View Full Version : Checkmate: Is Russia Selling Oil For Gold?

19th December 2014, 12:12 PM
Very few people understand what Putin is doing at the moment. And almost no one understands what he will do in the future.
No matter how strange it may seem, but right now, Putin is selling Russian oil and gas ONLY for physical gold.
How long will the West be able to buy oil and gas from Russia in exchange for physical gold?
And what will happen to the US petrodollar after the West runs out of physical gold to pay for Russian oil, gas and uranium, as well as to pay for Chinese goods?
This is called “Checkmate”, ladies and gentlemen. The game is over.


Very few people understand what Putin is doing at the moment. And almost no one understands what he will do in the future.

No matter how strange it may seem, but right now, Putin is selling Russian oil and gas only for physical gold.

Putin is not shouting about it all over the world. And of course, he still accepts US dollars as an intermediate means of payment. But he immediately exchanges all these dollars obtained from the sale of oil and gas for physical gold!

To understand this, it is enough to look at the dynamics of growth of gold reserves of Russia and to compare this data with foreign exchange earnings of the RF coming from the sale of oil and gas over the same period.


Moreover, in the third quarter the purchases by Russia of physical gold are at an all-time high, record levels. In the third quarter of this year, Russia had purchased an incredible amount of gold in the amount of 55 tons. It’s more than all the central banks of all countries of the world combined (according to official data)!

In total, the central banks of all countries of the world have purchased 93 tons of the precious metal in the third quarter of 2014. It was the 15th consecutive quarter of net purchases of gold by Central banks. Of the 93 tonnes of gold purchases by central banks around the world during this period, the staggering volume of purchases – of 55 tons – belongs to Russia.

Not so long ago, British scientists have successfully come to the same conclusion, as was published in the Conclusion of the U.S. Geological survey a few years ago. Namely: Europe will not be able to survive without energy supply from Russia. Translated from English to any other language in the world it means: “The world will not be able to survive if oil and gas from Russia is subtracted from the global balance of energy supply”.

Thus, the Western world, built on the hegemony of the petrodollar, is in a catastrophic situation. In which it cannot survive without oil and gas supplies from Russia. And Russia is now ready to sell its oil and gas to the West only in exchange for physical gold! The twist of Putin’s game is that the mechanism for the sale of Russian energy to the West only for gold now works regardless of whether the West agrees to pay for Russian oil and gas with its artificially cheap gold, or not.

Since Russia has a constant flow of dollars from the sale of oil and gas, it will be able to convert these dollars to buy gold at current gold prices, depressed by all means by the West. This equates gold price, which had been artificially and meticulously lowered by the Fed and ESF many time…via artificially inflated purchasing power of the dollar through market manipulation.

Interesting fact: The suppression of gold prices by the special department of US Government – ESF (Exchange Stabilization Fund) – with the aim of stabilizing the dollar has been made into a law in the United States.

In the financial world it is (generally) accepted as a given that gold is anti-dollar…i.e. the gold price runs inverse to value of the dollar.

In 1971, US President Richard Nixon closed the ‘gold window’, ending the free exchange of dollars for gold, guaranteed by the US in 1944 at Bretton Woods.
In 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin has reopened the ‘gold window’, without asking Washington’s permission.

Right now the West spends much of its efforts and resources to suppress the prices of gold and oil. Thereby, on the one hand to distort the existing economic reality in favor of the US dollar …and on the other hand, to destroy the Russian economy, refusing to play the role of obedient vassal of the West.

Today assets such as gold and oil look proportionally weakened and excessively undervalued against the US dollar. It is a consequence of the enormous economic effort on the part of the West.

And now Putin sells Russian energy resources in exchange for these US dollars, artificially propped by the efforts of the West. With these dollar proceeds Putin immediately buys gold, artificially devalued against the U.S. dollar by the efforts of the West itself!

There is another interesting element in Putin’s game. It’s Russian uranium. Every sixth light bulb in the USA depends on its supply, which Russia sells to the US too…for dollars.

Thus, in exchange for Russian oil, gas and uranium, the West pays Russia with dollars, purchasing power of which is artificially inflated against oil and gold by the efforts (manipulations) of the West. However, Putin uses these dollars only to withdraw physical gold from the West in exchange at a price denominated in US dollars, artificially lowered by the same West.

This truly brilliant economic combination by Putin puts the West led by the United States in a position of a snake, aggressively and diligently devouring its own tail.

The idea of this economic golden trap for the West is probably not authored by Putin himself. Most likely it was the idea of Putin’s Advisor for Economic Affairs – Dr. Sergey Glazyev. Otherwise, why seemingly not involved in business bureaucrat Glazyev, along with many Russian businessmen, was personally included by Washington on the sanction list? The idea of an economist, Dr. Glazyev was brilliantly executed by Putin…but with full endorsement from his Chinese colleague – XI Jinping.


Especially interesting in this context looks the November statement of the first Deputy Chairman of Central Bank of Russia Ksenia Yudaeva, which stressed that the CBR can use the gold from its reserves to pay for imports, if need be. It is obvious that in terms of sanctions by the Western world, this statement is addressed to the BRICS countries, and first of all China. For China, Russia’s willingness to pay for goods with Western gold is very convenient. And here’s why:

China recently announced that it will cease to increase its gold and currency reserves denominated in US dollars.Considering the growing trade deficit between the US and China (the current difference is five times in favor of China), then this statement translated from the financial language reads: “China stops selling their goods for dollars”. The world’s media chose not to notice this grandest in the recent monetary historic event . The issue is not that China literally refuses to sell its goods for US dollars. China, of course, will continue to accept US dollars as an intermediate means of payment for its goods. But, having taken dollars, China will immediately get rid of them and replace with something else in the structure of its gold and currency reserves. Otherwise the statement made by the monetary authorities of China loses its meaning: “We are stopping the increase of our gold and currency reserves, denominated in US dollars.” That is,China will no longer buy United States Treasury bonds for dollars earned from trade with any countries, as they did this before.

Thus, China will replace all the dollars that it will receive for its goods not only from the US but from all over the world with something else not to increase their gold currency reserves, denominated in US dollars. And here is an interesting question: what will China replace all the trade dollars with? What currency or an asset? Analysis of the current monetary policy of China shows that most likely the dollars coming from trade, or a substantial chunk of them, China will quietly replace and de facto is already replacing with Gold.

In this aspect, the solitaire of Russian-Chinese relations is extremely successful for Moscow and Beijing. Russia buys goods from China directly for gold at its current price. While China buys Russian energy resources for gold at its current price. At this Russian-Chinese festival of life there is a place for everything: Chinese goods, Russian energy resources, and gold – as a means of mutual payment. Only the US dollar has no place at this festival of life. And this is not surprising. Because the US dollar is not a Chinese product, nor a Russian energy resource. It is only an intermediate financial instrument of settlement – and an unnecessary intermediary. And it is customary to exclude unnecessary intermediaries from the interaction of two independent business partners.

It should be noted separately that the global market for physical gold is extremely small relative to the world market for physical oil supplies. And especially the world market for physical gold is microscopic compared to the entirety of world markets for physical delivery of oil, gas, uranium and goods.

Emphasis on the phrase “physical gold” is made because in exchange for its physical, not ‘paper’ energy resources, Russia is now withdrawing gold from the West, but only in its physical, not paper form. China accomplishes this by acquiring from the West the artificially devalued physical gold as a payment for physical delivery of real products to the West.

The West hopes that Russia and China will accept as payment for their energy resources and goods…the “shitcoin” or so-called “paper gold” of various kinds also did not materialize. Russia and China are only interested in real gold and only the physical metal as a final means of payment.

For reference: the turnover of the market of paper gold, only of gold futures, is estimated at $360 billion per month. But physical delivery of gold is only for $280 million a month. This equates to a ratio of trade of paper gold versus physical gold to 1000 to 1.

Using the mechanism of active withdrawal from the market of one artificially lowered by the West financial asset (gold) in exchange for another artificially inflated by the West financial asset (USD), Putin has thereby started the countdown to the end of the world hegemony of petrodollar. Thus, Putin has put the West in a deadlock of the absence of any positive economic prospects.

The West can spend as much of its efforts and resources to artificially increase the purchasing power of the dollar, lower oil prices and artificially lower the purchasing power of gold. The problem of the West is that the stocks of physical gold in possession of the West are not unlimited. Therefore, the more the West devalues oil and gold against the US dollar, the faster it loses devaluing Gold from its not infinite reserves.

In this brilliantly played by Putin economic combination, physical gold from the reserves of the West is rapidly flowing to Russia, China, Brazil, Kazakhstan and India (i.e. the BRICS countries). At the current rate of reduction of reserves of physical gold, the West simply does not have the time to do anything against Putin’s Russia until the collapse of the entire Western petrodollar world. In chess the situation in which Putin has put the West, led by the US, is called “time trouble”.

The Western world has never faced such economic events and phenomena that are happening right now. The former USSR rapidly sold gold during the fall of oil prices. Today, Russia rapidly buys gold during the fall in oil prices. Thus, Russia poses a real threat to the American model of petrodollar world domination.

The main principle of world petrodollar model is allowing Western countries led by the United States to live at the expense of the labor and resources of other countries…based on the role of the US currency, dominant in the global monetary system (GMS) . The role of the US dollar in the GMS is that it is the ultimate means of payment. This means that the national currency of the United States in the structure of the GMS is the ultimate asset accumulator, to exchange which to any other asset does not make sense.

Led by Russia and China, what the BRICS are doing now is actually changing the role and status of the US dollar in the global monetary system. From the ultimate means of payment and asset accumulation, the national currency of the USA, by the joint actions of Moscow and Beijing is turned into only an intermediate means of payment. Intended only to exchange this interim payment for another and the ultimate financial asset – gold. Thus, the US dollar actually loses its role as the ultimate means of payment and asset accumulation, yielding both of those roles to another recognized, denationalized and depoliticized monetary asset – GOLD!

Traditionally, the West has used two methods to eliminate the threat to the hegemony of petrodollar model in the world and the consequent excessive privileges for the West:

One of these methods – colored revolutions. The second method, which is usually applied by the West, if the first fails – military aggression and bombing.

But in Russia’s case both of these methods are either impossible or unacceptable for the West.

Because, firstly, the population of Russia, unlike people in many other countries, does not wish to exchange their freedom and the future of their children for Western kielbasa (meat sausage). This is evident from the record ratings of Putin, regularly published by the leading Western rating agencies. Personal friendship of Washington protégé Navalny with Senator McCain played for him and Washington a very negative role. Having learned this fact from the media, 98% of the Russian population now perceive Navalny only as a vassal of Washington and a traitor to Russia’s national interests. Therefore Western professionals, who have not yet lost their mind, cannot dream about any color revolution in Russia.

As for the second traditional Western way of direct military aggression, Russia is certainly not Yugoslavia, not Iraq nor Libya. In any non-nuclear military operation against Russia, in the territory of Russia, the West led by the US is doomed to defeat. And the generals in the Pentagon exercising real leadership of NATO forces are aware of this. Similarly hopeless is a nuclear war against Russia, including the concept of so-called “preventive disarming nuclear strike”. NATO is simply not technically able to strike a blow that would completely disarm the nuclear potential of Russia in all its many manifestations. A massive nuclear retaliatory strike on the enemy or a pool of enemies would be inevitable. And its total capacity will be enough for survivors to envy the dead. That is, an exchange of nuclear strikes with a country like Russia is not a solution to the looming problem of the collapse of a petrodollar world. It is in the best case, a final chord and the last point in the history of its existence. In the worst case – a nuclear winter and the demise of all life on the planet, except for the bacteria mutated from radiation.

The Western economic establishment can see and understand the essence of the situation. Leading Western economists are certainly aware of the severity of the predicament and hopelessness of the situation the Western world finds itself in, in Putin’s economic gold trap. After all, since the Bretton Woods agreements, we all know the Golden rule:“Who has more gold sets the rules.” But everyone in the West is silent about it. Silent because no one knows now how to get out of this situation.

If you explain to the Western public all the details of the looming economic disaster, the public will ask the supporters of a petrodollar world the most horrific questions, which will sound like this:

– How long will the West be able to buy oil and gas from Russia in exchange for physical gold?
– And what will happen to the US petrodollar after the West runs out of physical gold to pay for Russian oil, gas and uranium, as well as to pay for Chinese goods?

No one in the west today can answer these seemingly simple questions.

And this is called “Checkmate”, ladies and gentlemen. The game is over.


Twisted Titan
19th December 2014, 01:38 PM
Living in interesting times is quite the understatement.

For every reaction there is a equal and opposite reaction.

I shudder when the blowback of what the west did to the ruble catches up with the dollar..

Jane and John q public is gonna be able to handle it.

19th December 2014, 01:49 PM
Say what you want about Putin but at least he loves Russia; I can't think of one U.S. politician that loves America. (Said that once while at in the state capitol building to a bunch of Democrats and Republicans; boy did they get all huffy and bent out of shape. I told them they wouldn't be all pissed off at me if they aspired to be Statesman and Statewomen instead of politicians.)

19th December 2014, 03:43 PM
This does look like it, but what was that 'I'll be more flexible after the election' thing about when bummer and Putin were talking?

They are all in on it. Political actors.

19th December 2014, 04:29 PM
Say what you want about Putin but at least he loves Russia; I can't think of one U.S. politician that loves America.

Amen. None of them do, not a single one loves America. In fact, I'd say 90% of our citizens don't give a shit, they all want their entitlements.

America has been destroyed. By the media, big banks. The only thing that's left is a culture change. It would take a big shock to kick that in gear though.

Bring on the collapse, imo.

19th December 2014, 04:57 PM
The big banks used the mass media (long with the educational system, churches, and other institutions) to undermine the American ethic of self-reliance and personal independence.

The thing is when the collapse comes people who have their heads screwed on straight (like us) will be the first ones blamed and get caught in the cross-fire of tptb and the gimme folks.

19th December 2014, 07:52 PM
ZH fail on Soc Gen fail on Russia selling its gold (http://goldchat.blogspot.com/2014/12/zh-fail-on-soc-gen-fail-on-russia.html)

20th December 2014, 12:20 AM
I'm starting to think we might be more welcome in Russia, than here.

I wonder if we could claim amnesty.


20th December 2014, 04:06 AM
Found these sites ten years ago: Hot Russian Brides (http://www.hotrussianbrides.com/) and Russian Love Match (http://www.russianlovematch.com/)

There's not one ugly porker in the bunch. When I get the money it's Russia or bust.

20th December 2014, 06:14 AM
Found these sites ten years ago: Hot Russian Brides (http://www.hotrussianbrides.com/) and Russian Love Match (http://www.russianlovematch.com/)

There's not one ugly porker in the bunch. When I get the money it's Russia or bust.

Here's what you do. Go to sea for a year or two and save up a bunch of money. When you get off the ship, go get married to a Russian babe and take a year off and live it up. Then go to sea again for more money. If she's waiting on you when you get back, you've got a keeper. If she ran off with another guy, just go to the website and get a replacement.

20th December 2014, 06:24 AM
Here's what you do. Go to sea for a year or two and save up a bunch of money. When you get off the ship, go get married to a Russian babe and take a year off and live it up. Then go to sea again for more money. If she's waiting on you when you get back, you've got a keeper. If she ran off with another guy, just go to the website and get a replacement.

I'm working on it, but I'm looking to own the yacht via a Powerball or Mega-millions win. When that happens I'll hire you as Ship's Captain and let you start and have a family while on board. (Your kids better be willing to work when they turn three, can't have a bunch of lazy-asses on board.)

20th December 2014, 06:33 AM
Here's what you do. Go to sea for a year or two and save up a bunch of money. When you get off the ship, go get married to a Russian babe and take a year off and live it up. Then go to sea again for more money. If she's waiting on you when you get back, you've got a keeper. If she ran off with another guy, just go to the website and get a replacement.

the previous owners of my house was a couple consisting of a semi-retired military guy, and his Russian mail order bride.

they divorced in less than friendly circumstances.

but they both headed to "The Beach".

she's with her Russian girlfriends in Miami looking for another rich husband.

he's sailing the Pacific. it was hard getting his signature during close of escrow.

she decorated the bathroom mirror with sea-shells. still marveling at her decorating touches and wondering how to undo them.

like the pink layered shower curtain in one bathroom. WHAT WAS SHE THINKING ?!

20th December 2014, 06:42 AM
Found these sites ten years ago: Hot Russian Brides (http://www.hotrussianbrides.com/) and Russian Love Match (http://www.russianlovematch.com/)

There's not one ugly porker in the bunch. When I get the money it's Russia or bust.

This Connection is Untrusted

You have asked Firefox to connect securely to secure.russianlovematch.com, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure.

Normally, when you try to connect securely, sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified.
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20th December 2014, 06:50 AM
What about this site?

20th December 2014, 06:55 AM
This Connection is Untrusted

You have asked Firefox to connect securely to secure.russianlovematch.com, but we can't confirm that your connection is secure.

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If you usually connect to this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue.

I've been doing driveby window shopping at both sites for 10 years using Firefox on 4 or 5 different computers, never had a problem.

20th December 2014, 06:55 AM
What about this site?

OK, I think I might be off to Russia now. Orenburg seems like a good spot to start.


20th December 2014, 06:57 AM
What about this site?

That one works very nicely :o

20th December 2014, 07:33 AM
Ask Kadafi and Hussain how not accepting dollars for oil worked out for them. Russia does accept dollars and always will until the next WW. What they do with the dollar is their business but looks like investing them in precious metals is a prudent strategy

20th December 2014, 07:48 AM
The disturbing side of this equation is that before long it'll be "American" girls selling themselves to Russian and Chinese business men.

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac358/jackconrad/junk/MP900431271_zps86f5e003.jpg (http://s915.photobucket.com/user/jackconrad/media/junk/MP900431271_zps86f5e003.jpg.html)

20th December 2014, 08:00 AM
The disturbing side of this equation is that before long it'll be "American" girls selling themselves to Russian and Chinese business men.

http://i915.photobucket.com/albums/ac358/jackconrad/junk/MP900431271_zps86f5e003.jpg (http://s915.photobucket.com/user/jackconrad/media/junk/MP900431271_zps86f5e003.jpg.html)

The problem with Russian men is that most are childish and drunks. That's why Russian women want to get a foreign born man.

20th December 2014, 08:58 AM
The problem is once these women come here looking for mature, responsible guys and they get them, they quickly realize they're entitled to HALF in the divorce + possible alimony while they can hook up with a guy 10 years younger than the guy they just married to get here.
Bringing any Russian or Ukranian women into this society and expecting her not to be corrupted by it, is just wishful thinking and fantasizing.

20th December 2014, 09:30 AM
The problem is once these women come here looking for mature, responsible guys and they get them, they quickly realize they're entitled to HALF in the divorce + possible alimony while they can hook up with a guy 10 years younger than the guy they just married to get here.
Bringing any Russian or Ukranian women into this society and expecting her not to be corrupted by it, is just wishful thinking and fantasizing.

Thing is, you have to move there. Both a French gal and a Polish/Ukrainian gal would not leave their countries or their families, they wanted me to move there. Over several years, I couldn't get the french gal to even visit the US, yet I went to France multiple times to see her. I remember hearing that in the Ukraine, for every 9 guys there's 10 women. That's millions of women who can't find a mate because of the shortage of men. I would be leery of a gal that's willing to pack up and move like some arranged marriage.

20th December 2014, 10:56 AM
The problem is once these women come here looking for mature, responsible guys and they get them, they quickly realize they're entitled to HALF in the divorce + possible alimony while they can hook up with a guy 10 years younger than the guy they just married to get here.
Bringing any Russian or Ukranian women into this society and expecting her not to be corrupted by it, is just wishful thinking and fantasizing.

If some Russian hottie thinks she's going to get half my property plus alimony, she's got another thing coming. First, there's the pre-nup she signed. Then it would take two dozen lawyers working full-time for a year to find my property only to realize that it's locked in a half a dozen unreachable, untouchable trusts. It's only the stupid man that let's a woman get half his property. After all, I'll have a yacht to take care of.

mick silver
20th December 2014, 12:14 PM
some thing not adding up with the big number of gold that the buyers are getting just were it coming from

20th December 2014, 12:51 PM
some thing not adding up with the big number of gold that the buyers are getting just were it coming from

Probably the people buying the oil?

mick silver
20th December 2014, 12:53 PM
that's what paper for

Hatha Sunahara
20th December 2014, 06:30 PM
This does look like it, but what was that 'I'll be more flexible after the election' thing about when bummer and Putin were talking?

They are all in on it. Political actors.

Putin is more like the JFK of Russia. He regards the Central Bank of Russia as a foreign owned bank, and only tolerates it because , as with the Fed, his country passed a law giving the Rothschilds the right to grant credit in Russia, without accountability to Russia. The central bank of Russia under the Rothschilds has chosen to keepinterest rates for ruble loans at higher rates than rates offered by European banks, so most borrowing by russians are done from European banks or American banks. Russia has about four times as many foreign currencies (dollars and Euros) circulating in its economy as it has rubles. Putin is not worried about the value of the ruble, he's worried about having too many dollars when the dollar becomes worthless which will be soon. If he won't take dollars for oil. but demands rubles or gold, where are the buyers of his oil going to get rubles or gold? Here is an interesting essay about Putin's game:


Paul Craig Roberts said pretty much the same thing in an interview on King World News, here:


It looks like world war 3 is an economic war--not one fought with bombs and bullets.
