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9th December 2014, 04:38 PM
Miserly Harvard Professor Harasses Chinese Restaurant Over $4 (http://gawker.com/miserly-harvard-professor-harasses-chinese-restaurant-o-1668937632)

If a restaurant overcharges you by $4, there are two reasonable options:You could 1) not worry about it—it's only four dollars, after all, or 2) politely ask for your money back. If you're a huge asshole, there's a third option: You could write five emails—totaling hundreds of words—over three days demanding a refund of $12 (http://www.boston.com/food-dining/restaurants/2014/12/09/harvard-business-school-professor-goes-war-over-worth-chinese-food/KfMaEhab6uUY1COCnTbrXP/story.html), a price increase you calculated using your dick-ish understanding of obscure Massachusetts law (https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleXV/Chapter93A/Section9).
When Ben Edelman, an associate professor (http://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/profile.aspx?facId=417579) at Harvard Business School, realized the Sichuan Garden in Brookline had inadvertently overcharged him by $4, he went with option number three.
Edelman's emails, and the responses from Sichuan Garden's Ran Duan, are below, via Boston.com (http://www.boston.com/food-dining/restaurants/2014/12/09/harvard-business-school-professor-goes-war-over-worth-chinese-food/KfMaEhab6uUY1COCnTbrXP/story.html):

Duan told B (http://www.boston.com/food-dining/restaurants/2014/12/09/harvard-business-school-professor-goes-war-over-worth-chinese-food/KfMaEhab6uUY1COCnTbrXP/story.html)oston.com (http://www.boston.com/food-dining/restaurants/2014/12/09/harvard-business-school-professor-goes-war-over-worth-chinese-food/KfMaEhab6uUY1COCnTbrXP/story.html) he responds to every complaint about his restaurant, which his parents founded in the early 1990s. "I have worked so hard to make my family proud and to elevate our business," he said. "[Edelman's emails] just broke my heart."
For his part, Edelman told Boston.com this isn't something he regularly does. "I mostly look for malfeasance by larger companies," he said. "It certainly seems like a situation that could call for legal redress. But this is a small business in the town where I reside."
Edelman plans on giving town officials in Brookline a "few more days" before making a decision about legal action over the four dollars owed to him by a small, family owned restaurant.

9th December 2014, 05:14 PM
I'd promptly bring the Kike a wet paper bag of 1200 pennies to his home.

Notice how the Kike uses the "sovereign citizen" bullshit of "without prejudice to my rights."

9th December 2014, 05:17 PM
I wonder if any Chinese Triad members need a photo?


9th December 2014, 05:20 PM
No fortune cookie?

9th December 2014, 05:22 PM
No fortune cookie?

Ben must have agreed to the terms.

midnight rambler
9th December 2014, 05:26 PM
Notice how the Kike uses the "sovereign citizen" bullshit of "without prejudice to my rights."

Apparently you buy into the SPLC bullshit propagated by the jewsmedia too since there can be no such thing as a 'sovereign citizen' (being that the two terms contradict each other to null, the phrase is meaningless except for the purposes of the SPLC and the jewsmedia).

9th December 2014, 05:34 PM
Apparently you buy into the SPLC bullshit propagated by the jewsmedia too since there can be no such thing as a 'sovereign citizen' (being that the two terms contradict each other to null, the phrase is meaningless except for the purposes of the SPLC and the jewsmedia).

Plenty of "sovereign citizens" call themselves that; they didn't borrow it from the Jews. They just borrow the sophistry from the Jews.

9th December 2014, 05:43 PM
Plenty of "sovereign citizens" call themselves that
Really? You know that many sovereign citizens? Where do you find them? Biker bars?

I have never met one. What sort of attributes do they share?

midnight rambler
9th December 2014, 05:47 PM
Plenty of "sovereign citizens" call themselves that

Kindly show me some examples.

9th December 2014, 06:21 PM
If I start naming people, you two will merely say they're "shills" or "tools."

"Sovereign citizenship" wasn't invented by the Jews, but it sure has Jewish characteristics ("legal" sophistry). And it doesn't matter that you deny it, "sovereign citizenship" is exactly what you two advocate.



http://discharge-debt.com/id216.htm / http://igps.org/liveround/patriot/citizen.html

9th December 2014, 06:24 PM
it doesn't matter that you deny it, "sovereign citizenship" is exactly what you two advocate.

I prefer the stateless avenue myself.

9th December 2014, 06:32 PM
I prefer the stateless avenue myself.

That's great, but "they" consider you a "US Citizen" whether you like it or not, until you follow their "law" in renouncing it.

Most of what you believe (based on what you post) is esoteric nonsense of no value or effect in the real "legal" system. It's identical to the nonsense those willing to call themselves "sovereign citizens" believe.

Of course, "sovereign citizen" is an oxymoron, but it was intended to have a different meaning than the face value, i.e., a natural-born citizen who can judge and repudiate "the law" as it conflicts with Natural Law or Natural Rights.

I withdraw / deny my consent to be "governed" by "them," but this is a moral position, not a "legal" one. "The Law" is ultimately a matter of brute force, not words on paper. It's the same position held by Jesus Christ, and while He had the power to easily obliterate His enemies, He accepted His mission to die. I do have some force to wield in resistance, but, too, accept that if I am challenged irresistibly, I will die, too. Magical formulae spewed at lawyers ("judges") and/or cops do not stop bullets or open cages.

General of Darkness
9th December 2014, 06:36 PM
With jews you lose.

9th December 2014, 06:48 PM
That's great, but "they" consider you a "US Citizen" whether you like it or not

By treaty I have the rights of a U.S. citizen but then things that are alike are not the same.

Art: III

The inhabitants of the ceded territory shall be incorporated in the Union of the United States and admitted as soon as possible according to the principles of the federal Constitution to the enjoyment of all these rights, advantages and immunities of citizens of the United States, and in the mean time they shall be maintained and protected in the free enjoyment of their liberty, property and the Religion which they profess.

If you cannot assert a position then you have none. There is no force on earth or heavens that can force anyone to participate in fraud. Should you find yourself participating then you do so voluntarily.

old steel
9th December 2014, 07:12 PM
With jews you lose.

Plus 1

9th December 2014, 08:51 PM
Plus 1

plus 4

Of course this is gonna be that basis of his next lecture at the school I'm sure. How he is standing up for the common man and sticking it to the corrupt business owners who profit off of swindling them. He is jewish after all, who knows better about the down-trodden then he?

9th December 2014, 09:24 PM
There is no force on earth or heavens that can force anyone to participate in fraud. Should you find yourself participating then you do so voluntarily.

The "legal" system uses Jew sophistry to claim "voluntary participation" when there is none.

Hatha Sunahara
9th December 2014, 11:40 PM
The legal system is a means for extracting a 'pound of flesh' for those who deem that to be 'justice'. Read the Merchant of Venice.


10th December 2014, 12:09 AM
For his part, Edelman told Boston.com this isn't something he regularly does. "I mostly look for malfeasance by larger companies," he said. "It certainly seems like a situation that could call for legal redress. But this is a small business in the town where I reside."

None of you caught that he CLEARLY does this on a regular basis? And don't you know, damages of this sort are tax free! So basically he is going around, looking for companies that make mistakes, buying something from them, then sticking it to them after the fact for 3x damages.

10th December 2014, 12:26 AM
For his part, Edelman told Boston.com this isn't something he regularly does. "I mostly look for malfeasance by larger companies," he said. "It certainly seems like a situation that could call for legal redress. But this is a small business in the town where I reside."

None of you caught that he CLEARLY does this on a regular basis? And don't you know, damages of this sort are tax free! So basically he is going around, looking for companies that make mistakes, buying something from them, then sticking it to them after the fact for 3x damages.

Sounds a bit like that Mexican wheelchair guy. What happened to him?

This is actually what the general public should be doing to government officials. They always break the rules and often their rules are worth $30,000.00 so with liquidated damages you get to $90,000.00. I consider doing this all the time. I'd like to ping a few cops. I have been thinking upon a plan for something like that. I've been poking around the state constitution and came across some interesting information I want to pursue.

10th December 2014, 04:55 AM

Last name origins & meanings:

Respelling of German Edelmann (http://genealogy.familyeducation.com/surname-origin/edelmann).
Jewish (Ashkenazic): ornamental name from edel ‘noble’, ‘splendid’, ‘fine’ + man ‘man’.


It checks out.

Lets actually think about this though. I propose that one thing that makes jews unique is that they are obsessed with words, laws, and written text. This is true for both encoding their interests in that medium, as well as using it to affect change or cause a desired result.

All other cultures I would say use words or text as a tool to communicate general ideas or feelings. For us, things generally exist without being written down, we only need to write things down when disputes or misunderstandings occur that need to be resolved. For jews however, something's existence is synonymous with what is written in text. In their mind there is no difference. That is why the smallest things are continuously debated in a hypersenstive manner until "the record is set strait". Because to a jew, the written record is reality itself. To us, reality is what we observe with our 5 senses, the demeanor of people around us -- in other words, our state of being. We percieve reality in different ways. Therefore, when there is a conflict, the best way to make everybody happy is to let the jews have their words on the piece of paper, while everyone else gets the actual physical thing or whatever is being argued over. That way both groups have what is important to them.

In this case, the fact that he could be charged more than what was explicitly stated in writing was intolerable to him. It wasn't about the quality of the food or the amount (state of being), but rather that what actually happened and what was written did not match. Furthermore, the discrepency was such that it injured him, however small.

Unfortunately for all of us, the jew's version of reality - that of written words - seems to be winning out as being more real than our version of reality (our state of being).

Our state of being is what makes us human. By definition, it is what a human experiences. But written words are different. They are not human. They last much longer than a human lifespan, perhaps thousands or tens of thousands of years. They transport information through time and space. In many ways, they are a higher lifeform. Humans can be viewed simply as vessels which are programmed or infected by these words, then spend their lives implementing what they say and building upon the store of knowlege. Ideas, similar to memes, compete with one another to occupying our minds, writings, and ultimately be passed into the future. Obviously religious texts are the most powerful of these lifeforms. There are more copies of bibles than anything else, and the words are considered holy and hence cannot be altered.

Jews are the servants of these higher lifeforms. They dedicate their lives curating and maintaining the existence of these lifeforms. Since they don't have a physical body they rely on humans to manifest them, similar to the way we need many cells to give us a body. In return for doing this, jews are empowered beyond what would otherwise be possible simply through human capability.

Are these written words, these texts, actually a higher form of life, possibly demons or arch demons? Do they actually have the jews enslaved? Possibly.

10th December 2014, 05:22 AM
The legal system is a means for extracting a 'pound of flesh' for those who deem that to be 'justice'. Read the Merchant of Venice.

The sophistry in your example is on the side of the Christian rather than the Jew. The contract was written for a pound of flesh in the event of a default but the contract could not be executed because it failed to include the blood as well. The meaning was well agreed to but the sophistry was involved in the judgment. As well as the fact that that the pound could be neither more nor less than one pound. Without knowing the tolerance arriving at precisely one pound is impossible. Even knowing the tolerance makes the operation impractical. +/- .01 lb? +/- .1 lb? +/- 1 lb?

10th December 2014, 05:35 AM

midnight rambler
10th December 2014, 06:36 AM
If you cannot assert a position then you have none. There is no force on earth or heavens that can force anyone to participate in fraud. Should you find yourself participating then you do so voluntarily.


We all get to where we are by choice. If one fails to make the choice for that which is good, just, and righteous, and act accordingly, then the default is wickedness - automatically. To assent to wickedness is to be a part of wickedness, one's protestations not withstanding.

"Ye shall know them by their fruits."

The "legal" system uses Jew sophistry to claim "voluntary participation" when there is none.

If that's truly your perception then it would appear you're not truly a believer in The Word. In this case it would also appear you've been sucked in to Satan's illusion (that you don't have free agency and the ability to exercise it).

CT, are in you rebellion against God?

midnight rambler
10th December 2014, 06:44 AM
For his part, Edelman told Boston.com this isn't something he regularly does. "I mostly look for malfeasance by larger companies," he said. "It certainly seems like a situation that could call for legal redress. But this is a small business in the town where I reside."

None of you caught that he CLEARLY does this on a regular basis? And don't you know, damages of this sort are tax free! So basically he is going around, looking for companies that make mistakes, buying something from them, then sticking it to them after the fact for 3x damages.

I picked up on it. It's the way of the Privileged Tribe.

Twisted Titan
10th December 2014, 10:11 AM
plus 4

Of course this is gonna be that basis of his next lecture at the school I'm sure. How he is standing up for the common man and sticking it to the corrupt business owners who profit off of swindling them. He is jewish after all, who knows better about the down-trodden then he?

I will be in a standing room only college assembly room as he explain the corruption of the jewish tax

10th December 2014, 12:10 PM
If that's truly your perception then it would appear you're not truly a believer in The Word.

You deny the Word when you claim that Christians can simply exempt themselves from Satan's kingdoms' decrees with Kabbalistic magical formulae.

In this case it would also appear you've been sucked in to Satan's illusion (that you don't have free agency and the ability to exercise it).

St. James = executed by government

St. Peter = executed by government

St. Andrew = executed by government

St. Thomas = executed by government

St. Matthew = executed by government

I do not need to go on.

Satan's instruments in this world killed them. They need not "consent" to anything.

CT, are in you rebellion against God?

Are you?

I recognize that the US "government" is an instrument of the Devil. It has the power to kill me, if God's Will is to allow it. I pray to Him that it not be so. You, however, pray to it, by stating "all rights reserved."

General of Darkness
10th December 2014, 05:29 PM
The kike had to apologize.

Harvard Business professor apologizes after threatening Chinese restaurant over $4 Ben Edelman has issued a public apology after ruthlessly threatening a Boston-area restaurant with legal action when it overcharged his $53 order by $4. He called his penny-pinching tirade and legal threats against Sichuan Garden 'very much out of line.'

10th December 2014, 05:45 PM
did his rabbi call him or was harvard not liking the negative publicity?

10th December 2014, 06:33 PM
did his rabbi call him or was harvard not liking the negative publicity?

The latter, of course. The Rabbi likely reminded him of the commandments from the Talmud: "whenever one may cheat a Goy, do so."

mick silver
11th December 2014, 01:19 AM

11th December 2014, 02:28 AM

what the hell are those ?

Jewish Rocky Mountain Oysters ?

mick silver
11th December 2014, 03:47 AM
rats are what's on the menu today ..............

11th December 2014, 07:30 AM

Last name origins & meanings:

Respelling of German Edelmann (http://genealogy.familyeducation.com/surname-origin/edelmann).
Jewish (Ashkenazic): ornamental name from edel ‘noble’, ‘splendid’, ‘fine’ + man ‘man’.


It checks out.

Lets actually think about this though. I propose that one thing that makes jews unique is that they are obsessed with words, laws, and written text. This is true for both encoding their interests in that medium, as well as using it to affect change or cause a desired result.

All other cultures I would say use words or text as a tool to communicate general ideas or feelings. For us, things generally exist without being written down, we only need to write things down when disputes or misunderstandings occur that need to be resolved. For jews however, something's existence is synonymous with what is written in text. In their mind there is no difference. That is why the smallest things are continuously debated in a hypersenstive manner until "the record is set strait". Because to a jew, the written record is reality itself. To us, reality is what we observe with our 5 senses, the demeanor of people around us -- in other words, our state of being. We percieve reality in different ways. Therefore, when there is a conflict, the best way to make everybody happy is to let the jews have their words on the piece of paper, while everyone else gets the actual physical thing or whatever is being argued over. That way both groups have what is important to them.

In this case, the fact that he could be charged more than what was explicitly stated in writing was intolerable to him. It wasn't about the quality of the food or the amount (state of being), but rather that what actually happened and what was written did not match. Furthermore, the discrepency was such that it injured him, however small.

Unfortunately for all of us, the jew's version of reality - that of written words - seems to be winning out as being more real than our version of reality (our state of being).

Our state of being is what makes us human. By definition, it is what a human experiences. But written words are different. They are not human. They last much longer than a human lifespan, perhaps thousands or tens of thousands of years. They transport information through time and space. In many ways, they are a higher lifeform. Humans can be viewed simply as vessels which are programmed or infected by these words, then spend their lives implementing what they say and building upon the store of knowlege. Ideas, similar to memes, compete with one another to occupying our minds, writings, and ultimately be passed into the future. Obviously religious texts are the most powerful of these lifeforms. There are more copies of bibles than anything else, and the words are considered holy and hence cannot be altered.

Jews are the servants of these higher lifeforms. They dedicate their lives curating and maintaining the existence of these lifeforms. Since they don't have a physical body they rely on humans to manifest them, similar to the way we need many cells to give us a body. In return for doing this, jews are empowered beyond what would otherwise be possible simply through human capability.

Are these written words, these texts, actually a higher form of life, possibly demons or arch demons? Do they actually have the jews enslaved? Possibly.

Now THAT's a perspective I've never considered... WOW. This may be the most impressive idea I'm introduced to all day.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
11th December 2014, 07:53 AM
Yeah this joo guy's an asshole and all but this publicity will pay out nicely for the restaurant owner so it's really a win for him in the end.

11th December 2014, 10:07 AM
