View Full Version : 333.000

16th December 2014, 05:47 AM
look for *secrets in plain sight* on youtube, 6 millions of hits and counting, to understand where the elites get their numbers from.... from the cosmic and earth grids which they also embed in architectural buildings. This is beyond new age, the evidence that God is addressing us with sacred math and that the PTBs have corrupted that very knowledge since ever. To get rid of "them", this knowledge has to spread.

33 masonic degrees explained briefly among many other mathematical facts... there is a lot more in the 3 hour documentary.

the mass of the sun gives also a whole new meaning to the dead/resurection of christ at age 33

sun's mass is about 332,946 times the mass of the Earth
How does it come that ancient egyptians were aware of this? Sun's Radius: Twice the perimeter of the bottom of the granite coffer times 10^8 is the sun's mean radius. [270.45378502 Pyramid Inches* 10^8 = 427,316 miles] http://www.timstouse.com/EarthHistory/Egypt/GreatPyramid/interestingfacts.htm

The name Peter means rock. Speaking of domes and rocks, the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem is 3333.3 km from La Place de la Nation in Paris.

https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/p180x540/10623927_10153401420592977_200526930865485916_o.jp g




watch the doc for more astounding facts

mick silver
16th December 2014, 05:48 AM
ok tiger what did you do with singular

16th December 2014, 06:04 AM
... I prefer observable straight facts. :)

midnight rambler
16th December 2014, 07:04 AM
the dead of christ at age 33

HE is not dead, He was crucified; He is arisen.

16th December 2014, 07:14 AM
HE is not dead, he was crucified; He is arisen.

okay age of crucifixion and rebirth then :)

Twisted Titan
16th December 2014, 07:47 AM
I am not overly impressed with this numerology per se

For example

Has there been any significance attributed to the structures of the DC monomunet and the bank tower?
Not that I recall.

The distance between Everest and Heliopolis??
not that I recall.

Place da nation and the dome of the rock??
not that i recall.

I'm not punching holes in it but the fact of the matter is you can find significance in anything that you like.

For example I am truly fascinated by the fact the saline content of amniotic fluid that all babies swim in for 9 months is EXACTLY the same as the saline content of the salt water of the sea.

There is alot of ways I can spin that but it all depends on the significance that I decide to place on it.
not harping just being observant.

16th December 2014, 07:58 AM
TT, being impressed of not will depend on one's focus of interest... BUT if interested in masonic numbers, wondering where they got them and find out that the cosmic/earth energy grid is key, then yes I for one think that it is fascinating.... no cavemen could have come up with such a knowledge.

the saline content of the amniotic fluid is very interesting too, plz post possible data you may have, if you have any ?

Twisted Titan
16th December 2014, 08:21 AM
just a basic google search will yeild tons of websites that cover the topic from a religious to purely scientific but if you must know where i learned about it.

I remember JFK making just a mention of it in passing about how we are all connected to the sea.

I never forgot it

Hatha Sunahara
16th December 2014, 08:38 AM

So you don'thave to search for it.

Very interesting.


old steel
16th December 2014, 11:00 AM
Then there is 19.5

16th December 2014, 11:57 AM
Many of those monuments that were measured in kilometers and miles interchangeably from each other, were built long before kilometers and miles were invented

16th December 2014, 12:13 PM
I for one think they did/do this (talking of architecture) as a form of rituals to foster and/or manipulate psychic energies but the awareness of it makes their (dark) intents loses its power. Once people start regarding DC differently (and the grand design behind it as the doc contends), for example, DC will cease to be important in their eyes, along with its politicians because they will feel empowered by something huge that was hidden from them. :) But it has to be out in the open to be effective...

so pls help spread this important knowledge

So you don'thave to search for it.

Very interesting.


16th December 2014, 01:40 PM
Many of those monuments that were measured in kilometers and miles interchangeably from each other, were built long before kilometers and miles were invented

Thank you, that's the point I was going to make.

16th December 2014, 05:30 PM
in the end, it doesnt really matter as to whether miles/kms were invented before or after they were built but the grand design behind that tell us the story that connects earthian and cosmic energy grids that are also embedded in architecture. For example there is a reason why the DC obelisk stands where it stands.

thats the whole point, the conclusion of the doc

16th December 2014, 08:42 PM
just a basic google search will yeild tons of websites that cover the topic from a religious to purely scientific but if you must know where i learned about it.

I remember JFK making just a mention of it in passing about how we are all connected to the sea.

I never forgot it

Humans are just a jelly fish that has engineered it's own biosphere system with it's own system of mechanics, cranes and pulleys to move the meat sack around. If you stripped the flesh and skeleton away and kept the brain and nerves, you would end up with a jelly fish type creature.

The numbers are important because they create harmonics. I would be interested in the other dimensions, the ones that don't travel the ARK (sic) but go directly between the points.

17th December 2014, 02:02 AM
in the end, it doesnt really matter as to whether miles/kms were invented before or after they were built but the grand design behind that tell us the story that connects earthian and cosmic energy grids that are also embedded in architecture. For example there is a reason why the DC obelisk stands where it stands.

thats the whole point, the conclusion of the doc
Well the buildings that were built after introduction of metric or imperial system, may very well have been built/planned by masons/kabalists putting great significance on numerology. In your mind what does that prove in relation to Earthian and Cosmic energy grids? What significance is there for Heliopolis being 3333.33 km from the equator and 3333 miles from Mt Everest. Heliopolis being constructed several thousand years before those human made measuring systems... Or are you saying that the builders of the Obelisk in Heliopolis foresaw the invention of both the metric system and the imperial system?

17th December 2014, 02:21 AM
Or are you saying that the builders of the Obelisk in Heliopolis foresaw the invention of both the metric system and the imperial system?

That they were already using the metric system and simply deployed it aeons later in openly codified form. How was it brought in? Via EU or something.

I think it's a dissociative measuring system when compared to the imperial system seems to better fit the dimensions of the planet. Maybe metric fine tunes the imperial. I hate calling it imperial but I don't know what else it is. This numerology doesn't work in imperial when doing straight conversions from metric does it?

17th December 2014, 03:31 AM
Actually Heliopolis isn't 3333.33 km from the equator either. It would equate to Heliopolis being exactly at 30° north, as the distance from equator to North Pole is 10,000 km (The definition of a meter is the distance between equator and Pole divided by 10,000,000). However Heliopolis is at 30.1° N, which makes it 3344 km from the equator...

Facts talk bullshit walks! What other measurements mentioned above is bullshit too?

17th December 2014, 03:34 AM
Glass... and I agree: The numbers are important because they create harmonics. Sacred Geometry is Harmonics. The grid they have created is also amplifying the frequency ranges they need for mind control. Nothing wrong with the grid itself as it would amplify good frequencies too but since the elites uses certain frequencies to keep us in a state of fears, thats what we get from it.

the issue here is that people who cannot understand this will also fight the idea of this knowledge not coming from the iron age man... or find the math behind it insignificant.

I have started the thread for people willing to dig deeper


17th December 2014, 03:53 AM
3333.33 km
3344 km

ever heard of rounding up or down...

sure, such calculations will always be very very slightly off. For example, are you working with pi=3.14 or 3.1416 or 3.1415926535 .... ???

sun's mass is about 332,946 times the mass of the Earth
there too 333,000 as it is being ROUNDED UP

Even the pyramids are off by a few millimeters

so now if you want to destroy a theory and a whole work for that, go ahead, be narrowed mind again by calling this BS. Not ready for another marathon thread as you have proven to be seriously allergic to sacred/spiritual maths.

6 MILLIONS of hits and counting over a year time and nobody debunked it yet..

Total: 0.9999..... sure you dont know what a series of 9s means, this guy is onto something that is beyond your comprehension, Neuro, just give up

from his blog... It’s interesting also that 33°F = .55555…°C

Actually Heliopolis isn't 3333.33 km from the equator either. It would equate to Heliopolis being exactly at 30° north, as the distance from equator to North Pole is 10,000 km (The definition of a meter is the distance between equator and Pole divided by 10,000,000). However Heliopolis is at 30.1° N, which makes it 3344 km from the equator...

Facts talk bullshit walks! What other measurements mentioned above is bullshit too?

17th December 2014, 04:00 AM
Rounding up or down... 3344 would typically be rounded to 3340, or 3300, not 3333.33. 3333.33 km is just a false number designed to mislead the gullible.

17th December 2014, 04:42 AM
here is from his blog... and which made me ponder for days... maybe some of you will understand why


another interesting fact:

The traditional Buddhist retreat lasts for 3 years, 3 months and 3 days. Makes sense?

conclusion: the maker of this doc understands God's math, which the elites have corrupted since ever


17th December 2014, 04:45 AM
watch the doc then maybe we can have a decent conversation.

what you now do is like saying that the pyramid isnt one as it measurements are slightly off ... why do you think it has not been debunked so far. It is clear that he knows about sacred geometry so he rounded up/down according to it. Since you do not know about the topic, you cannot attack his decision.

maybe you should get in touch with the maker of the doc and ask this question yourself... info@secretsinplainsight.com

moreover, I do believe that maths as taught in college today have been corrupted too, so people getting a mainstream education cannot find about things like this.... maybe 1 miles or 1 meter is not as exact as we have been taught ???

(same in music today, solfegio has too been corrupted to prevent us from finding about healing sounds/frequencies)

Rounding up or down... 3344 would typically be rounded to 3340, or 3300, not 3333.33. 3333.33 km is just a false number designed to mislead the gullible.

17th December 2014, 05:13 AM
There is no sacred geometry.

Geometry is exactly what it is.

You keep making this assertion and have failed time and time again to discern exactly what is sacred about this particular geometry.

We don't or won't contact the maker of the documentary because he's not the one pushing this stuff on this forum, YOU ARE!

Nothing has been corrupted in regards to the mathematics taught at the tertiary level. Its the real deal, something which you do not understand and are completely unqualified to comment on, but since you've made the statement, please clarify exactly what is wrong with what is taught.

Remember we're dealing with MATHEMATICS, so please couch your answer in such a manner, tautology IS NOT part of mathematics.

To add to this, I doubt you even know what the standard meter is!

17th December 2014, 05:22 AM
watch the doc then maybe we can have a decent conversation.

what you now do is like saying that the pyramid isnt one as it measurements are slightly off ... why do you think it has not been debunked so far. It is clear that he knows about sacred geometry so he rounded up/down according to it. Since you do not know about the topic, you cannot attack his decision.

maybe you should get in touch with the maker of the doc as ask this question yourself... info@secretsinplainsight.com

moreover, I do believe that maths as taught in college today have been corrupted too, so people getting a mainstream education cannot find about things like this.... maybe 1 miles or 1 meter is not as exact as we have been taught ???

(same in music today, solfegio has too been corrupt to prevent us to find about healing sounds/frequencies)
Sure a meter is probably different than we are taught, it's been corrupted it isn't 1/10,000,000 of distance from pole to Equator. It has to be different for your sacred 'math' to be correct.

The only thing corrupted is you!

17th December 2014, 05:49 AM
not for people like Neuro who refute that Nazis were into the occult, hence cannot see the big picture


Scott Onstott - Secrets In Plain Sight, The Quadrivium, The Messianic Axis & Mirroring
June 19, 2011
Scott Onstott went to college at UC Berkeley and graduated with a bachelor's degree in Architecture in 1992. He began his career doing manual drafting and soon transitioned to AutoCAD and gained experience in several prominent engineering, architecture and interiors firms in San Francisco. Scott worked as a Draftsman, CAD Designer, Job Captain, Animator, and Programmer before becoming an independent consultant. He's taught over 45 semester courses at three Bay Area colleges and has written and edited dozens of technical computer books. Scott is also the maker of the video series "Secrets in Plain Sight", an exploration of art, architecture, and urban design which unveils an unlikely intersection of geometry, politics, numerical philosophy, religious mysticism, new physics, music, astronomy, and world history.

In this interview, Scott will take us on an exploration of various monuments and buildings, their positions and explain how Egypt has been encoded in units of measurement in the design. We'll also discuss Masonic "trigger numbers" and why they show up in architecture.

Later, Scott talks about the elite, bloodlines, 4th dimensional entities, the matrix and harnessing Earth energies. In the second hour we begin discussing the New Jerusalem in Washington, DC. Scott tells us about the Jewish mysticism that shows up everywhere in architecture, including the tree of life, the Star of David and King Solomon's Temple.

Scott says Israel is an important geomantic site and therefore copied elsewhere. We'll discuss Moses as the continuation of the sun worship cult, another Egyptian connection. Then, we talk about the similarities in sacred geometry and mythology. Scott will also talk about goddess symbolism, astronomical and geomantic alignments. We'll briefly discuss sun alignment and why it is so important to the elites. Later, we talk about 1111, which shows up frequently. Scott ends the interview talking about not hoarding knowledge and encourages others to put out information and collaborate with others. He'll share what he sees for the future.


17th December 2014, 06:00 AM
then you have yet to explain why the pyramids mirror the Orion constellation and were supposedly built at the iron age... thats basically WHY the pyramid thread got so long, remember :)

you, neuro essentially prove why the battle between sciences and spirituality/religion is raging... atheism/agnoticism and fundamentalism get along well in this battle, congrats NWO !!

yet I am the evil one for supporting the bridging of the two

wouldnt be surprised if the matching pyramids/orion was a little off.... here you go, you have an argument now :)

There is no sacred geometry.

Geometry is exactly what it is.


17th December 2014, 06:10 AM
then you have yet to explain why the pyramids mirror the Orion constellation and were supposedly built at the iron age... thats basically WHY the pyramid thread got so long, remember :)

you, neuro essentially prove why the battle between sciences and spirituality/religion is raging... atheism/agnoticism and fundamentalism get along well in this battle, congrats NWO !!

Haha, not only are you arithmetically illiterate, but you don't even understand ancient history.:p

The pyramids were built in the early bronze age not the iron age.

There is no explanation, that is why its mere chance and nothing else.

Apart from your false assertions, there is nothing to tie these two phenomena together, that is the REAL reason the thread lasted so long, remember?

The best you seem to be able to do to bolster your rudimentary and childish arguments is attempt to ruin our credibility..:rolleyes:

Pretty sad really...:( lol

17th December 2014, 06:12 AM
only for those who understand that the stakes we face ARE muuuuuch bigger that the zionist reductive theory, that the evil zionists is just the tip of the iceberg.

meanwhile the bible is filled with numbers that believers do not even understand.

Sacred Geometry International


May 15, 2014
"A cosmic tempo based on Sacred Geometry, encoded in myth & mystical architecture throughout the Earth governs the unfolding of world ages, the rise and fall of civilizations & is ultimately the very basis of apocalyptic prophecy" - Randall Carlson

17th December 2014, 06:18 AM
not for people like Neuro who refute that Nazis were into the occult, hence cannot see the big picture
The first part is a lie, I never refuted that national socialism were into occultism, I said it wasn't the core of it like you claimed it was. However the second part shows how irrational you are. You can't assume a person who you disagree with in opinion about a detail in an unrelated discussion are lacking in big picture comprehension because of that disagreement. Simply because detail knowledge and big picture comprehension is two totally different qualities. But I am not surprised that this understanding may have slipped you... :) :)

17th December 2014, 06:19 AM
only for those who understand that the stakes we face ARE muuuuuch bigger that the zionist reductive theory, that the evil zionists is just the tip of the iceberg.

meanwhile the bible is filled with numbers that believers do not even understand.

Blah, blah, blah.

Everything you post is just more white noise. Never making any sense, never having any real credentials or absolute proof.

You are going to have to wait an eternity to see you're silly cherished bullshit come to fruition, which is NEVER...be patient now, any day for sure! haha :D

17th December 2014, 06:20 AM
you should know that I wrote iron age by mistake, based on the pyramid thread.

but am sorry, ignorance of ancient sciences points at you being absolutely ridicule...

saying that it has "no explanation" shows your deeeeeeeeeep denial about the issue. :)

please double check this
33°F = .55555…°C

There is no explanation, that is why its mere chance and nothing else.

Apart from your false assertions, there is nothing to tie these two phenomena together, that is the REAL reason the thread lasted so long, remember?

The best you seem to be able to do to bolster your rudimentary and childish arguments is attempt to ruin our credibility..:rolleyes:

Pretty sad really...:( lol

17th December 2014, 06:47 AM
you should know that I wrote iron age by mistake, based on the pyramid thread.

but am sorry, ignorance of ancient sciences points at you being absolutely ridicule...

saying that it has "no explanation" shows your deeeeeeeeeep denial about the issue. :)

please double check this
33°F = .55555…°C

WTF? What has this got to do with anything?

Besides I think you mean 5/9

You do know there is a formula for this right?

17th December 2014, 08:49 AM
only for those who understand that the stakes we face ARE muuuuuch bigger that the zionist reductive theory, that the evil zionists is just the tip of the iceberg.

Megaphoning much?

19th December 2014, 12:36 PM
Neuro and Aeon... sorry bad timing as I was getting extra hour$ over the last 2 days. I didnt flee, sorry guys :)

But I will no longer add to the discussion, after this postings. His work/doc has NOT been debunked, not even by "Sacred Geometry International" because all the calculations ARE correct. If you have a problem, watch "secrets in plain sight" and get familiar with his blog. Watch also Nassim Haramein by the same token, another fav of mine :)

My email exchanges with him

hey there Scott, I have a question as I checked out the distances between several locations and found out that many are slightly off... for example, I didnt get any series of 3s or 5s, the same result I mean. So is there a sacred geometric or Vedic way to calculate that I am not aware of? Thanks in advance for answering my question

Scott Onstott Would you give a specific example?

S_M --> 3333.33 km.... or 332,946 times mass of earth --> 333,000
I dont mind those numbers to be rounded up or down at all as distances are huge if not astronomical. Even the ancient egyptian pyramids are extremely slightly off however. Another example: fernsehturm-skytree tokyo tower 5538.902 miles (found on the net), while you have a series of 5s. I am very aware that solfegio is a little kinda off too as taught and what wondering if this was the same about the metric system. Hence thought you might have found a way to circumvent it.

Scott Onstott Google Earth has the most accurate model. The distance from the center of Fernsehturm to center of Skytree measures 5555.95 miles. 5555.55 / 5555.95 = 0.999928

Scott Onstott 332946 / 333000 = 0.9998
You can only perceive the pattern if you accept error in the range of a few hundredths of one percent.

Scott Onstott Center of Space Needle Seattle to center of CN Tower Toronto is 3335.55 km in Google Earth. 3333.33 / 3335.55 = 0.99933444

Scott Onstott earth's equatorial circumference in feet = 365.242 x 360 x 1000
6x6x6x100 nautical miles in meridian circumference.
earth's meridian circumference = 6/5 x 33333.333... km

Hey Scott, just back from work. ooops, nope I did not use google earth, my mistake. All this because of a skeptic I came across and who prompted me to search myself and get in touch with you today. Great I will have an additional tool under the belt next time I am pitching your awesome work :) Again thanks for your time

Scott Onstott Here is another great resonance suggesting miles are not arbitrary: earth + moon radii = 7x6x5x4x3x2x1 miles. "The inch is to the mile as the astronomical unit is to the light year."

Scott Onstott Yes, it is 99.9% accurate also.


Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, why do they have to build the Tower of Light precisely at latitude 33°33’33.33″N?



Isn’t it curious how the blades resemble the ears of Anubis?

--------------------- WHY IT IS CALLED SACRED GEOMETRY ? of course atheists/agnostics and fundementalists will refute to see the mathematical patterns of intelligent design... Sacred Geometry bridges sciences and spirituality, thats as simple as that.... *one world* religion is mathematics/geometry, God is math

https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1970858_844815462198927_238886448_n.jpg?oh=2ff4f84 89825e4f73059f09b9c8af3e6&oe=5536E018

ooh and also Neuro, since you wont address "occult nazism", I do not think you qualify to accuse me of spreading misleading data or worse disinfo... because it is just what *you* do when turning a blind eye to occult nazism.


Scott Onstott
Both measurement and proportion are keys to the mysteries.

Plato : "Let no one ignorant of geometry enter"

------------------ God as the great geometer -------------------

19th December 2014, 01:36 PM
in canada....


also check this out

that magical 7920 number again, which suggests that 7920 is not arbitrary. 1.5 miles = 7920 feet. And according to Anthony Morris "There are exactly 7920 Protons & Neutrons used by the 64 Codons that make up our DNA"

the numerical universe

19th December 2014, 04:36 PM
ooh and also Neuro, since you wont address "occult nazism", I do not think you qualify to accuse me of spreading misleading data or worse disinfo... because it is just what *you* do when turning a blind eye to occult nazism.
Are you insane? I have addressed it twice now, in direct conversations with you, were you then go on to state that you are not going to continue the discussion. Further I have discussed the subject many times before the last 7-8 years. If anything you are accusing me of what you are doing... Did they teach you this technique at your Mossad/Troll training?