View Full Version : Narcissistic Personality Quiz.

19th November 2014, 07:46 AM
The questions in this quiz are very interesting, imo, and tell a lot about TPTB and society in general.

They say, a normal person has a score of 12-15, 18-40 is your average celebrity, 20-40 is narcissistic. I would bet most politicians are somewhere in the 30-40 range.

I scored a zero. A big 0. I never claimed to be normal anyway.


Camp Bassfish
19th November 2014, 08:06 AM
13 Damn, normal again.

19th November 2014, 08:12 AM
While I'm sure there are people here who expect my score would be 50+, based on my honest answers, my score is actually 14.


19th November 2014, 08:45 AM
I scored a 10.

19th November 2014, 08:51 AM
Well, I AM CRAZY......but.....as usual I did my own test to manipulate the answers...first time I got 12 and the second time 36.....and like real life anything can be what you want it to be and not what you are being shown.


19th November 2014, 08:51 AM
I got 8. I didn't think I'd be that low, but what do I know???

19th November 2014, 08:55 AM
Dont like those black/white questions, need a C option, but I made it through nonetheless
Your Total: 16

Authority: 2.00
Self-Sufficiency: 3.00
Superiority: 3.00
Exhibitionism: 3.00
Exploitativeness: 2.00
Vanity: 2.00
Entitlement: 1.00

CT: maybe you have a split-personality

19th November 2014, 09:01 AM
I think I won!

I think being into BDSM as a Dominant has shaped me a bunch.

19th November 2014, 09:09 AM
I scored a 2, though a few of the choices I made really didn't agree with me. For instance, No. 26, "I'm embarrassed by compliments"
or "I like being complimented". Well, it can be both. It's not one or the other. Also, I don't like giving orders and I don't like taking orders.

I'm humble and meek and kind and considerate...and I shall inherit the earth. :) And all you narcissistic bitches are going to hell. :D

19th November 2014, 09:12 AM
:) And all you narcissistic bitches are going to hell. :D

Why would I want to go to Detroit?

19th November 2014, 09:15 AM
Why would I want to go to Detroit?

To buy a submissive to sell on your website?

7th trump
19th November 2014, 10:17 AM
I got 8. I didn't think I'd be that low, but what do I know???

You beat me by 1...I got a 7.

19th November 2014, 10:39 AM
I think this test is "coercive" in a way without an option C... sure I like to share my views and be listened to but that doesnt entitled me to anything. But questions reflect on how the NWO regulates mindsets. I'd bet that the PTBs pay attention to the test-result database to improve their brainwashing techniques.

mick silver
19th November 2014, 10:54 AM
a 7 Here's how you rated on the seven component traits of narcissism:

Narcissistic Trait

Strength of Trait







mick silver
19th November 2014, 10:57 AM
des this mean I can rule the world are what

19th November 2014, 11:02 AM
4... I win, or lose...

Narcissistic Trait

Strength of Trait

Authority: 1.00


Self-Sufficiency: 0.00


Superiority: 1.00


Exhibitionism: 0.00


Exploitativeness: 1.00


Vanity: 0.00


Entitlement: 1.00


Silver Rocket Bitches!
19th November 2014, 12:34 PM
I scored a 4.

19th November 2014, 01:01 PM
I got 14

19th November 2014, 06:55 PM
Mine was a 12

Sent from my iPad using Forum Runner

19th November 2014, 08:39 PM
I thought I was more normal than this but I scored 20 .... 5 on entitlement and 5 on exhibitionism

20th November 2014, 01:47 AM
CT: maybe you have a split-personality

It's called being a natural, selfless leader. Notice my self-serving scores (Exhibitionism, Exploitiveness, Vanity) of zero. Compare them to yours. :)

20th November 2014, 01:48 AM
I'm humble and meek and kind and considerate...and I shall inherit the earth.

I'm sure Jesus would have had scores of at least 20, especially in Authority & Self-Sufficiency. :)

Most people would consider "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" to be grandiose narcissism. But since He was right, t'ain't a problem.

20th November 2014, 01:49 AM
I think this test is "coercive" in a way without an option C... sure I like to share my views and be listened to but that doesnt entitled me to anything. But questions reflect on how the NWO regulates mindsets. I'd bet that the PTBs pay attention to the test-result database to improve their brainwashing techniques.

I think the test is pretty accurate, considering your scores, and mine.

20th November 2014, 02:06 AM
Wow I scored 0!

20th November 2014, 04:31 AM
Wow I scored 0!

Yeah! I am not alone!

20th November 2014, 04:51 AM
Yeah! I am not alone!
This world ain't for us, friend. Lets get an Island!

20th November 2014, 05:19 AM
Agree, there were several questions which both answers were completely or partially true. I skipped those. Got a 7.

Where was the answer which said "I don't really want to be a leader, but I refuse to be led, and will fucking kill you if you don't simply leave me alone"?

20th November 2014, 06:06 AM
I think the test is pretty accurate, considering your scores, and mine.

I dont go by mainstream criterias anymore, so choices such as "are you special" vs "are average", my answer is "special" as in my mind I visualize the uniqueness of each being.... yes, I'd like to be of influence (as a thinker) but I dont seek to rule anybody... so I was at odd with several questions.

black/white questions measure the brain orientation of population, right vs left brain. We just participated in a study :)

20th November 2014, 06:07 AM
My score was 4.

In my daily life I'm sometimes a leader and other times a follower but I crave neither.

I'm content with the way I look and don't feel self conscious if I don't blend in.

I sometimes ask for help but also give it when others are in need. I'm content with who I am and the life I lead.

I've spent most of my life alone in the middle of nowhere so I've learned to be self sufficient. I enjoy conversation with others when I'm around them and enjoy solitude when I'm alone.

I'm content with my score.

Twisted Titan
20th November 2014, 06:56 AM

20th November 2014, 09:48 AM
6. It could be different tomorrow.

midnight rambler
20th November 2014, 12:03 PM
I really don't think this 'test' is a very good one. I scored a 2, however frankly I really don't GAS.

I particularly don't agree with the question: "Are you extraordinary?" (or whatever) As children of God we are ALL extraordinary, each in our own unique way. This nonsense about inciting guilt (or some such) over considering one's self *extraordinary* is purely Satanic (the accuser wanting everyone to think less of themselves).

As for this 'test' being a good indicator of 'leadership'? Bollocks. I'm generally out in front however I don't consider that position being a 'leader', only being me. Again, I don't give a diddlely-squat.

20th November 2014, 01:31 PM
I really don't think this 'test' is a very good one. I scored a 2, however frankly I really don't GAS.

I particularly don't agree with the question: "Are you extraordinary?" (or whatever) As children of God we are ALL extraordinary, each in our own unique way. This nonsense about inciting guilt (or some such) over considering one's self *extraordinary* is purely Satanic (the accuser wanting everyone to think less of themselves).

As for this 'test' being a good indicator of 'leadership'? Bollocks. I'm generally out in front however I don't consider that position being a 'leader', only being me. Again, I don't give a diddlely-squat.
For the last question I did answer that I was extraordinary, I still scored Zero...

Hatha Sunahara
20th November 2014, 04:37 PM
This test measures something far more pernicious than narcicism. It seems tpo be measuring dominance or recessive personalirties. A 'bully meter, so to speak. True narcicists dont give a shit about what others think of them. Bullies however care to the extent that they get assurance that no one will stand up to them and ruin their psychological dominance. The test also measures how well you justify your 'extraordinariness' to yourself. I think this test is a filtering test for cop type personalities. People who score high on authority, superiority and entitlement pass the test for being cops, or anyone employed in the punishment industry. You could look at it as a test for 'blindness to your own humanity' Or a sadism potential screening test.


midnight rambler
20th November 2014, 04:47 PM
True narcicists dont give a shit about what others think of them.

Are you referring to our own KrazyKat??

20th November 2014, 05:46 PM
Just to make sure I tried their Psychopath test:


I'm wondering how the fuck I'm an INTJ narcissist.

20th November 2014, 05:56 PM
Just to make sure I tried their Psychopath test:


I'm wondering how the fuck I'm an INTJ narcissist.



20th November 2014, 06:02 PM
This test measures something far more pernicious than narcicism. It seems tpo be measuring dominance or recessive personalirties. A 'bully meter, so to speak. True narcicists dont give a shit about what others think of them. Bullies however care to the extent that they get assurance that no one will stand up to them and ruin their psychological dominance. The test also measures how well you justify your 'extraordinariness' to yourself. I think this test is a filtering test for cop type personalities. People who score high on authority, superiority and entitlement pass the test for being cops, or anyone employed in the punishment industry. You could look at it as a test for 'blindness to your own humanity' Or a sadism potential screening test.


You presume narcissism and bullying are mutually-exclusive. They are not. Obama, case in point.

I have almost no patience for stupidity. I act if stupidity reigns. If you want to call that "bullying," fine by me, I don't care. Every opinion does not count, nor are they all equal, when it involves important matters. I value your opinion that vanilla is better than chocolate, or vice-versa, but I do not value your opinion that unrestricted immigration is better than national integrity.

I regularly create justice when I have the opportunity, and often, that involves bucking so-called "authority," and/or standing up to someone defective. I feel it my duty to do so.

God created countless types of people, and not everyone can be or should be a leader. Most of today's "leaders" are psychopathic narcissists who should be in cages, not the halls of government, and, natural leaders are not all predators. Failure to understand this is a fatal flaw of those who push "anarchy" or so-called "voluntaryism." Beyond this, in some cases it may not be a failure to understand, but, actually, complete grasp of the fact - and condemnation thereof an attempt to destroy natural leaders by those who wish to rule the world for their own sakes (hint: certain "chosen ones").

20th November 2014, 06:08 PM
As children of God we are ALL extraordinary, each in our own unique way.

I like you, agree with you on many things, and like reading your posts. However, this statement above is absurd. If everyone is "extraordinary," then the word ordinary, as well as extraordinary, become meaningless.

If you had used precious, I'd accept that, and agree. But many people are ordinary in the personalities, intelligence, character, and constitution.

This nonsense about inciting guilt (or some such) over considering one's self *extraordinary* is purely Satanic (the accuser wanting everyone to think less of themselves).

With all due respect, people should be comfortable with what they are, even if ordinary or below ordinary. I'm sorry, but while a retarded person has inherent rights & value, they simply are not the same as a remarkable person of great intelligence & wisdom. While my IQ is quite high, I accept that there are many with higher intelligence and knowledge, and I accept this. I do not feel "inferior" but nor do I pretend to be their "equals."

Hatha Sunahara
20th November 2014, 11:05 PM
Are you referring to our own KrazyKat??

Only accidentally. I wasn't thinking of him specifically, but if the shoe fits.....

Hatha Sunahara
20th November 2014, 11:28 PM
You presume narcissism and bullying are mutually-exclusive. They are not. Obama, case in point.

I have almost no patience for stupidity. I act if stupidity reigns. If you want to call that "bullying," fine by me, I don't care. Every opinion does not count, nor are they all equal, when it involves important matters. I value your opinion that vanilla is better than chocolate, or vice-versa, but I do not value your opinion that unrestricted immigration is better than national integrity.

I regularly create justice when I have the opportunity, and often, that involves bucking so-called "authority," and/or standing up to someone defective. I feel it my duty to do so.

God created countless types of people, and not everyone can be or should be a leader. Most of today's "leaders" are psychopathic narcissists who should be in cages, not the halls of government, and, natural leaders are not all predators. Failure to understand this is a fatal flaw of those who push "anarchy" or so-called "voluntaryism." Beyond this, in some cases it may not be a failure to understand, but, actually, complete grasp of the fact - and condemnation thereof an attempt to destroy natural leaders by those who wish to rule the world for their own sakes (hint: certain "chosen ones").

I only presume that narcisism and bullying are different qualities that can be measured using different measurements--not that they cannot exist concurrently in a person. .

If you look at my sig line--I equate justice to getting what you deserve. If you create justice by giving people what they deserve (rather than what they want) , well, Bully for you. I have a similar temperament, I think people who assert authority should bear the burden of justifying why they have authority, just as I react with aversion when I see people being bullied by someone 'just because that someone thinks he can get away with it.'

As for natural leaders, I am resigned to the fact that if they cannot be co-opted to serve the interests of those chosen ones who own and manage the world, they will be disposed of. There is no such thing in this world as a 'natural leader' pursuing an independent agenda. That explains the fate of JFK and MLK. And many other capable people who are marginalized because of their integrity, or lack of savvy about who really runs the world and how they do it.


20th November 2014, 11:47 PM
That explains the fate of...MLK.

You're kidding, right? Marxist Lucifer Koon was a total fraud, controlled "opposition" from the beginning. He was "neutralized" when he become more of a liability than an asset. At no time was he a "leader" of anything, just a mouthpiece.

Hatha Sunahara
21st November 2014, 09:59 AM
You're kidding, right? Marxist Lucifer Koon was a total fraud, controlled "opposition" from the beginning. He was "neutralized" when he become more of a liability than an asset. At no time was he a "leader" of anything, just a mouthpiece.

Most of the black population would disagree with you.They consider him a natural leader, regardless of your opinion. Who was he a mouthpiece for? Are you just pulling that out of your ass?


21st November 2014, 02:19 PM
while coming from a different perspective, I have to agree with much of what you say.

I really don't think this 'test' is a very good one. I scored a 2, however frankly I really don't GAS.

I particularly don't agree with the question: "Are you extraordinary?" (or whatever) As children of God we are ALL extraordinary, each in our own unique way. This nonsense about inciting guilt (or some such) over considering one's self *extraordinary* is purely Satanic (the accuser wanting everyone to think less of themselves).

As for this 'test' being a good indicator of 'leadership'? Bollocks. I'm generally out in front however I don't consider that position being a 'leader', only being me. Again, I don't give a diddlely-squat.

21st November 2014, 08:16 PM
Most of the black population would disagree with you.They consider him a natural leader, regardless of your opinion. Who was he a mouthpiece for? Are you just pulling that out of your ass?

F**k the Black population. They regard Obama, Jackson, and Sharptongue as "leaders," too. Demonstrating their animalistic stupidity and gullibility. If Koon, Obama, Jackson, and Sharptongue are the best "leaders" they can muster, the whip and the rifle are definitely needed. Pastor Manning is far more of a genuine leader than all four of them scumbags, combined. But the hordes don't want to hear what he has to say; they only like to be told what they want to hear, in the worst manner & most crude intent possible.

Who was he a mouthpiece for?! Are you kidding? He was groomed by the covert & overt Marxists of America for his "mission." The Jewsmedia was and remains totally onboard with his cult of personality, never reporting on his open Marxism and his endless trysts. He was handled by those who own the Jewsmedia. He was in bed with two whores, one Black, one White, the night before he was neutralized. "Christian man," LOL.

Why do you think he is the only "man" to have his own personal "holiday"? The only one. Washington's & Lincoln's birthdays were merged into "President's Day." Columbus Day is ignored by most now. Koon is a new "saint" in the New Age New World Order one world-one race religion our masters have set up for us.