View Full Version : Parent Angered by School`s Letter Saying `White Students` Didn`t Meet Requirements

mick silver
16th November 2014, 07:34 AM
It was one sentence in a letter sent home from an elementary school in Virginia that took a parent by surprise, stating "White Students" did not meet last years reading requirements according to the state`s Standards of Learning .http://news.yahoo.com/video/parent-angered-school-letter-saying-170046302.html

16th November 2014, 09:01 AM
Not sure about that news story, looked like they found an white person who is unable to articulate thoughts. Eye dont no but I don like it.

And the chart matrix thing had White Students, Asian Students. No Black Students. Except it was called "Proficiency Gap Group 2 ( Black Students )".

I think the way it was reported was deliberate. It sounds like the board of education has a race imbalance.

mick silver
16th November 2014, 09:26 AM
hope people start to wake up before their country gone , hell it gone why wake up now

16th November 2014, 12:32 PM
Lol, its written as recommended by Virginia St. Board of edumacators...

Integration was ofcourse the ends to a means of segragation.