets).

Denial of reality in favor of "my thoughts create 'reality' however I want it to be" superstition is what has blocked humanity's progress for millennia, whether it's supposedly "Christian," "Hindu," or New Age, as Goldissima's, and, apparently, yours.

8th November 2014, 07:28 AM
I am familiar with the "Electric Universe" theory. That is not relevant to this discussion. If it were, you'd have asserted that the feather & ball were influenced in such manner, instead of claiming "they are not falling."

instead of saying "Their masses have effectively been nullified by the vacuum.", sure I can definitely go along with no gravity is acting on the masses.

it is my answer to someone who can initiate decent conversations, UNLIKE you. Look at all the stress *you and aeon* have created because of I mis-phrased and call me an ignorant. Everybody makes such mistakes every now and then... I am far from perfect.

edit: the day scientists will approach their data with humility, sciences will favor the betterment of mankind. This know it all degree oriented mindset has to stop. Additionally, the NWO order knows how to manage the release of worthier data every now and then, by controlling PhDs.

8th November 2014, 08:09 AM
The experiment follows Newton's law of gravitation perfectly (at least qualitatively). Newton's law of gravitation is an approximation of reality that works up to some size of object or collection of objects. That size is something less than the size of galaxies, at which point Newton's law breaks down (unless metaphysical substances such as dark matter are added).

Newton's law of gravity makes no claim as to what causes gravity (i.e., mass attraction, pushing force, etc.). It is simply a linear curve fit to observations (linear in acceleration). Le Sage's gravity and Newton's both end up with the same formula

F= (m1 m2 G) / r^2

Where G is a constant.

The next fundamental question is whether gravity is a universal force or not. It may not be. It could be a product of aether flows.

Regardless, we know enough about physics to deal with gravity in our part of the universe.

The next fundamental concept we do not understand, but can deal with is inertia.

Between our lack of understanding of those two phenomenon, a lot of different theories of cosmology are possible and within the scope of observations.

8th November 2014, 08:10 AM
aerodynamic drag is like a fluid version of friction.

it is very real, regardless of how it is modelled.

8th November 2014, 08:30 AM
Order is apparent in all things within the universe, nothing is completely random even when tenuously diverted.

All "paradigm shifts" are nothing more than a bend in a river, weak force gravity effect the desire of atoms to be a part of something larger than themselves, ergo, egoicly. This "The State" is ever presence in vacuum chambers and egos across the universe.

A Strong electric plasmatic force is the one ring and singular force that rules them all, remaining ever present yet elusive lies within nothing and everything, light and dark.


8th November 2014, 08:37 AM
aerodynamic drag is like a fluid version of friction.

it is very real, regardless of how it is modeled. Air (gas) & water (fluid) both can be considered fluids and along with aerodynamics fall under fluid dynamics which is a subdiscipline of fluid mechanics. Air is considered a fluid and it behaves just like fluids but on different scales because of viscosity and compressibility as I understand it.

8th November 2014, 11:47 AM

8th November 2014, 11:53 AM
Whatever, this only confirms what I was taught in the early/mid 80's in High School.

8th November 2014, 12:33 PM
Denial of reality in favor of "my thoughts create 'reality'

since knowledge is endless, YES, it is what one's perceptions based on what one knows at the time of the experiment/observation that ONLY matters. Hence conclusions will remain subjective forever... a projection of the mind and creates a chain of events associated with it. Projections/assumptions shape one's live. Much more seriously, why the heck would mind control be an elite weapon of choice do you think?

nothing new age in here or whatever you want to call it. Its the very nature of Reality. Holographic. Now you may not agree with this concept, but trashing it will not make you right.

8th November 2014, 02:46 PM

8th November 2014, 05:06 PM
Air (gas) & water (fluid) both can be considered fluids and along with aerodynamics fall under fluid dynamics which is a subdiscipline of fluid mechanics. Air is considered a fluid and it behaves just like fluids but on different scales because of viscosity and compressibility as I understand it.


Navier-Stokes equations from wiki.

8th November 2014, 05:23 PM
Yep, it works!

9th November 2014, 08:50 AM
You're all working in imaginative terms...

The Navier–Stokes equations are also of great interest in a purely mathematical sense. Somewhat surprisingly, given their wide range of practical uses, it has not yet been proven that in three dimensions solutions always exist (existence (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Existence_theorem)), or that if they do exist, then they do not contain any singularity (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathematical_singularity) (they are smooth). These are called theNavier–Stokes existence and smoothness (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navier%E2%80%93Stokes_existence_and_smoothness) problems. The Clay Mathematics Institute (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clay_Mathematics_Institute) has called this one of the seven most important open problems in mathematics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennium_Prize_Problems) and has offered a US$1,000,000 prize for a solution or a counter-example.​....

9th November 2014, 04:00 PM
You're all working in imaginative terms...

Navier Stokes equations do work in the engineering world. They are used by engineers every day, and the results do correspond to reality. Whether they are perfect or not is another question. As your quote says "given their wide range of practical uses". There may not always be solutions, especially for very complex flows. But engineers work with them the best they can. Newton's gravitation law breaks down at the scale of galaxies too, but is very useful for cars, buildings, ships, aircraft etc.