View Full Version : $100,000 Left in a Burger King Is Whopper of a Mystery

mick silver
29th November 2014, 12:39 PM
$100,000 Left in a Burger King Is Whopper of a MysteryBy RHEANA MURRAY November 27, 2014 3:34 PM Good Morning America (http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/)

A blue backpack filled with about $100,000 was left behind at a California Burger King (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/business/companies/burger-king.htm) and police are trying to find out who left it there.
An assistant manager spotted the backpack abandoned in a booth, ABC's San Francisco station KGO (http://abc7news.com/society/bag-full-of-%24100000-found-in-san-jose-burger-king-/413519/) reported. She called the restaurant owner, who opened the bag up to look for ID and found the cash.
Ohio Motorist Brakes for More Than $1,000 in Cash Along Highway (http://abcnews.go.com/US/ohio-motorist-brakes-1000-cash-highway/story?id=24867544)
Boston Homeless Man Turns in Lost Backpack Stuffed With $42K (https://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/boston-homeless-man-turns-lost-backpack-stuffed-42k-141355310--abc-news-savings-and-investment.html)

"I open the zipper, I see lots of money, cash money, $100 bills stack up like half the bag," owner Altaf Chaus told the station.
"I said, 'Wow! Today's my birthday, this is my birthday gift!'" he added, joking.

View photo
https://s1.yimg.com/bt/api/res/1.2/VbWTmjfRKbRCG9fnVLQVZg--/YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7cT04NTt3PTYwMA--/http://l.yimg.com/os/publish-images/gma/2014-11-28/ac0d0e30-769c-11e4-bc3d-3b7f2e2373c6_HT_kgo_burgerking_money_3_sk_141127_4 x3_992.jpg

But Chaus called the police instead.
"I don't want that money. Maybe it belongs to somebody," he said.
Along with the cash, police found candy, marijuana (http://abcnews.go.com/topics/lifestyle/health/marijuana.htm) and a bank deposit slip in the bag, according to KGO.
They're working with the bank to find out who the cash belongs to, the station reported.

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29th November 2014, 01:18 PM
That would buy 11 monster boxes

which would weigh about 385 pounds.

29th November 2014, 01:46 PM
Bank deposit slip must not have a bank number or name on it or they would have found them already.. Freakin stoners just leaving all that cash around. musta been some good weeed. :)

29th November 2014, 01:54 PM
They're working with the bank to find out who the cash belongs to, the station reported.

Not to return the cash to the rightful owner I'm sure. The storm troopers probably want to find the owner and shake that person down for more money.

29th November 2014, 02:36 PM
Not to return the cash to the rightful owner I'm sure. The storm troopers probably want to find the owner and shake that person down for more money.

That's really unfair to brand our fine law enforcement officers as "thieves", "strom troopers" and "shake down artists", just because of a few bad cops. Cops are always getting a bad rap, it's totally unfair.

Edit: add (sarcasm)

What's wrong with this post?

29th November 2014, 02:52 PM
Huge mistake: calling the cops

The cops will "try to find the owner," and then arrest him for drug possession with intent to sell. Then, they will "civil asset forfeiture" the money into their own bank account, claiming it is "proceeds of crime."

29th November 2014, 04:06 PM
Huge mistake: calling the cops

The cops will "try to find the owner," and then arrest him for drug possession with intent to sell. Then, they will "civil asset forfeiture" the money into their own bank account, claiming it is "proceeds of crime."

That is exactly what will happen even if they don't find the owner.

29th November 2014, 04:49 PM
The danger of keeping the money is: 1. the druggies know where it was left and they will take more than their money, or 2. it is a sting operation by the cops because it is safer to take down a Burger King than a drug gang.

29th November 2014, 04:52 PM
Maybe the cops left it there to launder or cover up some of their own illegal activities. In the end the cops end up with the money.

29th November 2014, 05:17 PM
The danger of keeping the money is: 1. the druggies know where it was left and they will take more than their money, or 2. it is a sting operation by the cops because it is safer to take down a Burger King than a drug gang.

Plus it's all on camera... Without knowing it was there it would be almost impossible to grab it and go without being ID'd. I'm sure the stills of my face would be on all the local stations and across social media. The temptation though would be a rush.

29th November 2014, 06:16 PM
What if the cops were wanting some new toys and a drug dealer offered them a 100k not to bust him. They've got to show where the money came from for their new toys so they leave it at a burger joint and keep an eye on it. A good hearted, honest christian finds it and turns it in. No one shows up to claim it and they don't find a drug dealer to bust so they just keep it and use it for whatever they want. Money's laundered and ready to use. Drug dealer gets what he wants too. Everyone is happy.

old steel
29th November 2014, 07:07 PM
I think someone made a mistake on the drop off point.

Try to imagine where their head is at this moment?

Silver Rocket Bitches!
29th November 2014, 09:53 PM
What if the cops were wanting some new toys and a drug dealer offered them a 100k not to bust him. They've got to show where the money came from for their new toys so they leave it at a burger joint and keep an eye on it. A good hearted, honest christian finds it and turns it in. No one shows up to claim it and they don't find a drug dealer to bust so they just keep it and use it for whatever they want. Money's laundered and ready to use. Drug dealer gets what he wants too. Everyone is happy.

The drug dealer with 100k to burn is already working for the feds.

29th November 2014, 11:35 PM
Who with 100k in cash is eating at a burger king?