View Full Version : Petrodollar Panic?...explored.

10th November 2014, 10:47 PM
The 1944 Bretton woods globalist master system all the nationalists are slaves of.

set the USA up and the supply of the global trade medium of exchange...and the rest of the world as the demand for the global trade medium of exchange.

The US Dollar...which is a credit instrument.

A derivative...that all the rest of the currencies of the world at the time which were credit derivatives were fixed to.

It started out with The US dollar fixed to gold at 35 US dollars per ounce and all the rest of the currencies fixed to the US dollar...until 1971.

Because there was not enough gold or silver or anything back in 1944 to fix the system permanently.

Just temporarily...of course the writers of the Bretton woods program knew this.

There is no way and never will be a way to sustain a gold standard permanently.

When the demand by gold for gold from the gold mines becomes greater than the gold mines can supply...the boom civilization...turns into the bust civilization...then into the ghost civilization.

this is what happened by 1964...the demand for silver by the rest of the world from the USA became greater than the US could supply.

and this causes the fixed price of silver to become unfixed...and the wholesale content of the silver in the US silver coinage became greater than the retail marked up face value...and all the silver coins vanished over night basically.

172 years...from 1792 to 1964...silver dollars circulated...but then because the demand for silver by the rest of the world was greater than the USA could supply.

The silver circulated out of the mines...and out of the USA...bye bye.

Bretton woods in 1944...finished you all...your necks were slit there...and there is nothing you can do about it now.

Next up was gold...

In 1971 the rules of Bretton wood were changed...from gold to bonds.

The rest of the currencies or credit instruments of the world were hopelessly tied to the US dollar now.

From 1944 to 2008...The supply of US dollars or credit instruments exponentially grew by around 7.91% per year for 64 years.

Or doubled around every 9.11 years.

then something odd happened.

in 2008...the supply of US dollars from the USA out into the rest of the world...stopped...and began collapsing...imploding the the USA and world.

What happened?

The demand for yield by the population of the USA from the population of the USA became greater than the supply of yield to the population of the USA from the population of the USA.

that is it...game over.

The petrodollar?

That does not exist.

The reason why all these trade deals are being signed to eliminate the US dollar from the equation...is because the supply of US dollars out into the world has collapsed...and is still collapsing...or being cut off.

As the USA implodes.

Of course the general population are not being informed of the fact they all are doomed...I can come on here and tell you all are doomed morons and it does not even penetrate your boneheads.

I have been watching you all lap up the petrodollar drivel for decades now.

You all lost the battle you think you are fighting before you all were born.

You all will never figure out how the system you exist within works because you believe you do.

I have seen zero evidence in decades that anyone has a clue...Just monkey chow chasing monkeys...that is about it.

You supply of monkey chow is adequate...and you are happy.

Your supply of money chow is inadequate...and you are sad.

I will watch as you fall for the lies you worship as Truth hook line and sinker...nanosecond to nanosecond.


The USA is game over.

The FED has not been printing like mad...sorry...time to wake up from the mind control...since 2008...the US money supply has been exponentially decaying back into thin air faster than it's been created out of thin air.

There is a 20 Trillion deficit at this point.

US Government spending...stopped and flat lined in 2009.

I have been watching the USA die an nice slow death...

The Titanic piloted by Bush hit the iceberg in 2008...some of you woke up and caught a glimpse and then went back to sleep...the vast majority...slept right through...Then Obama was installed to sing the masses back to sleep...and get distance and by time from 2008.

Now he's taking the fall for it all.

The conservatives are being used as a weapon of mass destruction to implode the USA to oblivion...It's funny watching the so called defenders of the USA attack and destroy it...

11th November 2014, 07:37 AM
This post leaves me confused. Do we have a constriction in the supply of US dollars in circulation? Is it that the actual countable supply of US dollars is impossible to determine (since the FED quit reporting M1 and M2 back in 2006)?

Could it be that there are really two different concepts about "US dollars in circulation", in which one is mere "ghost" dollars (ie. promises to supply US dollars by an elsewise "credible" source), and the other actual folding dollar bills held in you wallets and safety deposit boxes ("under the mattress", as they say)?

If the actual value (that is, what you can get by surrendering US dollars in exchange) is declining, then one would expect an increase in the supply, so that a fixed budget of things you need to acquire can still be acquired, but with more dollars which would be available due to INFLATION.

If the actual value is increasing, then you would expect a true decrease in the total available supply of US dollars, to balance the equation of what you want versus what you have with which to acquire it.

It is clear to most of us (I suppose) that something fundamental (like a deep earthquake that cracks foundations, etc.) happened in 2008, but, here we are six years later still smoking along, buying, selling, working, and being consumers with seemingly no dearth of US dollars circulating. I am very confused.

Either the dollar is losing value, which is not apparent down here in Texas (gasoline, at the pump, keeps going DOWN in price). It also doesn't appear to be increasing in value to any noticeable degree, at least from the perspective of an ordinary (non-rich) septuagenarian like me and my circle of friends (we are not hurting, but we are just getting by - none of us are "getting rich" nor "going broke").

If someone could get real specific as to what the exact value of the US dollar is, what the exact supply of ACTUAL AVAILABLE FOR SPENDING US dollars is, and the trends of these values, that would go a long ways to clear up this confusion in my mind. Am I alone in my confusion?

I hope some smart money guys on this forum can educate us with straight talk.

old steel
11th November 2014, 09:58 AM
From HT above.

"The reason why all these trade deals are being signed to eliminate the US dollar from the equation...is because the supply of US dollars out into the world has collapsed...and is still collapsing...or being cut off.

As the USA implodes."

Die monster Fed, die.

Uncle Salty
11th November 2014, 12:10 PM
There is no way and never will be a way to sustain a gold standard permanently.

Wrong. Read up on Freegold. Freegold solves every problem every gold standard ever had as well as every problem a fiat currency had.

Get a clue kitty kat.

11th November 2014, 01:02 PM
It was not the "Petrodollar" but the "gundollar"........no more........The US is scare that China will surpase the US in the guns department....which they will.


mick silver
11th November 2014, 01:41 PM
I need the buck to hang on ..... daddy needs a new tractor