View Full Version : So apparently Jesus was seriously bass ass when he was a kid.

old steel
20th November 2014, 08:09 PM
Not only did he preform miracles such as healings and bringing back the dead he also killed neighborhood kids that annoyed him.

Now, that's my kind of Jesus.

Christian Apocrypha: Jesus as a Kid


Found in

The Infancy Gospel of Thomas (http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB8QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgnosis.org%2Flibrary%2Finftoma.ht m&ei=7bhuVKvJNtDhiQLcvoCYCQ&usg=AFQjCNEKmw0zSwxFWoQGNJxkS-_f-nXxFQ&bvm=bv.80185997,d.cGE)

20th November 2014, 09:09 PM
You do know that the letter j was not invented until the 600's. So who is this entity you call Jesus ? The closest word in Hebrew means horse and the word in Greek is Iseosus, which is a sun god. So every one calling out to Jesus is really calling a sun god.... Funny how everything we have been taught is a huge lie!

old steel
20th November 2014, 09:17 PM
Well i wasn't around back then, i'm just speaking from personal experience.

20th November 2014, 09:26 PM
You do know that the letter j was not invented until the 600's. So who is this entity you call Jesus ? The closest word in Hebrew means horse and the word in Greek is Iseosus, which is a sun god. So every one calling out to Jesus is really calling a sun god.... Funny how everything we have been taught is a huge lie!

The name is Yeshua, and easily understood how it morphed into Jesus in English.

The lie is that Jesus Christ didn't exist or that He wasn't who He said He was.

old steel
20th November 2014, 09:47 PM
Yea just ask yourself who had the power to virtually erase his entire existence from the historical records?

Who indeed.

20th November 2014, 10:50 PM
Yes its all about Jesus , God takes second place............

20th November 2014, 10:52 PM
The name is Yeshua, and easily understood how it morphed into Jesus in English.

The lie is that Jesus Christ didn't exist or that He wasn't who He said He was.

This is your belief as you were not there , unless you are very old..........

And as for a name change WTF

20th November 2014, 11:59 PM
Yea just ask yourself who had the power to virtually erase his entire existence from the historical records?

Who indeed.

The Jew has wanted to "blot out his memory"* since the beginning. Millions of imbeciles and suckers are aboard the Kosher Express helping them with it.

However, when you can't succeed in blotting Him out, you can circulate fraudulent nonsense about Him instead, in an attempt to confuse the Goyim about knowing who He is.

* the Babylonian Talmud's full phrase is: "May his name & memory be blotted out." This is used for many enemies of Lucifer's children, but specifically of "Yeshu ben Pandira," as the Talmudists call Him - they also call Him filthy things, too.

21st November 2014, 12:02 AM
Yes its all about Jesus , God takes second place............

Jesus is God. And Jesus' acts demonstrate He told the Truth.

21st November 2014, 12:05 AM
This is your belief as you were not there , unless you are very old..........

And as for a name change WTF

Do you need a linguistics lesson?

Language, including names, evolve through time. The English name "John," for example, was originally Yehohanan in Aramaic/Hebrew (German retains more of it, as "Johan"). Even within English itself, for example, "Ye Olde" has become "The Old," the "y" not actually being a "y," but a now-extinct Runic letter representing "th."

7th trump
21st November 2014, 04:10 AM
Not only did he preform miracles such as healings and bringing back the dead he also killed neighborhood kids that annoyed him.

Now, that's my kind of Jesus.

Christian Apocrypha: Jesus as a Kid


Found in

The Infancy Gospel of Thomas (http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB8QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgnosis.org%2Flibrary%2Finftoma.ht m&ei=7bhuVKvJNtDhiQLcvoCYCQ&usg=AFQjCNEKmw0zSwxFWoQGNJxkS-_f-nXxFQ&bvm=bv.80185997,d.cGE)

Wouldn't take the article seriously.....its written by the same tribe Christ addressed as a fake chosen...basically a liar...."walhberg"

21st November 2014, 05:38 AM
7T.... apocryphal scriptures exist and have been probed by non jews too.

For my part, its hard to trust any sources concealing the childhood and then 18 years of someone's life, and additionally whose biography required 400 years to be made and cast early chritianity-gnoticism as an heresy, 400 years that lead to the inquisition by going after anybody understanding the bible differently, destroying knowledge of all ancient natural remedies and centuries of female oppression to turn society into a left brained prison..

pointing at jews is avoiding questions, a distraction.

That jesus spent his time studying in mystery schools or went to India where he was taught vedic wisdom between age 13 and 30 is a very likely possibility. They also do not want to speak of his childhood as texts also represent him as a normal boy, all of which would spread doubts among followers.

I for one believe jesus was perhaps a prophet/visionary who attained a high level consciousness and whose tremendous success alarmed the PTBs at the time as paganism was waning... so as usual, the PTBs took advantage of the situation... the rest is history.

Arabic PTBs did also the same when the culture was heading to its apogee, introduced muhammed/koran to quench freedom and enslave women. We own pre-koranic arabs much of our mathematical knowledge.

the bible says wonderful truths but too bad they are diluted into so many ambiguous parables that have caused so many schisms. Divide and conquer as usual.

time to get real, folks

Wouldn't take the article seriously.....its written by the same tribe Christ addressed as a fake chosen...basically a liar...."walhberg"

7th trump
21st November 2014, 05:50 AM
7T.... apocryphal scriptures exist and have been probed by non jews too.

For my part, its hard to trust any sources concealing the childhood and then 18 years of someone's life, and additionally whose biography required 400 years to be made.

pointing at jews is avoiding questions, a distraction.

All I know is as a young boy Christ grew up under the wing of his Uncle Joseph of Arimathia and they both visited his uncles tin mines on the coast of England.
Theres whole towns along the tin mine coast line with the boys statues...the tin mines are still there.
Joesp of arimathia isnt mentioned but a few short times in the Bible but theres info of His life as a young lad with his uncle in old books dating way back.

A lot of people dont take me seriously, and I could care less, but I know much about the 12 tribes and who they are and Joseph of Arimathia did own mines on the coast and England and England is one of the lost tribes.

Celtic Rogue
21st November 2014, 05:51 AM
For my part, its hard to trust any sources concealing the childhood and then 18 years of someone's life, and additionally whose biography required 400 years to be made

Sort of like Obama and the hiding of his life before politics! :) As I have said before... the bible and other religious works have been rewritten, edited and or burned. Because of this how can anyone try and use them to prove anything?

21st November 2014, 06:05 AM
this reads like that twilight zone episode where the kid plays pinball and kills everyone in the diner.

21st November 2014, 06:51 AM
on top of this massive concealment, we are warned about "false prophets"

judgement day is coming, right!

Sort of like Obama and the hiding of his life before politics! :) As I have said before... the bible and other religious works have been rewritten, edited and or burned. Because of this how can anyone try and use them to prove anything?

7th trump
21st November 2014, 07:41 AM
Sort of like Obama and the hiding of his life before politics! :) As I have said before... the bible and other religious works have been rewritten, edited and or burned. Because of this how can anyone try and use them to prove anything?

But you root for islam to rule the world.

21st November 2014, 07:43 AM
What's a "bass ass"?

21st November 2014, 07:56 AM
What's a "bass ass"?

7021 ?

Celtic Rogue
21st November 2014, 07:57 AM
But you root for islam to rule the world.

Assuming things again are we? :confused: If you knew me you would know I would vote for NO ONE rule the world. I never have rooted for islam to rule the world or anyone else? So you have a link to the thread where I stated that? Why are you so fixated on religion and cannot understand that my beef is with anyone that harms others for religion or profit. Hence my siding with the Palestinian over the jews. I also think its wrong to hate a group of people for what a minority of those people might be doing to cause harm.

21st November 2014, 08:22 AM
But you root for islam to rule the world.

I also root for NO ONE ruling the world. Ruling the world is the sociopathic modality that has brought humanity to the brink of destruction.

21st November 2014, 08:24 AM
ruling the world, the universe.... the "star wars" mentality... is pervasive in the entire cosmos... it is the defiance to God. The root of satanism in our 3D.

the eden tale is extremely enlightening in this sense, with Knowledge will come the choice to challenge God. God doesnt rule but *is*... I Am that I Am.

this is the choice we face... to be without supremacists of any kind or suffer whatever NWO/dogmas divide and rule. It is impossible to rule without dividing.

Celtic Rogue
21st November 2014, 08:33 AM
it is the defiance to God. The root of satanism.

So you believe that to want no one to rule over you is satanic? LOL I am sorry but that is utter CRAP! Why do I have to accept some other person to rule over me to be not be "defiant to god"... What kind of a god would use other people to make sure they do gods bidding? I can do just fine by myself. I will take care of my own responsibility. I dont need to be riled over.

21st November 2014, 08:43 AM
exactly what I am saying... you quoted me selectively.... or you didnt read my edit.

I am that I am... no rulers but self-responsibility is God's message, or Natural Laws more rationally.

I personally do not believe in satanism but the intent to harm, which is called satanism in our culture.

So you believe that to want no one to rule over you is satanic? LOL I am sorry but that is utter CRAP! Why do I have to accept some other person to rule over me to be not be "defiant to god"... What kind of a god would use other people to make sure they do gods bidding? I can do just fine by myself. I will take care of my own responsibility. I dont need to be riled over.

old steel
21st November 2014, 11:13 AM
What's a "bass ass"?

You know mf, it's that whole fish thing Jesus was tied into. They were fishing for bass weren't they?

http://rlv.zcache.co.uk/jesus_fish_2_bumper_stickers-ra0fb96b017534a44824be9b7fb1e0205_v9wht_8byvr_512. jpg
Heh, but seriously last night while i was typing out the title to the thread maryjane blew a little smoke in my eye and i hit the s key instead of the d key, twice.

Should read "bad ass" but yea looks like were stuck with bass ass.

21st November 2014, 01:17 PM
I had heard that there are like 18 years missing from his life starting at age 12. So at 12 he went off on his own? Also heard he turned up in India to do some studying there. But why would the son of god have to go study religion? Very fishy.

Then we have at least 180,000 years of human existence BC but now if you dont accept Jesus as your savior your going to burn in hell for eternity or something like that. So whats going on with all of the people BC?

Ancient sumarians and Egyptions. Both long lasting civilizations. The Egyptions have inscriptions for the kings going back 34,000 years although mainstream Egyptologists say it is all made up... Anyway, nowhere in any of their writings do they speak of Jesus. They had different gods.

Then of course if you get 3 or more bible scholars in the same room and ask a question you will get a different interpretation from each of them in many cases.

Why were so many books omitted from the bible? Why did the romans (Copernicus I think it was) have a say in what was in and what was out? 300 AD we finally get 1 book all inclusive except for the 50 or so books that were omitted.

How about in Genesis 1-29 that says he gives us all trees and seeds for meat. But then in Leviticus they decided we could kill and eat meat?
What happened to thou shalt not kill? How many millions have been slautered over the years in the name of religion or in the case of central and south America, the Spanish and Portugese get to slaughter the peoples there for their gold. All with the popes blessing? For someone without a religious upbringing it certainly would appear that the pope and Christianity fit the bill for being false prophets.

Just a few of the things off the top of my head that make me wonder how any decent moral human being could subscribe to any of the current religions that seem based on hatred, guilt, fear ect.. Doesnt really fit in with love thy neighbor and thou shalt not kill.

21st November 2014, 01:34 PM
There is no room to day for beliefs as they inter fer with the life/god/consciousness experience of the moment we all deserve and have been conned out of.

Do not let our own minds confuse us , ..............say we call God life itself.

Do I need to "believe"in life, no , I dont because we are life itself, in the same way we are all God him/her/it self.

Why do we need to believe in something we already are unless we have been taken in by money making controllers who may also be pedophiles.

Religion and the desire for heaven becomes a selfish dream because we step over and ignore the hell of this world for the so called promise of the next.

In this way religion really becomes the soul snatcher , not only in this world but the so called next as well , so they have you in life and so called death.

Believe in a dream if you must but its only a dream in the end , but then for some its safer to believe in dreams then face the true reality of ourselves which is far , far harder and takes a lot more courage.

Its only when all the crazy dreams are thrown out the window that we begin to see for ourselves.

Live by your own truth , not someone elses that died years ago and was written down in a book by others.

Are we that decrepit now that we believe in stories over reality, sad but true.

Ironically it will be religious fanatics that are the biggest stumbling blocks to the awakening of the consciousness of yourself as they will be stuck in a 3D world with book in hand quoting verse after verse , stuck in the madness of the mind and thinking.

The mind and thinking is FINITE, beyond the mind is the eternal and infinite.

Its not rocket science ......................

I absolutely refuse to believe in any dream that has been offered to me by other people as life is my experience and not someone elses, so if you cannot see the truth in a matter why believe that someone else can or has.

This WHOLE THING is a personal experience as a living being.............................................

21st November 2014, 02:26 PM
Jesus was a Bass Ass ?

Does that mean he was a Billy Gibbons fan ?

Jesus was a Sharp Dressed Man !

BWAHAHA ! That was a ZZ Top joke/ attempted joke / real-short-poem :)

21st November 2014, 02:33 PM
Hi Imma!. Done canning? Good to see you around.

mick silver
21st November 2014, 02:51 PM
What's a "bass ass"?http://www.guy-sports.com/fun_pictures/fishing_dont_ask.jpg

21st November 2014, 07:18 PM
What happened to thou shalt not kill? How many millions have been slautered over the years in the name of religion or in the case of central and south America, the Spanish and Portugese get to slaughter the peoples there for their gold.
Just a few of the things off the top of my head that make me wonder how any decent moral human being could subscribe to any of the current religions that seem based on hatred, guilt, fear ect.. Doesnt really fit in with love thy neighbor and thou shalt not kill.

I agree with you. In trying to understand the mentality of many of those who so ardently follow the Christian teachings; Thou shall not kill refers only to humans and according to them, many people aren't really human at all. Therefore, if they aren't human they may be raped and killed. Oh, what the hell, you may as well eat them while you are at it. Protein is protein after all.