View Full Version : Another Holocost! Four people killed in terror attack at Jerusalem synagogue

18th November 2014, 03:49 AM
Four people killed in terror attack at Jerusalem synagogue Two terrorists infiltrate synagogue, yeshiva compound in Har Nof neighborhood, attack worshipers with large knives and gun; eight people wounded; terrorists killed.
Noam (Davul) Dvir, Agencies

Latest Update:
11.18.14, 13:00 / Israel News (http://www.ynetnews.com/home/0,7340,L-3082,00.html)

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Four people were killed Tuesday morning when two terrorists brutally attacked worshippers in a synagogue and yeshiva in the Har Nof neighborhood in Jerusalem. Seven people were wounded, including two police officers.

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At around 7am, the terrorists - wielding massive knives and a gun - entered the Kehilat Yaakov synagogue on Harav Shimon Agasi Street, which includes both a synagogue and yeshiva (rabbinical seminary), and carried out attacks in more than one location.

The two were killed following a gunfight with security forces who arrived at the scene. The wounded were taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center and Hadassah Ein Kerem. At around noon Tuesday, the hospitals said that two people were in critical condition, two people had sustained serious wounds, one person was in moderate condition, and two more were lightly hurt.

Police surround the synagogue during the attack (Photo: Reuters)

"Two terrorists entered the synagogue in the neighborhood of Har Nof. They attacked with an axe, a knife and a gun. Four worshipers were killed. The police who arrived at the scene shot and killed the two terrorists," said Israel Police spokeswoman Luba Samri.

Images from the aftermath of the attack showed prayer shawls lying on the floor in pools of blood.

"I tried to escape. The man with the knife approached me. There was a chair and table between us ... my prayer shawl got caught. I left it there and escaped," Yossi, who was praying at the synagogue at the time of the attack, told Channel 2 TV. He declined to give his last name.

Security forces inside the synagogue (Photo: Reuters)

"This is an area with a number of rooms," said Magen David Adom spokesman Zaki Heller. "The wounded were scattered throughout different rooms and the paramedics who arrived at the scene dispersed to deliver first aid. The wounded were quickly evacuated by ambulance to hospital."

He said,"It is definitely true to say that the images there - of casualties wearing prayer shawls - are very difficult."

The aftermath of the attack.

Akiva, a Magen David Adom paramedic, said that he was greeted at the scene by the sight of a worshiper with stab wounds.

"Inside there was someone singing. I ran into the synagogue, there was a gunshot victim lying on the floor. I tried to treat him, but the gunfire started in my direction and we fled. I pulled the wounded man along," he said.

"The police arrived and surrounded the entrance and then the terrorist ran out and they shot him. there was wild gunfire. People ran out of the synagogue. It was hell."

The wounded are evacuated (Photo: Kobi Nachshoni)

Palestinian sources named the terrorists as cousins Ghassan and Uday Abu-Jamal, from the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood of East Jerusalem. The two were related to a prisoner released in the Gilad Shalit prisoner exchange.

A bystander weeps at the scene of the attack. (Photo: Gil Yohanan)

An official Hamas statement said that the attack was a response to the death of bus driver Yusuf Hassan al-Ramouni, who was found hanged at a Jerusalem bus terminal Sunday night.
While al-Ramouni's family claimed foul play, autopsy results confirmed police's suspicion of suicide on Monday afternoon.

Hamas said the attack was also a response to "the ongoing Israeli crimes at al-Aqsa (mosque). The Hamas organization calls for the continuation of acts of revenge."

Security forces at the site of the attack (Photo: Reuters)
The attack comes amid spiking tensions in Jerusalem, which has seen a spate of terror attacks against Israelis. At least six people have been killed in Jerusalem, the West Bank and Tel Aviv in recent weeks, prior to Tuesday's attack.

The site of the attack is secured (Photo: Shlomi Cohen)

Jerusalem residents have already been fearful of what appeared to be lone wolf attacks using cars or knives against pedestrians. But Tuesday's early morning attack on a synagogue harkens back to the gruesome attacks during the intifada of the last decade.

The scene of the attack (Photo: Gil Yohanan)

Tensions appeared to have been somewhat defused last week following a meeting in Amman by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US Secretary of State John Kerry and Jordan's King Abdullah II. The meeting was an attempt to restore calm after months of violent confrontations surrounding the Temple Mount, holy to both Jews and Muslims.

Israel and the Palestinians said then they would take steps to reduce tensions that might lead to an escalation. Netanyahu said last week that Israel had no intention of changing the status quo on the Temple Mount, where a Muslim trust enforces the ban on Jewish prayer at the site.

Outside the scene of the attack on Tuesday morning

This is not the first terror attack at a Jewish seminary in Jerusalem. In March 2008, a Palestinian terrorist infiltrated the Mercaz Harav (http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3515985,00.html) rabbinical seminary in the Old City and opened fire on a crowded study hall, killing eight people and wounding six others.

18th November 2014, 03:31 PM
Actual headline: Har Nof Attack Scene 'Looked Like the Holocaust'


I think Cebu was making a joke...

18th November 2014, 04:48 PM
40-some mins, haven't listened:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014 David Duke Show 2014.11.18 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/11/david-duke-show-20141118.html)

http://www.renseradio.com/duke.jpg (http://www.renseradio.com/duke.jpg)

Dr. David Duke has a foundational show today that begins by condemning the death of 4 Jews in Jerusalem that has been one of the biggest news stories in the world. While condemning any bloodshed, Dr. Duke points out the incredible disproportionate Zio media coverage of Jewish victims as compared to non-Jewish victims of Jewish terrorism and murder!

He recounts the history of Zionism in the Middle East and shows massacre and terrorist act after terrorist act by the Jewish extremists, and shows how one cannot understand the rage of Palestinians unless one also knows and understands the history of Jewish terrorism and genocide against the Palestinians.

Dr. Duke also adds the incredible Jewish-led terrorism against Europeans by the Bolsheviks and the incredible human toll of the destructive Jewish entertainment media that has made drug and alcohol abuse fashionable, as well as pornography and sexual mores that have destroyed millions of lives and families across the Western World and indeed across the entire planet.

David's site (http://www.davidduke.com/)
Rense Archive (http://www.renseradioarchives.com/dduke/)
56k CF Download (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/f71ty0oyxz/Duke.20141118.mp3)

Twisted Titan
19th November 2014, 05:55 AM
Memorial stamps and memnorahs with the victimin faces are being sold for 15 shekels a piece

19th November 2014, 06:26 AM
such a terrible tragedy !

what Israel did to the Palestinians, I mean.

19th November 2014, 09:27 AM
Six million Jews have been offended by this terrible holocaust. Reparations are needed.

19th November 2014, 10:12 AM
I dont believe it one bit.

I feel certain that this will make them kill a bunch of civilians and then later on call them human shields.

19th November 2014, 12:24 PM
Why call it a "terror" attack?...if anything it would be a revenge attack, and a poor one at that......a well done "terror" attack would have had hand grenades and other goodies..........but of course, what that Zionist killer did to the Muslims with a machine gun was only a labor of love.........HA.


19th November 2014, 12:34 PM
Why call it a "terror" attack?...if anything it would be a revenge attack, and a poor one at that......a well done "terror" attack would have had hand grenades and other goodies..........but of course, what that Zionist killer did to the Muslims with a machine gun was only a labor of love.........HA.


Why on earth would they want revenge.......................

http://www.anarkismo.net/attachments/feb2009/amnesty.jpghttp://i.huffpost.com/gen/1105960/thumbs/o-ISRAEL-WHITE-PHOSPHOROUS-facebook.jpghttp://occupiedpalestine.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/israel_rees_gaza_01_11_09.jpghttp://nevercastleadagain.files.wordpress.com/2010/12/37348_1373314936444_1338920433_30975281_847231_n1. jpg?w=189&h=182http://www.centreofthepsyclone.com/novelThoughts/images/gaza_copy_copy2.jpg

19th November 2014, 01:40 PM
Israel drone operator..............trying to convince his conscience

made mistakes but had ‘learnt to live’ with them.

You have to develop the mental skills

We do make mistakes. But it’s nature. People make mistakes. We learn from those mistakes.

‘But it’s something that people have to do. It’s not easy. We do shove it back somewhere in our minds and try to avoid talking about it.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2841297/Israeli-drone-pilot-admits-making-wrong-calls-dropping-bombs-Gaza-says-no-smiling-faces-kids-killed.html#ixzz3JYKzAg9i


Of the 2,192 Palestinians killed during the last conflict, 519 were children, according to the United Nations. A digger, pictured, removes cement and debris of a home destroyed in an Israeli air strike on Gaza (file photo)

19th November 2014, 01:49 PM
To "live" in peace you must give peace.....all that the Zionist are doing is to give bullets to the Palestinian people.....the same as their students......as the law enforcers in America are giving our people.


19th November 2014, 08:31 PM
Israel drone operator..............trying to convince his conscience

made mistakes but had ‘learnt to live’ with them.

The poor picked on jooz, with their most moral army in the world, had to learn to live with their tragic USS Liberty mistake. They'll always feel their pain on that.....:-[

Here's DD again; not sure I can bear to listen (haven't...yet...), as the description suggests he's continuing his pattern of enshrining the official bs storyhttp://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4453&stc=1&d=1361024018 for every likely & confirmed joosh-lightning FF attack; camouflaging his vacuous "criticism" with a bunch of zio-hipocracy & "scary moozlem blowback" verbiage, and hoping no one notices that his "criticism" enshrines the core joo-myths about scary moozlems actually conducting the "attacks" which djooz attribute to them. :(

DD's recent shtick has been republishing old, off-copyright books and works of others, adding an intro and a few pictures & remarks, and reselling them for $100/pop or so. "Protocols..." last year, and now a Jack London book. And he turns a big part of his daily radio shows into guilt-trip fueled infomercials peddling these re-treads, "...if you really care about xyz, you'll order now, and add a generous contribution so I can continue this important work..." :rolleyes:

synagogue shootup, imagining anything happened at all (actors/fake-blood/etc wouldn't cout!), is another joo FF until proven otherwise.:rolleyes:


David Duke Show 2014.11.19 (http://grizzom.blogspot.com/2014/11/david-duke-show-20141119.html)

http://www.renseradio.com/duke.jpg (http://www.renseradio.com/duke.jpg)

Dr. David Duke has an amazing intro revealing the hidden truth that the synagogue attack in Jerusalem was a hotbed of extremists calling for the genocide of Palestinian men, women and children. Dr. Duke firmly condemns the attackhttp://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=4453&stc=1&d=1361024018 as he consistently does any acts of murder of terrorism no matter who commits them, but he does show the incredible bias of the international media that is outraged at the death of 5 Jewish adults but it absolutely silent about the murder of maiming of thousands of Palestinian children. Then Dr. Duke brings on Dr. Patrick Slattery and Don Black and they have powerful discussion of the merging of right and left on the subject of Jewish supremacism and they also discuss the importance of Dr. Duke's publishing and introduction to Jack London's The Mutiny of the Elsinore. A truly great show that you should share.

David's site (http://www.davidduke.com/)
Rense Archive (http://www.renseradioarchives.com/dduke/)
56k CF Download (http://k003.kiwi6.com/hotlink/q51f6g0fnx/Duke.20141119.mp3)