View Full Version : Threats to NYPD prompt arrests, precinct security

mick silver
25th December 2014, 09:54 AM
http://news.yahoo.com/nyc-man-charged-posting-threat-police-113337191.html ... comment ... The race war is starting and us whites better prepare since the government and media side with everything the blacks say and do. I never considered myself a racist but I will say openly that I am now. Blacks do not want equality they want everything handed to them and everyone else work to pay for it for them. Well you can kiss my ASP, I worked hard for what I have and am tired of handing it over to lazy thugs to stupid and ignorant to work for what you want. So bring it on I am ready and willing to defend my family and belongings.

25th December 2014, 10:20 AM
It's not a race war - the city officials are doing exactly what they've always wanted - escalating the "us vs them" environment, taking it to the next level

25th December 2014, 10:28 AM
It's not a race war - the city officials are doing exactly what they've always wanted - escalating the "us vs them" environment, taking it to the next level

The blacks are being manipulated, it is a race war. The blacks buying into this BS race propaganda and acting out, are the ones dependent on the 'system' to feed them.

It is by design. It is a diversion from what is going on behind the scenes.

Mick, I don't think you have anything to be concerned with. This will stay in the cities. The cities will go down and suffer.

My advise to anyone, is move away from the cities. Where I live I have nothing to worry about no matter how much this escalates. It's not all blacks buying into the hatred, just the ones that have no control over their own lives. There's a lot of good black folks that don't blame white folks, and go out and live good healthy lives. Please don't judge all black folks because of the ones causing problems.

25th December 2014, 10:34 AM
The blacks are being manipulated, it is a race war. The blacks buying into this BS race propaganda and acting out, are the ones dependent on the 'system' to feed them.

Cops and city planners are dependent upon the exact same system.

Its when the system no longer is profitable to their creators it is set upon the chopping block of "austerity".

An execution in cost reductions to maintain the creator's profit-ability.

25th December 2014, 10:37 AM
Cops and city planners are dependent upon the exact same system.

Its when the system no longer is profitable to their creators it is set upon the chopping block of "austerity".

I think they are all being sacrificed because more profits can be made elsewhere. This is why they create diversions, so the sneaky bastards can push their will and it will not be contested.

25th December 2014, 10:43 AM
I think they are all being sacrificed because more profits can be made elsewhere. This is why they create diversions, so the sneaky bastards can push their will and it will not be contested.

The inflated state of those remaining after the smoke settles, are made loyal and holy once again to the system.