View Full Version : Prototype Mark of the Beast

11th November 2014, 01:46 AM

“By supporting these bio-hacking initiatives I believe we are paving the way for social acceptance while at the same time we support the bio-hacking technology that drives it.”

11th November 2014, 03:38 AM
AJ will be going off on this. I tend to assess these stories looking at who is the protagonist. I see "a progressive" to use a lame political ideological non confrontational moniker. A bolshevic. Also they are accompanied by some non bolshie idiots. It takes idiots to make it work. Look at things like puzzy riot. One bolshie and two idiots. Even after the two idiots were the only ones to serve their time, they reformed. It's 'tarded.


Just wait until your career assignment isn't the only assignment they start making. Assignments is like homework ain't it?

11th November 2014, 10:12 AM
Before long, in order to keep your job in the corporate world, you'll have to have implants.

11th November 2014, 10:37 AM
Are there any non Christians here who see what's coming, know what the Bible says about this and still are not saved??
The question is
why not?

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

When the King James Bible (God's book, the ONLY English Bible to say IN) came out it was heavily criticized for saying IN

Afterall, how could a mark to buy or sell be IN the right hand or forehead?

Anyone not able to see it yet?

Some popular satanic perversions which attempt to lie and deceive by changing what God said!!

NIV (nutty idiots version)
Revelation 13:16
It (it?) also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,

Revelation 13:16 (CEB)
It forces everyone—the small and great, the rich and poor, the free and slaves—to have a mark put on their right hand or on their forehead.

(ESV) Extra satanic version
Revelation 13:16
English Standard Version (ESV)
Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,

(NAB) official Roman Catholic "bible"
Revelation 13:16
It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hands or their foreheads,

old steel
11th November 2014, 10:46 AM
In their dreams.....

11th November 2014, 03:47 PM
Before long, in order to keep your job in the corporate world, you'll have to have implants.

Exactly. 80% of the population will take it without resistance (a significant portion will appreciate the "rewards" though). Another 15% will be coaxed or coerced. The 5% of us will be marked for death.

11th November 2014, 04:02 PM

mick silver
11th November 2014, 04:08 PM
mine just got here today in the mail

11th November 2014, 04:23 PM
mine just got here today in the mail

Is that the one with tracking or without

mick silver
11th November 2014, 04:26 PM
I only buy the best .............. with tracking

7th trump
11th November 2014, 05:27 PM
Exactly. 80% of the population will take it without resistance (a significant portion will appreciate the "rewards" though). Another 15% will be coaxed or coerced. The 5% of us will be marked for death.

You're so full of shit.

The mark of the beast is not a chip nor anything like it.

Those with "wisdom" will know the mark when they see it. What wisdom is there when any tattooed ignorant punk ass flunky bitch can piece the chip or the ssn to the beast?....that's not the wisdom God is talking about.....not even close.

You really haven't a clue about the Bible do you?

Its a mark all right....but not a number as you foolishly believe it is.
The mark on the hand is symbolic to doing the works of the fake christ.
The mark on the forehead is symbolic to believing the fake christ is the real Christ.

Fir example, there's a passage that you and 99.9 get completely wrong. That passage talks about a "woe" to those giving suckle in the end days.
This passage has really nothing to do with infants at all.
It has to do with those fools who are giving suckle to the son of perdition (satan, lucifer, the devil, the old dragon...ect, all the same damn fallen angel) and his "infant" false church (synagogue) he starts building when he's booted to earth by angel Michael.
satan comes play acting as Christ and his entrance to this world is the number 666....the 6th trumpet, the 6th seal and 6th vial....hence the number 666.
The son of perdition (the fake Christ) comes before the real Chgrist at 666 and the real Christ comes last 777.
Theres 7 total vials, 7 total seals and 7 total trumpets.
All the seals will be opened before any trumpets sound.

Spreading biblical lies is going to get you in hot water crime...hot water!

And no...those who know and understand the mark cannot be harmed...and lucifer is warned not to touch one hair on any one of their heads.
Infact, Lucifer will run as fast as he can away from the those who know who he is as he cannot afford letting the cat out of the bag...he comes to fool the world (read the book of Revelation) into worshipping him....he cannot get the world to worship him if everyone knows hes not the real Christ and has no power over anyone.
satans power comes from deceit...hes a piss ant otherwise.
Hes already a dead man walking when he booted here!

11th November 2014, 05:30 PM
Are there any non Christians here who see what's coming, know what the Bible says about this and still are not saved??
The question is
why not?

Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

When the King James Bible (God's book, the ONLY English Bible to say IN) came out it was heavily criticized for saying IN

Afterall, how could a mark to buy or sell be IN the right hand or forehead?

Anyone not able to see it yet?

Some popular satanic perversions which attempt to lie and deceive by changing what God said!!

NIV (nutty idiots version)
Revelation 13:16
It (it?) also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads,

Revelation 13:16 (CEB)
It forces everyone—the small and great, the rich and poor, the free and slaves—to have a mark put on their right hand or on their forehead.

(ESV) Extra satanic version
Revelation 13:16
English Standard Version (ESV)
Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead,

(NAB) official Roman Catholic "bible"
Revelation 13:16
It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hands or their foreheads,

Very, very interesting...

I do use the King James Version as the final authority, always. I understand the newer (per)versions have changed things to "fit" with the New World Order mindset. Never thought about the "in" vs. "on" aspect of the Mark.

11th November 2014, 05:32 PM

Right now, in America, the various grocery and drug stores give discounts off purchased for getting the Fool Shot. I can see the same being offered for the Mark: "get 20% off your entire purchase today, when you get the FreedomChip - it's free!"

11th November 2014, 05:40 PM
satan comes play acting as Christ and his entrance to this world is the number 666....the 6th trumpet, the 6th seal and 6th vial....hence the number 666.

The number is Six Hundred Three Score and Six, not three sixes. If you were Biblically-literate, you'd know that. 6 + 6 + 6 = 18, not 666.

7th trump
11th November 2014, 05:47 PM
Right now, in America, the various grocery and drug stores give discounts off purchased for getting the Fool Shot. I can see the same being offered for the Mark: "get 20% off your entire purchase today, when you get the FreedomChip - it's free!"

Oh good lord!
The gold and silver is no good because in order to buy and sell you must take allegiance to the fake christ (lucifer, satan, the son of perdition...ect).
satan bypasses all economic wealth...... the silver and gold will be thrown onto the streets....it wont even save you from the real Christ when he arrives like a theif in the night. When the real Christ shows up at 777 it'll be.............surprise surprise!....you've been fooled into believing the devil is Christ...and what shame you'll have. So much shame you'll want the mountains to cover you from your creater...you cant even bare to even look at the savior without guilt

7th trump
11th November 2014, 05:47 PM
The number is Six Hundred Three Score and Six, not three sixes. If you were Biblically-literate, you'd know that. 6 + 6 + 6 = 18, not 666.
What a semantic fool!!

Thesaurus Legend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms

Noun 1. threescore - a set with 3 times 20 members
set - a group of things of the same kind that belong together and are so used; "a set of books"; "a set of golf clubs"; "a set of teeth"

fool its not 18...its 666!

Its exactly the way it says it is.
600 (threescore) and 6.
600 plus 6 is 606...but since the number is a three score its 666.

Go read the 6th trumpet, the 6th seal and the 6th vial.......and tell us who arrives on this earth....hint...its an event, the number of the beast is not a number, but identifying grand entrance of the fake imposter christ from the real Christ.
Has nothing at all to do with chip implants or ssn or physical numbers period.

11th November 2014, 06:45 PM
fool its not 18...its 666!

Its exactly the way it says it is.
600 (threescore) and 6.
600 plus 6 is 606...but since the number is a three score its 666.

6,6,6 or 6 + 6 + 6 do not equal 666.

Go read the 6th trumpet, the 6th seal and the 6th vial.......and tell us who arrives on this earth....hint...its an event, the number of the beast is not a number, but identifying grand entrance of the fake imposter christ from the real Christ.
Has nothing at all to do with chip implants or ssn or physical numbers period.

Gee, who's right, St. John, or 7th Chump?

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

11th November 2014, 06:57 PM
They gave us the mark years ago , its called a ...............birth certificate...........anything else is but a variation.

11th November 2014, 07:26 PM
They gave us the mark years ago , its called a ...............birth certificate...........anything else is but a variation.

The Mark will have to be accepted voluntarily. I don't know of any kids who asked for one when they came out. Nor is a birth certificate required to buy or sell.

11th November 2014, 07:43 PM
The Mark will have to be accepted voluntarily. I don't know of any kids who asked for one when they came out. Nor is a birth certificate required to buy or sell.

thats why the BC has given name on it. whats the meaning of the naming of things?

7th trump
11th November 2014, 07:47 PM
6,6,6 or 6 + 6 + 6 do not equal 666.

Gee, who's right, St. John, or 7th Chump?

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
Yep......all the poor and all the wealthy (small or great, free or bond) will not be able to buy, sell or save without taking allegiance to the fake christ.
The world will help along (build, as in "The right hand") a new religious government as they believe (think, as in the forehead) Christ has returned...theres a church revival coming like none other...the whole world is going to follow this anti-christ (fake Christ)...an imposter Christ.
In order to do any commerce you must give the fake christ allegiance (worship a fake Christ )...and they will be happy to do it as they don't know their savior is satan masquerading as Christ....fooled....just like you crimethink...absolutely fooled!

For someone who seems to know just about everything there ever is...you sure don't know much.
The reason why God gives two examples....right hand and forehead......is because Hes covering all bases....not just the beleivers but also the helpers...all of them!
You want to give this fake help (suckle) on building this abomination....go right ahead...you've been warned...many time I might add......and in many different ways. No excuses allowed!

11th November 2014, 07:52 PM
You 2 guy's are crazy ! The bible was different works( books) put together by Constantine !( to CONTROL the masses ?)

Constantine was really smart ! LOL

I do hope there is a God A Supreme Being to help us all do Right and be Right . but as of this moment. I haven't seen it.

I have just seen lots of ugly moments.

7th trump
11th November 2014, 08:00 PM
Yep......all the poor and all the wealthy (small or great, free or bond) will not be able to buy, sell or save without taking allegiance to the fake christ.
The world will help along (build, as in "The right hand") a new religious government as they believe (think, as in the forehead) Christ has returned...theres a church revival coming like none other...the whole world is going to follow this anti-christ (fake Christ)...an imposter Christ.
In order to do any commerce you must give the fake christ allegiance (worship a fake Christ )...and they will be happy to do it as they don't know their savior is satan masquerading as Christ....fooled....just like you crimethink...absolutely fooled!

For someone who seems to know just about everything there ever is...you sure don't know much.
The reason why God gives two examples....right hand and forehead......is because Hes covering all bases....not just the beleivers but also the helpers...all of them!
You want to give this fake help (suckle) on building this abomination....go right ahead...you've been warned...many time I might add......and in many different ways. No excuses allowed!

I told you...its not a number per say...its an event for the watchers and listeners of the Word to know the fake from the real.

11th November 2014, 08:07 PM
The Mark will have to be accepted voluntarily. I don't know of any kids who asked for one when they came out. Nor is a birth certificate required to buy or sell.

It is accepted voluntary by your parents on your behalf.

If you want a bank account you need ID , to buy and sell it helps to have a bank account unless its all cash of course.

Any chip some other human being will want to place inside another human being is going to have info based on the B.C.

kinda the last straw , the chip, better to die than take a chip.....

7th trump
11th November 2014, 08:07 PM
You 2 guy's are crazy ! The bible was different works( books) put together by Constantine !( to CONTROL the masses ?)

Constantine was really smart ! LOL

I do hope there is a God A Supreme Being to help us all do Right and be Right . but as of this moment. I haven't seen it.

I have just seen lots of ugly moments.

I don't know who put the Bible together, but Luke wrote most of the new testament, Mark was another who wrote books of the Bible.

11th November 2014, 08:18 PM
The Mark will have to be accepted voluntarily. I don't know of any kids who asked for one when they came out. Nor is a birth certificate required to buy or sell.

"And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

"And he causeth all," doesn't sound very voluntary to me.

11th November 2014, 08:26 PM
I don't know who put the Bible together, but Luke wrote most of the new testament, Mark was another who wrote books of the Bible.

Study it 7th I do believe in a almighty power but is it the? A GoD as most think it is or is it the real Power? I dont care who put it together it is supposed to be a good book, power ........let's all do good no-matter

11th November 2014, 09:01 PM
Well, the KJV was basically sponsored and financed by the guy in ermine robes who wrote this book:

Daemonologie (full name "Daemonologie, In Forme of a Dialogie, Divided into three Bookes. By James Rx") is the book written and published in 1597 by King James VI of Scotland (later also James I of England). In the book he approves and supports the practice of witch hunting. He starts the book: "The fearefull aboundinge at this time in this countrie, of these detestable slaves of the Devil, the Witches or enchaunters, hath moved me (beloved reader) to dispatch in post, this following treatise of mine (...) to resolve the doubting (...) both that such assaults of Satan are most certainly practised, and that the instrument thereof merits most severely to be punished." The book is in the form of a dialogue between characters called "Philomathes" and "Epistemon".

Yep. Here's the boy responsible for the English translation of the Bible, the infamous Witch Hunts and the English colonization of the Americas.

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac358/jackconrad/junk/640px-King_James_I_of_England_and_VI_of_Scotland_by_Arno ld_van_Brounckhorst.jpg (http://s915.photobucket.com/user/jackconrad/media/junk/640px-King_James_I_of_England_and_VI_of_Scotland_by_Arno ld_van_Brounckhorst.jpg.html)

12th November 2014, 12:12 AM
thats why the BC has given name on it. whats the meaning of the naming of things?

You don't get it. If it's not willingly taken, without any coercion or "by proxy decision," accepting it is spiritually meaningless, and invalid.

12th November 2014, 12:18 AM
It is accepted voluntary by your parents on your behalf.

"Acceptance by proxy" is not binding. If I take out a credit card in your name, will you accept responsibility? Should you obligated to accept responsibility?

If you want a bank account you need ID , to buy and sell it helps to have a bank account unless its all cash of course.

Until universal point-of-sale identification is required, the Mark is not in play.

Any chip some other human being will want to place inside another human being is going to have info based on the B.C.

Some people have no birth certificates, and I'm not talking President Ebola. My grandmother did not (she had a statement based on the US Census issued by the Social Security Administration). This is still true for some people born before the 1960s, especially when records were lost or destroyed. Only in the 1960s did mass duplication of records begin to systematically take place (with master copies going to capital cities and secure storage facilities, etc.).

The Mark will be a worldwide, universal identifier, almost certainly yet to come. The currently-existing records will be used to cross-reference those who refuse to take it. But they, like Social Security Numbers in America, won't be "it."

mick silver
12th November 2014, 07:35 AM
the book is man made if not then why did jesus just not write it when he was here on earth . to me living right and treating people right would be what god would want. what we are seeing was plan out many many moons ago

12th November 2014, 12:16 PM
"And he causeth all," doesn't sound very voluntary to me.

Think of it this way...

"Lord Obama causeth all to accept Obamacare..."

"Causeth" is the equivalent of "ordered." You are "required" to accept it, or, accept the punishment - and for the Mark, the punishment is death.

God does not send people to the Lake of Fire for things they do not choose.

12th November 2014, 12:31 PM
supports the practice of witch hunting

Much is made about the "witch burnings," and most of it is like the "showers" of World War II.

We are expected to believe that "innocent practitioners of magick were mercilessly hunted down and killed for merely practicing a different faith." Same dogma as with the Holocaust™.

In reality, those into what they called witchcraft were not all "innocent." Most of the worst of the legends - including capturing & using children - were true. The infamous Druids, universally revered by European pagans, were specialists in things like the Wicker Man.

New Age occultism models "the olde ways" today. I'm not sure about child sacrifice; though, most Wicca practitioners support abortion, which is a form of human sacrifice. Hardly much of a leap to simply perform post-birth abortion on a little kid, "in honor of the goddess."

Linda Moulton-Howe is the premiere serious researcher on real-world occult practices. The bizarre sacrifices of animals that continue to go on are abominable. Unfortunately, most of the relevant articles are behind the "Real X-Files" paywall, but perusing the main page can give some examples:


September 8, 2014 - Half-Cat Mutilation in Utah.

“I looked at him and just thought, ‘This is so odd, because he's not eaten on.’
He was cut in half, heart and lungs were gone, and there wasn't a drop of blood
anywhere, and he was laid there with his front paws crossed over each other.
If he was alive, he would have been sleeping.”

- Sherry Teresa, wildlife biologist and half-cat owner, Springdale, Utah

The StGeorgeUtah.com news reports that Sherry Teresa of Springdale, Utah,
near Zion National Park has posted a $5,500 reward for information about
her male cat, Khepri, that was “surgically cut in half” with all internal organs
except intestines bloodlessly removed. Teresa is a wildlife biologist and knew
when she found her missing cat near her home the morning of August 17, 2014,
that the bloodless surgery had not been done by a coyote or other natural predator.
See dozens of half-cat and mutilated animal reports in Earthfiles Archive.

7th trump
12th November 2014, 02:56 PM
Think of it this way...

"Lord Obama causeth all to accept Obamacare..."

"Causeth" is the equivalent of "ordered." You are "required" to accept it, or, accept the punishment - and for the Mark, the punishment is death.

God does not send people to the Lake of Fire for things they do not choose.

Causeth is not equivalent to "ordered".
Slick pavement causeth an accident.

Obamacare is not mandated....you must sign up for it.
I have insurance and its not obamacare.
And guess what?
Since I don't participate in Social Security theres no reporting of income and therefore no 1040 to file which means even if I didn't have insurance....obamacare is nullified as far being fined through the tax return for not having insurance.

Those who "shall receive" the number is how its written.
Take the word "death" back to its original language and it translates to "the wicked one".
Understand this dumbthink...the elect are brought up to "death"...but yet in another passage God instructs lucifer (the wicked one) if he harms one hair on the elects his days of fooling the world are cut short.
The elect arent harmed one bit...cant be harmed ...they have dominion over the wicked one.
What you don't understand (which is most everything that comes out of your mouth) is that the elect have a purpose and that purpose is to witness the wicked one (the fake christ) while on earth.
The elect have a 10 day trial where the wicked one will try and force his dominion on them to force allegiance to the wicked one. During this 10 day time God speaks through them directly to the masses and directly to satan himself.
The wicked one takes orders from God. and if God says don't harm the elect....then he doesn't harm the elect.
The word "death" is another name for the fake christ.
Death is just another name for Lucifer ( the wicked one, the devil, satan, the old dragon, the serpent, the son of perdition...ect).
Lucifer is called the son of perdition because hes already been sentenced to death (uncreated). So yes...Lucifer is referred to as "death".
Translation dumbthink.....work on it!!

If you are going to yap biblical prophecy...at least do some do diligence to know what it is you are talking about like taking words back to their original language to get a better understanding...instead of being lazy and reciting what you read on the internet.

12th November 2014, 03:24 PM
The “Name” Is The Mark Of The Beast The Strawman Identifying Your Slave Status In “The System” By Arthur Cristian Love For Life Sun, 02/05/2012 - 12:56 — Arthur Cristian (http://loveforlife.com.au/user/3)

The “Name” Is The Mark Of The Beast The Strawman
Identifying Your Slave Status In “The System”
By Arthur Cristian
Love For Life
5th February 2012
This is an explanation about the "name" we are given for our characters of "The System" which we use to contract with "The System" and the consequences (the sequence of the con) of renting that name. It is vital to comprehend how the name is used to bind us to "The System" and what we have to do to disassociate from the names of "The System" because, to co-create Kindom (real freedom, truth, peace, joy, abundance and do no harm for all of life without causing loss of uniqueness and without the need for slaves and rulers) successfully, we have to leave everything of "The System" behind. Any contracts we have with "The System" perpetuate "The System" and while "The System" exists, harm doing, chaos and destruction exist. As explained in the Sixth Step, the Mud Room will have contracts with "The System" for as long as necessary but Kindom land has no contracts with "The System". We have called this The Ninth Step but it really permeates through all the steps because it is the key to freeing our brains from the brainwashing of "The System".
The Name That Binds You The "name" you are given as a slave (renter) of "The System" is what binds you to "The System". This is the name on the birth certificate, citizenship papers, passport, Medicare card, bank cards and all other identification documents of "The System". For example, when parents sign for the birth certificate, they have agreed for the State to take responsibility for the administration of the name of the baby but they have made a claim on that name and have agreed to take full-responsibility for the rental of the intellectual property that is the name of the baby so that they can perform business with "The System", administered by the administrators of "The System", and receive the benefits of "The System" for the name (the baby). In truth, no one owns the name but, in claiming it, we take on the responsibility for the business conducted under the name.
By claiming the name, we give those of "The System" the authority to make decisions on behalf of our names because they administer the intellectual property of that name, which gives the impression that they are ruling over us. They do not see the living men, women and children, living co-creators that we really are, however, because they are only interested in the intellectual property of the name that we are renting and the benefits that "The System" is providing which they administer on behalf of the name.
The Curses Of "The System" All private corporations are also intellectual property that those of "The System" administer. We have gone from men and women in "The System" thinking that they owned the land, and the services such as Telstra, to nearly everything being owned by private corporations. Where the people were taking responsibility and appointing representatives to administer affairs on their behalf, now the people have no responsibilities and everything of "The System" is administered by the administrators of "The System". This is because all the intellectual property of "The System" is based on the lie that some men and women are more equal than others and deserve to have their lives be placed on a higher standing than the lives of other men and women. Lies are curses and the more lies that are created on the back of the base lie of "The System", the more the curses amplify and increase. The makers of the curses do not want to feel the effects of their curses returning to them so they trick us into accepting their curses which we do as we accept the lies. The more those behind "The System" can get us to accept the lies of "The System", the more we take on the curse which supposedly prevents them, the makers of the curses, from having to feel the effects of the curses of their making returning to them.
Everyone of "The System" operates under limited liability because none of them want to be held accountable for their actions in the name of "The System". They want to deflect the curses. This is what limited liability is all about. "The System" has been designed so that those at the top never have to process the curses they are creating. No matter how high up the ladder you climb, all forms of harm are deflected back to those who claim ownership of the intellectual property, i.e., us! None of the private corporations of "The System" can process the curses because they are empty vessels, also designed to deflect the curses from their makers so that we, all those with names attached to or contracted to the private corporations, have to process all the curses being created in the name of the private corporations. The private corporations are not present and neither are the master puppeteers because they are hiding in the shadows. We are the only ones present who can process the curse.
Everyone caught up in "The System" is cursed. "The System" is the system of processing curses. Even if we have no contracts with "The System", using anything of "The System" is processing the curses. While we use the internet, we are cursed because the construction of both the software and hardware has caused destruction to life. Those in the shadows of "The System", the master puppeteers pulling the strings of belief in ownership of the name, do not process the curses because they claim no ownership but they benefit from the "wealth" of the rest of us, the marionettes, processing the curses because we have given them the responsibility to administer all the assets of the intellectual property that the name is attached to. Ownership of the name is ownership of the person, the strawman, the "i", the self, the ego, the intellect, the mind, the individual (in-divide-u-all); our belief in all of these, in the "i" that performs in the story of belief we were tempted to enter into, hooks us in under a corporate "STATE" of ownership and creates the me, me, me, "i", "i", "i", mine, mine, mine, greed and selfishness that is the underlying current of "The System" and is the mark of our fallen status as the cursed, better known as the "hu-man". This is our "bond" to the curse, our bind to the dead-corpse (corp-orate) State. We have willingly fallen into a “State” of unconsciousness and non-sense, superimposing intellectual property over land and house so that we can be ruled, where we have agreed to be wards of the state, children incapable of taking full-responsibility for our lives and in need of administrators to take care of the name.
How We Pass The Buck And Claim The Chaos As explained in the “The Dream of Life" video series www.loveforlife.com.au/node/8235 (http://www.loveforlife.com.au/node/8235) or http://www.youtube.com/user/ArthurLoveForLife (see below) they create the fairy tales for us to take on character roles in. Our belief, the "i", that the "i" (Christian, Muslim, Jew, New Ager, scientist) is on a journey from somewhere to somewhere, that there is somewhere other than life here and now, and that there are hierarchies "out there" (archangels to cherubs) as well as in "The System", leads us to give up taking full responsibility for everything that is happening in the name of "The System", here and now. We pass the buck to the master puppeteers who rule over us here and now while we accept and process all their curses here and now. The base lie that all the lies of "The System" are based on continues to grow while we continue to accept it and wait for someone else to come along and sort out all the problems. The master puppeteers know this and so are orchestrating that "someone" who will offer a new, rosy version of "The System" that will still require the master puppeteers to maintain their administrative status, ruling over the cursed.
This is why there is no place for making claims in the dream of life that is Earth/Nature/Kindom/Reality. While we cannot prevent those of "The System", enFORCErs or not, sending out and administering curses if they choose to do so, we can refuse to accept and process the curses, instead sending them back to their makers where they stay and amplify moment by moment without escape or respite, burning their brains and affecting all those who benefit from the curses, as well as their loved ones and all those connected to them. Everyone, directly or indirectly, associated with them or their systems are bound and must process the lies they support. All that we have to do is hold this image in our brains so clearly that it is unbreakable; when you see the chemtrails in the sky, return the curses to their makers. Be it a heart attack, fatal accident, house fire, etc, don’t be attached as to how and when they will process their curse. With peace, forgiveness and acceptance of MAN'S/our freewill, allow the cursed to uniquely process their own lies. Let them take full-responsibility for everything they think, feel and do. The more we return the curses, the more the makers of the curses will directly experience the effects of their curses. Then they have the choice to either stop creating the curses that are causing so much harm or to continue creating the curses and to continue experiencing the effects of their curses. For more on this read: "Introduction To "The Curses Are Being Returned" http://loveforlife.com.au/node/8183 and watch “The Dream Of Life” video Part 3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGwxAk4mAPU (All Dream Of Life Videos Are Posted/Embedded Below).
The point is, “Stop Claiming The Lie”
When we remember who we really are, we realise that we cannot be destroyed; they can harm the body but, as life (MAN), we are always life. When we give up ownership of the name and remember who we really are, we are indestructible.
The name is a curse; when we sign the mortgage, we are taking on the curse of "ownership" of the land. When we sign for a bank loan, we are taking on the curse of money. Going to court and claiming to be responsible for or re-presenting that name is agreeing to accept whatever penalties/curses those re-presenting "The System" dish out because you are accepting responsibility for whatever you did in "The System" using the name of "The System".
How We Take Responsibility For The Name It is possible to get those of "The System" off your back by telling them you are not the owner of that intellectual property - the name - and to go to the owner of that intellectual property to resolve the claims they are mistakenly making against you. However, they can then produce evidence of you taking responsibility for the name because of all the contracts you have made with "The System" using that name. When you sign up for the services of "The System", the gas, electricity, phone, internet, mortgage, registration, passport, permit, certificate, money, credit, bond, trust, lien, etc, of "The System", you are providing them with evidence that you do take responsibility for the name and that they have the right party. They then see you as a liar and/or a pirate stealing/misappropriating the copyright holder's intellectual property that they are administering, for private/personal gain, etc. You cannot disassociate from the name if you are using/renting it for your benefit. You can only disassociate from the name if you are prepared to give up all the benefits of "The System" and have no contracts with "The System".
Comprehending the role of the name within "The System" makes our position as slaves/renters very clear but it does not come with a quick fix. To be free of "The System" and unaccountable to "The System" means to be "free" of all the benefits of "The System". We cannot have the sweetener without the Aspartame, the bacon without the cruelty.
Mistaken Identity We are all fully responsible for our actions and, if we are caught by the enFORCErs of "The System" because we have hurt someone, stolen or otherwise caused injury to another man or woman, we do not deserve a "quick fix" or to get out of whatever penalties we incur. However, if no harm was caused, there are no injured parties, no peace was broken, no crime committed, etc... then the "authorities" have the wrong party. Anyone under the radar can explain that he/she was confused at the time about this name, about this re-presentation of intellectual property because he/she is not that name nor the owner of that name/intellectual property. He/she was not present to the matter, i.e., not aware of the full picture, not in full control of their faculties. At the time of the confusion/matter/claims raised etc, he/she was not aware of the mistake in identity nor did the "authorities" provide full-disclosure as to which party they were after. He/she was under the influence of a spell.
This is all true BUT, as explained above, if he/she has contracts with "The System", he/she is admitting to taking full-responsibility for that "name". Basically, there is nothing he/she can do unless they are prepared to give up all contracts with and benefits of "The System". If he/she is determined to depart from "The System", he/she can start bouncing the curses back to the makers so they process the lie/curse. He/she needs to tell them of his/her intention that all involved including their loved ones, beneficiaries, associates, etc, are now processing the curse/lie. He/she has free will and has the gift of life to set his/her thoughts in motion here and now. We all have the choice to change and empower our situations. The more people who support this bouncing back of the curses, with clear intention and image, the more powerful it is and the more it accelerates and expands. Read "Introduction To "The Curses Are Being Returned" http://loveforlife.com.au/node/8183
Give Back Their Intellectual Property He/she gives the authorities the "name's" birth-certificate, driver's license, passport, Medicare card, bankcard, credit card, registration papers, etc, in an envelope and tells them this is the correct party in the matter they are dealing with and to deal with the owner of that intellectual property because he/she is not the owner of this intellectual property and is no longer a renter of this intellectual property. This is the moment it all changes and the responsibility for the curses comes back on the makers and all involved. This is a big responsibility and most do not want to take it on - they prefer to remain in "The System" under limited liability/responsibility.
We realise that most people are too compromised to do this but how can you disassociate from that name if you are using/renting it to gain the benefits of "The System"? This is why we have to support each other so that more and more of us can exit from "The System" supported by those still contracted to "The System" until we have enough of us to walk away together, back to the co-creation of Kindoms, Do No Harm Communities. This is why we wrote "The Steps Of Kindom", originally called back in 2006/2007 "The Ten Steps Of Kindom": http://loveforlife.com.au/node/5788
We cannot escape "The System" on our own; we need to free each other and the beauty of this is that, in doing so, we cure our lives of the greed and selfishness that keeps us trapped in "The System".
"Claiming" "The System" If you make claims or argue (give life-energy to their charge) for any of the claims and laws made by representatives of "The System", or if you claim copyright or trade rights over the name, etc, you are also showing that you are taking full responsibility for their claims, that you are the re-presentative of the name, the claimer, and that you are taking full responsibility for any administrative charges made against the name, the intellectual property they administrate and the rental fees (includes all rules, regulations, rituals, procedures, conditions & contracts) attached to the contract for administrative services rendered for that intellectual property. You are processing the curse. This is why you can never go to your court (caught) seeking commercial remedy from "The System" using the intellectual property of "The System"; the moment you make a claim (believe in, have faith in or have any associated opinion) about something of "The System" you are agreeing that you are the renter of the name of "The System" and that you are under-the-standing of the authorised (appointed by the author/s) re-presentatives of the intellectual property of "The System" and agreeing to be governed by the "authorities" appointed by the inventor/s (the authors) of the intellectual property.
All forms of paperwork that you file on behalf of the name with the administrators of "The System" in any area of "The System, no matter what, is admittance that you are the re-presentative of that name and that you presently gain the benefits of "The System" and accept them as your authority/masters. If you are a free MAN, living creator, without masters, why do you have to write to anyone about anything, at any time, or go to court about anything? Besides being accountable for doing harm, you are not answerable to anyone. All men (living co-creators) are equal. The moment you engage in their world you are admitting that you accept their authority and that you are in and of their world. No matter what you write, they will ignore it. If they drag you to court, don't be caught re-presenting the name or claim responsibility for the name by arguing for any claim/matter raised in that name. This is why we have to completely withdraw from "The System", taking full-responsibility for who we really are as MAN and what we are really part of. Staying in "The System" and using anything of "The System" means that you accept the authority of others to govern you meaning you live under limited liability and are not willing to take full responsibility for MAN, living-creator, that is who you really are.
It is a trap to claim/argue-for ANYTHING of "The System", be it a law, a bond, an account, a trust or money, privileges, benefits, etc, of "The System". Unless you want to remain as a slave, including your children, don’t go to their courts and stop using all the services they administrate. Together in large numbers we can help each other pull out of “The System" back to co-creating Do No Harm Communities (Kindoms) as tribes of MAN on land. “The Dream Of Life” videos and “The Steps To Kindom” have been written to inspire a mass exodus out of hell (“The System”).
The Name Is Our Access To "The System" The name is the character we have been given to access, rent, and perform in the fairytale world that is "The System". The living MAN that you are is not that name and the living MAN has no place in the fairytale therefore you cannot be in the world that is "The System" as living MAN. Your only access to "The System" is through the name that identifies you as a slave of "The System", a renter of all the intellectual property of "The System" you are RE-PRESENTING.
This is why they manufacture and encourage our belief in ownership. We do not "own" anything of "The System", not the money, the houses, the cars, anything. The money in your pocket is intellectual property you are renting, and you are a tenant in the house you think you own. They have conned us into making a claim over the land & money and believing we can own land & money. When they arrived on the shore of "new" lands and put up their flags, they were not claiming the land but declaring the introduction of their system of religions, law, science, education and authority. They were bringing in a new "God" ("The System") for us to worship and bow down to, therefore accepting their authority to administer the system they were introducing. While they make no claim over the land, those of "The System" have divided the land up into Parishes that they administer through their priests and clergy and the Land Titles Office. They do not administer the land; they administer the titles (intellectual property - scribbles on paper) over the land just as they administer the "sinners" (us) who are the processors of the curses. The clergy, with their "vow" of poverty, are protected from the curse of money and ownership with even the Pope and the Archbishops never handling money or claiming ownership, even though they live in luxury and benefit from the riches and ownership claims of the churches of "The System", another deflection.
The religions, as are ALL belief systems, were created to deal with the deflection of the curses and those at the top of the Freemasonic/Satanic world dress as priests which filters down through the ranks of lesser priests of all religions who probably have no idea what they are doing. The Freemasonic system was designed, through administration, to give power and control to the few at the top and to keep the curses away from their doors while they enjoy all the wealth of "The System" provided by everyone lost in "The System" When we comprehend this, we do not have to waste time learning the finer points of law to get at the truth, or arguing over who owns what. "The System" has nothing to offer us except bondage and servitude so why should we take any further interest in it and why would we want to continue processing the curses?
Why Only You Can Process The Curse We are charged for re-presenting everything of "The System", all intellectual property copyrighted by the holder-in-due-course = "The Crown". By giving our life-energy to "The System", we give "presence" to that which actually has no presence because it has no life. It is not present to the living, having no substance that we can touch, taste, see, hear, feel and smell. It is not life-sustainable and, being non-sense, cannot be sensed and cannot process a curse. While you are present as living MAN, putting your life-energy into the intellectual property they administer, the history, the money, the taxes, the fees, the laws, the education, the science, the university courses and careers, the media, the entertainment, the services and the religions, philosophies, new age, channelling, prophecies, stories, mathematics, geometry, alphabet languages and commerce/insurance, you give these dead-corpse constructs (empty vessels) the semblance of presence but all that is present is YOU which is why you are the one who has to process the curse.
Without you putting your life energy into these dead-corpse constructs, they are nothing and do not exist. They have no life. "The System" is nothing without our life energy and, as soon as we cease putting our life energy into "The System", it ceases to exist. It has no power. This is why the administrators of "The System" put so much effort into keeping us distracted, mesmerised and totally brainwashed in the intellectual property of "The System". The survival of "The System" depends on our participation in "The System". They need our LIFE and by persuading us into giving our life to their dead world, they make us into renters/slaves of their non-sense world. We labour, give our life, to pay the fees that prop up the dead world, hence the symbol of the crucifixion - the living MAN surrendering his/her real life for the dead world.
Appearing In The Dead World As The Living The living MAN is not in the dead world or of the dead world but, through the invitation of their offers and claims (i.e, Joe Blow drove 80ks in a 40ks zone), you can enter the dead world, using the dead languages and dead constructs of the dead world to communicate as the living MAN, the living creator, bringing light (SENSE) into their darkness (NON-SENSE) so that they, the dead, can recognise the living amongst them. You do this as a gift of life (love) to help them discharge (be freed from) this claim, but you do not charge (give life to) their claims and you do not process the curse. The "charge" they create and administer for you is their attempt to get you to put your life energy into that charge and to process the curse. They will do anything, including using trickery, threats, intimidation and force to get you to give life (charge) to their charge/claim. When you appear as the living MAN, demonstrating that you are not in or of the dead world and that you do not accept or process the curses of the dead world, they flee because they know that the curses are being returned to the makers of the curses and all who benefit from those curses.
It is all about temptation; they are offering their "apple" to lure you into the dead world, away from the living Paradise that we are supposed to be co-creating, even though they are our brothers and sisters of life. They have turned against us, MAN against MAN, forgetting that we are all life and that what we do affects all of life.
It Is Up To Us We have to forgive everyone lost in "The System" that is HELL, “The Beast”. None of us, including those who pull the strings and those who make up the force of "The System", were provided with idiot-friendly, full disclosure as to what would become of our lives when we started to think and feel the thoughts and emotions offered (regardless of how) by our tempters, and were conned into re-presenting this intellectual property. We learnt to "believe in" this demonic garbage and therefore to "OWN" these lies which possess us. However, we are all fully-responsible for the marionette roles we perform in worship of "The System" we uphold as our God and we need to intercede and confront all lies and liars and make whole all that does harm to MAN, nature/Earth, the dream of life.
We are lost in a counterfeit world of language, symbols and codes, used, abused, manipulated and treated as slaves at the beck and call of master puppeteers, black magic warlocks & witches, the master creators of darkness, who pull at the strings of belief (ownership) but are no more winners than we are. The lost is who we are here and now. Where the lost go, so goes the dream of life that is Earth, that is MAN, that is all of us. If all around us are lost in chaos then we live in hell here and now, if all around us are truly free and at peace living truth, then we live in paradise.
We are all of the pool of MAN'S consciousness; the thoughts and feelings we give life to impacts the collective consciousness of MAN. We have to walk the talk and inspire the lost to stop all forms of harm doing. We are all responsible.
Rather than putting our life energy into "The System", isn't it better to put our life energy into getting back to the land, to sense, co-creating Kindoms?


12th November 2014, 04:10 PM
Causeth is not equivalent to "ordered".

"Causeth" is Strong's G4160.

Obamacare is not mandated....you must sign up for it.

And if you don't, you get to pay a hefty fine.

Since I don't participate in Social Security theres no reporting of income and therefore no 1040 to file which means even if I didn't have insurance....obamacare is nullified as far being fined through the tax return for not having insurance.

Bullshit you don't.

Post your letter from the IRS stating you don't have to file. Otherwise, we will presume you simply have not been nailed yet.

If you are going to yap biblical prophecy...at least do some do diligence to know what it is you are talking about like taking words back to their original language to get a better understanding...instead of being lazy and reciting what you read on the internet.

G4160, Chump.

7th trump
12th November 2014, 05:52 PM
"Causeth" is Strong's G4160.

And if you don't, you get to pay a hefty fine.

Bullshit you don't.

Post your letter from the IRS stating you don't have to file. Otherwise, we will presume you simply have not been nailed yet.

G4160, Chump.

What makes you think the IRS has anything to do with Social Security..............chump?

The obamacare program of fining an individual through their tax return for not having insurance is nothing more than an extension of Social Security....."employment".....to be more exact 42usc 410 "employment".
You'll find the same "employment" definition in title 26 (internal revenue) at 26usc 3121(b).

The IRS cannot, and does not, have any jurisdiction or influence over the Social Security Administration.
The IRS cannot, and has never, forced anyone into participation of Social Security.
The IRS cannot, and never has, forced anyone into signing a W4 earning 26usc 3121(a) "wages" (aka 42usc 409 Social Security wages for crediting the SS account).

old steel
12th November 2014, 06:35 PM
One of those rare days when i make my way into a Walmart. Everyone was out of mandarin oranges so i checked them out for some.

They had them in stock, why wouldn't they everything else they sell comes from China. When i go to self checkout till it doesn't accept cash, anything but.

The help woman had no explanation for the why, just that it has been this way for a year.

Why is cash a no no there now?

Gave me a creepy feeling.

12th November 2014, 07:33 PM
What makes you think the IRS has anything to do with Social Security..............chump?

The obamacare program of fining an individual through their tax return for not having insurance is nothing more than an extension of Social Security....."employment".....to be more exact 42usc 410 "employment".
You'll find the same "employment" definition in title 26 (internal revenue) at 26usc 3121(b).

The IRS cannot, and does not, have any jurisdiction or influence over the Social Security Administration.
The IRS cannot, and has never, forced anyone into participation of Social Security.
The IRS cannot, and never has, forced anyone into signing a W4 earning 26usc 3121(a) "wages" (aka 42usc 409 Social Security wages for crediting the SS account).

Please post your letter from the IRS stating they consider you have no tax liability.

12th November 2014, 07:34 PM
One of those rare days when i make my way into a Walmart. Everyone was out of mandarin oranges so i checked them out for some.

They had them in stock, why wouldn't they everything else they sell comes from China. When i go to self checkout till it doesn't accept cash, anything but.

The help woman had no explanation for the why, just that it has been this way for a year.

Why is cash a no no there now?

Gave me a creepy feeling.

Probably machinery failure, but I'm waiting for the day, soon, when cash acceptance will be no longer.

old steel
12th November 2014, 07:40 PM
Probably machinery failure, but I'm waiting for the day, soon, when cash acceptance will be no longer.

All the other superstores around have the self checkout machines and they accept cash, however Walmart is American based maybe that has something to do with it?

7th trump
13th November 2014, 04:29 AM
Please post your letter from the IRS stating they consider you have no tax liability.

You clearly don't understand the way liability is assessed.
Ever heard of a W3?

Heres a hint...........chump!

RM 00206.065 SSN Applications for Federal Income Tax Returns (IRS Requests)
A. Introduction
IRS generally uses the SSN as the taxpayer identification number (TIN). Each taxpayer and spouse is required to enter his/her own SSN on the return. SSNs are also required for dependents being claimed on the tax returns. However, for people who are not otherwise eligible for an SSN, IRS will assign an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).
When processing tax returns, IRS matches the name shown on the tax return with the name shown on the IRS database for that particular SSN. SSA Numident data is sent to IRS each week in the format IRS requested. This information is then used to update the IRS database. When IRS finds a return on which an SSN has been omitted or cannot be verified, they notify the taxpayer to contact SSA to determine the correct number or to obtain an SSN.

Some here hints for the clueless "thinker"

RM 00206.066 Inquiries Based on IRS Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Backup Withholding Program
IRS regulations require payers of interest and dividends to provide IRS with the correct name and TIN of the payee. For individuals, the TIN is usually the SSN. IRS periodically provides payers with lists of TINs that do not match their records.
Since IRS records are created from SSA data, it may be necessary for the individual to contact SSA to correct or verify information contained on SSA records. In some cases, the individual will request that SSA provide third party verification to the interest payer.
Interest payers are required to withhold 31 percent of the interest or other reportable payments due when the individual does not provide a valid TIN. Those individuals who are notified for the first time that the name and TIN supplied by the payer to IRS does not match IRS data only need to notify the payer that they have taken corrective action. Those individuals notified of a discrepancy for the second time in a three year period must provide proof to the payer that they have a valid SSN through SSA third party verification before backup withholding can be discontinued.


And one more!

RM 01101.009 IRS/SSA CAWR Agreement
Under the authority provided by Section 232 of the Act, IRS and SSA have entered into an interagency agreement that specifies how the Combined Annual Wage Reporting (CAWR) process will work.
The following are pertinent extracts from the IRS/SSA interagency agreement on the CAWR system.
· Reconciliation (Article IV):
o “SSA agrees to: ....Notify employers of missing or discrepant FICA wage reports identified by SSA based upon comparisons of SSA and IRS records. The employer notices will be sent to employers...prior to any IRS reconciliation activity for the tax year.”
· Employer Education (Article IV):
o “Both IRS and SSA agree to...Promote better employer reporting practices by participating in joint educational workshops for business employers and magnetic media seminars.”
· Disclosure Safeguards (Article VI):
o “SSA will provide safeguards prescribed under 26 USC 6013 (p) (4) for all federal tax returns and return information received from taxpayers and IRS. SSA employees and contractors employed by SSA are subject to the provisions of 26 USC 7213 and 7431 regarding unauthorized disclosures.”
· Review Procedures:
o “Both IRS and SSA agree to: Designate representatives to meet no later than October 1 of each year to review the method and effectiveness of data exchange processes between the two agencies during the preceding 9-month period and review this agreement for any changes that will improve the processing and/or reconciliation of employer reports.”
· Processing Responsibilities (Appendix, Subsection (a)):
o .....
14. The money fields on the Forms W-2 that will be electronically and clerically balanced to Forms W-3 totals by SSA are: Advanced Earned Income Credit (EIC) payments, FICA wages, FICA tips, FICA Tax Withheld, Federal Income Tax Withheld, Allocated Tips, and Wages, Tips, and Other Compensation.
15. SSA will validate all Forms W-2 and W-2P on SSN and name.
16. Tolerances for FICA-related reconciliation will be less than a quarter of coverage level for that tax year.
17. SSA will furnish to IRS the reported and processed totals of all Forms W-2, W-2P, and W-3 money fields....
18. No changes may be made in SSA's balancing tolerances without prior discussion and consultation with IRS.

Getting a better understanding crimethink?
If what you believe is the truth about the IRS then why is it that the SSA is the one furnishing the reported and processed totals of W2 and W3's to the IRs who then use that info to determine a refund or liability?
You have to participate in Social security to have a liability.
So use your head and think for a minute....the IRs doesn't send out letters of liability unless they get that "wage" (income) totals from the Social Security Administration.

What I'm trying to get through your thick skull crimethink is the prerequisite to being found liable for federal income taxes (as far as earning a "wage")........... is "participating in Social Security".........I cant stress this enough.
The W3 is a transmittal form from the employer directly to the SSA.
So when you file a 1040 you attach the W2 which the IRS uses to compare the info from the W3 with ...for accuracy...and honesty.
So you tell me crimethink......does the IRS have any authority to tell the employer to make an employee participate in Social Security so the IRS can assess a liability?
No!......the IRS has no jurisdictional authority over the SSA or the individual. That relationship is strictly authorized by the individual.
It would be illegal for the IRS or any agency or any individual to force participation to extract taxes in the end.

13th November 2014, 08:53 AM
Much is made about the "witch burnings," and most of it is like the "showers" of World War II.

We are expected to believe that "innocent practitioners of magick were mercilessly hunted down and killed for merely practicing a different faith." Same dogma as with the Holocaust™.

In reality, those into what they called witchcraft were not all "innocent." Most of the worst of the legends - including capturing & using children - were true. The infamous Druids, universally revered by European pagans, were specialists in things like the Wicker Man.

New Age occultism models "the olde ways" today. I'm not sure about child sacrifice; though, most Wicca practitioners support abortion, which is a form of human sacrifice. Hardly much of a leap to simply perform post-birth abortion on a little kid, "in honor of the goddess."

Linda Moulton-Howe is the premiere serious researcher on real-world occult practices. The bizarre sacrifices of animals that continue to go on are abominable. Unfortunately, most of the relevant articles are behind the "Real X-Files" paywall, but perusing the main page can give some examples:


September 8, 2014 - Half-Cat Mutilation in Utah.

“I looked at him and just thought, ‘This is so odd, because he's not eaten on.’
He was cut in half, heart and lungs were gone, and there wasn't a drop of blood
anywhere, and he was laid there with his front paws crossed over each other.
If he was alive, he would have been sleeping.”

- Sherry Teresa, wildlife biologist and half-cat owner, Springdale, Utah

The StGeorgeUtah.com news reports that Sherry Teresa of Springdale, Utah,
near Zion National Park has posted a $5,500 reward for information about
her male cat, Khepri, that was “surgically cut in half” with all internal organs
except intestines bloodlessly removed. Teresa is a wildlife biologist and knew
when she found her missing cat near her home the morning of August 17, 2014,
that the bloodless surgery had not been done by a coyote or other natural predator.
See dozens of half-cat and mutilated animal reports in Earthfiles Archive.

Witch Hunts were the equivalent of today's Terrorist Hunts. Their purpose was and is identical.

13th November 2014, 11:48 AM
What I'm trying to get through your thick skull crimethink is the prerequisite to being found liable for federal income taxes (as far as earning a "wage")........... is "participating in Social Security".........I cant stress this enough.

Everyone here knows you're a liar. 1099s, for example, have nothing to do with Social Security. "Income" according to the IRS is not limited to "wages."

You've (allegedly) successfully circumvented their system, and simply haven't been caught - yet.

13th November 2014, 11:49 AM
Witch Hunts were the equivalent of today's Terrorist Hunts. Their purpose was and is identical.

Or not...

13th November 2014, 03:09 PM
Or not...

Or not, what?
If witch hunts had begun from the ground up, you might have a valid argument, but they didn't. They were started by TPTB,
insane psychopaths. Rulers in Ermine Robes, Red Robes and Black Robes. Just like today.

7th trump
13th November 2014, 04:20 PM
Everyone here knows you're a liar. 1099s, for example, have nothing to do with Social Security. "Income" according to the IRS is not limited to "wages."

You've (allegedly) successfully circumvented their system, and simply haven't been caught - yet.

1099's are a result of "self-employment". Again "employment" is defined in the Social Security Act.

Only difference a 1099 from a W4 is how the IRS collects the money.
For a 1099 the money is sent to the IRS on a quarterly basis...the IRS then sends the amounts contributed to the SSA who then credit the individual SS account.

The federal courts have ruled time and time again that the federal income tax is an "excise" activity.
Well well well.......guess where you find that "excise" activity?
Why of course.......in the Social security statutes.

26 U.S. Code § 3111 - Rate of tax

(a) Old-age, survivors, and disability insurance
In addition to other taxes, there is hereby imposed on every employer an excise tax, with respect to having individuals in his employ, equal to the following percentages of the wages (as defined in section 3121 (a)) paid by him with respect to employment (as defined in section 3121 (b))—

Most self proclaimed know-it-all's look into the IRS statutes...and they fail!
Yes, the "excise" answer is in the IRS statutes, but guru know-it-all's never think of looking at the SS side of IRS statutes.

See the excise is having employees earning a "wage" that's in respect to "employment" as defined.
Back to "employment". "Employment" is defined for specific purpose......and that is Social Security......crediting the SS account.
"Employment" isn't a common-law definition where someone goes and works for another for cash. This particular definition of "employment" is defined under the Social Security...for the purpose of Social Security. That definition has no legal bearing outside of Social Security.

And if you have any doubts about "wages" and "employment" ....here's section 3101 relating to the employee.

26 U.S. Code § 3101 - Rate of tax

(a) Old-age, survivors, and disability insurance
In addition to other taxes, there is hereby imposed on the income of every individual a tax equal to the following percentages of the wages (as defined in section 3121 (a)) received by him with respect to employment (as defined in section 3121 (b))—

There basically identical....but the issue at hand is if the employer is getting hit an "excise" tax for having employees participating in SS then obviously Social Security is the excise taxable activity.

13th November 2014, 05:03 PM
So if we partake in SS we have to pay tax, if we opt out we don't correct? Following these strategies as like reading an article on a rubber band.

7th trump
13th November 2014, 05:44 PM
So if we partake in SS we have to pay tax, if we opt out we don't correct? Following these strategies as like reading an article on a rubber band.

Thats exactly correct.

By not participating in SS the W4 is nullified.
The W4 is the agreement you sign to participate in Social Security.
The W2 purports amount of SS wages earned (aka 42usc 409 "wages" and 26usc 3121(a) "wages" for tax purposes (box 3 on the W2)). The W2 also purports the amount of taxable "wages" earned (aka 26usc 3401(a) "wages" (box 1 on the W2)).
Both box 1and box 3 on the W2 purport the exact amount of "wages" earned....they are both one in the same. So if you made 50,000.00 you'll have 50,000.00 in both box 1 and box 3...and even box 5 (medicare).

Without a W4....theres no W3 transmittal and no W2.
If no W3, then the SSA cannot update the IRS system with "wage" earnings to determine a federal tax liability.
The W2 and W3 purport the same "wage" amounts.
The difference is the W3 goes to the SSA while the W2 goes to the employee to calculate the taxes owed or refunded....both purport the exact amounts.

13th November 2014, 06:11 PM
Or not, what?
If witch hunts had begun from the ground up, you might have a valid argument, but they didn't. They were started by TPTB,
insane psychopaths. Rulers in Ermine Robes, Red Robes and Black Robes. Just like today.

Mythical "history," just like the Holocaust™.

"I was burned at the stake five times..."

The reality was much, much tamer than claimed. Both are an attack on Christianity.

13th November 2014, 06:12 PM
So if we partake in SS we have to pay tax, if we opt out we don't correct? Following these strategies as like reading an article on a rubber band.

We pay taxes because they will take our property, put us in a cage, or kill us if we do not. Not because "it's the law."

Write the IRS a letter telling them you are "exempt" from paying taxes based on what Chump claims, and they will send you an invoice back with a "civil penalty for frivolous tax arguments." The "civil penalty" is up to $5000, plus what they claim you "owe" them.

If you refuse to pay it, they will levy your bank account(s), lien your property, and, often, stick you in a cage.

7th trump
14th November 2014, 07:40 AM
We pay taxes because they will take our property, put us in a cage, or kill us if we do not. Not because "it's the law."

Write the IRS a letter telling them you are "exempt" from paying taxes based on what Chump claims, and they will send you an invoice back with a "civil penalty for frivolous tax arguments." The "civil penalty" is up to $5000, plus what they claim you "owe" them.

If you refuse to pay it, they will levy your bank account(s), lien your property, and, often, stick you in a cage.

The IRs doesnt go after people who arent in the "reporting" system.
Its the SSA who inputs "income" data into the system for the IRS to assess a liability.
You obviously dont know what box 1 on the W2 is used for.
Nor do you understand how or why the amounts reported get into box 1 of the W2.

Look fool....the irs cant assess a tax unless theres reported income. So if the IRs has -0- income in the file then they cant assess a damn thing.
You've heard of tax brackets right?
The higher the tax bracket the higher the tax assessed.

And you think you are intelligent.....from the sounds of it ...you're a chicken shit coward who'll bow to the IRS in fear.
Just a coward!

Ever heard of a "US citizen"?
Just what political status do you sign under penalty of perjury as being every time you sign a W4?
Do you think the government can make you sign a document that strips your Constiotutional Rights......do you beleive the government can legally make you participate in their programs that strips you of your Constitutional protections?
Do you think you might have a supreme court case against the employer for making you become a second class citizen?

14th November 2014, 09:30 AM
Bullshit! (deleted)

Post your letter from the IRS stating you are exempt from taxes.

7th trump
14th November 2014, 09:54 AM
Post your letter from the IRS stating you are exempt from taxes.

Your ignorance is showing!
What makes you beleive there must be a letter?
How could there be a letter, or even an assessment of tax liabilty, if the SSA reports to the IRS -0- "wages" that are in respect to "employment" earned?
Your logic is infected!

If I made 75,000.00 one year and the following year I made 50,000.00....what makes you beleive the IRS sends a letter asking about the other 25,000.00?
I mean.........thats your intellectual mentallity!
I suppose if a spit wad landed next to you....you'd think the person it landed next to "must" be the one who spit it?

Your under the illusion that all money is "income"?
You're a bigger fool than I thought!
The W2 and W3 purports "wages" as defined which are in respect to "employment" as defined.
"Employment" is only defined in the Social Security laws.............for the purpose of Social security and Social Security only.

Do you get it now?
The earnings outside of Social Security is out of the scope of the IRS.

14th November 2014, 03:04 PM
What makes you beleive there must be a letter?

There must be a letter to prove you are not simply lying.

You expect everyone to "just believe" that you don't pay taxes indefinitely because you are right, not because you have circumvented them so far.

Post the letter from the IRS stating you have no "tax liability." Alert them to your presence, and prove they concur with you.

In reality, if you write them, you will be fined, and then armed goons will show up at your door eventually.

14th November 2014, 03:16 PM
Are there any non Christians here who see what's coming, know what the Bible says about this and still are not saved??
The question is why not?

You kind of beat me to the punch, I was thinking of this earlier today [shoulda, woulda, coulda].

But I also thought of these verses....

Revelation 2:9

I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

7th trump
14th November 2014, 06:44 PM
There must be a letter to prove you are not simply lying.

You expect everyone to "just believe" that you don't pay taxes indefinitely because you are right, not because you have circumvented them so far.

Post the letter from the IRS stating you have no "tax liability." Alert them to your presence, and prove they concur with you.

In reality, if you write them, you will be fined, and then armed goons will show up at your door eventually.

There is no letter....how many times do I have to tell you?
The IRS doesn't harass me. They legally cant...I do not earn any "wages" they base their assessment on. I do not partake in Socialism. Granted I do not get any Social Security benefits such as unemployment either. Nor am I eligible for food stamps or any handout Social Security offers......none of it!!

You cant see the forest through the trees grasshopper.
The income tax is assessed on the amount of 26usc 3401(a) "wages" you earn (box 1 on the W2). These 26usc 3401(a) "wages" are found in chapter 24....(Subtitle C- Employment taxes, chapter 24). If you look at the definition you'll clearly see that Social Security's 3121(a) "wages" are incorporated into this chapter 24 definition.
But these 26usc 3121(a) "wages" (aka 42usc 409 "wages", social security wages) are found in chapter 21 of the same Subtitle C- Employment Taxes.
Really.....all chapter 24 does is list what types of earnings are subject to withholding and deductions.....nonetheless you'll find Social security "wages" are in the list required to be withheld and deducted from.
My earnings don't fall within the list of 26usc 3121(a) "wages" or 26usc 3401(a) "wages" because I do not participate in Social Security.
I supplied statute 26usc 3101 stating that social Security "wages" are in respect to 26usc 3121(b) "employment".
Do you not understand what that means?
You have claimed you have a high IQ...so what is intellectually challenging about this?
I'll help you out....it means you can only earn 3121(a) "wages" by being 3121(b) "employed".....in layman's terms you have to participate in Social security to earn 42usc 409 "wages" which are, as far as the IRS is concerned, 26usc 3121(a) "wages" and 26usc 3401(a) "wages" (purpose of withholding and deducting...aka signing the W4).

midnight rambler
14th November 2014, 07:47 PM
The IRs doesnt go after people* who arent in the "reporting" system.

*also applies to 'persons'

This is one of those times when Donald Trump is absolutely correct. Yes, it's a shock to one's sensibilities, but it is what it is. lol

The deal is that Uncle Satan tricks/cons the youngsters into the initial filing of a 1040 form by getting the notion across to them: "Look! If you file a 1040 you will get money back!" That first filing of a 1040 is 'setting the hook'. If one has never filed a 1040 then the Individuals Representing Satan will NEVER bother them.

14th November 2014, 08:14 PM
It always comes back to social security. DERAIL

15th November 2014, 12:02 AM
Do you not understand what that means?
You have claimed you have a high IQ...so what is intellectually challenging about this?

You expect us to believe that you are smarter and more crafty than all the Americans sent to prison for defying the IRS?

7th trump has "better arguments" than Irwin Schiff, the Browns, Eddie Kahn, William Benson, Tom Cryer, and numerous others?

Sure you do.

7th trump
15th November 2014, 06:31 AM
You expect us to believe that you are smarter and more crafty than all the Americans sent to prison for defying the IRS?

7th trump has "better arguments" than Irwin Schiff, the Browns, Eddie Kahn, William Benson, Tom Cryer, and numerous others?

Sure you do.

Whats the odds you never read any of their books nor visited their websites to understand their failed arguments that lead all of them to prison except for Cryer....Cryer died before his trial date.
I'll give you a hint.....they all were instructing people to file a -0- tax return while participating in Social Security where the employer reported more than "-0-" to the Social Security Administration.
They all participated in Social Security...received the benefits of Social Security and then in the end didn't want to pay for those public social benefits.
They all were looking at the ass end of the bull when they should have been looking at the front.

Problem with these people is they couldn't identify what caused earnings to be taxable.....much like your problem!
I'm going to tell you right now, you crimethink, aren't qualified to argue with me....you haven't a clue of the subject matter at hand...but just skim the web and grab a few names off the net and paste them over here in an attempt to fool the people on this board into thinking you have knowledge of the subject matter....YOU DONT!

Prior to 1940 millions of Americans weren't required to file a 1040. In 1939 roughly 7 million of Americans filed 1040's.....in 1940 it doubled to 14 million and has been rising by the millions ever since.
What happened in 1939 causing an influx of two fold being required to file a tax return for the first time in their lives crimethink?
What happened?