View Full Version : This is what happens when truth gets postet to the internet.

old steel
22nd November 2014, 12:12 PM

Twisted Titan
22nd November 2014, 12:22 PM
What is the back story?

midnight rambler
22nd November 2014, 12:38 PM
What is the back story?

Yeah, I'm curious too.

waybackmachine redirects, more recently to the redirect in the OP, earlier calendar updates to the total411 twitter account - http://web.archive.org/web/20140315000000*/http://www.total411.info

old steel
22nd November 2014, 12:42 PM
Rusty Nelson was interviewed last week on the "For a Closer Look" radio show.

He claims to have been Larry King´s ("Franklin cover-up" case) photographer for the sex parties King organised for wealthy businessmen and politicians. These photos were often used for blackmail. He alleges seeing the Presidental limo parked outside the house in Washington where child sex parties were held at which he attended. He saw Regan and the two Bushes there. He says that Larry arranged for him to have a makeover and noticed that his hair style was identical to Hunter Thompson´s. He believes that he was made to look like Larry King´s photographer, who took the ´really bad´ photos, as part of a set-up in case he talked to the wrong people.

He said that he had been told that 23 kids had visited the White House after hours and have never been seen again. He feels sure that they were murdered. He said that he was present at nightly sex/drug parties and satanic rituals carried out at a farmhouse in Omaha owned by Harold Anderson, who ran the Omaha World Herald. Kidnapped children (mostly boys) were brought there to participate in satanic rituals and pederast orgies.

Nelson said Warren Buffet (second wealthiest man in American) was involved in things but was reluctant to talk about them. He promised that soon "heads were going to roll" that will reach very high levels of society. He stated that he and his family have been threatened to keep his mouth shut by various people.

He thinks about a dozen people have been murdered as part of the Franklin scandal coverup. He said that he met with Johnny Gosch years ago and would bet on his life that he is James Gannon. He could not repeat on the air the kind of things that Gosch told him because the "FCC would not allow it." He thinks that, by getting so close to the centre of power, Gosch, he said,is planning to bring people down and seek revenge for having been kidnapped and made a sex slave for the entertainment of powerful Congressmen and senators. He feels sure Thompson was murdered because of the snuff films he had made - perhaps because he was blackmailing people.

He had been to Bohemian Grove with Larry King, who told him never to remember names of people he saw at homosexual orgies there.

old steel
22nd November 2014, 01:31 PM

22nd November 2014, 01:34 PM
This Account Has Been Suspended

mick silver
22nd November 2014, 01:34 PM
This Account Has Been Suspended

22nd November 2014, 02:22 PM
Appears it was merely a redirect for:
