View Full Version : Why the sudden US move on Cuba?

19th December 2014, 06:14 AM

19th December 2014, 09:32 AM
At 4:00 he says: "Russia came through recently and wiped out 90% of Cuba's **** ***" I couldn't decipher what he said Russia had wiped out, but it sounded like "debt set", or something like that. Who talks this way?" "Debt Set"?????

If anyone else can decipher the precise words he spoke, please respond. And I wonder how he knows whatever it was that he claims Russia had wiped out? He goes on to say they (the Russians) did the same thing in Korea. Has all this been reported on somewhere in the mainstream?

He also says they Russia is setting up Bomber cruises, but by ship and not air.
What the hell does that mean? Bomber cruises by ship?????? I hope someone on this board can spell this out in plain english.

These high altitude high resolution surveillance photos are truly something.

19th December 2014, 10:04 AM
At 4:00 he says: "Russia came through recently and wiped out 90% of Cuba's **** ***" I couldn't decipher what he said Russia had wiped out, but it sounded like "debt set", or something like that. Who talks this way?" "Debt Set"?????

If anyone else can decipher the precise words he spoke, please respond. And I wonder how he knows whatever it was that he claims Russia had wiped out? He goes on to say they (the Russians) did the same thing in Korea. Has all this been reported on somewhere in the mainstream?

He also says they Russia is setting up Bomber cruises, but by ship and not air.
What the hell does that mean? Bomber cruises by ship?????? I hope someone on this board can spell this out in plain english.

These high altitude high resolution surveillance photos are truly something.

"Cuba's debt to them."

As for "bomber cruises," I presume he meant Tu-160s visiting ("cruising"), and that only ships did that before.

19th December 2014, 12:12 PM
Another angle against Russia. Now we will see if Russia messes with Alaska...

Hatha Sunahara
19th December 2014, 01:18 PM
Did I read somewhere recently that he Cubans have discovered oil off their southern coast? Also, after 50 years of sanctions and having no Rothschild bank, they have demonstrated how unable they are to prosper by printing their own money, that it's time to take some concrete moves to make slaves out of them using Rotschild banks and large corporations and mass media. It will take no yime, and Cuba will look exactly like south Florida.


19th December 2014, 01:30 PM
Obama needs a legacy; Obamcare failure, Fast and Furious failure, Immigation failure; restoring relations with Cuba non-failure (Clinton now can get Cuban cigars).

19th December 2014, 02:26 PM
Bombers just cruised me

19th December 2014, 02:27 PM
What a scammm

19th December 2014, 05:23 PM
Obama needs a legacy; Obamcare failure, Fast and Furious failure, Immigation failure; restoring relations with Cuba non-failure (Clinton now can get Cuban cigars).

Obama's Cuba action is directly related to his anti-Russia foreign policy failure.

19th December 2014, 05:35 PM
At 4:00 he says: "Russia came through recently and wiped out 90% of Cuba's **** ***" I couldn't decipher what he said Russia had wiped out, but it sounded like "debt set", or something like that. Who talks this way?" "Debt Set"?????

If anyone else can decipher the precise words he spoke, please respond. And I wonder how he knows whatever it was that he claims Russia had wiped out? He goes on to say they (the Russians) did the same thing in Korea. Has all this been reported on somewhere in the mainstream?

If you look in the beginning of the video there is an article on the Internet stating that "Russia is wiping out 90% of Cuban Soviet-era debt"... Lemme see if I can find some confirmation on that...

19th December 2014, 05:42 PM
If you look in the beginning of the video there is an article on the Internet stating that "Russia is wiping out 90% of Cuban Soviet-era debt"... Lemme see if I can find some confirmation on that...
Googled the above and got a lot of links to the mainstream media in June 2014. This is from Reuters, which is the Rothschield think tank...

19th December 2014, 06:08 PM
HAVANA (Reuters) - Russia and Cuba have quietly signed an agreement to write off 90 percent of Cuba's $32 billion debt to the defunct Soviet Union, a deal that ends a 20-year squabble and opens the way for more investment and trade, Russian and European diplomats said.

The two sides announced an agreement to settle the debt dispute earlier this year and finalized the deal in Moscow in October. It would have Cuba pay $3.2 billion over 10 years in exchange for Russia forgiving the rest of a $32 billion debt - $20 billion plus service and interest, the diplomats said.

It must still be approved by the Duma, Russia's lower house of parliament.

Negotiations on the form in which Cuba will pay the remaining debt are ongoing, the diplomats said, as even $320 million per year represents a large sum for the cash-strapped country, which has labored under a U.S. economic embargo for decades.

Cuba's total export earnings are around $18 billion, including tourism and medical and educational services.

Neither Cuba nor Russia has made any official comment on the debt agreement. Cuban officials were not immediately available for comment.

Cuba defaulted on its debt in the late 1980s but recently has been trying to restructure the old debts to improve its international credibility.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, during a visit to Cuba in February, signed a general agreement to work out a formula and settle the old debt by next year. The decision rankled other countries grouped in the Paris Club of creditor nations because it broke ranks with the collective approach of the organization.


The Paris Club is an informal group of creditor governments including Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States as well as a number of smaller European nations.

The Paris Club reported that Cuba owed its members $35 billion at the close of 2012, now estimated at around $37 billion, which would leave the island owing $5 billion to $6 billion of non-Soviet debt to the club's members.

The organization has a Cuba working group, which does not include the United States.

Russia pledged to work with Cuba towards reaching an agreement with the Paris Club as part of the October settlement, one Russian diplomat said.

"The Paris Club should be grateful as it removes a huge amount of money from the table and makes an eventual agreement more likely," he said.

While some Paris Club members clearly preferred a united front, one European diplomat said Russia's help in settling Paris Club debt could prove important and that a reduced debt would indeed be more easily negotiable.

Since the Medvedev visit, the Paris Club has put out feelers to the Cubans and a few months ago two representatives traveled to the Caribbean island to meet with the central bank, the first such visit in over a decade.

Unlike the International Monetary Fund and World Bank, from which Cuba is excluded under the longstanding U.S. trade embargo, the Paris Club does not issue multilateral loans.

Cuba releases very little information about its foreign debt.

Last month the government reported its "active" foreign debt, accumulated after it declared a default in the late 1980s, as $13.6 billion in 2010. The government no longer reports its "passive" debt from before the default and estimated at around $8 billion.

The Communist-run island has never included debt to the Soviet Union in its figures, claiming the amount was in overvalued convertible rubles and that the country sustained massive damage from broken contracts when its former benefactor collapsed.

Cuba has post-1980s default debt of hundreds of millions of dollars to Russia.

"The final deal recognizes some of the Soviet debt, and that's politically important for Russia. It also opens the way for more credit which is important for Cuba," a Russian diplomat said, like others requesting anonymity.


Three years ago Cuba restructured its active government and commercial debt with China, estimated at around $6 billion. Last year Cuba settled a dispute with Japanese commercial creditors dating back to the 1980s.

Under the Japanese agreement, 80 percent of the 130 billion yen debt (about $1.4 billion) was forgiven, with the remainder to be paid over 20 years.

Mexico recently forgave 70 percent of a $478 million debt Cuba accumulated in the late 1990s, in exchange for the remaining $146 million being paid over 10 years.

"The agreements with China, Japan, Mexico and Russia ease some outside financial restrictions on the Cuban economy and should facilitate trade ties with these countries," said Pavel Vidal, a former Cuban Central Bank economist now teaching at Colombia's Javeriana University.

"The austerity measures adopted by the government in 2009, and these accords to lower the foreign debt, help stabilize the island's finances at a very important moment when a significant monetary reform over three years (devaluation and elimination of the dual currency system) has begun," he said.

Raul Castro, who replaced his ailing brother Fidel as president in 2008, has drastically reined in imports and cut state payrolls and subsidies while insisting the near-bankrupt government get its financial house in order.

In 2011, the Communist Party approved a five-year economic plan that called for efforts to "enhance Cuba's credibility in its international economic relations by strictly observing all the commitments that have been entered into," before and after the default.

The plan also called for expediting the rescheduling of Cuba's foreign debts and implementing "flexible restructuring strategies for debt repayment" as soon as it is practical.

(Editing by David Adams and Jim Loney)

26th January 2015, 03:55 AM
[excerpt] "It’s taken over half a century for the US to finally figure out how to neutralize pesky Communist Cuba. Invasions, air raids, crushing sanctions, attempts to murder the Castro leadership by exploding cigars and poisons, diplomatic isolation, poisoning crops – all failed.

Now, the lame duck Obama administration has finally figured out how to put an end to Cuba’s Communist system: human wave attacks by hordes of American tourists in loud golf wear yelling “USA,USA!” and waving Visa cards......"


26th January 2015, 08:08 AM
I am soooooooooo afraid of the US going into Cuba, we have had peace for over fifty years, the Cuban people have a better education with paper and pencil than the Americanos with computers......for a long time its army have been working on the field producing food instead of overseas making war. The US banks will be right behind the good intention of the US government to give money to Cuba... as you know Cuba is one of the very few countries (six I believe) where there is NO FEDERAL RESERVE.......Yanky stay there.


26th January 2015, 10:35 AM
They'll probably be breaking ground soon to put up the worlds tallest resort skyscraper with a giant flaming eye on top.

mick silver
26th January 2015, 11:19 AM
hey ponce get me a box are two of cigars when you go back home to visit

26th January 2015, 02:48 PM
Haven't been back in 16 years........now that my dad is dead there is no reason to go back, after all, they won't let me go back to stay because I am now to "Americanise", if they only knew.


5th April 2016, 09:01 PM
Red Ice, first free hour, desc & MP3 links inside:

Frank Jorge - Obama's Symbolic Visit to Cuba - Hour 1 (http://www.redicecreations.com/radio/2016/04/RIR-160404.php)
April 4, 2016