View Full Version : Chief: Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson ‘immediately’ returns if cleared in Michael Bro

mick silver
15th November 2014, 10:52 AM
Chief: Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson ‘immediately’ returns if cleared in Michael Brown's deathCriminal charges would ‘most likely’ result in firing, he sayshttp://l.yimg.com/os/152/2012/06/15/jasonsickles40-jpg_211952.jpg (http://news.yahoo.com/author/jason-sickles-20120615/) By Jason Sickles, Yahoo (http://news.yahoo.com/author/jason-sickles-20120615/) 16 hours ago Yahoo News

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The Ferguson police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown will be “immediately” returned to active duty if he is not indicted, Chief Tom Jackson told Yahoo News on Friday.Officer Darren Wilson has been on paid leave since the controversial shooting in early August.
He would come back to a “not yet determined assignment,” the chief writes in an email.
If the grand jury charges Wilson, Jackson said the officer would “most likely” be terminated “if it is a felony.”
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Attorneys representing the officer did not immediately respond to an email seeking comment. Wilson, a Ferguson officer for three years, has not spoken publicly since the shooting. It is unknown if the 28-year-old Wilson wants to return to the force.
“I would be surprised if they put him back on the streets at least in the near future,” said Bob Gorsky, a Dallas criminal defense attorney who has represented Texas police officers for nearly 40 years.
Gorsky said the amount of backing Wilson gets from the Ferguson Police Department will likely play a big role in the officer's decision to return.
“He’s always going to be dealing with the emotional scars of the event itself, not to mention the scrutiny he’s gone through,” Gorsky said. “It’s going to be a tough situation for him. Hopefully the department will support him if he’s not charged with a crime.”
Ferguson was the scene of violent clashes between protesters and police in the aftermath of the shooting. The case continues to fuel a nationwide debate on race, policing and justice.
Protests are being planned in anticipation of the grand jury ruling, which St. Louis County Prosecuting Attorney Robert McCulloch has said he expects to come before November’s end.
The grand jury has been hearing testimony for nearly three months. Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old African American, was shot multiple times by Wilson in the middle of a residential street Aug. 9. Accounts differ as to who instigated a scuffle between Wilson and Brown near the officer’s patrol car moments before shots were fired.

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For the past month, law enforcement leaks to reporters have suggested that a grand jury will not indict Wilson for killing Brown, who some witnesses said had his hands up in surrender at some point in time when he was shot.Brown’s family has argued that there is enough evidence to charge Wilson and have the case go to trial.
“That way everybody would get their due process,” Benjamin Crump, the family’s attorney said this week. “The constitutional rights would be extended both to the police officer, but also to Michael Brown Jr.”
The St. Louis County Police Department has been in charge of the state criminal investigation, while the FBI was asked to determine if the shooting violated any federal civil rights.
Ferguson’s city police have yet to launch their own internal affairs investigation into the shooting.
“Typically an admin investigation waits until the criminal one is over,” Jackson said via email. “In this case it would be difficult anyway since County PD/FBI has all the evidence/witnesses.”
Yahoo News reported (http://news.yahoo.com/ferguson-police-internal-record-on-controversial-shooting-of-michael-brown-doesnt-exist-001401818.html) in late September that Ferguson police were in violation of their own reporting standards in regards to the shooting. The department’s written orders require that a use-of-force report be submitted after all such incidents. As of Friday, neither Wilson nor the department had filed the report.
Critics have chastised Jackson's handling of the case, from the withholding of public information to a six-week delay in reaching out to the Brown family personally (http://news.yahoo.com/ferguson-police-chief-apologizes-to-michael-brown-s-family-154650298.html).
Last month, Attorney General Eric Holder said he thought there was an obvious need for “wholesale change” in the Ferguson police department.
Jackson, who has led the department since 2010, called Holder’s remarks “irresponsible” and has said he plans on seeing the department through its time of turmoil.
Jason Sickles is a reporter for Yahoo. Follow him on Twitter (@jasonsickles (https://twitter.com/jasonsickles)).

Crime & Justice
Society & Culture
Darren Wilson
Michael Brown
Ferguson Police Department

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mick silver
15th November 2014, 10:53 AM
comment ...This officer will NEVER be allowed to go back on the streets. The thugs "family" and "friends" who have been rioting and trying to make it look like the punk was an angel will make sure he always has a target on his back. At some point, Darren Wilson will be driven out of town because of the constant fear of his life for doing his job and taking a criminal off the streets permanently. HE will always be a marked man as long as this thugs supporters are allowed to continue using the race card.

15th November 2014, 12:28 PM
mick? you don't need a "race" card....only a JUSTICE card........he will never walk alone again as long as he lives.........the same way that the Zionists carry and sleep with a gun at all time............after all, our law enforces are learning from "those" people.


15th November 2014, 10:47 PM
Wilson will never do cop work again.

15th November 2014, 10:48 PM
mick? you don't need a "race" card....only a JUSTICE card........he will never walk alone again as long as he lives.........the same way that the Zionists carry and sleep with a gun at all time............after all, our law enforces are learning from "those" people.

Justice was served the day thug Michael Brown was euthanized.

Any sane man would have done the same that Wilson did.

mick silver
16th November 2014, 07:13 AM
US cities brace for protests off Ferguson decision http://news.yahoo.com/us-cities-brace-protests-off-ferguson-decision-163617189.html ...  (http://news.yahoo.com/_xhr/mtf_popup/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.yahoo.com%2Fus-cities-brace-protests-off-ferguson-decision-163617189.html%3Fsoc_src%3Dmediacontentstory%26soc _trk%3Dma&site=news&region=US&lang=en-US&content_id=7dc301f4-e4e6-31e8-9e5b-69367b956d55&alias_id=story%3Dus-cities-brace-protests-off-ferguson-decision-163617189)

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BOSTON (AP) — From Boston to Los Angeles, police departments are bracing for large demonstrations when a grand jury decides whether to indict a white police officer who killed an unarmed black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri.
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The St. Louis County grand jury, which has been meeting since Aug. 20, is expected to decide this month whether Officer Darren Wilson is charged with a crime for killing 18-year-old Michael Brown after ordering him and a friend to stop walking in the street on Aug. 9.
The shooting has led to tension with police and a string of unruly protests there and brought worldwide attention to the formerly obscure St. Louis suburb, where more than half the population is black but few police officers are.
For some cities, a decision in the racially charged case will, inevitably, reignite long-simmering debates over local police relations with minority communities.
"It's definitely on our radar," said Lt. Michael McCarthy, police spokesman in Boston, where police leaders met privately Wednesday to discuss preparations. "Common sense tells you the timeline is getting close. We're just trying to prepare in case something does step off, so we are ready to go with it."
In Los Angeles, rocked by riots in 1992 after the acquittal of police officers in the videotaped beating of Rodney King, police officials say they've been in touch with their counterparts in Missouri, where Gov. Jay Nixon and St. Louis-area law enforcement held a news conference this week on their own preparations.
"Naturally, we always pay attention," said Cmdr. Andrew Smith, a police spokesman. "We saw what happened when there were protests over there and how oftentimes protests spill from one part of the country to another."
In Las Vegas, police joined pastors and other community leaders this week to call for restraint at a rally tentatively planned northwest of the casino strip when a decision comes.
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(http://news.yahoo.com/photos/file-undated-file-photo-provided-brown-family-michael-photo-123414878.html)FILE - This undated file photo provided by the Brown family is Michael Brown, 18, who was shot and k …

Activists in Ferguson met Saturday to map out their protest plans. Meeting organizers encouraged group members to provide their names upon arrest as Darren Wilson or Michael Brown to make it more difficult for police to process them.
In a neighboring town, Berkeley, officials this week passed out fliers urging residents to be prepared for unrest just as they would a major storm — with plenty of food, water and medicine in case they're unable to leave home for several days.
In Boston, a group called Black Lives Matter, which has chapters in other major cities, is organizing a rally in front of the police district office in the Roxbury neighborhood the day after an indictment decision.
In Albuquerque, New Mexico, police are expecting demonstrations after having dealt with a string of angry protests following a March police shooting of a homeless camper and more than 40 police shootings since 2010.
Philadelphia police spokesman Lt. John Stanford said he anticipated his city will see demonstrations, regardless of what the grand jury returns.
But big-city police departments stressed they're well-equipped to handle crowds. Many saw large but mostly peaceful demonstrations following the 2013 not-guilty verdict in the slaying of Florida teen Trayvon Martin by neighborhood watch coordinator George Zimmerman. In New York, hundreds of protesters marched from Union Square north to Times Square, where a sit-in caused gridlock.
The New York Police Department, the largest in the nation, is "trained to move swiftly and handle events as they come up," spokesman Stephen Davis said.
In Boston, McCarthy said the city's 2,200 sworn police officers have dealt with the range of public actions, from sports fans spontaneously streaming into the streets following championship victories to protest movements like Occupy.
"The good thing is that our relationships here with the community are much better than they are around the world," he said. "People look to us as a model. Boston is not Ferguson."
Contributing to this report were Associated Press reporters Tami Abdollah in Los Angeles; Colleen Long in New York; Sean Carlin in Philadelphia; Russell Contreras in Albuquerque, New Mexico; Jim Salter in St. Louis; Alan Scher Zagier in Ferguson, Missouri; and Kimberly Pierceall in Las Vegas

General of Darkness
16th November 2014, 07:34 AM
I'll be locked and loaded in L.A. But I highly doubt anything will happen here if the negros don't get their childish way.