View Full Version : Missouri governor declares state of emergency

Celtic Rogue
17th November 2014, 01:07 PM

Brown shooting (http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/michael-brown-shooting) Missouri governor declares state of emergency and curfew in Ferguson • Jay Nixon: ‘We must have and maintain peace’
• Curfew will run from midnight to 5am
• Governor rattled as emotions run high at news conference
• Days of rage expose a segregated society (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/16/ferguson-michael-brown-unrest-reality-segregated-society)
• Sharpton urges protesters not to aid ‘smear campaign’ (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/16/sharpton-ferguson-protesters-smear-campaign-rioting)

Missouri Governor Jay Nixon, with Captain Ron Johnson second left, declares a state of emergency and curfew in Ferguson. Photograph: Lucas Jackson/Reuters Rory Carroll (http://www.theguardian.com/profile/rorycarroll) and Jon Swaine (http://www.theguardian.com/profile/jon-swaine) in Ferguson, Missouri
Sunday 17 August 2014 00.05 EDT

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The governor of Missouri declared a state of emergency and imposed an overnight curfew in Ferguson on Saturday, in an attempt to quell disturbances that have rocked the city (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/16/ferguson-michael-brown-unrest-reality-segregated-society)since police shot dead an unarmed teenager a week ago.

The unexpected announcement by Jay Nixon, made at a raucous press conference, marked another shift in law enforcement tactics which have veered from overtly militarised to inclusive and conciliatory in an effort to contain protests over last Saturday’s killing of Michael Brown, 18.

Nixon, a Democrat, said the latest measure were necessary after a small group of looters smashed windows, lobbed bottles and ransacked three stores on Friday night (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/16/ferguson-police-michael-brown-protesters). The looters sabotaged not just property but the community’s peaceful protests, he said.
“We must have – and maintain – peace,” he said. “The eyes of the world are watching.” The curfew was scheduled to start at midnight and be lifted at 5am, local time.
As the curfew approached, hundreds of people gathered in the main street where clashes have taken place over the past week. Some drove through in cars with music blaring, and passengers sitting on the roof or hanging out of windows.

Dozens of police officers dressed in riot gear, some holding assault rifles, started filing in more than two hours before midnight, lining the street and guarding store fronts from potential looters. Several people called abuse to them as they passed.

17th November 2014, 02:16 PM
August 17th?

17th November 2014, 02:18 PM
August 17th?

Yeah, I think this article is months old. Note:

The governor of Missouri declared a state of emergency and imposed an overnight curfew in Ferguson on Saturday, in an attempt to quell disturbances that have rocked the city (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/aug/16/ferguson-michael-brown-unrest-reality-segregated-society)since police shot dead an unarmed teenager a week ago.

Definitely more than one week ago.

Celtic Rogue
17th November 2014, 02:24 PM
Sorry posted wrong article!

Missouri governor declares state of emergency ahead of ruling on Ferguson shooting By Scott Malone (http://blogs.reuters.com/search/journalist.php?edition=us&n=scott.malone&)
FERGUSON Mo. Mon Nov 17, 2014 5:00pm EST

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1 of 2. Demonstrators march through the streets during a protest over the shooting death of Michael Brown in Clayton, Missouri, November 17, 2014.
Credit: Reuters/Jim Young

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(Reuters) - Missouri's governor declared a state of emergency on Monday and authorized the state's National Guard to support police in case of violence after a grand jury decides whether to indict a white police officer who fatally shot an unarmed black teenager.
"As part of our ongoing efforts to plan and be prepared for any contingency, it is necessary to have these resources in place in advance of any announcement of the grand jury’s decision," Governor Jay Nixon said in a statement. The order also puts the St. Louis County Police Department, rather than police in Ferguson, Missouri, in charge of policing protests.
Residents of Ferguson, which saw weeks of sometimes violent protests following the Aug. 9 shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown, are braced for the possibility of more unrest, particularly if the grand jury decides not to criminally charge Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson.
The past two days have seen protests around the area in anticipation of the grand jury's report. Several dozen demonstrators took to the streets on Monday in Clayton, Missouri, where a grand jury is meeting.
"We want an indictment. The cops don't like it," the protesters chanted as they marched in freezing temperatures.
"Something about the way Mike Brown was killed started a fire in me that I can't ignore," said one of the demonstration's organizers, Dhorbua Shakur, 24.
He said he had little sympathy for area residents who are tired of the demonstrations, which left some businesses in Ferguson burned out.
"They can turn this off and on with a TV screen. But this is my reality. This is my life," Shakur said.
Some area schools have told parents they will dismiss students early when the decision comes and many businesses near the stretch of downtown that saw the worst rioting after Brown's killing have boarded up their windows as a protective move.
Officials have said the grand jury's decision is likely to come this month.
Video and audio published over the weekend by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch showed Wilson leaving the police station and returning to it hours after the shooting.
There are conflicting accounts of what happened, with some witnesses saying Brown had his hands up in surrender when he was shot and others describing a physical altercation between Brown and Wilson.
Many protesters expressed anger at word over the weekend that Wilson may be able to return to his job if he is not indicted, although local police said he would be fired immediately if charges are brought.
Protest organizers planned to demonstrate at the Ferguson Police Department when the grand jury's decision comes back, and later at the county courthouse in Clayton.
Ferguson Mayor James Knowles expressed confidence on Monday in the city's police department and its chief, Thomas Jackson.
"Right now, what we need is continuity in the police department and the chief has made tremendous relationships with a number of protesters and so I think that's what those protesters want," Knowles said. "The conversations we have been able to have with people have been very productive. ... We need to have a mutual understanding before we can move forward."

17th November 2014, 02:35 PM
Just imagine if Whites got pissed-off enough to take their asses to the streets. Oh yeah, it was called the Revolutionary War. They weren't looting neutral property though.

mick silver
17th November 2014, 04:12 PM
they already know that the cop not going to be charged with anything . lets see how lock down on a black city go's I bet they cant lock it down like they did boston and want