View Full Version : Emergency radiation testing used at Democrat and Republican conventions after Fukushi

mick silver
15th November 2014, 08:01 AM
http://enenews.com/emergency-govt-network-radiation-testing-food-supply-democrat-republican-conventions-after-fukushima-obama-inauguration-seafood-meat-fruits-vegetables-milk-water-all-checked-radiological-contami Emergency radiation testing used at Democrat and Republican conventions after Fukushima; Also for Obama Inauguration — Seafood, meat, vegetables, milk, water checked for nuclear waste, while top officials agree to publicly downplay crisis — 80% of milk samples by Orlando, FL had ‘significant’ Cs-137

Published: November 5th, 2014 at 3:00 pm ET
By ENENews (http://enenews.com/author/admin)
http://enenews.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-email/images/email_famfamfam.png (http://enenews.com/emergency-govt-network-radiation-testing-food-supply-democrat-republican-conventions-after-fukushima-obama-inauguration-seafood-meat-fruits-vegetables-milk-water-all-checked-radiological-contami/emailpopup/) Email Article (http://enenews.com/emergency-govt-network-radiation-testing-food-supply-democrat-republican-conventions-after-fukushima-obama-inauguration-seafood-meat-fruits-vegetables-milk-water-all-checked-radiological-contami/emailpopup/)

New York State Department of Health’s Wadsworth Center (http://laboratorysciences.wadsworth.org/node/136), Aug. 2012 (emphasis added): The Wadsworth Center, which has already tested milk samples in preparation for the upcoming national political conventions, has now been asked to test additional samples of other foods from the sites during the conventions. In August and September, during the conventions… labs will test water, lettuce, orange juice and shrimp for radiological http://enenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/Florida_Milk.jpgcontamination. The labs will also be testing for… radiation in various meat products… These surveillance activities are part of the Food Emergency Response Network‘s (FERN) ongoing preparations for the Republican Convention… and the Democratic Convention… The labs will be testing for… iodine-131 , cesium-137 and other… sources of radiation. Should any contaminants be identified… laboratories across the nation could be called on to test large quantities of samples… Wadsworth’s initial role in the role in the political convention preparation exercises was to measure evidence of radioactive isotopes Iodine-131 and Cesium-137 in milk prior to the conventions.
NY Dept. of Health & Dept. of Environmental Health Sciences (http://www.researchgate.net/publication/262491171_Application_of_low-background_gamma-ray_spectrometry_to_monitor_radioactivity_in_the_e nvironment_and_food), Apr 30, 2014: New York State is located over 10,000 km from [Fukushima]… Yet even at this distance, our laboratory easily identified 131I and 134, 137Cs [and] was among the laboratories which received an assignment to protect food during the Democratic and Republican political conventions in the U.S. in 2012… the laboratory tested 20 milk samples from Florida. Phase II consisted of radiological food testing at the Republican National Convention held in Tampa… as well as the Democratic National Convention… [We] tested 33 samples of lettuce and meat… In addition, the laboratory was involved in radiological testing of food for the Presidential Inauguration in January, 2013… for fission products of interest: 103,106Ru, 131I, and 134,137Cs… 137Cs [was detected] in 9 out of 20 milk samples from Florida… These levels… do not pose any significant health hazard… The contribution from 137Cs in Florida milk is significant… The presence of cesium in Florida milk was found to be a remnant from nuclear fallout following atmospheric testing [Note that Florida had the highest level of radioactive material from Fukushima measured anywhere in world outside Japan (http://enenews.com/newly-released-data-shows-florida-hit-highest-level-radioactive-material-fukushima-anywhere-world-japan-1-list-1500-measurements-actual-amount-air-500-amount-reported)].
Nuclear expert Arnie Gundersen interview by SolarIMG (http://solarimg.org/?p=1722): I know someone very highly placed in the State Dept., and the US government has come up with a decision… at the highest levels… to downplay Fukushima… Hillary Clinton signed a pact… saying she agreed there are no problems with Japanese food… So we are not sampling this material as it comes into the country, because our government has made a decision to downplay it.
See also: Forbes: Biophysicist casts critical light on gov't assurances that Americans were never at risk from Fukushima fallout -- I watched officials attempt to minimize public alarm (http://enenews.com/forbescom-leading-biophysicist-casts-critical-light-govt-reassurances-americans-never-risk-fukushima-fallout)

[h=5]Published: November 5th, 2014 at 3:00 pm ET
By ENENews (http://enenews.com/author/admin)
http://enenews.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-email/images/email_famfamfam.png (http://enenews.com/emergency-govt-network-radiation-testing-food-supply-democrat-republican-conventions-after-fukushima-obama-inauguration-seafood-meat-fruits-vegetables-milk-water-all-checked-radiological-contami/emailpopup/) Email Article (http://enenews.com/emergency-govt-network-radiation-testing-food-supply-democrat-republican-conventions-after-fukushima-obama-inauguration-seafood-meat-fruits-vegetables-milk-water-all-checked-radiological-contami/emailpopup/)

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