View Full Version : A exercise class in NZ.........

8th November 2014, 08:45 PM

8th November 2014, 08:54 PM

8th November 2014, 09:07 PM
The Niggerfication of the White race, indeed, the entire human world, continues...

Joseph Pilates didn't need animal-mating ass-jiggling to be in top fitness. Neither did Jack LaLanne.

The source for twerking:



9th November 2014, 12:23 AM
Not really into animals.........

But hey ,what ever takes your fancy.....

9th November 2014, 02:05 AM
Not really into animals.........

But hey ,what ever takes your fancy.....

Neither am I, which is why I avoid Niggers and Nigger "culture."

9th November 2014, 01:16 PM
Neither am I, which is why I avoid Niggers and Nigger "culture."

So a racist then.....

9th November 2014, 01:31 PM
So a racist then.....

Racist? Or realist?

Concerning the video, how NZ-ish is the last name of the twerking gym instructor, "Ackermann"?

9th November 2014, 01:36 PM
Racist? Or realist?

Concerning the video, how NZ-ish is the last name of the twerking gym instructor, "Ackermann"?

In NZ a rasict , perhaps things are different in America

9th November 2014, 02:58 PM
So a racist then.....


That "racist" shit doesn't work on me. Thanks for outing yourself as an "anti-racist." "Anti-racism" is a codeword for anti-White, and is practiced exclusively by tools of the System.

9th November 2014, 02:59 PM
Racist? Or realist?

I call myself a race realist or racial realist. :)

Concerning the video, how NZ-ish is the last name of the twerking gym instructor, "Ackermann"?

Shalom, what a surprise.

9th November 2014, 04:10 PM

That "racist" shit doesn't work on me. Thanks for outing yourself as an "anti-racist." "Anti-racism" is a codeword for anti-White, and is practiced exclusively by tools of the System.

Im not anything with labels you wish to stick on my forehead............

I was brought up in NZ ...we have a mixture of races that make up that country.........

It is probably unique in this aspect.......

We treat each other with respect..............if I am in some other country I have to learn to be a racists but thats impossible.

9th November 2014, 04:42 PM
Im not anything with labels you wish to stick on my forehead............

You stuck it on your own forehead. You used the Jewsmedia buzzword "racist" in the classic manner they intend for it.

I was brought up in NZ ...we have a mixture of races that make up that country.........

The English, Scots, Irish, etc. that built your country are "New Zealand." The Maoris? LOL

It is probably unique in this aspect.......

Unique? You're kidding, right?

Let the Maoris overwhelm you, and your country will look just like any other Turd World shithole.

We treat each other with respect

"Anti-racism" is required by force of law, as in most places. Respect for the "minorities" is demanded, at gun point.

However, the Maoris are given a pass, and allowed to call Whites "Pakeha," which is an equivalent of "Nigger," but since it's for White people, that's OK.

One could also ask the victims of Maori crime if they feel "mutually respected":

Maori crime 'fact of life'


9th November 2014, 04:59 PM


9th November 2014, 05:26 PM
The English, Scots, Irish, etc. that built your country are "New Zealand." The Maoris? LOL

No NZ means everyone.....

9th November 2014, 05:34 PM
No NZ means everyone.....

Spoken like a good globalist interracist.

"Zealand" - a province of the Netherlands. Named by the White man, created by the White man, and created for the White man. Globalist interracists making "New Zealand for everybody" is not "progress," it's treachery.

Sad that I speak for the future of the White children of New Zealand while you do not.

Treason on display:

The end of a 'white New Zealand' policy


9th November 2014, 05:55 PM
Maoris invented trench war fare, they were not beaten, they formed a treaty with pakeha or white man,pakeha is the maori name whites,its not offensive.Maoris have respect , our anthem is sung in 2 languages , all the Maoris I have met have been good/interesting people.

I know a kid who was locked up for throwing stones at an asian restaurant or something and then some years later he married a japanese girl who was in from Brazil.

When I see down trodden or repressed people ,thats what I see ,not that they are of some race ect.

This is the truth, or you can see people as this race or that ect, but this is coming more from a built up attitude which is carried around with a person.

The truth isnt racist for the truth is the truth.

Black people are part of America and you have to take the good with the bad but everyone is American, its your country .

Black people who are persecuted everyday a bit like the Palestinians and if they are acting up or rebelling then who can blame them.Wouldnt you be if you where black, how many locked up in jail in relation to white people , its a joke and plain as day.

Its bad enough for white people who are just waking up but if you are black as well then its probably twice as bad to start with.

America crushed the Indians and then brought over black slaves and crushed them also.

If I am racist then its more to the white race if anything which I seem to be one of.

The white race has come out of Britian and conquered the world by force , and lies , remember what the Indians said, white man speak with forked tongue.

CT the great christian believing negros are animals and not human hahaha , well Ive got news for you and it is that they are human and part of the human race..................

Maybe if I lived in America I could learn to hate a race , especially if they where nasty all the time but isnt that a direct result of white mans oppression, isnt this what the PTB want everyone hating each other so the can do their dirty work easier.

In the end , the very end you have to ask yourself do I have to go around HATING or can I just throw hate out the window.

If I have any hate I at least would direct it too the people that deserve it ......ie TPTB.........

There is no man on the planet that I would imagine/feel I am superior too, because Im not ,Im one of them a member of the human race.

A person could have millions of dollars or a person could have nothing , yet often the person with nothing can have my greater respect.

Ive seen also what excess money can do to people and this often gives a person an inflated view of themselves and everything they do.

Dont get caught up , see what is the truth behind every situation thats is unless our attitudes or preconceived ideas blur the vision.

its not easy but it is simple also..........

9th November 2014, 06:16 PM
Spoken like a good globalist interracist.

"Zealand" - a province of the Netherlands. Named by the White man, created by the White man, and created for the White man. Globalist interracists making "New Zealand for everybody" is not "progress," it's treachery.

Sad that I speak for the future of the White children of New Zealand while you do not.

Treason on display:

The end of a 'white New Zealand' policy


Try as you might to bring me down to your level isnt going to work............

Sure its been trashed by globalists like everywhere and it breaks my heart.....

F%#k if I lived in America and had radiation from Japan pouring into my country for ever without stopping I would be packing my bags and leaving to a place like NZ or OZ no questions asked.............

9th November 2014, 08:01 PM
Black people who are persecuted everyday a bit like the Palestinians and if they are acting up or rebelling then who can blame them.Wouldnt you be if you where black, how many locked up in jail in relation to white people , its a joke and plain as day.

F**king wow!

Niggers are locked up more readily because of "racism," not because they are far more inherently criminal than any other race. Says the leftist Serpo!

If I am racist then its more to the white race if anything which I seem to be one of.

If you are trying to say you are an anti-White racist, that is most obvious!

CT the great christian believing negros are animals and not human hahaha , well Ive got news for you and it is that they are human and part of the human race..................

My position is that of the Bible. Sorry you can't handle that.

In the end , the very end you have to ask yourself do I have to go around HATING or can I just throw hate out the window.

There's that Jewish buzzword again, "hate."

You've really got the New World Order terminology down pat. Like a pro!

When the New World Order is finally completed, Serpo can be Minister for Equality. He's fully-prepared.

9th November 2014, 08:02 PM
Try as you might to bring me down to your level isnt going to work............

Sure its been trashed by globalists like everywhere and it breaks my heart.....

You are a globalist and aren't man enough to admit it. "Only one race - the human race." The motto of the devils who have brought us the Jew World Order.

9th November 2014, 10:30 PM
What I notice about the anti-white, one-race-humanists, is that they assume that whenever we whites want to exercise our god given right to free association, and, when we exercise that right to exclude all who are not white like us, and also any white who doesn't hold dear his own whiteness, then they call us haters, and when we voice our opinion and seek like minded whites, it is called hate speech.

I do not HATE anyone for their race.

I only want to associate with my fellow whites, and only those who cherish their race as much as I do.

But, universalists, like Serpo, will automatically, as a knee jerk reaction, dismiss my disclaimer to being hateful and continue describing me, and all others who profess love for, and exclusionary discretion for, their own race as being HATERS.

This post is not meant for Serpo to read or comment on - I already know what he, and like minded whites, will think and say about it.

My post is for all other whites who privately have already figured out that they truly love white folks and I want them to know how liberating it is to come outside and say it out loud, with GUSTO.

I love my race. I wish I had a nation to live in that excluded all but my own race.

My awakening came from reading the book,
"Which Way Western Man", by Gaylord Simpson. In it, he describes some innate longing deep inside western (aka "WHITE") man for the "ennoblement of man", and, that this drive has not been demonstrated by other races. The ennoblement of man can only be achieved when those seeking such are allowed to exercise their freedom of association, which will exclude the bulk of humanity, and tight circles of like minded WHITES would form for that very purpose - the ennoblement of man.

But first, tough battles must be fought to secure our right to free association, without fear of violent reaction because of our exclusionary and discriminatory selections, based primarily on RACE but also on a realistic and industrious mindset.

10th November 2014, 01:26 AM
"Mankind is one...all men belong to the same species."

-- Serpo's position

"Mankind is one...all men belong to the same species."

-- The United Nations (Declaration of the General Conference of UNESCO, July 18, 1950)

Why, exactly, do they have to insist? Why is it not universally recognized, if true?


Because it's not true.

10th November 2014, 02:57 AM
But first, tough battles must be fought to secure our right to free association, without fear of violent reaction because of our exclusionary and discriminatory selections, based primarily on RACE but also on a realistic and industrious mindset.
WWII comes to mind. Hitlers vision was one of a great Germany for the Germanic race, in coalition with other Europeans, and Asians...

10th November 2014, 03:05 AM
WWII comes to mind. Hitlers vision was one of a great Germany for the Germanic race, in coalition with other Europeans, and Asians...

But, but, but...Hitler was a monster!

(anyone who protects the White race is a "monster")

10th November 2014, 07:11 AM
What bothers me is the double standard concerning who is allowed to have "pride" in their own group.
-Gay Pride... yay!
-Black Pride... yay!
-Mexican Pride... yay!

-White Pride... oh noes!!1! U can't do that! Racist!

Jews need a Jew-only "homeland? No fuckin' problem! It's their "RIGHT"!

One doesn't need to be white to see the problem here. ^ ^ ^

12th November 2014, 05:43 PM

12th November 2014, 05:49 PM
Good to see the thread back on track.........oO***