View Full Version : The Mystery of Rh-Negative Blood Genetic Origin Unknown...explored.

10th November 2014, 07:25 AM
Well I'm impervious to mind control.

What does that mean?

That means...When you think believe and have faith that you have me right where you want me...and I'm not dead.

Then I have you mind controlled.

All that the legal system does is protect criminals...In fact...it provides an environment where criminals thrive.

You can make the penalty for coin cutting death...All the so call LAW abiding or rule following rubes then do...Is watch as their coins mysteriously shrink into nothingness.

You can not legislate against effects of the cause.

The observation of the phenomenon of power more than previous power is generally called inflation.

The observation of the phenomenon of power less than previous power is generally called deflation.

Inflation = explosion = exponential growth = doubling time = multiplier effect = positive.

Deflation = implosion = exponential decay = half life = domino effect = negative

"A phenomenon (Greek: φαινόμενoν, phainomenon, from the verb φαίνειν, phainein, "to show, shine, appear, to be manifest (or manifest itself)"), plural phenomena, is any observable occurrence"

"The noumenon /ˈnɒuːmɨnɒn/ is a posited object or event that is known (if at all) without the use of the senses. The term is generally used in contrast with, or in relation to "phenomenon", which refers to anything that appears to, or is an object of, the senses. In Platonic philosophy,"

Phenomenon = effect = visible chaos = demand for power

Noumenon = cause = invisible order = supply of power

People always ask me...Why don't you make the world a better place?

The absolute capitalist hierarchical food powered make work enterprise or what you all have been trained like monkeys to call civilization is an artificial construct.

Call it the unnatural world.

The absolute capitalist equation at the core of the absolute capitalist civilization takes more power than it gives to sustain it's continued existence.

Where does the unnatural world derive this power from?

the natural world.

The natural world or reality is imploded or exponentially decayed down towards absolute 0 or eternal death or made into a worse place to power the explosion or exponential growth of the unnatural world or fantasy up towards absolute 1 or eternal life into a better place.

There is no way to make the unnatural a world a better place without making the natural world a worse place.

But if you flip the equation around to make the natural world a better place the unnatural world becomes a worse place.

Basically no matter how you slice and dice it...Most of you all are destined to self liquidate or require forced liquidation.

Because you all are doomed idiots.

You think...like all the people before you...that chicken scratches on paper are LAW.

The US Constitution is no more a LAW of the land than the rules of the game of Monopoly are LAW.

Your computers are better at following the rules of the operating system program than any of you will ever be.

You know what you would find if you had the power to read peoples minds?

That you all are pretending to be ignorant to avoid being proven knowledgeable.

That you all are pretending to be irresponsible to avoid being proven responsible.

That you all are pretending to be innocent to avoid being proven guilty.

I can see right through all of you.

The only people you can fool is yourself and the others around you and they are doing the same.

I have become real good at pretending to be like you all...I get found out when I have to supply the demand of someone that believes they have me right where they want me.

Then I'm force to supply NO to their demand for YES.

Unlike all of you...You all are under mind control and supply the demand of the people mind controlling you all with what they want.

Then cry when you realize you have been duped.

but in quantum entanglement...it takes two to tango.

One particle to make the free will choice to sell or promote a lie as Truth and one particle to make the free will choice to buy or believe the lie being sold or promoted as truth is truth.

Caveat emptor is Latin for "Let the buyer beware"

"You shall not judge, lest you be judged."--Matthew 7:1

I was born March 5th...the 64th day

64/9 = 7.11111111111111111111111111111111111111

If your judgment does not turn me to ashes...My judgment will.

Of course good things come to those that wait.

Your belief that you are human beings is why the word ludicrous was invented to describe the delusion you cherish and are programed to fight to the death to protect from harm.

"Causing laughter because of absurdity; provoking or deserving derision; ridiculous; laughable"

you all will never find Truth...you all of course claim to be searching for Truth...but you do not know what you are looking for...and when you begin to find it.

then it's fight or flight.

Conservatives or violent absolute capitalists fight truth to the death and die...liberals or gradual absolute capitalists run for their life from truth...until they can not run any more...then they turn into conservatives and fight truth to the death and die...or just sit there and die.

It's why I'm put on ignore after the domain slaves realize they can not annihilate me from the collective...or domain masters banish me or play the games they play with me.

Because since the Internet drug or servant was supplied to all of you virtually for free by the master mind or dealer to get all of you slave minds addicted.

You have been continually logging on seeking support for or to promote your cherished delusions.

10th November 2014, 07:54 AM
Looks like the cat is out of the bag.

10th November 2014, 08:22 AM
i got up this morning at 5 am. 11 + 10+ 5 = 27. the whole planet.

10th November 2014, 08:32 AM
R is the 18th letter of the English alphabet
H is #8

18 and 8

I woke up at 7 this morning

Today is 11/10


8, 18, 28.

It's obvious to all but the most pants pissing of cowards. Take your cherished delusions and shove them right up your ass.

The bottom feeds the top and shit runs down hill, keep feeding me and I will keep shitting on you.

8 is infinity inversed, the exponential nothingness that you strawberry pickers live and worship.

It's in your blood...

10th November 2014, 09:56 PM