View Full Version : Resource exporting Russia might be a better ally than resource extracting America.

old steel
8th November 2014, 11:39 AM
Well that didn't take long... (http://cluborlov.blogspot.ca/2014/11/well-that-didnt-take-long.html)

Back in early August I made a very specific prediction (http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/08/german-stunner-west-is-on-wrong-path_8.html) as to the effect of US/EU sanctions against Russia:

I see tractors clogging the streets of Europe's capitals and dumptruck-loads of manure decorating the steps of government buildings before too long. Here's the photographic evidence from Toulouse, France: irate farmers fling poo.

http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tohx2K9E_tY/VFzhgq-FXMI/AAAAAAAAFso/rX7jghdZsWM/s1600/toulousePoo.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tohx2K9E_tY/VFzhgq-FXMI/AAAAAAAAFso/rX7jghdZsWM/s1600/toulousePoo.jpg)

In this case, ”before too long” = 3 months. But in other cases it may be a bit longer. This is, after all, only the beginning. Take this prediction, for example:

I see the political elites and their oligarch puppet-masters becoming endangered species in the United States before too long as the populace, including their own bodyguards, turns against them.


8th November 2014, 01:08 PM
The Eagle cannot longear fly......all that the US is doing is to create more enemies, and some day "We The People" will be the ones to pay for the mistakes of "our" government.........welcome to the new America.


8th November 2014, 03:34 PM
I see the political elites and their oligarch puppet-masters becoming endangered species in the United States before too long as the populace, including their own bodyguards, turns against them.


I think they are hoping to have the robot death machines operational before that happens. I've noticed a sudden spike of machines telling us what to do. At the market check out. Fully self serve checkout. Immigration is fully automated here in Australia now. You have to stand in front of a machine which takes a scan and you feed your passport into a slot. They have a supervisor who actually yells at you what to do. Like a drill sargeant. Won't be long before that becomes a machine. Machines yelling at people. Scanning them.