old steel
8th November 2014, 12:39 PM
Well that didn't take long... (http://cluborlov.blogspot.ca/2014/11/well-that-didnt-take-long.html)
Back in early August I made a very specific prediction (http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/08/german-stunner-west-is-on-wrong-path_8.html) as to the effect of US/EU sanctions against Russia:
I see tractors clogging the streets of Europe's capitals and dumptruck-loads of manure decorating the steps of government buildings before too long. Here's the photographic evidence from Toulouse, France: irate farmers fling poo.
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tohx2K9E_tY/VFzhgq-FXMI/AAAAAAAAFso/rX7jghdZsWM/s1600/toulousePoo.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tohx2K9E_tY/VFzhgq-FXMI/AAAAAAAAFso/rX7jghdZsWM/s1600/toulousePoo.jpg)
In this case, ”before too long” = 3 months. But in other cases it may be a bit longer. This is, after all, only the beginning. Take this prediction, for example:
I see the political elites and their oligarch puppet-masters becoming endangered species in the United States before too long as the populace, including their own bodyguards, turns against them.
Back in early August I made a very specific prediction (http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/08/german-stunner-west-is-on-wrong-path_8.html) as to the effect of US/EU sanctions against Russia:
I see tractors clogging the streets of Europe's capitals and dumptruck-loads of manure decorating the steps of government buildings before too long. Here's the photographic evidence from Toulouse, France: irate farmers fling poo.
http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tohx2K9E_tY/VFzhgq-FXMI/AAAAAAAAFso/rX7jghdZsWM/s1600/toulousePoo.jpg (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-tohx2K9E_tY/VFzhgq-FXMI/AAAAAAAAFso/rX7jghdZsWM/s1600/toulousePoo.jpg)
In this case, ”before too long” = 3 months. But in other cases it may be a bit longer. This is, after all, only the beginning. Take this prediction, for example:
I see the political elites and their oligarch puppet-masters becoming endangered species in the United States before too long as the populace, including their own bodyguards, turns against them.