View Full Version : Who the f^*k is this guy.......

8th November 2014, 06:36 PM



General of Darkness
8th November 2014, 06:44 PM




8th November 2014, 06:56 PM
Sounds like the typical New Ager, nothing special.

8th November 2014, 09:02 PM
Don't accept Lucifer and dont join the club. Seems simple.

9th November 2014, 12:29 AM
Sounds like the typical New Ager, nothing special.

Typical new ager .............WTF..............Your a classic CT..........

9th November 2014, 12:36 AM
He looks like he needs some sun ..........still he mighten like it as he probably only comes out at night.

9th November 2014, 02:04 AM
Typical new ager .............WTF..............Your a classic CT..........

All New Age ideologies are Luciferian. I'm sorry you're not willing to admit it.

9th November 2014, 08:13 AM
All New Age ideologies are Luciferian. I'm sorry you're not willing to admit it.

You might as well lump in Old Age ideologies with your statement.

9th November 2014, 01:21 PM
All New Age ideologies are Luciferian. I'm sorry you're not willing to admit it.

Er no ,why.

Is that in line with your negros are animals perception...........

9th November 2014, 02:12 PM
You might as well lump in Old Age ideologies with your statement.

Nearly all of them, yes.

9th November 2014, 02:19 PM
Er no ,why.

Is that in line with your negros are animals perception...........

I make no apologies for stating the truth.

All New Age ideologies are products of occultism, most of them direct products of Judeo-Freemasonry. It's no surprise that New Age ideologies are all universalist, that is, pro-race mixing. New Age ideologies all aim for "one world, one race," towards Tower of Babel Two, or, what Revelation calls "Mystery Babylon."


He may be your equal, but he sure isn't mine.

11th November 2014, 03:21 PM
New age is the same old lie.

11th November 2014, 03:29 PM
Typical new ager .............WTF..............Your a classic CT..........

New Age philosophy actually is Luciferianism.

I'm an atheist too, and telling you this from a non-Christian perspective. It's the hip/trendy version. TPTB want people to reject the Police State, and run into the arms of the New Age, and that will be the NWO global religion. Basically the trick is to first use overt control, and then sell covert control as the solution.

Look at how the Establishment did the hoses and dogs on protestors during the Civil Rights movement, then assassinated MLK, turning him into a martyr/God (overt control.) Now we have everyone and their dog spewing political correctness and controlling another with the new religion of Cultural Marxism. The Establishment now uses covert control in this situation.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

11th November 2014, 03:35 PM
I make no apologies for stating the truth.

All New Age ideologies are products of occultism, most of them direct products of Judeo-Freemasonry. It's no surprise that New Age ideologies are all universalist, that is, pro-race mixing. New Age ideologies all aim for "one world, one race," towards Tower of Babel Two, or, what Revelation calls "Mystery Babylon."


He may be your equal, but he sure isn't mine.

he is your equal CT ,the one with the tail I mean as it likes to spread BS everywhere also.

No the guy in the OP is closer to your equal as he is white , hates lowly blacks and probably pretends to be a christian.

11th November 2014, 03:45 PM

11th November 2014, 04:45 PM

From your link:

New World Order As the Age of Aquarius unfolds, a New Age will develop. This will be a utopia in which there is world government, and end to wars, disease, hunger, pollution, and poverty. Gender, racial, religious and other forms of discrimination will cease. People's allegiance to their tribe or nation will be replaced by a concern for the entire world and its people.

mick silver
11th November 2014, 04:59 PM

11th November 2014, 06:05 PM
The High Guru for nearly all 20th and 21st Century New Age religious trends:


Wicca, open Satanism, Aquarianism, neo-Gnosticism, Gaianism, "modern" Sorcery, and so on. If it's occult, it's likely Crowley's child.

11th November 2014, 06:06 PM
pretends to be a christian.

Pretends? Only those who worship the Jew World Order's new interracist Tower of Babel, like you do, are "Christians"?

11th November 2014, 06:23 PM
An Aura is believed to be an energy field radiated by the body. Invisible to most people, it can be detected by some as a shimmering, multi-colored field surrounding the body. Those skilled in detecting and interpreting auras can diagnose an individual's state of mind, and their spiritual and physical health.

New Age is nothing to do with a one world government , dont you think for a minute that everything has been infiltrated so the very opposite is shown.

Isnt the idea of people waking up going to create a new age .

Im sure peoples īdea"of what new age is, is wide and varied, but there is no new age unless the controllers are unraveled and this is hopefully happening .

Having a bunch of evil people running the planet couldnt be called a new age dream , quite the opposite in fact and its a lot of these people that will participate in its down fall.

Otherwise all we end up with is totalitarian rule in the extreme which is very old age.

I will admit that large parts of new age has been infiltrated and twisted, in the end it comes down to a persons discernment of the truth .

So having an aura would be classed as new age except everyones got one .

There is no new age organization as such and there is no new age either there is only one age and thats this age.

Call me a This Ager..........

11th November 2014, 06:34 PM
New Age is nothing to do with a one world government , dont you think for a minute that everything has been infiltrated so the very opposite is shown.

A New World Order / Second Tower of Babel and the New Age religions are products of the same occultists.

The aim is to destroy the Truth about God, and bring about planet wide worship of a counterfeit deity.

"Anti-Christ" does not so much mean "against Christ," but "in place of Christ."

One world, one race, one religion, one government. "All united for the sake of humanity."

11th November 2014, 06:48 PM
A New World Order / Second Tower of Babel and the New Age religions are products of the same occultists.

The aim is to destroy the Truth about God, and bring about planet wide worship of a counterfeit deity.

"Anti-Christ" does not so much mean "against Christ," but "in place of Christ."

One world, one race, one religion, one government. "All united for the sake of humanity."

This is an example of your idea of its meaning.

Its nothing of the sort and its all about light verses dark......pick your side.

There are no deities and the time for worshiping them has passed , a deities is just that another mind and belief trip.

So despising black people is for christ..........

If a person wasnt to live in their intellect so be it but if you do ,I can guarantee that person will be running around in circles where everything is very scary...............

12th November 2014, 12:09 AM
Its nothing of the sort and its all about light verses dark......pick your side.

There are no deities and the time for worshiping them has passed , a deities is just that another mind and belief trip.

The Masters of this World are very pleased you have denied God. You have chosen their side.

12th November 2014, 07:47 AM
Pictures of remote tribes about to go extinct....While looking at it, plz take a moment to realize that bestiality is a huge market within the porn industry, and not only in the west... I personally find this picture discomforting, but there is a lot more horrible going on, such as pedophila rampant throughout the world.

ps: this tribal man is merely stimulating milk production if I recall well.


12th November 2014, 08:23 AM
Pictures of remote tribes about to go extinct....While looking at it, plz take a moment to realize that bestiality is a huge market within porn industry, and not only in the west... I personally find this picture discomforting, but there is a lot more horrible going on, such as pedophila rampant throughout the world.

ps: this tribal man is merely stimulating milk production if I recall well.

LOL... he sure doesn't know where the milk comes out.
Looks more like a twiggy insect parasite. That image is foul... showing the base existence of a dying breed.

Serpo- you would do well for yourself to seek out truth. There are powerful spiritual realities shaping the physical world. Deception is a real thing. You can see it in politics, school, churches, business, etc. There is spiritual blindness smothering those who should be leaders with vision... but are just tools. Many think they are waking up, but are just sucking on the ass of the devil thinking they are drinking milk.

mick silver
12th November 2014, 08:26 AM
hell ... most in this country were ask to go and milk a cow would jack off a bull

12th November 2014, 08:44 AM
I dont know when I saw a documentary showing this, and I said "if I recall well", could be for urine stimulation as some tribes use the urine to make their hair turn red.

cow urine and placentas have tremendous properties, in the west we used them to but not in this fashion. We just have the technology to make it look acceptable. the upside with those tribes is that they dont pollute the planet the way we do. We mock them while we are the destroyers. The point is that knowing comes with many strings attached, being a savage is then relative. We have bombs to blow off the planet, they dont...

ps: most homeopathic remedies come from tribes like this one. But this knowledge was deemed as witchcraft by the inquisition. As a result, christianity has delayed medical advances by centuries. Just another way to help diseases to kill off humans, and we are still at it.

so when are you going to start a thread about bestiality in porn worldwide?

LOL... he sure doesn't know where the milk comes out.
Looks more like a twiggy insect parasite. That image is foul... showing the base existence of a dying breed.

Serpo- you would do well for yourself to seek out truth. There are powerful spiritual realities shaping the physical world. Deception is a real thing. You can see it in politics, school, churches, business, etc. There is spiritual blindness smothering those who should be leaders with vision... but are just tools. Many think they are waking up, but are just sucking on the ass of the devil thinking they are drinking milk.

12th November 2014, 10:50 AM
cow urine and placentas have tremendous properties, in the west we used them to but not in this fashion. We just have the technology to make it look acceptable. the upside with those tribes is that they dont pollute the planet the way we do. We mock them while we are the destroyers. The point is that knowing comes with many strings attached, being a savage is then relative. We have bombs to blow off the planet, they dont...

LOL... nice try at a positive spin for the monkey-brained savages. I don't care what chemical or medicinal properties you claim for placentas or urine. A twiggy sucking an animal's ass is plain barbaric and stupid. Judging by the physical build, that stick figure is likely dead by now.

ps: most homeopathic remedies come from tribes like this one. But this knowledge was deemed as witchcraft by the inquisition. As a result, christianity has delayed medical advances by centuries. Just another way to help diseases to kill off humans, and we are still at it.

Oh I am sure I would like to look as healthy as that fine specimen. What are some of his amazing homeopathic remedies... I got my paper & pencil ready. Better- I have a pen and a phone.

so when are you going to start a thread about bestiality in porn worldwide?

Nah... already did that with the muslim goat-humpers. That's about all the dregs I can handle.

12th November 2014, 08:59 PM
cow urine and placentas have tremendous properties, in the west we used them to but not in this fashion.

Drink up!

We mock them while we are the destroyers.

Who's "we"? Your fellow Jews?

ps: most homeopathic remedies come from tribes like this one.

No, they don't.

Homeopathy was a purely European thing.

But this knowledge was deemed as witchcraft by the inquisition.


As a result, christianity has delayed medical advances by centuries.

Nope. Without Christianity and Christians, we probably still wouldn't have hospitals - "the sick are weak, and should die."

so when are you going to start a thread about bestiality in porn worldwide?

Would you like to address bestial sex with four-legged or two-legged animals?

13th November 2014, 06:55 AM
Nobody on forum has ever laid claim to new age ideologies in whole, but rather separated wheat from chaff.

The same way others do from rather old age "new" testament Christianity.

Its the same picture of a manchild sucking cow ass, then calling it skim milk.