View Full Version : Here's a project for you Ponce

12th November 2014, 04:02 PM
(CNN) -- Got an idea on how to make a flying aircraft carrier? The Defense Department wants to know about it.
The Defense Advanced Research Products Agency has a request out for ideas (https://www.fbo.gov/index?s=opportunity&mode=form&id=a73e0ea615c675383c1529c5ad631249&tab=core&_cview=0) on how to develop an airborne platform that could both launch and recover other aircraft.
But before you start looking for schematics of the Starship Enterprise (NCC-1701) or Battlestar Galactica, or how you might levitate the USS Nimitz, think a little smaller, like B-1, B-52 or C-130.
DARPA wants ideas on how to turn those aircraft currently in the Pentagon inventory into platforms that could carry Unmanned Aerial Systems, what most folks call drones, close to their targets. The drones could then go about their business -- bombing, missile strikes, reconnaissance, etc. -- then fly back to the mother ship and head for home.
This plan could add to the range of the drones and open up new missions they cannot now undertake because of their limited range, DARPA says.
As you consider your ideas, DARPA says you have to keep the cost low and they'd like something they could demonstrate within four years. And don't get long-winded. Your proposal should fit on eight, standard 8.5- x 11-inch pages in 11-point type.
And if you're worried your big plans will fall into the hands of your competitors, don't. DARPA promises all ideas will stay inside the Pentagon.
The deadline is November 26. Now get to work.


Remember, 11 point font or points will be deducted.

12th November 2014, 05:15 PM
I have a feeling Ponce may not be interested in working on an invention used to help drones "go about their business -- bombing, missile strikes, reconnaissance, etc. -- then fly back to the mother ship".

12th November 2014, 05:46 PM
Got news for you, large planes are already being used to carry drones........already gave The Pentagon three of my ideas....step on booby trap (used in Nam), make a sub 35% faster by using only 5% more energy (in review, or in use) and a new way to make codes or encryptions (no answer at all)...........all this was done long ago. I have many more but.....what for.........troops can be saved by the vehicles instead of having a flat bottom would have a V bottom and that way disperse most of the blast to the right and to the left, the same would be attached with outo springs (you should know why). Do have many more, but what for.



12th November 2014, 08:49 PM
WTF?! This proposal has been tried, with success, already back as early as the 1930s. How hard is it to repeat with much more advanced technology today?


