View Full Version : Protesters demand indictment of policeman in Ferguson shooting

mick silver
24th November 2014, 09:13 AM
Protesters demand indictment of policeman in Ferguson shootinghttp://l.yimg.com/os/publish-images/news/2013-08-26/d19448d6-6aaa-4359-a768-eadacf5fbca9_afp-gif_new.gif (http://www.afp.com/) By Jennie Matthew 12 hours ago

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St. Louis (AFP) - More than 100 protesters marched through St Louis, stepping up pressure on a grand jury to indict a white police officer for shooting dead an unarmed black teenager.
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Michael Brown, an 18-year-old high school graduate planning to go to technical college, was shot at least six times by Darren Wilson in the suburb of Ferguson on August 9, inflaming racial tensions.
The shooting sparked weeks of sometimes violent protests and a nationwide debate about police tactics, revived again with the death Sunday of a 12-year-old boy shot by police while waving what turned out to be toy gun in Cleveland.
Sunday's demonstration in the Shaw neighborhood of St Louis was the largest of five consecutive nights of protests as the city braces for a decision expected by the end of the month from a grand jury on whether Wilson should be prosecuted.
"Hands up, don't shoot," and "This is what democracy looks like," chanted the crowd, banging drums and swaying to the rhythm of the words. "The whole damn system is guilty as hell."
Holding placards saying "Black Lives Matter," men and women of all ages and ethnic backgrounds went on a nearly two-hour march, weaving through the traffic and holding up intersections but dispersing without incident.
Police were criticized for a heavy-handed response to the demonstrations in August.
"I would like to see an indictment because I think it actually helps the community for this person to go to trial," said theology PhD student Alex Giltner, 31.
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(http://news.yahoo.com/photos/demonstrators-streets-st-louis-missouri-november-23-2014-photo-050033734.html)Demonstrators take to the streets in St. Louis, Missouri on November 23, 2014, stepping up pressure …

"You've got social prejudice that is deeply ingrained in the people," he said. "What needs specifically to reform? Simply everything."
- It's about racism -
Teacher Angela Kelly marched alongside her son.
"It's a good showing. We're 107 days in now, and, no matter what happens, this is about more than Michael Brown. It's about police brutality, it's about racism that is still everywhere in our society," she said.
"I hope that there is an indictment. I think that this movement is going to non-violently continue, no matter what happens."
One young woman, a youth worker, came from Atlanta, Georgia to take part in the protests.
"I feel like this is a pivotal moment in American history, and we're going to look back and wonder who was on the right side of justice and who wasn't," said the woman who gave her name only as Megan.
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(http://news.yahoo.com/photos/police-officer-puts-tape-barricades-around-buzz-westfall-photo-050033578.html)A police officer puts tape on barricades around the Buzz Westfall Justice Center in Clayton, Missour …

"It's been a lot calmer than I expected. I think a lot of the protesters really want an indictment, and they really want justice, and they don't want violence."
Police have stepped up security as they brace for the grand jury announcement, with many residents fearing that protests could turn violent if Wilson is not indicted.
Outside the Buzz Westfall Justice Center, where the grand jury has been meeting in the suburb of Clayton, metal interlocking fences and orange plastic barricades sealed off the building and the road in front of the entrance.
St Louis County informed businesses and residents that they were securing buildings in downtown Clayton and temporarily restricting traffic in anticipation that protests could turn violent after the jury's announcement.
"We will keep these traffic restrictions in place as long as they seem prudent," it said.
- Churches ready to help -
The jury can either indict Wilson, meaning he could face trial for Brown's death, or determine there is no case for him to answer.
Wilson reportedly told the jury he acted in self-defense after tussling with Brown. Others say Brown had his hands in the air when he was shot dead, his body left in the street for several hours.
US President Barack Obama has called for calm. Missouri's governor has declared a state of emergency, and the FBI deployed extra personnel.
Ferguson, the mostly black suburb of 21,000, which has an overwhelmingly white police force and town government, is on a knife edge.
Owners have boarded up shops and businesses on the street where protests were concentrated in August, also braced for a violent fallout.
Pastor Willis Johnson told worshipers at Wellspring Church in Ferguson that the church would offer prayer, educational activities for children, free meals, counseling and group therapy after the announcement.
"We'll have clinical psychologists and interventionists that'll be here for those who are remonstrating or just trying to deal with what's going on," he told AFP.
Brown's parents mother Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown Sr. have also called separately for restraint.

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mick silver
24th November 2014, 09:15 AM
the why do we need a grand jury

mick silver
24th November 2014, 09:17 AM
Uncertainty fuels speculation on Ferguson decision

http://l.yimg.com/os/152/2012/04/21/image001-png_162613.png (http://www.ap.org/) By DAVID A. LIEB and ANDALE GROSS 1 hour ago

Associated Press Videos

Raw: Ferguson Quiet Ahead of Grand Jury Decision

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Raw: Ferguson Quiet Ahead of Grand Jury Decision


http://l.yimg.com/os/mit/ape/m/81f43c2/t.gif 



FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — The final weekend before the Thanksgiving holiday passed without a grand jury decision on whether to indict a Ferguson police officer, fueling new speculation about the timing as protesters demand he be indicted in the death of Michael Brown.
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Anxieties mount as Ferguson waits on grand jury (http://news.yahoo.com/ferguson-prepares-grand-jury-decision-071412286.html) Associated Press
Civic group: No Ferguson grand jury decision yet (http://news.yahoo.com/official-ferguson-grand-jury-still-meeting-052742679.html) Associated Press
U.S. Cities Brace For Protests Off Ferguson Decision (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/11/15/cities-ferguson-protests_n_6164044.html?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000592) Huffington Post
Official: Ferguson grand jury still meeting (http://news.yahoo.com/official-ferguson-grand-jury-still-meeting-185036543.html) Associated Press
Ferguson, Missouri poised as grand jury ruling on shooting looms (http://news.yahoo.com/grand-jury-expected-resume-ferguson-police-shooting-deliberations-100538544.html) Reuters

After meeting Friday but apparently not reaching a decision, the grand jury was widely expected to reconvene on Monday to consider possible charges against Darren Wilson, the white suburban St. Louis officer who fatally shot the black 18-year-old after a confrontation in August. There was no official confirmation about when the grand jury would meet again.
Reggie Cunningham was among Sunday night's protesters. He said he doubted Wilson will be indicted and felt like authorities were delaying an announcement "to spin this in the most positive way possible."
"The more that they drag this out, the angrier people are going to be," said Cunningham, 30, of St. Louis. The shooting triggered riots and looting back in the summer, and police responded with armored vehicles and tear gas.
Many thought a grand jury decision on whether to charge Wilson would be announced Sunday, based partly on a stepped-up police presence in the preceding days.
Downtown STL Inc., a St. Louis civic group that promotes downtown businesses, told members in an email Saturday that the grand jury will reconvene Monday to continue deliberating. The email did not explain how the group knew that, and St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch's office has not commented on the grand jury's schedule.
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(http://news.yahoo.com/photos/tension-mounts-as-ferguson-awaits-grand-jury-verdict-slideshow/)A protester is arrested after blocking traffic during a demonstration outside the Ferguson Police De …

McCulloch has said he expected a decision by mid-to-late November, but that's ultimately not in his control. The 12-person grand jury deliberates in secret and sets its own schedule depending upon when the members are available.
Benjamin Crump, an attorney for Brown's family, said they are frustrated the prosecutor didn't charge Wilson himself or suggest a charge to grand jurors.
As it is, "you don't have any direction, you're just putting all the evidence out there and you're going to let them figure it out and they can make up their own minds," Crump said. "You know, it just boggles the mind why he thinks this is fair."
If jurors meet Monday, there is no guarantee they'll reach a decision that day, or even this week. It's not uncommon for deliberations to take a while in complex cases when, such as in the Brown shooting, self-defense is alleged or there are two widely conflicting versions, according to Cole County Prosecutor Mark Richardson, who is not involved in the Ferguson case.
Sunday would have been an opportune time to minimize disruptions from protests, since schools and governments are planning on only a partial holiday workweek, Washington University law professor Peter Joy said, but that Monday or Tuesday would still make sense.
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(http://news.yahoo.com/photos/the-peaceful-side-of-the-ferguson-protests-slideshow/)Resident John West (L) hands a rose to a police officer, showing his appreciation with help in clean …

But "my belief is that with the holiday, releasing it on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday would produce a negative reaction," Joy said.
During Sunday's church services, some pastors encouraged their flocks not to fret. The Rev. Freddy Clark of Shalom Church in Florissant told the mostly black interdenominational congregation that "justice will be served" no matter the decision goes, because God will take care of it.
Meanwhile, daily protests have continued and there is speculation that the delays are intentional.
"People feel like it's been engineered, so that the results wouldn't come out until after the election and until the weather got cold, and it would be more difficult to protest," said Susan McGraugh, supervisor of the Criminal Defense Clinic at the Saint Louis University School of Law. "It's really adding fuel to the fire."
Lieb reported from Jefferson City. Associated Press reporter Alex Sanz in St. Louis contributed to this report. Follow David A. Lieb at: https://twitter.com/DavidALieb

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