View Full Version : The Spirit Molecule

11th December 2014, 05:12 AM
I decided to start the thread after reading Neuro's posting about his father whose days are numbered.

All that is consciousness doesnt die, it is just another state we cannot fathom. we start dying right after birth... so death is a rebirth.

I believe in reincarnation however. when reincarnation is part of the religious belief or not suppressed in any way, many kids remember their past lives as the environment encourages such memories. For some reason those memories fade as kids age, most likely because the reality of existence takes over. There are studies about this.

(2 links among many)
The Science of Reincarnation
U.Va. psychiatrist Jim Tucker investigates children’s claims of past lives... Further research by Tucker and others has shown the children generally have above-average IQs and do not possess any mental or emotional disorders beyond average groups of children. None appears to have been dissociating from painful family situations.

Reincarnation: 3 case studies
November 1, 2013

I am really not afraid of dying (no longer) and not sad when somebody close to me dies since I know what they are going through and am happy for them.

Then it is been proven that the center of consciousness, located in the pineal gland releases DMT at the moment of death, allowing the passage to higher realms and dimensions.

DMT: The Spirit Molecule (bridging science and spirituality)


since DMT is created by the body (a naturally occurring psychoactive -non addictive - compound, which exists in humans) this means that it can be used to investigate different levels of consciousness. Hence the success of the shamanic medicine called Ayahusca these days. Many people are beginning to get that there just is so much more than our very limited dimension. It is also a medicine in the sense that it purges one from all inner fears (hence not recreational at all), which translates into an overall dramatic improvement of wellness. The Medicine cures from addiction, depression, etc.


Could this be the next medicinal marijuana?
By Tricia Escobedo, CNN
updated 1:06 PM EDT, Fri October 31, 2014
......... War vets are seeking it for PTSD

Former Marine Lance Cpl. Ryan LeCompte organizes trips to Peru for war veterans, like himself, who are seeking ayahuasca as a possible treatment for PTSD and other emotional and mental trauma suffered after multiple combat deployments.............

11th December 2014, 06:39 AM
I decided to start the thread after reading Neuro's posting about his father whose days are numbered.

All that is consciousness doesnt die, it is just another state we cannot fathom. we start dying right after birth... so death is a rebirth.

I am really not afraid of dying (no longer) and not sad when somebody close to me dies since I know what they are going through and am happy for them.

We are energy and energy can't be destroyed. It only changes it's form. Is consciousness part of that energy?

Losing a father is a hard loss, especially if you are close to them. It is something you never really quite get over.
The person that dies has lost nothing, it is the people that loved the person that suffer the loss. It changes you.

It's very hard to watch the process, the pain and suffering most will go through, but I too am happy for those transitioning to the other side.

I've looked through the window of death and I see it as the most beautiful thing life has to give us. An incredible chemical and spiritual journey. It's the only way I can describe it.

If reincarnation is possible, I hope I come back more enlightened and on a higher plain of life.

11th December 2014, 11:17 AM
My father who is dying from Malignant Melanoma, now spread through his body, told me yesterday that he hoped that it wouldn't take him 2-3 months to die. He is weak to the point were he doesn't have the strength to sit up, and he can't digest anything but fluids, but he is a tough and hard man who never really complained about anything that happened to himself in his life. Of course I couldn't tell him that I wished for a speedy death for him, but I do. There is no return from this point and I hope it goes quickly for him. But I know I will always miss him after he is gone!

However even though I am incredibly sad about all this, I have never cried so much in my life. I realize that somehow this is a privilege that not all are granted, it has given me ample time to say goodbye to my father, we don't have any grudges against each other, we have been able to talk these things through like man to man. Death is inevitable, but if you are given time to say goodbye to your loved ones, you really can't complain too much... Regardless if you believe in some kind of afterlife where you may or may not meet your loved ones again, or if you just believe this is it...

11th December 2014, 01:04 PM
My younger brother was found dead on Thanksgiving. I'm not afraid of death but miss him. Two nights ago I Had a vivid dream about him. My deceased dad and ex wife who passed within a week of each other were there too along with two of my dogs. The dream had warm vibes even though I only remember that it took place in a old farmhouse I've never been to.

11th December 2014, 03:53 PM
Its not something I think about but I know is true , we all live forever and have lived forever and dyin is nothin.