View Full Version : The Mystery of Rh-Negative Blood Genetic Origin Unknown

9th November 2014, 01:26 AM

9th November 2014, 02:32 AM
This is the umpteenth time this topic has been brought up on this forum. Each and every time this happens its presented as a "mystery".

You've started this thread to open up a discussion on the topic so please help me to understand why this is considered a mystery?

9th November 2014, 08:40 AM
Rh- cannot be cloned... why no RH protein?

2013 - It has been observed that without RH protein, the cloned blood cell loses its required flexibility as well as the DNA strand is difficult to use after retrieving it. The root cause for this is related to the D antigen, its genetic makeup and receptors variations. In combination, all these factors make it difficult to clone RH negative blood cells and thus also in whole.

9th November 2014, 01:50 PM
Rh- cannot be cloned... why no RH protein?

2013 - It has been observed that without RH protein, the cloned blood cell loses its required flexibility as well as the DNA strand is difficult to use after retrieving it. The root cause for this is related to the D antigen, its genetic makeup and receptors variations. In combination, all these factors make it difficult to clone RH negative blood cells and thus also in whole.

Thats not 'mysterious' though, not even remotely. Actually that sounds perfectly normal, phenomena like this happens in nature all the time calling it a 'mystery' doesn't actually make it so.


9th November 2014, 03:05 PM
This is the umpteenth time this topic has been brought up on this forum. Each and every time this happens its presented as a "mystery".

You've started this thread to open up a discussion on the topic so please help me to understand why this is considered a mystery?

Mystery is fun, and mystery implies conspiracy, which is even more fun! :)

9th November 2014, 03:58 PM
Mystery is fun, and mystery implies conspiracy, which is even more fun! :)

Fun is my next door neighbors middle name

9th November 2014, 04:19 PM

It is amazing how much history has been destroyed and hidden from us plebes. I am sure there are real explanations but all we get to see is speculation and guesses. I read the whole article and learned nothing that I didn't already know.

Now we need to get to the secret stuff, perhaps the 'dark web'?

9th November 2014, 06:48 PM
It is amazing how much history has been destroyed and hidden from us plebes. I am sure there are real explanations but all we get to see is speculation and guesses. I read the whole article and learned nothing that I didn't already know.

Now we need to get to the secret stuff, perhaps the 'dark web'?

Someone with RH- blood told me you can only access the 'really real dark web' if you have RH- blood.

10th November 2014, 08:42 AM
Rh- cannot be cloned... why no RH protein?

2013 - It has been observed that without RH protein, the cloned blood cell loses its required flexibility as well as the DNA strand is difficult to use after retrieving it. The root cause for this is related to the D antigen, its genetic makeup and receptors variations. In combination, all these factors make it difficult to clone RH negative blood cells and thus also in whole.

So it is impossible aliens came to earth and cloned RH- humans into their likeness then? Does that make you feel less special now?

10th November 2014, 09:07 AM
I dont regard myself as special at all, its the rarity that makes it special. however, I never noticed any difference with Rh+ folks when sharing bold ideas. The guy who made "secrets in plain sight" is Rh+... and his work is terrific. What I want to know is why Rh- exists and mainstream explanations are just too UNsaitisfying.

the wild cards stay on the table... what I think is that a pre-diluvian civilization or extra terrestrial influence has made sure to keep a small pool of non genetically manipulated beings for a reason we cannot know at this stage.

we do not question issues the same way and that is fine by me, Neuro.

So it is impossible aliens came to earth and cloned RH- humans into their likeness then? Does that make you feel less special now?

10th November 2014, 10:03 AM

good observation but the population map was very different 5000 years ago, my guess is that high ranked was mostly Rh neg in ancient egypt and the hnegative. The ethnic background of my birth mother is called Nilotic. My son too and he is an euro-african mix

now this said, I know many Rh+ understanding fully the NWO issues :) Intellectually it doesnt mean much, but Rh- are for sure more psychic .

edit: One of my sisters just emailed me, my father who died 7 years ago, was B- too. I have always been aware that Rh- was special but I guess that my pyramid orion thread gave me the opportunity to look into it again more closely. The father of my son was most likely Rh neg too, as an euro-african, but he died 15 years ago, so I will never know for sure.
But you do think Rh- is special!

10th November 2014, 10:12 AM
Subsaharan Africans have a high percentage of Rh-...

10th November 2014, 10:43 AM
From the map it appears as, apart from Asians, the RH+ originated in center north of continental Europe and spread out in a population of RH-'s in Europe, India and Africa, diminishing with distance. The Basques are the odd one out here... Maybe it is the Rh+'s that are special?

10th November 2014, 11:49 AM
Ok I did some more research and it looks like the above map has some typo re the numbers. Europeans have higher number of Rhesus - blood type...

This map is probably more correct:

Sorry for any confusion!

Yes, Rh- is special, very high proportions among Basques, Berbers, Borderland South Egypt-Libya, Scots, German-Poles, West Norwegians...

Oddly though Iceland has a very low proportion of Rh-, but genetically they are mostly West Norwegians

10th November 2014, 02:45 PM
anything rarer is more special... but on an intellectual/spiritual level, I see absolutely no difference between Rh+ and Rh- groups when I hang out with like minded.


But you do think Rh- is special!

10th November 2014, 03:57 PM
Being Rh- does not make one 'special'* That 15% of the population has a lack of D antigen is totally unremarkable.

To then qualify that to mean these people have a particular ability which has never been proven to exist is utterly specious.

But what I find astounding is your explanation as to why you cannot accept Rh- to be completely unremarkable and I quote:

"What I want to know is why Rh- exists and mainstream explanations are just too UNsaitisfying."

Unsatisfying? What is that supposed to mean?

Does it mean that your expectations as to origin of these phenomena is so outrageous that you cannot accept the run of the mill explanations which are amply given by academia.

'Unsatisfying', what a revealing explanation. It appears you have a bad case of attention deficit disorder. If it doesn't overly stimulate your pea brain then its 'unsatisfying' and somehow in your mind therefore wrong.

This statement alone exposes your motives for needing to believe in these ridiculous theories. It might appear to be 'unsatisfying' to the self gratifying seeking nature of your small mind but that by no means makes it wrong.

What is wrong is your criteria for supposedly claiming a theory is wrong. If you find the theory unsatisfying then in your mind its wrong. You couldn't be more clear about your motives, if it doesn't trigger a visceral reaction on your freak-o-meter, then science and academia is lying to us.

You are a true freak.

*Where I come from 'special' has a specific meaning....

https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fts3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DHN.608 014318306134034%26pid%3D15.1&f=1

10th November 2014, 04:12 PM
anything rarer is more special... but on an intellectual/spiritual level, I see absolutely no difference between Rh+ and Rh- groups when I hang out with like minded.
Really? But you said above in the quote from June that Rh-'s was more psychic, and that you had always been aware that Rh- was special...

10th November 2014, 11:42 PM
Rhesus factor is no more "special" than being a "Taster" of PTC is. It's a genetic difference that has no real bearing on who and what a person is.

11th November 2014, 05:32 AM
that is why I said, when I hang put with people like minded, I know several Rh+ who are psychic. Even if for Rh- is an attribute/gift, due to the much larger pool of Rh+, the number/ratio of Ph+ and RH being psychic should even out...

But I definitely think that being Rh-means something... and this explanation will never be found in "mainstream sources".. Even the wife (now dead too) of Cecil Rhodes (globalist) wrote about it.

I am very psychic from birth, Id guess and thats why I am particularly drawn to paranormal, spiritual and sacred math, etc. I do not question issues the same way most people do.

Really? But you said above in the quote from June that Rh-'s was more psychic, and that you had always been aware that Rh- was special...

11th November 2014, 06:13 AM
Aeon, just like for adamic Crimethink, I am putting you on my watch list, this means that I have absolutely no interest in responding your narrow minded postings from now on.

when I say UNSATIFISFYING, you perfectly know what I mean, unlike for you, my trust in any *mainstream academic* train of thoughts has been eroded, and because it is M-Y...P-R-E-R-O-G-A-T-I-V-E you start insulting me - again. Generally with you, insults and posting childish pictures come up when you feel close to a nervous break down.

Why dont you go after serpo here?? Aeon, lets be clear here, you never go after the OP or other members posting those topics because I am the one DEFENDING the best OPs like those on this entire forum and that it makes you feel threatened so you have to resort to senseless and dumb statement like this:

'Unsatisfying', what a revealing explanation. It appears you have a bad case of attention deficit disorder. If it doesn't overly stimulate your pea brain then its 'unsatisfying' and somehow in your mind therefore wrong.

This statement alone exposes your motives for needing to believe in these ridiculous theories. It might appear to be 'unsatisfying' to the self gratifying seeking nature of your small mind but that by no means makes it wrong.

since the mere diplomatic word "unsatisfying" prompted such a type of baseless rant, let me REDIRECTING you kindly, not started by me either.

cebu/Mysterious Baby Elongated Skull Of Lake Titicaca

serpo/DNA Results For The Nephilim Skulls

quit boozing Aeon, a handful of people put you on their ignore list already on here... and I will be next if you dont chill out, really.

let me state it again: the entire **mainstream academic thought** IS outrageous in my view as it really is about dumbing people down and deadly harming humans (GMO-vaccine-bio-engineering, weather modifications, central banking slavery, etc) .
Again, I said mainstream academic.... mainstream academic.... mainstream... mainstream = LIES

11th November 2014, 01:21 PM
You got nothin'. Clearly.

I challenge your deluded beliefs and then you start add hominen attacks, how very predictable.

You can do whatever you like, I don't give a flying fuck. Put me on ignore and you can never really respond. If you attempt to it only destroys your credibility because you come across as desperate and ineffective. Its an admission of defeat, I relish it!

You can't prove psychic abilities exist because they simply don;t, so stop making chilish assertions of some deluded and outrageous supposed superiority. From all accounts so far you are so far from that reality its laughable

11th November 2014, 01:25 PM
People with RH-negative blood group have certain characteristics that seem to be common among the majority. Here is a brief list of the most common.

¨ Extra vertebra.
¨ Higher than average IQ
¨ More sensitive vision and other senses.
¨ Lower body temperature
¨ Higher blood pressure
¨ Increased occurrence of psychic/intuitive abilities
¨ Predominantly blue, green, or Hazel eyes
¨ Red or reddish hair
¨ Has increased sensitivity to heat and sunlight
¨ Cannot be cloned
¨ Alien Abduction and other unexplained phenomenon

So what does this mean? What can be concluded?

The appearance of RH-negative blood did not follow the usual evolutionary path. In fact, evolution would seem to be ruled out as a possible cause of the anomaly. It has been proven that blood is the least likely to mutate. There are no other blood mutations. The introduction of the RH-negative blood type was not a naturally occurring part of human evolution.

This would lend credence that the RH-negative factor was introduced from an outside source. Could the source be from human like beings from another planet? Or maybe we are just as alien as they are, in that, we are a product of their manipulation and interference. Could they have come here and manipulated life forms already present on earth to create modern man?


11th November 2014, 01:37 PM
Aeon, just like for adamic Crimethink, I am putting you on my watch list, this means that I have absolutely no interest in responding your narrow minded postings from now on.

when I say UNSATIFISFYING, you perfectly know what I mean, unlike for you, my trust in any *mainstream academic* train of thoughts has been eroded, and because it is M-Y...P-R-E-R-O-G-A-T-I-V-E you start insulting me - again. Generally with you, insults and posting childish pictures come up when you feel close to a nervous break down.

Why dont you go after serpo here?? Aeon, lets be clear here, you never go after the OP or other members posting those topics because I am the one DEFENDING the best OPs like those on this entire forum and that it makes you feel threatened so you have to resort to senseless and dumb statement like this:

since the mere diplomatic word "unsatisfying" prompted such a type of baseless rant, let me REDIRECTING you kindly, not started by me either.

cebu/Mysterious Baby Elongated Skull Of Lake Titicaca

serpo/DNA Results For The Nephilim Skulls

quit boozing Aeon, a handful of people put you on their ignore list already on here... and I will be next if you dont chill out, really.

let me state it again: the entire **mainstream academic thought** IS outrageous in my view as it really is about dumbing people down and deadly harming humans (GMO-vaccine-bio-engineering, weather modifications, central banking slavery, etc) .
Again, I said mainstream academic.... mainstream academic.... mainstream... mainstream = LIES

Thats because he is on ignore and anyone that would like to converse with someone that ALWAYS attacks the poster instead of the subject matter should be.

Why did he click on this thread when he is totally bored of the subject and has managed to say nothing but insults , as per usual. Thats because he saw you had posted singular and he likes to pick on you ..............

11th November 2014, 01:45 PM

11th November 2014, 01:51 PM
Thats because he is on ignore and anyone that would like to converse with someone that ALWAYS attacks the poster instead of the subject matter should be.

Why did he click on this thread when he is totally bored of the subject and has managed to say nothing but insults , as per usual. Thats because he saw you had posted singular and he likes to pick on you ..............

Here we go again, I'm apparently on ignore, but you feel the need to post about me, how disingenuous and utterly lacking of any moral standing, you didn't really have me on ignore anyways, you just want me to think you do, lol

Secondly, go have a look at the first initial posts, I didn't post a reply to goldissima's posts, I POSTED IT ASKING YOU TO CLARIFY THE 'MYSTERY', of which you didn't because deep down you know this is is complete unacceptable bullshit.

Your intrepretation of events is lacking a basis in reality.

mick silver
11th November 2014, 02:02 PM
I just heard if anyone has rh negative they will be the first one's in the fema camps so how special do you feel now

11th November 2014, 02:06 PM
you are being redirected: posting #22
look up to sepro's posting, why dont you post there instead. Show *consistency* and go just after anyone either interested in or agreeing with the OP.

You got nothin'. Clearly.

I challenge your deluded beliefs and then you start add hominen attacks, how very predictable.

You can do whatever you like, I don't give a flying fuck. Put me on ignore and you can never really respond. If you attempt to it only destroys your credibility because you come across as desperate and ineffective. Its an admission of defeat, I relish it!

You can't prove psychic abilities exist because they simply don;t, so stop making chilish assertions of some deluded and outrageous supposed superiority. From all accounts so far you are so far from that reality its laughable

11th November 2014, 02:09 PM
you are being redirected:
look up to sepro's posting, why dont you post there instead. Show *consistency* and go just after anyone either interested in or agreeing with the OP.

I don't take redirection from mental retards!


11th November 2014, 02:12 PM
Good one Mick... :)

I just heard if anyone has rh negative they will be the first one's in the fema camps so how special do you feel now

11th November 2014, 02:15 PM
it shouldnt matter as to whether she sees you or not, you just could add your 2 cents nonetheless. So does this mean that if I put you on ignore, I will finally be left alone? Really tempting :)

ps: I hadnt not seen your response until now, but it wasnt there when I posted.

I don't take redirection for mental retards!


11th November 2014, 02:17 PM
it shouldnt matter as to whether she sees you or not, you just could add your 2 cents nonetheless. So does this mean that if I put you on ignore, I will finally be left alone? Really tempting :)

If thats what you want to hear then yes (but in reality no, I will calling out your bullshit just as much)

Since when is anything you believe based on reality anyways, lol :rolleyes:

11th November 2014, 02:23 PM
I don't take redirection from mental retards!


Lets see singular is a mental retard and a nut job whereas I am simply an idiot...............

11th November 2014, 02:24 PM
If thats what you want to hear then yes (but in reality no, I will calling out your bullshit just as much)

Since when is anything you believe based on reality anyways, lol :rolleyes:

Yes you are of course the overall expert on everything especially reality ........

11th November 2014, 02:27 PM
It has been a very long while I have stopped posting in threads that diverge to much from my own points of views because nothing can progress when opinions are too conflicting but perpetuate a status quo.

Thats because he is on ignore and anyone that would like to converse with someone that ALWAYS attacks the poster instead of the subject matter should be.

Why did he click on this thread when he is totally bored of the subject and has managed to say nothing but insults , as per usual. Thats because he saw you had posted singular and he likes to pick on you ..............

11th November 2014, 02:31 PM