View Full Version : Bionic Viktoria Modesta-Protesters stage mass 'face-sitting' against new porn laws

16th December 2014, 04:06 AM
Modesta promotes sado-masochism (which is a dark energy as it degrades the human nature) as a way of life - which is the agenda of the music industry cabal.

Porn as a distraction and a programing to keep humans into animal mode. And is called "freedom of expression" ...





Protesters demonstrate their opposition to new pornography laws outside Parliament by simulating sex acts. Our reporters were there.


Friday 12 December 2014 UK
Protesters stage mass 'face-sitting' against new porn laws

Protesters demonstrate their opposition to new pornography laws outside Parliament by simulating sex acts. Our reporters were there.

Hundreds of activists are gathering to protest against new pornography laws by simulating sex acts.

The move comes in protest of an announcement by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport that 10 sexual acts, including aggressive whipping and strangulation, were to be outlawed in UK online pornography films.

Critics argue the change not only damages the country's porn industry, with online viewers still able to access content banned in the UK by watching videos filmed abroad, but amounts to "arbitrary censorship". Organiser Charlotte Rose called the restrictions "ludicrous" and said they were a threat to freedom of expression.


mick silver
16th December 2014, 04:55 AM
the world is so sick . you can have my knifes and guns and freedom but don't fick with my porn what a world . our father before us are rolling in their graves

16th December 2014, 05:31 AM


Twisted Titan
16th December 2014, 08:26 AM
is this the same UK where the Top Cop said that kiddie porn is so prevalent that they dont have the resources to fight it so the best thing to do is to just accept it.