View Full Version : How to get a gun carry permit in DC

12th November 2014, 04:00 AM
How to get a gun carry permit in DC Posted: Nov 10, 2014 5:40 PM EST Updated: Nov 10, 2014 10:28 PM EST By Emily Miller, FOX 5 Chief Investigative ReporterConnect (http://www.myfoxdc.com/story/27347523/emily-miller-dc-gun-carry-permit#)

http://WTTG.images.worldnow.com/images/5708779_G.jpg (http://WTTG.images.worldnow.com/images/5708779_G.jpg)

WASHINGTON - I am a registered gun owner, but I feel that I'm in more danger on the streets of Washington, D.C. than inside my home. So when D.C. recently passed a new law allowing for some rights to carry a gun outside the home, I decided to apply for a permit. I quickly found that it is still impossible to exercise my Second Amendment right to bear arms.

Until July, Washington, D.C. was the only place in the country did not allow for any right to carry a gun outside the home. A federal district court judge ruled in the Palmer case that the total ban was unconstitutional.

The D.C. attorney general said last week that the city will appeal the ruling. While the issue goes through the courts, the Metropolitan Police Department has started giving out applications, so I went to the firearms registration office to start the process.

Milton Agurs, a civilian police department employee was at the front desk. I told him why I was there.

“You need to meet two criteria,” Agurs explained. “First that your life is in danger, your family or your property, or you have the type of business you carry large sums of money, jewelry. Under those circumstances, you can get a carry permit in DC.”

“To prove my life is in danger?” I asked. “Obviously there is a rising crime rate and a high rate of murders and sexual assaults in D.C. -- is that enough to say I want this for self-defense?”

“You have to prove you need concealed carry as opposed to just wanting one,” he replied.

Prove a need for a constitutional right? That's what D.C.'s new law says.

The application that Agurs gave me said that living and working in a high crime city is not enough to get a carry permit. I read further down where it says that it has to be “a special danger to your life."

What's the difference between a regular danger -- like getting raped and murdered on the street --- and a special danger? You have to prove you are being targeted.

“Do I have to give evidence?” I asked.

“Yes ma'am,” said Agurs.

“I was a victim of a home invasion. And I've gotten a threat against me. Do I just give the police records?” I asked.

“Yes, ma'am,” he said.

I asked Agurs who will decide whether or not my self-defense needs are special?

That's something the chief of police will do,” he said, referring to Chief Cathy Lanier. “But you'll have your reasons why you feel like you need it.”

“The chief of police personally will decide whether or not I get a carry permit?” I asked.

“You know it usually works-- it's going to be her or someone on her staff,” he said.

Proving a “need” is just one part of the carry permit application. You have to do 16 hours of classroom training, plus two hours at the range.

“Where do I go to do that?” I asked Agurs.

“Unfortunately, I think they are still setting up the classes,” he replied.

There's the rub. The city isn't actually abiding by the court decision. No one can apply for a carry permit because the police haven't certified any trainers for the mandatory classes. That might be partly because D.C. charges trainers $400 to be certified.

In contrast, Virginia accepts any class that is certified by the NRA. And there's no minimum time requirement for training.

So I asked Agurs: "The Second Amendment right to bear arms just doesn't fully apply here?"

"I believe when the Second Amendment was written, that was more or less for when the British were coming."

When the British were coming? The Bill of Rights is no longer relevant?

Well, I spoke with Alan Gura, the lawyer for the plaintiffs in the Palmer case. He said that the city's new carry permit law is unconstitutional and does not adhere to the court ruling. Gura has filed a request for a permanent injunction, which a district court judge will hear on Nov. 20.

So I can't go any further in the application process until the police certify someone to teach the 18 hours of classes. The police gun registration office told me to keep calling to find out when that happens.

12th November 2014, 05:38 AM
thats the same law here, except they changed it. I technically could take my pistol to my work place and wear it openly there. It kind of said had to be either in security, a jeweler or a cattle farmer living above the 26th parallel or something. Where the buffalo roam basically. In case you were being charged. But I think it was loose enough. Then they said no to farmers and jewelers and put the kibosh on everything else.

If I were her I'd get certified as a trainer.

Twisted Titan
12th November 2014, 05:59 AM
Apply for the permit that criminals get.

No waiting
No background check
No finger prints
No limit on magazines
No limit on bullet types
No agrevation

12th November 2014, 06:15 AM
Living in North Carolina they make you take an 8 hour class in order to get a permit to carry. I'm getting ready to move just over the border to South Carolina here in the next couple of weeks and its the same damn thing.

I guess I got spoiled in Indiana you apply for a permit, and if you have no felonies on your record you'll just be given a permit.

mick silver
12th November 2014, 07:21 AM
here in ky you also have to take the 8 hour class and be able to hit a target at 20 ft then you have to be able to clean the gun
. are just carry out in the open and around here there are a lot of guys who just carry in the open

Twisted Titan
12th November 2014, 08:40 AM
Im no fan of Permissions.

I had to swallow enough of my pride to complete the yellow forms at the Fed level.

When the time comes ..... it will be the concern for the protection of me and mines that will issue my carry permit.

I will not willfully get on another data base for when the sweeps begin.

12th November 2014, 10:46 AM
The rules for Open carry is a joke, you can but... you have to put it in your trunk or locked up separate from the bullets/magazine. In order to carry live in your car the only option is conceal carry, then you can open carry or conceal carry.

12th November 2014, 11:38 AM
It would have been easier for the guy to set up an LLC as a jeweler, even if he never really did that kind of business.

12th November 2014, 09:20 PM
I have to do a minimum of 6 compliance tests each year per hand gun. I have to join a club and pay membership. I have to join the sporting shooters association. I have to pay a license fee. I have to pay a license extract fee. I have to have safe. I have to store everything in seperate comparments. ammo, pistol, mags all separate. Can't have more than 10 round mags. I cannot tell my spouse of the location of the keys or how to open the safe - basically you have to lie or conceal from you partner. I have to waive my right to lawful search laws. The police don't need a warrant to search the premises. I think that's it. pretty easy really.

12th November 2014, 09:55 PM
I have to do a minimum of 6 compliance tests each year per hand gun. I have to join a club and pay membership. I have to join the sporting shooters association. I have to pay a license fee. I have to pay a license extract fee. I have to have safe. I have to store everything in seperate comparments. ammo, pistol, mags all separate. Can't have more than 10 round mags. I cannot tell my spouse of the location of the keys or how to open the safe - basically you have to lie or conceal from you partner. I have to waive my right to lawful search laws. The police don't need a warrant to search the premises. I think that's it. pretty easy really.

After reading this, a song immediately popped into my head and wont go away...


12th November 2014, 10:06 PM
It's even worse...


13th November 2014, 02:49 AM
I've been reading my posts from today. I've been doing a lot of what we call grizzling. But I got a beer, hit play and cranked it up. Feeling better now thanks.

don't you think it's interesting his number was 46664

from the album first rays of the new rising sun