View Full Version : Paul Andrew Mitchell Arrested

14th November 2014, 07:45 PM
I guess he has been in jail since January 28, 2014. The feds don't like hearing the truth about their little scam called "The United States" a federal zone of liars.



Paul Andrew Mitchell has been bundled away by the US Government / All is well in the United States of Amerikkka

Updated 11/08/2014 to include many more past communications from Paul (find these comprehensive links towards bottom):
URGENT: Application for Temporary Restraining Order: Please FAX or Overnight ASAP re: Paul Andrew Mitchell [MITCHELL PAUL MODELESKI (44202086)]

Protect and defend the Constitution? Eric Holder Jr. resigns while being under arrest, American political prisoner tortured

6-20-14 - Paul has now been moved over 42 (http://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnosis/2014/07/supplemental-affidavit-of-moves-29-thru-42-case-no-214-cr-00027-ndf-2-usdcdwy.html) times since January.

6-9-14 -- : Nothing to see here, move along? Hello? This needs more exposure. I can't get this spread out all by myself. If nothing else, please go massive in letting the world (your contacts, the public, etc. others who have blogs and websites, etc.) know about what is going on and get media, governmental exposure,.This one relates to persecution by the IRS, DOJ, etc. of those who hold certain political beliefs. This would blow the whole IRS and various other scandals out of the water that are presently in the news. 6.20.14 - As per usual everyone is clueless!


Rumor Mill News has confirmed that Paul is imprisoned, and has provided other informative details:

Here is SECOND AFFIDAVIT OF PROBABLE CAUSE that I typed up from PDF that Paul had submitted from the federal prison facility on 2/7/14 and was filed 2/13/14 (Note: See much more below):

TO: Office of Chief Judge Ref. # 14-CR-27-F (USDC/DWY)
U.S. District Court
700 Stewart Street
Seattle 98101
Washington State, USA

FROM: Paul Andrew Mitchell , B.A., M.S.
FDC SeaTac Reg. No. 44202-086, Unit “EA”

SUBJECT: ongoing investigation of missing and/or defective credentials, w/ DOJ

Greetings Your Honor:

Start by reviewing Martinez v. Winner, 771 F.2d 424 (1985). In the matter of Case No. MJ-14-00030 (JPD), please accept this AFFIDAVITsummarizing the credential investigation which the Undersigned has been conducting at least since the year 1996 A.D. with assistance U.S. DOJ.

In particular personnel of this Court have now touched the instant case, but without having produced a true and correct copy of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management Standard Form 61 APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVITS, expressly required by the Federal statutes at 5 U.S.C 2903 (authority to administer), 2906 (custody) and 3331.

To satisfy the requirements of all reasonable due diligence, Defendant submitted nearly identical FOIA Requests to OPM and OMB, for proof that OPM had complied with all regulatory requirements, imposed by the

[Incorporated by reference in # 14-CR-27-F (USDC/DWY)] — 1 of 9 —
page 2 of 9 is missing from the court documents scanned by the clerks?

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to discover SF-61s for employees such as U.S. Magistrate Judges, Clerks and Deputy Clerks of Court.

Court employees who have failed or refused to disclose valid SF-61s include, but are not limited to:

(a) James P. Donohue dba Magistrate
(b) Brian Tsuchida dba Magistrate
(c) William M. McCool dba Clerk of Court

In the Executive Branch, and to the best of his memory, Defendant has also used the FOIA to request valid SF-61s for Jenny A. Durkan, OUSA in Seattle; Christopher A. Crofts, OUSA in Cheyenne, Wyoming; and L. Robert Murray, OUSA, Cheyenne, Wyoming.

In the IRS, Defendant used the FOIA to request valid SF-61s for JamesMarcy and Dave Guest. See Chrysler Corp. v. Brown!

No SF-61s were produced for Messrs. Donohue, Tsuchida, and McCool!

The SF-61s produced for Durkan, Crofts, Murray, Marcy and Guest all displayed no OMB control number; and, in some cases those “bootleg” requests failed to display any citation to 5 U.S.C. 2903 (authority to administer).

Whenever resorting to a NOTICE AND DEMAND, instead of a FOIA Request, Defendant relies upon the definition of “demand” in Black’sLaw Dictionary, 6th Edition, whereby “demand” necessarily implies a

— 3 of 9 —
right of some kind. In this context, the SF-61 required by 5 U.S.C. 3331, 3332, 3333 is a legislative implementation of the Oath of Office Clause at Art. VI, Sec. 3, in the Constitution for the United States of America, as lawfully amended.

As such, the Oath of Office on each SF-61 is Defendant’s FundamentalRight. In this context, see Miranda v. Arizona (“rights secured by the Constitution”) read Fundamental Right.

In light of all the above, Defendant is now claiming justification for concluding the following, under 19 Op. Atty. Gen. 219 (1889)!

(a) James P. Donohue cannot sign any orders, nor preside on any hearings;
(b) Brian Tsuchida cannot sign any orders, nor preside on any hearings;
(c) William M. McCool cannot put his authorized signature on any “process”;
(d) Jenny A. Durkan cannot represent any government agency before this court;
(e) Christopher A. Crofts cannot represent any government agency before USDC, DWY;
(f) L. Robert Murray cannot represent any government agency before USDC, DWY;
(g) Stephan Harris cannot put his authorized signature on any “process”;
(h) James Marcy cannot be an employee of the U.S. Department of the Treasury;
(i) Dave Guest cannot be an employee of the U.S. Department of the Treasury;

— 4 of 9 —
Messrs. McCool & Harris are both claiming to be de jure Clerks of Court who have both touched the instant case. Unfortunately, the absence of valid SF-61s renders both of them unqualified to perform any duties assigned to the Office of Clerk:

(a) they cannot maintain custody of any Court records, particularly their own SF-61s, of which they are the legal custodians — or shouldbe the legal custodians —
(b) they cannot summon or screen jurors, whether grand juries or petit (trial) juries, whether civil or criminal juries, insofar as neither has executed a valid SF-61 and maintains legal custody of same; and,
(c) they cannot sign any Court process that satisfies the statute at 28 U.S.C. 1691, because their signatures are not authorized signatures, absent a valid SF-61 that is and remains in the legal custody of the Office of Clerk of Court, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 2906.
NB: Insofar as personnel claiming to be lawful Clerks and Deputy Clerks do not have legal custody of their own valid SF-61s, then the entire Court is rendered totally impotent because it cannot issue anyprocess that satisfies the plain and simple requirements imposed on all “process” by the statute at 28 U.S.C. 1691. This deficiency also exists for “indictments” and “arrest warrants”, for the same reason.

— 5 of 9 —
Court “orders” and “search warrants” must also comply with Section 1691 supra. See case law under 28 U.S.C.S. 1691 and 28 U.S.C.A. 1691, all of which case law is almost unanimous in their holding that violations of Section 1691 result in depriving the Court of jurisdictionin personam. Hence, Defendant’s “objection!”

The absence of valid SF-61s for Messrs. McCool and Harris therefore calls for the conclusions that the so-called “search warrant” executed on 6/11/2013 was void; the so-called “arrest warrant” executed on 1/28/2014 was also void; and, the so-called “indictment” stamped 1/15/2014 is likewise void ab initio, for all of the reasons stated supra. No lawful Clerk!

Similarly, all Court hearings to date, on which either Mr. Donahue or Mr. Tsuchida attempted to preside, were null and void, ab initio; and, all rulings and “orders” issued during or after said hearings, were likewise null and void ab initio. See Carmine v. Bowen, U.S. v. Tweel, here.

The panel of federal citizens who attempted to issue the “indictment” in the instant case was not a lawfully convened Federal grand jury nor a lawfully screened grand jury.

This also means that the DOJ personnel who entered the grand jury room, did not attend, or conduct, an “official grand jury proceeding” in the instant case.

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Probable Jury Tampering and Impersonating an Officer of the United States

For all of the reasons already explained above, Messrs. Crofts and Murray entered the grand jury room without valid credentials, and thereby perpetrated a fraud upon the panel assembled in that room; moreover, such a fraud also constitutes probable cause that both committed, and conspired to commit, jury tampering and impersonating an officer of the United States. See 18 U.S.C. 912.

Lastly, and more to the merits of any “subpoenas” issued by the panel assembled in the grand jury room in Cheyenne, Wyo., it should now be abundantly clear that it was legally impossible for that panel to issue any valid “subpoenas” insofar as, and as long as, no valid OPM Standard Form 61 APPOINTMENT AFFIDAVITS were ever produced for any of the “players” named above; and insofar as, and as long as, the Office of Clerk of Courts in Cheyenne failed to maintain legal custody of valid SF-61s for all Court personnel, no exceptions. See 15 U.S.C. 2906, 3331, 3332, 3333; 44 U.S.C. 3507.


Defendant therefore sincerely believes that the facts itemized above do fully justify ORDERS to the Office of the U.S. Attorney to show causes why this honorable Court should not take mandatory judicial notice, pursuant to FREV 2001(c)(2),

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of all records currently in the custody of both Clerks of Court in Seattle, Washington, and in Cheyenne, Wyoming; to show cause why all “orders” issued in the instant case, should not be vacated; to show cause why all hearings conducted to date in the instant case should not be declared null and void; to show cause why the “search warrant” and “arrest warrant” were not both null and void ab initio; to show cause why the fate of Defendant’s private personal and his intellectual properties, safe and sound as they were between 6/18/2009 and 6/11/2013, should not be fully disclosed to Defendant immediately; to show cause why the so-called “subpoenas”, issued by a panel of federal citizens gathered at the Federal Courthouse in Cheyenne, Wyoming, should not be declared null and void, andquashed for that reason; and to show cause why a CIVIL RICO cross-complaint should not commence by naming all of the individuals mentioned above as individual Co-Defendants under 18 U.S.C. 1964(c), and possibly under 18 U.S.C. 241 and 242, and 42 U.S.C. 1985 and 1986; and, finally to show cause why the alleged “indictment” should not be declared null and void ab initio, and why the instant case should not be dismissed with prejudice. So bet it!

— 8 of 9 —

I, Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S., hereby verify under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America, without (outside) the United States (federal government) that the above statement of facts and laws is true and correct according to the best of my current information, knowledge and belief, so help me God.

Dated: 2/7/2014 A.D.

Signed: Paul Andrew Mitchell, Sui Juris

Printed: Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S.
All Rights Reserved (cf. UCC 1-308)
Foundation Authority: U.S. v. Callender, 25 F. Cas. 239 (1800)
Supplemental authorities: 5 U.S.C. 2903, 2906, 3331, 3332, 3333; 28 U.S.C. 453, 951; 44 U.S.C. 3507, 3512;
U.S. v. Seesing, 234 F. 3d 456 (9th Cir.);
Franks v. Delaware, 438 U.S. 154;
U.S. v. Sanders, 211 F. 3d 711;
U.S. v Bukowski, 435 F. 2d 1094 (7th Cir. 1970);
U.S. v. Smyth, 104 F. Supp. 283 (DC Cal. 1952).
* In re Grand Jury Application, 617 F. Supp. 199 (1985)
Willy v. Coastal Corp., 503 U.S. 131 (1992) re: 18 USC 3231; 18 U.S.C. 1964 (c) (Civil RICO), Liberal Construction; ** 18 U.S.C.S. 1504: “Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the communication of a request to appeal before the grand jury.”—added to remove possibility a proper request to appear might be construed as a technical violation of this section.

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P.S. A very good/informative talk given by Paul, out of the referenced links you will find below, is the following:
Constitution, citizens, and the united states; an interview with Paul Andrew Mitchell
P.P.S. My use of quotes in regards to "they" was that I don't really have a good referent as to who "they" are. Someone said they are "scare" quotes. I didn't know I could use referents to anything in regards to the written word without people trying to bastardize what I'm trying to communicate?

I just got this and thought you would want to know.


From: js
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2014 2:44 PM
To: Angela Stark (angelastark@ca.rr.com)
Subject: Re[2]: Paul Mitchell

Hello Angela,

This is all I know, I have been able to confirm this. I do know Paul has not been on the group since 1-28-14. Someone who knows Joe Hill sent me this below, I don't know this guy. I think we should get the word out.

I now know that Paul was held in solitary for 9 days. He says he is to be transported to Cheynne. He was arrested on the 28th and only released from solitary on the 5th.
Do you know of a Dr. Mike Holland, M.D. in Green River, Wyo.? Paul has asked to have him notified. Paul said he wrote to him already.
Paul is concerned as to the contents of his apartment. I don't even know his address. Paul really must have a photographic memory. He remembered my address. His letter to me was mailed on the 10th. I have no idea when he is being moved.
He said any Western union Help would be grateful for as he is destitute.
Pay to: Federal Bureau of Prisons (http://www.bop.gov/)
City Code: FBOP
State Code: DC
Senders account Number: Paul Andrew Mitchell, Reg-No.44202-086
This is all I know for now. Anyone that can help would be appreciated by Paul.
I don't know where the subpoena came from. I know Joe Hill cannot have contact with any of his former clients. Not sure about Paul.

Note from Teknosis: The following "indictment" documention contains the allegations being made by the government against Mr. Mitchell. This documentation was obtained via posted link found in the forum at the following link via Google search as to Paul Andrew Mitchell's arrest: http://www.quatloos.com/Q-Forum/viewtopic.php?t=9831

Paul Andrew Mitchell indicted (http://www.scribd.com/doc/207940516/Paul-Andrew-Mitchell-indicted)

RICO Tool Kit: How to hold Washington accountable using the Racketeer Influence & Corrupt Organizations Act

midnight rambler
14th November 2014, 07:53 PM
Yet another case of don't stick your head up above the ramparts least you get it taken off (by the gang of criminals perpetuating the Big Lie).

(although I regard Mitchell to be a hero for getting info out, he's now paying the price of drawing unwanted attention)

mick silver
15th November 2014, 06:31 AM
it's coming to everyone that's talks about the government .

15th November 2014, 01:42 PM
can we get a snyopsis of what he said and what teh charges are?

15th November 2014, 04:34 PM
can we get a snyopsis of what he said and what teh charges are?

Agreed. I don't much understand legalese with all these links and stuff. Perhaps Lord Palini can chime in about how this wouldn't happen if you don't apply to ________.

15th November 2014, 04:50 PM
Okay I stole this from another site I found via google:

http://www.supremelaw.org This fellows website. Many of us have heard of him...

His "forum" http://www.supremelaw.org/wwwboard/index.htm

He wrote this book: http://www.supremelaw.org/fedzone11/index.htm The Federal Zone:Cracking the Code of Internal Revenue

This man proved if memory serves me correctly the fraud that is the 16th amendment of the US of A constitution having never been ratified... I have read some of his profound writing.

He has 31 answered questions here: http://www.supremelaw.org/sls/31answers.htm

So why this post? I just found out.. (late I suppose) he is under custody as a mental illness patient,, Which is one way "they" shut people up.

http://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnos...oennes-ci.html (http://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnosis/2014/11/11102014-12-plaintiffs-exhibits-filed-by-paul-andrew-mitchell-aka-mitchell-paul-modeleskithoennes-ci.html)

http://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnos...overnment.html (http://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnosis/2014/02/paul-andrew-mitchell-has-been-bundled-away-by-the-us-government.html)

skimming true some telgnosis links.. by going back to the first month.. I find this from over a year ago.

http://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnos.../09/index.html (http://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnosis/2013/09/index.html) I am only posting a small part of that.. because CM was once giving death statistics from Iraq and Afghanistan. This is confirmatory. which went into the millions if I recall that I posted as updates now and then back then. The above is a letter to Glenn Greenwald... That fellow handling some of Snowdens material.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S."
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 2:29 PM
Subject: Please forward to Glenn Greenwald re:
"The Elites Have Committed Some of the Most Egregious Crimes Imaginable!"


http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=lBmLwPhqYzU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lBmLwPhqYzU)


Greetings Mr. Greenwald:

Your Bio above states that you are a former constitutional lawyer.

During your interview with Eliot Spitzer above, several constitutional
errors were made, notably:

America is a Republic, not a "democracy". That was Spitzer's error, btw.

Strictly speaking, the population of federal citizens who inhabit the 50 States
is an absolute legislative democracy, but not all Americans are federal citizens:

http://supremelaw.org/authors/mitche...or.dummies.htm (http://supremelaw.org/authors/mitchell/citizenship.for.dummies.htm)

I'm not a federal citizen.

More painfully, when asked, you replied that the "most egregious" crime
during the Bush Administration was the spying on the American People.

How can you honestly hold that opinion when the current body count
in Iraq has now exceeded 2 Million casualties, and journalists as a group
continue to ignore this VERIFIED CRIMINAL COMPLAINT?

http://supremelaw.org/cc/gwbush/vcc.htm (see all Exhibits)

... and Patrick's Fitzgerald's obvious obstruction of justice
by refusing to forward same to a duly convened Federal Grand Jury?

http://supremelaw.org/cc/libby/grand.jury.demand.htm ("Scooter" Libby case)

Wasn't Paul H. O'Neill fired because he objected to Bush Cabinet meetings
where they were planning to hit Iraq long before 9/11/2001??

O'Neill: Plan to Hit Iraq Began Pre-9/11 (http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A6632-2004Jan10?language=printer) [link is not working now]
Washington Post 11/01/04

« Former Treasury Secretary Paul H. O'Neill charged in remarks released Saturday that
President Bush began planning to oust Saddam Hussein within days of taking office and
before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 … »

In a related vein, why do you think so many journalists,
even alternative journalists, are avoiding -- like the plague --
the extensive evidence proving that the Federal courts
in America are extensively infiltrated?

http://supremelaw.org/rsrc/commissio...2004-03-16.htm (http://supremelaw.org/rsrc/commissions/evidence.folders.2004-03-16.htm)

http://supremelaw.org/copyrite/uoreg.../memo.ag01.htm (http://supremelaw.org/copyrite/uoregon.edu/memo.ag01.htm)

http://supremelaw.org/rsrc/commissions.htm (all their acts are void; can't even get paid!)

http://supremelaw.org/cc/hedges/Unit...tes.Notice.htm (http://supremelaw.org/cc/hedges/United.States.Notice.htm) (COUNTERFEIT SF-61 went viral!!)

You will please find the names of FISA "robes"
among those whose mandatory credentials are either missing
or fatally defective!

(We already made that finding on our own,
and published it on the Internet.)

But, will you insist on reporting future FISA "Court" decisions
when that "Court" is legally VACANT?

As a "former constitutional lawyer," did you or did you NOT
execute an Oath of Office requiring you to support
the Constitution for the United States of America?

Did you ever read all the way to Article VI?


and the long letter goes on.

15th November 2014, 05:00 PM
So did he have some computer tech design or something stolen from him? He seemed to follow some tech court case over PC memory chips? An alternative to DDR SDRAM. I dont know.

15th November 2014, 10:54 PM
Just another idiot that operated under the delusion that pieces of paper and magic words overcome brute force.

The government does not operate with "authority" or under Law - it relies solely on brute force.

16th November 2014, 12:21 AM
Okay I stole this from another site I found via google:

http://www.supremelaw.org This fellows website. Many of us have heard of him...

His "forum" http://www.supremelaw.org/wwwboard/index.htm

He wrote this book: http://www.supremelaw.org/fedzone11/index.htm The Federal Zone:Cracking the Code of Internal Revenue

This man proved if memory serves me correctly the fraud that is the 16th amendment of the US of A constitution having never been ratified... I have read some of his profound writing.

He has 31 answered questions here: http://www.supremelaw.org/sls/31answers.htm

So why this post? I just found out.. (late I suppose) he is under custody as a mental illness patient,, Which is one way "they" shut people up.

http://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnos...oennes-ci.html (http://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnosis/2014/11/11102014-12-plaintiffs-exhibits-filed-by-paul-andrew-mitchell-aka-mitchell-paul-modeleskithoennes-ci.html)

http://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnos...overnment.html (http://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnosis/2014/02/paul-andrew-mitchell-has-been-bundled-away-by-the-us-government.html)

skimming true some telgnosis links.. by going back to the first month.. I find this from over a year ago.

http://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnos.../09/index.html (http://tekgnosis.typepad.com/tekgnosis/2013/09/index.html) I am only posting a small part of that.. because CM was once giving death statistics from Iraq and Afghanistan. This is confirmatory. which went into the millions if I recall that I posted as updates now and then back then. The above is a letter to Glenn Greenwald... That fellow handling some of Snowdens material.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Paul Andrew Mitchell, B.A., M.S."
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2013 2:29 PM
Subject: Please forward to Glenn Greenwald re:
"The Elites Have Committed Some of the Most Egregious Crimes Imaginable!"


http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=lBmLwPhqYzU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=lBmLwPhqYzU)


Greetings Mr. Greenwald:

Your Bio above states that you are a former constitutional lawyer.

During your interview with Eliot Spitzer above, several constitutional
errors were made, notably:

America is a Republic, not a "democracy". That was Spitzer's error, btw.

Strictly speaking, the population of federal citizens who inhabit the 50 States
is an absolute legislative democracy, but not all Americans are federal citizens:

http://supremelaw.org/authors/mitche...or.dummies.htm (http://supremelaw.org/authors/mitchell/citizenship.for.dummies.htm)

I'm not a federal citizen.

More painfully, when asked, you replied that the "most egregious" crime
during the Bush Administration was the spying on the American People.

How can you honestly hold that opinion when the current body count
in Iraq has now exceeded 2 Million casualties, and journalists as a group
continue to ignore this VERIFIED CRIMINAL COMPLAINT?

http://supremelaw.org/cc/gwbush/vcc.htm (see all Exhibits)

... and Patrick's Fitzgerald's obvious obstruction of justice
by refusing to forward same to a duly convened Federal Grand Jury?

http://supremelaw.org/cc/libby/grand.jury.demand.htm ("Scooter" Libby case)

Wasn't Paul H. O'Neill fired because he objected to Bush Cabinet meetings
where they were planning to hit Iraq long before 9/11/2001??

O'Neill: Plan to Hit Iraq Began Pre-9/11 (http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A6632-2004Jan10?language=printer) [link is not working now]
Washington Post 11/01/04

« Former Treasury Secretary Paul H. O'Neill charged in remarks released Saturday that
President Bush began planning to oust Saddam Hussein within days of taking office and
before the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 … »

In a related vein, why do you think so many journalists,
even alternative journalists, are avoiding -- like the plague --
the extensive evidence proving that the Federal courts
in America are extensively infiltrated?

http://supremelaw.org/rsrc/commissio...2004-03-16.htm (http://supremelaw.org/rsrc/commissions/evidence.folders.2004-03-16.htm)

http://supremelaw.org/copyrite/uoreg.../memo.ag01.htm (http://supremelaw.org/copyrite/uoregon.edu/memo.ag01.htm)

http://supremelaw.org/rsrc/commissions.htm (all their acts are void; can't even get paid!)

http://supremelaw.org/cc/hedges/Unit...tes.Notice.htm (http://supremelaw.org/cc/hedges/United.States.Notice.htm) (COUNTERFEIT SF-61 went viral!!)

You will please find the names of FISA "robes"
among those whose mandatory credentials are either missing
or fatally defective!

(We already made that finding on our own,
and published it on the Internet.)

But, will you insist on reporting future FISA "Court" decisions
when that "Court" is legally VACANT?

As a "former constitutional lawyer," did you or did you NOT
execute an Oath of Office requiring you to support
the Constitution for the United States of America?

Did you ever read all the way to Article VI?


and the long letter goes on.


16th November 2014, 06:46 AM
Just another idiot that operated under the delusion that pieces of paper and magic words overcome brute force.

The government does not operate with "authority" or under Law - it relies solely on brute force.

Power and authority are two very different things, and it's important to understand that just because the state's authority may be illegitimate, it still has the power to do whatever it wants.

16th November 2014, 07:44 AM
Just another idiot that operated under the delusion that pieces of paper and magic words overcome brute force.

The government does not operate with "authority" or under Law - it relies solely on brute force.

Idiot is too strong a word for Paul Mitchelll, idealist is more correct. Where would we be without men with ideal’s?

I think we would still be using clubs to settle our differences.

Our problem is us, we have a very dumb population that can’t discern between lies and truth. Paul Mitchell is pointing the way and leading the charge and you say he is an idiot.

I would say we are much better off listening to men like Paul Mitchell than someone like you.

16th November 2014, 09:29 AM
Idiot is too strong a word for Paul Mitchelll, idealist is more correct.

You're right, I shouldn't have called him an idiot. An idiot thinks what he is doing is the right thing, though very wrong.

I should have called him a con man. A con man who thought he could out-con other con men.

Only con men set up fraud operations called the "Supreme Law Firm" and award themselves fraudulent titles like "Private Attorney General."

He sends out extortion letters making claims for "$2 Billion" and then offers to settle for only $25, LOL.



You see, I've been a victim of one of these "remedy" / "sovereign citizen" kooks. I know all about them, especially, their tactics in real life. A legitimate dispute over a $3.00 eBay item became an "all rights reserved" extortion demand for over $2000. I received several Certified Mail letters making bigger and bigger threats. But once the kook understood his life and livelihood were in danger, he backed down, real quick.

Where would we be without men with ideal’s?

I am a man of ideals. I envision a world where people understand the correct use of apostrophes. As in, there is no apostrophe in "ideals."

Our problem is us, we have a very dumb population that can’t discern between lies and truth.

You're absolutely right! Our very dumb population actually falls for con men like Mitchell. They can't discern the difference between reality and delusions, facts and fraud.

Paul Mitchell is pointing the way and leading the charge and you say he is an idiot.

Again, I apologize. Calling him an idiot was an insult to the usual good intentions of idiots.

I would say we are much better off listening to men like Paul Mitchell than someone like you.


By all means! I dare you to do exactly what he has.

I'll laugh at you when you are in a cage, like him.

16th November 2014, 09:43 AM
The crook offers his book for only $154.95:


16th November 2014, 09:48 AM

"Paul Andrew Mitchell" isn't his real name. Like so many Jew crooks, Mitch Modeleski adopted the Anglo-Saxon pseudonym he's most well-known by.

An opinion on him:

http://famguardian.org/subjects/Taxes/CaseStudies/WhosWho/WhosWho.htm#Modeleski,%20Mitch%20%28a.k.a.%20Paul% 20Andrew%20Mitchell%29

16th November 2014, 02:11 PM
You're right, I shouldn't have called him an idiot. An idiot thinks what he is doing is the right thing, though very wrong.

I should have called him a con man. A con man who thought he could out-con other con men.

Only con men set up fraud operations called the "Supreme Law Firm" and award themselves fraudulent titles like "Private Attorney General."

He sends out extortion letters making claims for "$2 Billion" and then offers to settle for only $25, LOL.



You see, I've been a victim of one of these "remedy" / "sovereign citizen" kooks. I know all about them, especially, their tactics in real life. A legitimate dispute over a $3.00 eBay item became an "all rights reserved" extortion demand for over $2000. I received several Certified Mail letters making bigger and bigger threats. But once the kook understood his life and livelihood were in danger, he backed down, real quick.

What does this strawman have to do with Paul Mitchell?

I am a man of ideals. I envision a world where people understand the correct use of apostrophes. As in, there is no apostrophe in "ideals."

You're absolutely right! Our very dumb population actually falls for con men like Mitchell. They can't discern the difference between reality and delusions, facts and fraud.

How is his book a con? Even Famguardian agrees with his work.
"The main focus of the book is the http://famguardian.org/images/pdfsmall.gif Nonresident Alien Position (http://sedm.org/Forms/05-MemLaw/NonresidentAlienPosition.pdf) (OFFSITE LINK), which we also advocate"

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_attorney_general is a valid title anyone can claim.

Again, I apologize. Calling him an idiot was an insult to the usual good intentions of idiots.


By all means! I dare you to do exactly what he has.

I'll laugh at you when you are in a cage, like him.

Kicking people who are down, is a Jewish tactic.

You present some real good info and other than being a nitpicking asshole, I have to agree with you. Take's one to know one.

16th November 2014, 02:53 PM
OK I know I could Google it but - it sounds like the Hair Care Paul Mitchell ... but I doubt you guys are talking about some Hair Care Dude.

16th November 2014, 03:11 PM
People generally get in trouble with 'the system' for a reason. Overall ... the fault is called DISHONOR.

16th November 2014, 03:35 PM
People generally get in trouble with 'the system' for a reason. Overall ... the fault is called DISHONOR.
Ed Steele comes to mind when you say things like that. Where was his dishonor?

The system killed him.

16th November 2014, 03:55 PM
Ed Steele comes to mind when you say things like that. Where was his dishonor?

The system killed him.

palani lives in a fantasy world where he simply makes shit up to fit his world. He openly admits he defines words to mean whatever he wants them to.

No sane person believes the absurd accusations against Steele. He was neutralized because he was touching upon a verboten subject, that is, Israeli White Slave Trade from Ukraine.

16th November 2014, 04:22 PM
palani lives in a fantasy world

And just who is the Adamite on this thread?

16th November 2014, 05:01 PM
Kicking people who are down, is a Jewish tactic.

What is a Jewish tactic is changing one's post after someone like me has Thanked it for being frank, to something you knew I would not agree with.

He deserves to be "down." He earned it. Stupidity should be painful, and, in his case, it was. Glad that a lot more people didn't end up victims of his confidence schemes and scams.

You admit (with your Thanks of my post) that your man-crush is for a namechanging Jew. LOL

16th November 2014, 05:02 PM
And just who is the Adamite on this thread?

You deny the account in Genesis. Why?

16th November 2014, 05:58 PM
What is a Jewish tactic is changing one's post after someone like me has Thanked it for being frank, to something you knew I would not agree with.

He deserves to be "down." He earned it. Stupidity should be painful, and, in his case, it was. Glad that a lot more people didn't end up victims of his confidence schemes and scams.

You admit (with your Thanks of my post) that your man-crush is for a namechanging Jew. LOL

I changed my post after I re-read your post and saw through some of your deceitful tactics. Putting up strawmen and knocking them down.
Like I said kicking a man who is down is the act of a Jew. Who presents no evidence that Modeleski is a jew another strawman argument. So what if he is a Jew?

The evidence says he's a paranoid manic/depressive and the fact that he's in jail says he has reason to be paranoid.

16th November 2014, 06:23 PM
I changed my post after I re-read your post and saw through some of your deceitful tactics. Putting up strawmen and knocking them down.


You have a man-crush on a crook, and claim I use "deceitful tactics"? Man...

He demands "$2 Billion" and offers to settle for $25? Who but a sinister crook does that?

You Thanked my post, then realized that it was embarrassing to you because you are in love with the guy.

Like I said kicking a man who is down is the act of a Jew. Who presents no evidence that Modeleski is a jew another strawman argument. So what if he is a Jew?

"The act of a Jew" - "So what if he is a Jew?"


Jews name-change for "business" (tactical) purposes. And that's exactly what Mitch Modeleski did. "Modeleski"/"Modelski" is a Polish Jew name. Do a search, and one finds entries for "Jewish Genealogy" and "United States Holocaust Memorial Museum" records.

The evidence says he's a paranoid manic/depressive and the fact that he's in jail says he has reason to be paranoid.

In other words, he's a nut whose lunacy got him into big trouble. And we're supposed to feel sorry for him.

I suspect you share his traits, and that's why you take personal offense. :)

17th November 2014, 05:22 AM
You deny the account in Genesis. Why?
Cain was an Adamite. Didn't he slay Abel?

24th December 2014, 09:27 AM



Hatha Sunahara
24th December 2014, 10:22 AM
He wrote this book:

http://www.apfn.org/apfn/fedzone.htm This link is dead, try this link ; http://www.supremelaw.org/fedzone11/pdf/preface.pdfhttp://www.supremelaw.org/fedzone11/pdf/preface.pdf

You'll get a better idea of why he's having legal difficulties if you read the book. The US Government doesn't like truthtellers or whistleblowers. This is what they do to discourage such people. They paint them as paranoids and crazies, and some people buy that label. It's best to reserve judgment about who the real carzy paranoids are.
