View Full Version : 86 Year Old German Woman lays charges against the Central Council of the Jews in Germ

19th December 2014, 07:55 PM
86 Year Old German Woman lays charges against the Central Council of the Jews in Germany (http://justice4germans.com/2014/12/17/86-year-old-german-woman-lays-charges-against-the-central-council-of-the-jews-in-germany/)

Frau Haverbeck is a very learned, lucid and articulate lady, who is in good physical and mental health. She holds several university degrees, including in the field of Education. She, along with her late husband (a professor and former Eastern Front soldier) were both, in past years, very involved with environmental concerns in Germany, and were activists for the preservation of the German language and culture.

On November 20th, 2014, Frau Haverbeck made history by laying criminal charges against the Central Council of the Jews in Germany, under S. 344 of German Penal Code with “False Prosecutions” perpetrated against innocent Germans concerning their “denial of the holocaust” (TM). The crime of False Prosecution is punishable with up to 10 years imprisonment.

She referred to an article to this effect in the nationally published magazine “Der Spiegel” in 2002. Frau Haverbeck also stated that original NS German documents concerning the exact orders pertaining to the duties at Auschwitz which had been seized by the Soviet Union after the war, were now in possession of the mainstream “Institut für Zeitgeschicht” (Institute for History), and also available to the public for a fee of €124.00 since 2000.

Frau Haverbeck says that “these documents indicate very clearly, in full detail, that the Auschwitz camp was not an ‘Extermination Camp’, but rather a ‘labour camp’ for the defence industry, and moreover, that those in charge of its operation were under orders to maintain the health of the prisoners to the best of their ability for the purposes of production, which was essential for the continuing war effort”. She adds, “that is what those who worked there and have been accused of war crimes have always maintained!”

19th December 2014, 08:11 PM
She will be promptly locked up for "defaming the memory of the dead" and "promoting anti-constitutional fanaticism."

19th December 2014, 08:13 PM

"Approx. 2,000 Germans are charged each year in Germany under S.130 of Penal Code for “Holocaust Denial” which is punishable with up to 5 years imprisonment and fines, and also has social penalties, as those convicted find themselves unable to work and shut out of organizations, etc. In the media they are demonized and vilified as “Neo-Nazis” and “right-wing extremists”. The term “Nazi” is, as I have previously reported, a pejorative term created by the enemies of National Socialism long before Hitler ever came to power, and it is still wielded as a weapon to this day, in Germany and elsewhere, to stifle dissent and discussion, and to incite hatred."

19th December 2014, 09:02 PM
There's a reason Jews have been kicked out of every country they've ever lived in throughout history.

Twisted Titan
19th December 2014, 10:16 PM
The best thing they can do is persecute this woman

It will catch like a praire fire.

20th December 2014, 04:59 AM
There's a reason Jews have been kicked out of every country they've ever lived in throughout history.

except the US, who let them run almost every industry.

Twisted Titan
20th December 2014, 10:34 AM
except the US, who let them run almost every industry.

As the assbackwardness of our nation as whole is put on display for the entire world to see.

The hatred of america

Is actually hatred of the inbred vermin.

29th January 2015, 04:24 PM
Frau Ursula Haverbeck Declares Victory: “We can now dismiss Auschwitz!” (http://justice4germans.com/2015/01/24/frau-ursula-haverbeck-declares-victory-we-can-now-dismiss-auschwitz/)

In a new YouTube video entitled ‘Auschwitz – Media lies or the truth at last?’ (below) produced by Lady Michelle Renouf, Frau Ursula Haverbeck, speaking publicly at a conference in the German State of Saxony-Anhalt, has declared a victory for Germans in “dispensing with Auschwitz as the ‘scene of the crime’ of the holocaust.” She said “According to official statements, Auschwitz is no longer considered the scene of the most wicked crime in history – the alleged murder of six million Jews. So the question arises: where did this crime take place? Where is the scene of the German’s crime? This is the burning question of the six million. Where are they?”

“Over a period of five years”, says Frau Haverbeck, “I have challenged in writing, various German authorities, including judges, the chamber of lawyers, German-Jewish organizations and the ministers of the various German states, to ‘define the scene of the crime’. If not at Auschwitz, then where did it happen?” The ‘authorities, she contends, must demonstrate where it happened, and she feels that they have had more than ample time, but have not done so. Which begs the question: “why not?”. Frau Haverbeck says “they have failed to reply, because they have no answer! And if they have no answer, then I must conclude that there is no evidence to substantiate the official narrative concerning the murder of six million Jews!”

“We can now dismiss Auschwitz!” concludes Frau Haverbeck. “And I say this publicly here in the state of Saxony-Anhalt. Seventy years after the war, it is high time that we [Germans] accept our rights, as publicly proclaimed by European leaders, that we have Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Opinion, and the Freedom to Demonstrate. These freedoms, according to those leaders, are the most sacred rights enjoyed by citizens in a democracy. I, therefore, claim them for myself. Thank you!”

Frau Haverbeck has organized a public conference to take place on January 31st, 2015, in Saxony-Anhalt on the topic of “The Liberation of Auschwitz” and has invited the Minister of the Interior to attend. As we previously reported, in December of 2014, Frau Haverbeck laid criminal charges against the Central Council of Jews in Germany for False Prosecutions (http://justice4germans.com/2014/12/17/86-year-old-german-woman-lays-charges-against-the-central-council-of-the-jews-in-germany/).

In the introduction to this video, Richard Edmonds also challenged Russian President Vladimir Putin to re-investigate the lies of the Soviet Commission in 1945, which formed the basis of the deceitful postwar histories of both the Katyn Massacre and the Auschwitz camp.

We have, in numerous previous posts, also challenged Mr. Putin to open all of the former Soviet war archives and to officially come clean about the lies concerning World War II, particularly relating to the alleged “unprovoked attack by Hitler on the Soviet Union” which is demonstrably false, according to many notable historians, including several Russians, as well as, documents in the German archives and in the private archives of Marshall Mannerheim of Finland. But also, regarding the heinous crimes committed against Germans in the final months of the war, as well is in the aftermath, including the forged evidence presented at the Nuremberg trials, and the use of torture to induce confessions.

This video was published January 24th, 2015 with English subs:



Where are the photos that were taken by the Soviets during the liberation of the Auschwitz concentration camp?
The Soviet Army reached Auschwitz on 27th January 1945. On that day many pictures were taken of those approximately 7,500 inmates who were left behind. These photographs, however, are almost never shown to the general public; the relatively well-fed people do not fit so well into the popular image of “extermination camp” Auschwitz.

One also wonders why the Soviets did not take a single photo of that gas chamber, which through decades has been presented to millions of tourists as the place where millions of Jews had been gassed.
Instead, Pravda reported six days after the liberation of Auschwitz of mass killings on electric conveyors and cremations in blast furnaces (see footnote 3) but said not a word about Zyklon B, the main weapon of the alleged Holocaust.
British IMT Prosecutor Sir Hartley Shawcross, in a speech on 16th March 1984 expressed the following, belated insight into Hitler’s alleged war intentions:

“Step by step I am more and more of the conviction that the aims of Communism in Europe are sinister. I indicted the Nazis at Nuremberg. Together with my Russian colleagues I condemned Nazi aggression and the Nazi terror. (But) Hitler and the German people did not want war! Following our policy of balance of power and inspired by “Americans” [31] around Roosevelt, we declared war on Germany in order to destroy it. We have not responded to the numerous pleas of Hitler for peace. Now we have to realize that Hitler was right. Instead of a cooperative Germany, which he had offered us, stands the huge imperialist power of the Soviets. I feel ashamed and humiliated to have to see how the same goals, which we assumed Hitler had, are being pursued under a different name, and the same tactic is being used without restrain.”[32]

SOURCE: shoabloger.wordpress.com/texts/the-forbidden-truth-2/ (https://shoabloger.wordpress.com/texts/the-forbidden-truth-2/)
As Prof. Robert Faurisson has previously pointed out “The Nuremberg judges never visited Auschwitz. And they even never asked for a forensic report. They took judicial notice of Soviet document USSR-008 stating that 4,000,000 died at Auschwitz camp. In 1995, it was decided by the camp’s authorities that 1,500.000 was the real figure. Later on, a plaque in the camp indicated 1,300.000. [And since lowered again]. He adds:

The beginning of Article 19 of the Charter of the International Military Tribunal (IMT) states: “The Tribunal shall not be bound by technical rules of evidence …”

The beginning of Article 21 says : “The Tribunal shall not require proof of facts of common knowledge but shall take judicial notice thereof …”

The real organizer, responsible for the IMT, was Robert H. Jackson, US Attorney General, who said on 26 July 1946: “This Tribunal represents a continuation of the war efforts of the Allied Nations” (IMT, vol. XIX, p. 398).

At the IMT it was forbidden to dispute the content of documents such as USSR-008; one had to take judicial notice thereof.”

In the Federal Republic of Germany, “holocaust denial” is illegal and the courts there have always maintained that the “holocaust” is a “fact of common knowledge”, that it is “obvious” and cannot be called into question, under pain of fines and lengthy terms of imprisonment. To present contrary evidence in ones own defence is also illegal. Well, “obviously” such a law, combined with the silence and complicity of German leaders in enforcing such a law proves a continuation of the Allied Nuremberg process, and that Germany is still under occupation, with no independent government or judiciary. It is, undeniably, “a continuation of the war efforts of the Allied nations”. Not a single one of the Allied nations which declared war against the German Reich has ever offered a peace treaty. Nor for that matter has “Judea” which declared war on Germany on March 24th, 1933.


We Germans are still awaiting our “liberation”. The truth shall set us free, and that can be the ONLY reason for criminalizing it!

mick silver
29th January 2015, 04:26 PM
why do you hate the greatest people on earth they done more to help us all live a great life ... I need a loan to buy a 150 ac place

29th January 2015, 05:26 PM
why do you hate the greatest people on earth they done more to help us all live a great life ... I need a loan to buy a 150 ac place

Why would I hate Germans? :)

29th January 2015, 06:00 PM
why do you hate the greatest people on earth they done more to help us all live a great life ... I need a loan to buy a 150 ac place

Yeah no shit, I will never do this crap again. Re-Starting out without electricity, water and much of anything else wakes you up quickly. Eating from cans and burning pencils and other office shit sucks but I made it. Now to rebuild wealth is the next paradigm. I can blame a lot of shit but one person in particular, but that does not matter now. Forced into a location not good for prosperity does not help much but I am working around that.

29th January 2015, 11:24 PM
This is a very profound testimony from someone who saw the evidence of alleged war crimes first hand, imagine if it was the bad guys and the greatest aggressor that won the war:

British IMT Prosecutor Sir Hartley Shawcross, in a speech on 16th March 1984 expressed the following, belated insight into Hitler’s alleged war intentions:

“Step by step I am more and more of the conviction that the aims of Communism in Europe are sinister. I indicted the Nazis at Nuremberg. Together with my Russian colleagues I condemned Nazi aggression and the Nazi terror. (But) Hitler and the German people did not want war! Following our policy of balance of power and inspired by “Americans” [31] around Roosevelt, we declared war on Germany in order to destroy it. We have not responded to the numerous pleas of Hitler for peace. Now we have to realize that Hitler was right. Instead of a cooperative Germany, which he had offered us, stands the huge imperialist power of the Soviets. I feel ashamed and humiliated to have to see how the same goals, which we assumed Hitler had, are being pursued under a different name, and the same tactic is being used without restrain.”[32]

6th September 2016, 03:12 PM
8 months

(http://www.dw.com/en/nazi-grandma-holocaust-denier-ursula-haverbeck-sentenced-to-jail/a-19522941)'Nazi Grandma' holocaust denier Ursula Haverbeck sentenced to jail (http://www.dw.com/en/nazi-grandma-holocaust-denier-ursula-haverbeck-sentenced-to-jail/a-19522941)

A court in Detmold on Friday sentenced Ursula Haverbeck to eight months in jail on charges of sedition. The presiding judge ruled out the possibility of parole and said that Haverbeck had a lack of "any kind of respect" and that she had made more offensive comments in the courtroom.

6th September 2016, 04:02 PM
To Ursula Haverbeck. A brave and honorable soul. Bless her heart.

6th September 2016, 05:25 PM

"[B]and also has social penalties, as those convicted find themselves unable to work and shut out of organizations, etc. In the media they are demonized and vilified

Like being a "Registered Sex Offender" in the Good Ol USA or having to wear "A" for adulterer in the days of old.

6th September 2016, 09:55 PM
I repeat my prediction that when the pile (of manure) starts to crack, it will be a putrid landslide. First, eventually, germans will insist that either the jews PUT UP, or SHUT UP!

If they cannot answer the honest questions about the "holohoax", then we MUST, eventually, and by common logic, ASSUME, and CONCLUDE, that THE STORY IS FALSE.

I leave you to compute the international fortunes the affected families in Jewry would owe Germany after that!

But that is only the beginning.

Just as soon as the US departs, and Germany is truly free, with peace treaties in place with the modern western world, they will elect their very own brand new National Socialists (that's right, Naahzzziiis!). That is obviously the PREFERRED form of government for germans since they did so well with it, while they had thier peace treaties in place with western nations.

Second, they will establish, and FUND, mass grave-yard search commissions, to find out where all of Ike's murder victims are buried, most likely underneath tree groves planted around 1947-1949. This commission will discover, and identify, upwards of a million surrendered german soldiers who were mercilessly, without any hope, murdered by Ike's jewish GI's during the months immediately following their surrender.

They will publish books, stories (make movies), and go all out telling the story, and, they will proudly paint their brave soldiers, who surrendered to GI's, finally under strict orders to do so by their superiors, only to find themselves being forced to suffer the insufferable, during which they died succumbing to cold, thirst, starvation, and beatings (in open fields during that frigid April, surrounded by barbed wire and machine gun nests).

After this story-telling will have made its play, all over germany (and elsewhere in Europe for the benefit of germanic, but not necessarily german speaking, peoples), and made a whopping smash hit and widely visited and discussed amongst these hardy Europeans, then WE (yes, that's you and me - we americans) will have some 'splainin' to do, to our brothers and cousins back their - about how we let that bastard jew Eisenhower get away with it, and rewarded him with the presidency. This will be something to live for (for an old fart like me) just to see how our leaders come to grips with what they will have inherited from such filth as Eisnhower. In the end, it will only be fitting (anything less, UNACCEPTABLE) for we americans to ADMIT that we made, not just a "mistake", but we pulled off the whopper for all time.
We murdered upwards of a million very good blood brothers, whose lives lay totally in our hands, on the say of a hateful jew.

Just you wait, there won't be a place on earth for the heirs of these responsible jews to hide their fortunes out in - and this western world will demand that they will have to own up to this damnable dirty deed they did to the purest, noblest, and truest, tribe this earth has ever bred. Their won't be enough money in any responsible jews family fortunes to pay back to the germanic families what will be demanded by these Europeans - fortunes, gained by such deviltry, will be awarded, and claimed, with interest - it will only be fitting.

It's coming in its due time.

6th September 2016, 11:31 PM
I repeat my prediction that when the pile (of manure) starts to crack, it will be a putrid landslide. First, eventually, germans will insist that either the jews PUT UP, or SHUT UP!

If they cannot answer the honest questions about the "holohoax", then we MUST, eventually, and by common logic, ASSUME, and CONCLUDE, that THE STORY IS FALSE.

I leave you to compute the international fortunes the affected families in Jewry would owe Germany after that!

But that is only the beginning.

Just as soon as the US departs, and Germany is truly free, with peace treaties in place with the modern western world, they will elect their very own brand new National Socialists (that's right, Naahzzziiis!). That is obviously the PREFERRED form of government for germans since they did so well with it, while they had thier peace treaties in place with western nations.

Second, they will establish, and FUND, mass grave-yard search commissions, to find out where all of Ike's murder victims are buried, most likely underneath tree groves planted around 1947-1949. This commission will discover, and identify, upwards of a million surrendered german soldiers who were mercilessly, without any hope, murdered by Ike's jewish GI's during the months immediately following their surrender.

They will publish books, stories (make movies), and go all out telling the story, and, they will proudly paint their brave soldiers, who surrendered to GI's, finally under strict orders to do so by their superiors, only to find themselves being forced to suffer the insufferable, during which they died succumbing to cold, thirst, starvation, and beatings (in open fields during that frigid April, surrounded by barbed wire and machine gun nests).

After this story-telling will have made its play, all over germany (and elsewhere in Europe for the benefit of germanic, but not necessarily german speaking, peoples), and made a whopping smash hit and widely visited and discussed amongst these hardy Europeans, then WE (yes, that's you and me - we americans) will have some 'splainin' to do, to our brothers and cousins back their - about how we let that bastard jew Eisenhower get away with it, and rewarded him with the presidency. This will be something to live for (for an old fart like me) just to see how our leaders come to grips with what they will have inherited from such filth as Eisnhower. In the end, it will only be fitting (anything less, UNACCEPTABLE) for we americans to ADMIT that we made, not just a "mistake", but we pulled off the whopper for all time.
We murdered upwards of a million very good blood brothers, whose lives lay totally in our hands, on the say of a hateful jew.

Just you wait, there won't be a place on earth for the heirs of these responsible jews to hide their fortunes out in - and this western world will demand that they will have to own up to this damnable dirty deed they did to the purest, noblest, and truest, tribe this earth has ever bred. Their won't be enough money in any responsible jews family fortunes to pay back to the germanic families what will be demanded by these Europeans - fortunes, gained by such deviltry, will be awarded, and claimed, with interest - it will only be fitting.

It's coming in its due time.

The resurrection of Hitler?

6th September 2016, 11:57 PM
Neuro, what's wrong with you?

This has nothing to do with any target personality - it has to do with the absolute and merciless murder of nearly a million POW's, by forces wearing our uniforms and answering to the supreme commander of our forces.

Doesn't that concern you?

If they are allowed to prove this, in an international court, then there's some monumental awards coming due, and rightfully so.

Yes, the germans will glorify their past leaders, and honor them, just as the way we admire Washington, and we southerners admire Robert E Lee. There is nothing wrong with tribal pride. Keep in mind, this is AFTER the hateful myths will have been dispensed with as having been deemed UTTERLY FALSE, and, those making such accusations are will have been held in MAXIMUM CONTEMPT.

I know you are better read than your question seems to suggest, aren't you?

7th September 2016, 12:38 AM
Neuro, what's wrong with you?

This has nothing to do with any target personality - it has to do with the absolute and merciless murder of nearly a million POW's, by forces wearing our uniforms and answering to the supreme commander of our forces.

Doesn't that concern you?

If they are allowed to prove this, in an international court, then there's some monumental awards coming due, and rightfully so.

Yes, the germans will glorify their past leaders, and honor them, just as the way we admire Washington, and we southerners admire Robert E Lee. There is nothing wrong with tribal pride. Keep in mind, this is AFTER the hateful myths will have been dispensed with as having been deemed UTTERLY FALSE, and, those making such accusations are will have been held in MAXIMUM CONTEMPT.

I know you are better read than your question seems to suggest, aren't you?
what I was trying to say was that I don't have much hope of Europeans waking up to the reality, anytime in my life, even if I live to be a hundred (52 years from now)." Resurrection of Hitler" would be equivalent to "When Pigs can Fly". Sorry I just don't see it coming. Only hope for people to wake up is a complete economic societal collapse, which may come. But one should be careful what one wishes for as it may come true.

I do agree with you, Germanic people should stand up and demand justice for the war crimes committed against them during and in the aftermath of WWII. But instead the vast majority of Germans applaud this prison conviction of an almost 90 year old lady that had the audacity to question the 6 million holocaust dogma.

7th September 2016, 08:59 AM
Just as soon as the US departs, and Germany is truly free, with peace treaties in place with the modern western world, they will elect their very own brand new National Socialists (that's right, Naahzzziiis!).


Israel's Newest And Most Advanced Submarine Is Their Last Line Of Nuclear Deterrence (http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/israels-newest-and-most-advanced-submarine-is-their-las-1752459324)

Netanyahu, IDF high command tout new German-made submarine (http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Netanyahu-IDF-high-command-tout-new-German-made-submarine-441247)
Israel will nuke Germany from the submarines built for them in Germany.
