View Full Version : Uncle Joe rolls out red carpet for illegals, opens floodgates

midnight rambler
15th November 2014, 03:47 PM
The invitation gets published in Latin American newspapers -

https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.prensalibre.com%2Fnoticias%2Fmi grantes%2FEE-UU-otorgar%C3%A1-refugio-menores_0_1249075085.html&edit-text=

15th November 2014, 04:18 PM
EE. UU. will grant refuge to children

Minors in Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras will receive refugee status in the United States as of December, according to a plan announced yesterday by the country's vice president, Joe Biden, in the US capital plan.

http://www.prensalibre.com/noticias/migrantes/Presidentes-presentan-plan_PREIMA20141115_0014_32.jpg Otto Perez Joe Biden, US Vice President. UU .; Luis Moreno, IDB, and the rulers Sanchez Salvador (El Salvador) and Orlando Hernandez (Honduras). (Photo Prensa Libre: Presidency)

WASHINGTON DC -The presidents Otto Perez Molina, of Guatemala; Salvador Sanchez Ceren, in El Salvador, and Juan Orlando Hernandez of Honduras, welcomed the news that Biden gave at the forum "Investing in Central America: creating opportunities for growth", organized by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Biden said that parents who are legal in the US. UU. refugee status for their children who live in the countries of the northern triangle of Central America, and have not tried to travel illegally to the north may request.

"This will provide alternatives to this dangerous journey that children sometimes start but do not finish. He is nursing safely and correctly. Do not forget that what we do at the end of the day is about dignity, it's about watching a child in the eye and tell him that everything will be fine, "explained the American vicegobernante in his speech.

Agencies reported after more requirements to qualify for this plan, as that will cover under 21 and unmarried, who must pass a strict process in their country of origin, with interviews and other requirements to enter the United States as refugees and reunite with their families.
DOWNLOAD: The Prosperity Partnership of North Triangle applies to Guatemala (http://www.prensalibre.com/infografia/migrantes_PREFIL20141115_0001.pdf)

Also, Biden said President Barack Obama will continue to pressure Congress for immigration reform, already approved by the Senate, but is awaiting the endorsement of the House of Representatives, said that is the "first choice."

"President Obama will not aside and act to end this year on a reform to improve our broken immigration system," he said.
"My country has to deal with the unfinished business of bringing 11 million undocumented men, women and children out of the shadows and give them the dignity they deserve," said Biden.

Meanwhile, the leaders of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras submitted the Plan for Prosperity Partnership of North Triangle to authorities and entrepreneurs.

With this project, developed by the governments of the three countries, seeks to boost the productive sector to create economic opportunities, develop human capital, improve public safety and access to justice and strengthen institutions to increase confidence population in the State.
The plan contains four strategic areas: boosting the productive sector, developing human capital, improve public safety and access to justice, and strengthen institutions, developed with 15 lines of action.

Both Biden and IDB President Luis Alberto Moreno, offered to support the plan. Indeed, the multilateral organization is to be constituted as "technical secretariat" of the project to ensure its implementation and transparency.

In his speech, Brown urged all sectors to cooperate with the financing. "For the success of the plan will require contributions from all civil -a company actors, international community, the private sector and governments," stressed the head of the IDB.

Pérez Molina recalled that last August 31 to 50 000 unaccompanied minors were counted detained at US border. UU., From the North Triangle.
Meanwhile, the Honduran president said that children are not criminals, and asked that everyone involved in the project are put in as parents or grandparents, criticizing repatriations.

"A lack of opportunities in Central America, with many challenges, without the support, will be a Central that will be a huge risk for the US and for our people," said Hernandez.

Also, Sanchez Ceren spoke about the plan: "It will require the will and determination to overcome obstacles by three presidents Development is not an easy path requires finding understandings combine interests, but the region needs. ".

Biden, Moreno and entrepreneurs attending the forum, the first on migration, emphasized that many of the plan's actions are "difficult", but you can achieve and will require political will.

Through a videoconference from Washington, Perez Molina said that Biden confided that in coming days the US president "will make an important statement about the actions that the Executive-of EE. UU.- take on the issue of migrants."

He said that the decision taken by unknown the Obama and his team to provide legal status to thousands of children who have parents in that country. "It really do not know," he said.

SOUTHERN BORDER illegal child -Migration caused crises -
The increase in children who migrated to EE alone. UU., Since January this year, caused the President of that nation, Barack Obama, declared last June humanitarian crisis at the southern border, where children were detained.

All children traveling in search of their families, and because they were fleeing poverty and violence.

Worldwide disseminated photographs of children in inhumane conditions in prisons in the US Border Patrol, waiting to be returned to their families.
On the 20th of that month, Vice President Joe Biden visited Guatemala to meet with the leaders of the three nations in the northern triangle of Central America, who warned that all children would be deported.

After visiting catches alleged traffickers were produced. To date, about 44 families have been deported, and children who came alone in this country are still awaiting immigration relief.