View Full Version : Just had a call from my Dr at the VA......... V

17th November 2014, 05:00 PM
The brain scan that they did on Friday shows a low count of white cell which is less than normal for my age and that it affects my thinking process....shhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell that to my brain.......so, it could be because of my high BP, she is going to send me some special pill for it......otherwise you will loose the pleasure of my company.

She wanted to give me some pill for my postrate so that I didn't have to get up so much at night to take a pee.......I said no......getting up serves several reasons and among them....it excersize my body, lets me check the area, check on the pets and others.

Anyway.... :)


17th November 2014, 05:07 PM
Did you try the grape seed oil yet ........this is some info on grape seed extract but I thought using grape seed oil would be a cheaper alternative.


about the oil....

http://www.seedguides.info/grapeseed-oil/ (http://umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/herb/grape-seed)

17th November 2014, 05:26 PM
Saw Palm works well too.

General of Darkness
17th November 2014, 05:30 PM
Bang your doctor, that should help.

17th November 2014, 05:55 PM
Bang your doctor, that should help.

In a way... exactly. Keep the juices flowing and the old acidic crap gets pumped out. Not from any medical crap I read but from knowing people (men) that have had/died with prostate problems the one thing in common was no sex/lack of release. Most people are very acidic and that eventially causes shit to happen. Bang hookers quite regularly and you wont have prostate probs till you run out of money... Or the hand puppet can come into play also which is cheaper but more hands on experience is required.

17th November 2014, 06:18 PM
Brain scans can show white blood cell counts? I think I would ask for a second opinion.

Where's Mamboni?

17th November 2014, 06:18 PM
Bang your doctor, that should help.

kinda depends on the doc of course , may have to move to nurses instead ..........

17th November 2014, 06:19 PM
Brain scans can show white blood cell counts? I think I would ask for a second opinion.

Where's Mamboni?

the more times you get scanned the more times they will find something wrong.............

17th November 2014, 06:23 PM
Brain scans can show white blood cell counts? I think I would ask for a second opinion.

Where's Mamboni?

There are no doctors left , they are now technicians looking at data from screenings, scans , computers ect , heaven help us if the power goes off.......

17th November 2014, 08:32 PM
At least they didn't say anyting about the bleeder that the found about five years ago, that's good......I'll try the new pills for one month and if nothing happens then I'll try something else......the hot tub was great and I was even warm for a while, now I am dressed like an eskimo to take my fat ass dog for its nighly walk, damn dog.