View Full Version : Pastor Kent Hovind Gets Trumped Up Charges to Keep Him in Jail

12th November 2014, 05:20 AM

The government is trying to extend Kent Hovind's jail sentence because of "mail fraud". Basically the government has been making up charges to keep in in prison. He was scheduled to be released already, but the government's new charges will keep him behind bars 20 more years.

I used to troll him back when I was a militant atheist, but he's had a lot of injustices thrown at him by the government. People should know about this political/religious persecution.



12th November 2014, 06:48 AM
Another example of our fine government in action. Damned evil bastards playing these games. Their day will come.

12th November 2014, 07:01 AM
It doesn't seem like there is any legal research team or anything going on. Are they just relying on state attorneys and prays. One is good but the other = slam dunk.

What they need is to crack open the conspiracy. It's clear there is one. So who is asking the questions for these guys?

Who signed the transfer orders? See if it's the same person each time.

He offered no defense at trial. Did all his arguing at the arraignment. Probably when he was not being "re-presented". The guy's a sovereign freeman.

I wonder if all his employees got hit with tax bills. Probably not. Easier in equity to go after the one.

12th November 2014, 07:02 AM
Their day will come.

Does who?

12th November 2014, 08:42 AM
This thread should not be in "Religion & Philosophy". This is an attack on all our freedoms. They are working to silence any who would be the voice of liberty. Christians are the primary target for this. Once they are snuffed, hell is unleashed.

12th November 2014, 09:23 AM
This thread should not be in "Religion & Philosophy". This is an attack on all our freedoms. They are working to silence any who would be the voice of liberty. Christians are the primary target for this. Once they are snuffed, hell is unleashed.

I don't like starting threads in the General section. Yeah, more people see it, but the other sub-forums have threads stick around forever.

12th November 2014, 11:52 AM
Nice to see you are waking up Shami. I don't expect that you have made THE major change yet, but one you becomes a lover of the truth is not far off.

12th November 2014, 11:55 AM
Nice to see you are waking up Shami. I don't expect that you have made THE major change yet, but one you becomes a lover of the truth is not far off.

Waking up? What do you mean? I'm still an atheist.

12th November 2014, 12:04 PM
Dr. Kent Hovind is a good man, he is one creationist who knows how to explain some fairly complex ideas thrown out by evolutionts so that the average man can understand the trickery involved

12th November 2014, 02:54 PM
Waking up? What do you mean? I'm still an atheist.

And you know you are still asleep.... so i said "waking up". It is a process. You need a supernatural experience to shake off that atheist stuff.

12th November 2014, 09:07 PM
Hovind was originally nailed for 12 "tax offenses" (including failure to pay FICA for employees), 1 "obstruction offense" (related to the Infernal Revenue Code), and 45 "cash structuring offenses" ("smurfing").

I don't consider "structuring" to be a crime, and neither does the Bill of Rights. We can dismiss that bullshit right off.

The "obstruction" thing is a political weapon, essentially a "thought crime," so we can dismiss that as well.

That leaves the "tax offenses." Paying Federal Income Tax is done because they have more guns than we do, not because it's "the law." That was his prerogative to ignore it. However, failure to pay FICA is an offense against other people. Whether one likes Social Security & Medicare or not, people are working for that being paid into. I consider this equivalent of refusing to pay for state disability insurance or worker's compensation insurance. He would be morally "off the hook" if he paid the employees the FICA taxes in cash, but he simply pocketed it.

His latest "issues" are related to contempt of court, since he apparently used some "sovereign citizen" horseshit that he should have known would not work, and only cause him a world of hurt (he is, after all, in prison since similar schemes failed the first time). When they have you by the balls, stop squirming!

I very much appreciate Shami standing up for a Christian, even though he himself is not one. Normally, I would be aboard, too, but, Hovind has quite the (deserved) reputation of being a huckster. Answers in Genesis/CMI offered exposes on him, and I tend to agree with their position on "Dr. Dino." His "doctorate" is fake, BTW - he's no more a "doctor" than I'm a "reverend" (I have a novelty "credential" from the Universal Life Church).

He is not being "persecuted" here. If the regime were out to get creationists, there are plenty more who are not being charged with any "crimes." Don't put your head in the noose!

I'll chalk up Hovind's case in the same category as that of Bernhard von NutHaus; he hung himself.

12th November 2014, 09:10 PM
Dr. Kent Hovind is a good man, he is one creationist who knows how to explain some fairly complex ideas thrown out by evolutionts so that the average man can understand the trickery involved

Christ's statement applies perfectly to non-"doctor" Hovind: "And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God."

13th November 2014, 07:14 AM
Soon... very soon, ALL of us will have to choose whether we support this beast system or stop paying into it. When it does things against your moral sensibilities, why should you pay to empower it? I will not fault anyone who resists the beast.

13th November 2014, 12:24 PM
Soon... very soon, ALL of us will have to choose whether we support this beast system or stop paying into it. When it does things against your moral sensibilities, why should you pay to empower it? I will not fault anyone who resists the beast.

I don't fault him for refusing to pay taxes on his own income/wealth. I fault him for pocketing what should have went to his fellow man (it's morally OK to refuse to pay FICA if you pay it directly to the employee).

28th November 2014, 01:53 PM
Followup interview:


12th December 2014, 07:45 AM
Thank you so much for posting these videos. I have tried to keep current on Dr. Hovind's situation but never have been able, it seems, to access the latest interviews from him.

All Christians should seriously pray for this man right now. Come on, all you Gold Forum Christians, pray for Dr. Hovind right now and every day over the coming days. The fervent and effectual prayers of a righteous man availeth much. God is still on His throne and prayer changes things.

God can knock all those crooked judges, lawyers and federal and local bureaucrats flat upside down on their arses right now. Pray Pray Pray

I am going to go to 2Peter3.com and see about getting and reading Dr. Hovinds book about his changed uderstanding of the end times.

Dr. Hovind followed the advice of all these people on the alternative news networks who tell people how to get around the crooked legal system, for example, the RuleOfLaw radio network and many shows on the GCNlive network and Logos Radio Netowork shows. Whatever advice he was given did not serve him well though I do believe that he did not break any laws whatsoever.

I wish there were a website that is sort of run like Gun Owners of America email notices where they send you a sample letter to your congress disRepresentive that you can add to or amend however you wish to add your own message. Then the GOA people find your disReps and send the letter to them for you. Dr. Hovind mentioned also sending letters of protest to the DOJ so a sample letter needs to be set up for that too. This kind of website that we could subscribe to and get all the latest sample email message and helps for our fight would be so great. Dr. Hovind's sons ought to be working on getting this kind of website set up pronto. Also any Christian activist and computer savvy people could contribute such a helpful website. Even Dr. Hovind could help write the sample letters.

All of Dr. Hovinds Creation videos and audio tapes are on YouTube and other places and they really help you get the full picture on Creation. I never knew it before, but the official position of the Catholic Church is a young earth and literal 7 day Creation. Because of the Judeo-Masonic infiltration of the Church, that official position has been suppressed for about 50 years. I subscribe to the KolbeCenter.org for Catholic truth regarding Creation but I never would have found that had I not got my earliest truths on Creation from Dr. Hovind. My prayer is that Dr. Hovind come to the fullest understanding of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and it looks very much like that the Holy Spirit is strongly with him and leading him to full Truth.

In this way we could CONCENTRATE and BOMBARD our congress critters all from one place. Would give us so much more impact and so many more people, like me, need help in preparing the letters so that they have the most impact and who need help because of vision / age problems too.

12th December 2014, 08:57 AM
government's new charges will keep him behind bars 20 more years.

We have got damned murderers released in just a few years. We have pedophiles, armed robbers, wife abusers, a gentle giant knock out gamers released in months. But we find a christian who is vocal and not paying the appointed taxes... off to the diungeons.

12th December 2014, 09:09 AM
Dr. Hovind's situation

"Doctor"? You know his "doctorate" is fake, right?

All Christians should seriously pray for this man right now. Come on, all you Gold Forum Christians, pray for Dr. Hovind right now and every day over the coming days. The fervent and effectual prayers of a righteous man availeth much. God is still on His throne and prayer changes things.

Pray that he repents? Pray that he receives mercy for his sins? Definitely not pray for justice, since that wouldn't be pretty.

Dr. Hovind followed the advice of all these people on the alternative news networks who tell people how to get around the crooked legal system, for example, the RuleOfLaw radio network and many shows on the GCNlive network and Logos Radio Netowork shows. Whatever advice he was given did not serve him well though I do believe that he did not break any laws whatsoever.

Let his stupidity and greed be a lesson to all.

Hovind loved money, and aimed to try to out-Jew the System using Jewish tactics. Anyone who says you can use legal tricks to avoid government tribute (taxes) is flat-out lying. We don't pay taxes because it's "the law" - we pay them because they have more guns than we do. He dealt in "Federal" Reserve Notes and then refused to render them to their creator. Much more importantly, he shortchanged his employees with Talmudic "arguments" and kept the money for himself.

In this way we could CONCENTRATE and BOMBARD our congress critters all from one place.

You're kidding, right? You think the Washington Criminals give a damn what we think?

Email letters to Congress go right to electronic oblivion. Paper letters to the shredder.

12th December 2014, 09:12 AM
We have got damned murderers released in just a few years. We have pedophiles, armed robbers, wife abusers, a gentle giant knock out gamers released in months. But we find a christian who is vocal and not paying the appointed taxes... off to the diungeons.

His plight has nothing to do with his religious beliefs. It has everything to do with tax evasion; the ultimate "crime" in the eyes of the government. He asked for a 501(c)(3) license to run his "ministry," and then refused to play by the rules that come along with that Mystery Babylon license.

12th December 2014, 09:31 AM
His plight has nothing to do with his religious beliefs. It has everything to do with tax evasion; the ultimate "crime" in the eyes of the government. He asked for a 501(c)(3) license to run his "ministry," and then refused to play by the rules that come along with that Mystery Babylon license.

And you think the justice served is just? Really?

12th December 2014, 09:31 AM
He asked for a 501(c)(3) license to run his "ministry," and then refused to play by the rules that come along with that Mystery Babylon license.

Just in case anyone disputes that Hovind's "ministry" is a Mystery Babylon-licensed organization...


Creation Today is a ministry of God Quest, Inc., a Federal 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation. Financial records are available at guidestar.com.

Current CEO is Eric Hovind, "Doctor" [sic] Kent Hovind's son - a stand-in for obvious reasons.

12th December 2014, 09:34 AM
And you think the justice served is just? Really?

He engaged in business with Mystery Babylon, and failed to abide by their rules. No one forced him to obtain the 501(c)(3). In fact, if God is really his king, he should never have even considered that. He is claiming two Masters, and the earthly one inflicted the logical consequences.

I cannot believe people are falling for his "I am being persecuted" nonsense.

27th February 2015, 07:35 PM

28th February 2015, 05:35 PM

28th February 2015, 06:43 PM

Published on Feb 27, 2015



several other recent videos.


The "trial" starts Monday.

28th February 2015, 07:17 PM

Published on Feb 27, 2015



several other recent videos.


The "trial" starts Monday.

That kind of crap makes me roll my eyes and dislike him. I am guilted into wanting to help Hovind since I used to troll him so hard before he went to jail. Praying doesn't work. If it did, Evil wouldn't win 99% of the time.

28th February 2015, 07:26 PM
Telling people the cure for cancer can put you in jail...


1st March 2015, 12:27 AM
He comes across as a decent guy. His financial planners may have shafted him, although all 3 lying to him would be stretching it. And the punishment is completely disproportionate anyway.

1st March 2015, 02:38 AM
Great video. He speaks truth as best I can tell. He is not selling vitamin pills. I agree with Dr. Hovind. Evolution theory is stupid.

I believe in prayer because I believe in God. God is still on His throne and prayer changes things. Hundreds of thousands of people prayed and fasted so that USA would not go to war against Syria. Pray unceasingly. It is the only thing any of us can do to make a difference.

Apparently you are not a Christian and do not understand about man's fallen condition and how many continues to be conformed to this evil world system instead of seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, so I will not strive with you.

How many people are rotting away in prisons or jails because of crooked judges and politicians?

25th April 2015, 06:51 AM
The Verdict is In

Sentencing June 12, 2015



The Verdict

This morning at 10:30 the Jury concluded their deliberation. Around 11:15 the verdict was read before the court.
Four counts were brought against Kent Hovind. Three counts of Mail Fraud and one count of Criminal Contempt of Court.
Count 1 Conspiracy to Commit Mail Fraud – Unable to come to a verdict
Count 2 Mail Fraud – Unable to come to a verdict
Count 3 Criminal Contempt of Court – Guilty
Count 4 Mail Fraud – Unable to come to a verdict
The Criminal Contempt of Court count contained two different charges. One charge was from a 2012 order and the other from a 2007 ruling from Judge Rodgers. Kent was not found guilty on the 2012 charge but was found guilty on the 2007 charge. This count was from the original 2007 case when Judge Rodgers forfeited Kent Hovind’s interest in the property. The order did not restrict Kent from presenting filings to question this decision; therefore, Kent’s attorney asked the Judge to rule that there were not enough facts presented to the jury to find Kent guilty of that verdict. The Judge said that she would take that under advisement.
Thomas Keith, Kent’s attorney said that in a Federal Case it is rare to see anything other than a guilty verdict. While he would still like the Judge to find that there was not enough evidence presented on the Contempt of Court charge and overturn the verdict, this is considered a huge success.
On the one guilty charge, if Judge Rodgers does not overturn it, there is no limit to the penalty that she can impose. Please pray that she would show leniency during the sentencing.
Sentencing is scheduled for June 12, 2015.
For those of you who would like to help, here are a few things you can do.
1. Pray:
– Kent’s Attorney is attempting to get Kent out of the county jail and back into a federal facility.
– That the Government will not continue to pursue the three counts that the Jury was unable to come to a verdict on.
– That the Gospel through the Creation Message would be spread with amazing effectiveness around the world.
2. Write a letter:
– If you would like to write a letter to the Judge on Kent’s behalf. The letter should be addressed to the Judge and could have some of the following…
Dear Judge Rodgers,
Why you are supportive of Kent Hovind
Why you think he has spent enough time in prison.
Why having Kent Hovind out of prison would be a blessing.
Positive Qualities you see in Kent Hovind.
There is no need to address the charges or what your thoughts are on the governments decision to prosecute Kent Hovind.
Send the letter to the following address:
Attorney Thomas Keith
Blount Building, 2nd Floor
3 W Garden Street, Suite 200
Pensacola, FL 32502
3. Help spread Kent’s favorite topic far and wide.
– Kent’s seminars can still be viewed for free at CreationToday.org. You can post these and other articles and videos all over to help people run into the truth!
– Creation Resources to give to others are ready and waiting to be used as ammo. You should give some to a skeptic friend.
4. Promote Creation Ministries.
Creation is foundational to having a proper worldview. There are many Creation Ministries around the world who are standing on the front lines every day. They need your support. If you would like to support the Creation Message, Kent would be very grateful. We have set up a fund specifically for promoting Creation Ministries at Creation Today. If you would like to be a part of that, please call 877-479-3466 or visit CreationToday.org/network
Dad would be proud!
As always, Thank you for your prayers.
Eric Hovind

25th April 2015, 07:22 AM
This guy hurt nobody and we have the Clintons selling out America, all the crooks in the federal reserve system, the banksters & government running free.... but they have to cage up a harmless man. Pretty damned sad state of affairs in this corrupt nation.

8th July 2015, 09:08 AM
Looks like Kent Hovind is finally free:



8th July 2015, 11:22 PM

9th July 2015, 02:58 PM
They stole 9 years of his life and damaged his family. May the culprits face severe judgment.

17th July 2015, 09:57 AM
Update from Hovind:


20th July 2015, 07:09 PM
Kent Hovind is now on YouTube. Subscribe to his official channel below:



19th October 2015, 02:41 PM
The legal argument.
