View Full Version : Colloidal Silver Working Against Ebola in West Africa! ........ V

10th November 2014, 12:07 PM
A lot more at the link......and so inexpensive.......the pharm comapanies must be pissed off as hell.

Colloidal Silver Working Against Ebola in West Africa!

According to news reports coming out of Sierra Leone, West Africa, there's been a very surprising turn of events in regards to the Ebola crisis.

Apparently, at least several shipments of nanosilver – colloidal silver composed of very small particles of silver suspended in water – appear to have made it into West African countries where Ebola was raging.

And in spite of opposition to the use of colloidal silver by medical bureaucrats in the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the silver actually appears to working against the virus!

Not only that, but Sierra Leone's Minister of Presidential and Public Affairs – a trained chemist named Alpha Kanu – has announced that 10 ppm nanosilver has now been proclaimed to be an official approved Ebola treatment in that nation.

This might explain why there's been so little news coverage on Ebola here in the U.S. over the past few weeks. The agenda of the medical bureaucrats in WHO, the CDC and the FDA has been to fast-track an expensive new Ebola vaccine into production, for use on people in early 2015. Big Pharma was to make billions of dollars on the vaccine.

But with as many as 500 Ebola sufferers reportedly now getting better in Sierra Leone, West Africa after trying nanosilver the plans of Big Pharma and the medical bureaucrats might just end up being derailed.


11th November 2014, 12:22 PM
You believe that? Here's another one for you- your toilet paper can be used twice.

11th November 2014, 12:59 PM
Only twice? I should hold classes to teach people how to use it five times.....is simply once you know how.....TP EXPERT Ponce.

By the way I have been using the magic water for the past years and I have never had the flu or a cold and so on....you know what? maybe I should have used it in my eye.


11th November 2014, 01:20 PM
You believe that? Here's another one for you- your toilet paper can be used twice.

Yes the second time for blowing your nose..............

11th November 2014, 02:06 PM
Yes the second time for blowing your nose..............

Well Ponce has the magic technique for more than doubling the use. no wonder he has such a stash.

11th November 2014, 02:56 PM
Yes the second time for blowing your nose..............

Personal experience?