View Full Version : Guy Goes To Mexico To Kill Himself, Spends Week Doing Coke And Banging Hookers,

old steel
8th November 2014, 12:52 PM
Decides To Keep Living
http://cdn.totalfratmove.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/c86bbb57387a26c1b6be2e412136dda0.png (http://cdn.totalfratmove.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/c86bbb57387a26c1b6be2e412136dda0.png)
Two thousand dollars spent on a trip to Mexico, a cab ride, a seedy hotel room, excessive amounts of cocaine, and hooker orgies legitimately saved a man’s life. This might be the first time anyone’s ever said that. Don’t know.
Amidst a battle of debilitating depression, he traveled to Mexico to purchase “chemicals” to humanely end his life. The aptly-named Reddit user, plzsendhalp (http://np.reddit.com/r/casualiama/comments/2lbqym/traveled_to_mexico_to_buy_chemicals_to_humanely?co ntext=0), shares his story involving ripping lines of coke off hookers’ tits, battling whiskey/coke dick with Viagra, multiple threesomes, and of course his will to finally live.
From reddit (http://np.reddit.com/r/casualiama/comments/2lbqym/traveled_to_mexico_to_buy_chemicals_to_humanely?co ntext=0):

Went to Mexico to buy barbiturates for a humane and peaceful death.
Decided that if I was gonna die anyway I might as well fuck a prostitute before it was all over. After that a cab driver offered to sell me cocaine. One thing lead to another, and I got a room above a whore house equipped with a heart shaped bed, a stripper pole, and a hot tub.
Spent a full week snorting coke off tits, popping pain meds, drinking tequila, eating handfuls of Viagra to fight the whiskey/coke dick, and had three FFM threesomes.
Somewhere in the midst of my coke-fueled orgy I decide life wasn’t so bad after all.
He then packed his shit up and headed back home, STD-free.
Personally speaking, after a week filled with cocaine and sex with Mexican prostitutes, I’d descend into a deep, dark state of depression from the effects of my moral hangover. I’m glad it worked for this guy, though.
He goes on to explain in the comments that his depression was caused by an abusive childhood, then offers words of encouragement for anyone dealing with similar depression issues. He doesn’t suggest they go the Mexico hookers and cocaine route, but he encourages nonetheless. He also fields an onslaught of private messages from people seeking his advice–a true good samaritan..
[via reddit (http://np.reddit.com/r/casualiama/comments/2lbqym/traveled_to_mexico_to_buy_chemicals_to_humanely?co ntext=0)]

General of Darkness
8th November 2014, 01:01 PM
First thing that came to mind, BENDER.

http://www.quickmeme.com/img/18/18b9b55f0335b3008aec2311285b872b7bdd69559a668fb6ff b295ece7435968.jpg




8th November 2014, 01:09 PM
So maybe it would have worked out better for Robin Williams if he had avoided medication and just had a good binge?

Unfortunately now that he has a strong will to live he will probably come down with some terminal nasties.

8th November 2014, 01:11 PM
sounds a little bit like a Nicholas Cage movie.

except Cage went to Las Vegas instead of Mexico.

8th November 2014, 01:13 PM
Only Two thousand dollars for all that? for a whole week?........bull caca.......maybe in Rhodesia or in the middle of the Amazon but not in Mexico.


old steel
8th November 2014, 01:56 PM
Only Two thousand dollars for all that? for a whole week?........bull caca.......maybe in Rhodesia or in the middle of the Amazon but not in Mexico.


Ponce we are talking about the reserve currency of the entire planet which happens to be on a terror at the moment and down in Mexico which is probably the most corrupt country on the planet excepting that same Zionist controlled USA.

8th November 2014, 02:43 PM
Sounds to me like "guy goes on binge with family's savings, needs excuse to keep wife from taking kids and leaving".

But sometimes you just gotta say "why the fuck not?".

8th November 2014, 04:38 PM
A change is as good as a holiday ................this guy probably wanted to kill himself because he was sick of working and getting no where , either that or he was a silver investor(just kidding)...........

8th November 2014, 04:41 PM
A Mexican in Mejico could do it........but never a gringo who doesn't speak the language....he would be lucky to come back with his shorts on.


8th November 2014, 04:52 PM
Ponce, how do you know he can't speak Spanish? Or that he was a full fledged gringo?

Anyways......If he's happy I'm tickled for him...party on Garth :)

8th November 2014, 05:05 PM
A Mexican in Mejico could do it........but never a gringo who doesn't speak the language....he would be lucky to come back with his shorts on.


Sounds like most of the time down there he did not have his shorts on!

8th November 2014, 05:07 PM
hahaha yes he lost his shorts early in the piece........

8th November 2014, 06:02 PM
Hahahahaahhahah, good one gents.