View Full Version : RIP Dad!

29th December 2014, 01:51 AM
My father took his last breaths yesterday the 28th of December. He went in peace, even though the road to it was difficult for him, and for us. His name was Christer, and he was an atheist until the end, but he was loving and forgiving man who wouldn't hesitate to stand up against injustices. He of course had his flaws, but he was a good father, the best I could ever had.

Thank you!

29th December 2014, 02:05 AM
My father took his last breaths yesterday the 28th of December. He went in peace, even though the road to it was difficult for him, and for us. His name was Christer, and he was an atheist until the end, but he was loving and forgiving man who wouldn't hesitate to stand up against injustices. He of course had his flaws, but he was a good father, the best I could ever had.

Thank you!

So sorry friend, may he rest in peace.
I lost mine 7 1/2 years ago and I still think about him all the time.
I wonder what he'd think about things going on in the world and I still wish I could pick up the phone to talk to him again.
I keep fond memories of him with me always, I'm sure you will with your father too.
Peace to you and your family.

29th December 2014, 03:00 AM
I am very sorry for your loss! Peace and good memories to you and yours.

mick silver
29th December 2014, 03:16 AM
hope you and family are doing ok . my family thoughts go out to you an family . lose my dad 27 years ago this month on the 8 not a day go by I don't think of him it does get easer neuro time heal all pain . hold your love one's close

29th December 2014, 03:45 AM
So sorry to hear about your loss, Neuro. I wish I had more to say but I'm really at a loss for words. Just take care.

Twisted Titan
29th December 2014, 04:19 AM
My Deepest Condolences and the utmost respect.

I will keep your family in my prayers

And i really do mean it.

Love and Strenght.


Camp Bassfish
29th December 2014, 04:45 AM
My Condolences and prayers sent.

Celtic Rogue
29th December 2014, 04:52 AM
Life is way too short! It always seems like it will never end when we are younger. I feel your loss and hope that the good memories of his life will persist and your sadness lessens over time. Life is a grand journey... Be happy in the fact that you were allowed to be a part of his life!

29th December 2014, 04:59 AM
Sorry for this loss Neuro. Sounds like he did a great job for his family.

29th December 2014, 05:19 AM
My condolences.


General of Darkness
29th December 2014, 06:35 AM
Condolences brother Neuro.

29th December 2014, 07:10 AM
I lost my father 32 years ago, I miss him daily. Condolences.

29th December 2014, 07:27 AM
Christer raised a good son.

29th December 2014, 08:52 AM
Last night while falling asleep I was thinking about my dad, he die at 98 six years ago in this month... like everyone else I would like to say sorry about the death of your dad but death, the same as life, is only part of this world and it has to happen...think of the good times that you had with him and how much he loves you.


29th December 2014, 11:20 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss.

29th December 2014, 11:29 AM
Last night while falling asleep I was thinking about my dad, he die at 98 six years ago in this month... like everyone else I would like to say sorry about the death of your dad but death, the same as life, is only part of this world and it has to happen...think of the good times that you had with him and how much he loves you.

Without death life becomes pointless, nevertheless I still miss my dad, and I probably will continue to miss him as long as I live. However, in his case, death was a liberation for him, last 1-2 day he couldn't talk, last 3 days he couldn't drink, last 11-12 days he didn't eat anything, last three weeks he didn't eat anything solid, at that time aproximately he stopped getting up from bed. He couldn't walk without aid the last 2 months. My father never complained about anything, but he made it clear that he didn't want to live any longer, in a way his strength was a curse for him, in that he survived against any prognosis.

I was with him in the early morning the day he died, he had strength for nothing but breathing. I left him wth my sister for a little more than an hour, and when I came back he had been dead for 25 minutes. My sister told him that we would tell of his death to his girlfriend in Thailand, after that he took three calm breaths and died. I had told him the same thing 1-2 days before but he may have missed that. The first thing I told my sister as I came back and realized he was dead, was FINALLY! He came to peace and so did we. I did never cry as much as I did the last week...

Today I called his Thai girlfriend and told her of my fathers death, she cried I cried and she thanked me for calling, I told her I was happy about the good times she had experienced together with my father the last 2 years of his life...

29th December 2014, 12:20 PM
Death can be humanizing. In effect, it can be beautiful. Participating in it as a caregiver is an act of love. Somehow, it enhances the life of the deceased as well as the family remaining alive. It can be life affirming.
We are part of our parents and our parents are part of us. It's a fact. A beautiful fact.

29th December 2014, 12:31 PM
he was an atheist until the end
Sorry for your loss, mines gone too.

Do wish you would expound on this part about being an atheist "until the end", if you have a chance

29th December 2014, 12:56 PM
Sorry for your loss, mines gone too.

Do wish you would expound on this part about being an atheist "until the end", if you have a chance
Yes, I have no idea whether dad remained atheist to the end, as he couldn't tell either way in the last days, he may very well have changed his mind, or rather a change of heart.

old steel
29th December 2014, 01:30 PM
Sounds like a very stand up guy, my condolences Neuro.

Silver Rocket Bitches!
29th December 2014, 01:46 PM
I'm sorry for your loss. I lost mine two years ago this month. Still think about him all the time. Glad you got to say goodbye and he went in peace.

29th December 2014, 01:47 PM
Sounds like a very stand up guy
Yes he was!

29th December 2014, 02:15 PM
deepest sympathies to you Neuro and your family.

29th December 2014, 02:33 PM
Yes, I have no idea whether dad remained atheist to the end, as he couldn't tell either way in the last days, he may very well have changed his mind, or rather a change of heart.

Deep down, I believe nearly all "atheists" know that God exists. In any case, if your dad did "hold out until the end," I hope there is nonetheless mercy from God for his soul, despite it. Only the Almighty knows the true heart of a man.

29th December 2014, 03:07 PM
Deep down, I believe nearly all "atheists" know that God exists. In any case, if your dad did "hold out until the end," I hope there is nonetheless mercy from God for his soul, despite it. Only the Almighty knows the true heart of a man.
My thinking is that if you indeed live a life of love for those around you, forgiveness of those that have wronged you and you stand up against oppressors, when you can, then you have lived a life in the spirit or essence of Christ, and you can sleep with a good conscience, no matter if you pronounce his name correctly or at all, or if you are brought up in a cultural tradition where you are taught something different in terms of belief. If anything it may be easier to live such a life if you read the New Testament, but I doubt it is necessary in the eyes of God to pronounce your belief in Christ.

My fathers atheism stemmed from the fact that he grew up in what is termed the Jerusalem of Sweden, a place which had many leaders or preachers of various christian sects, and he saw during the 60's that many or most of them were more interested in money, power and sex more than the wellbeing of their followers or any higher cause. As far as I know he never pronounced that he had any belief in God, he was a very practical down to earth man, who always worked hard and didn't philosophize to much of our origin or destiny.

29th December 2014, 03:10 PM
My thinking is that if you indeed live a life of love for those around you, forgiveness of those that have wronged you and you stand up against oppressors, when you can, then you have lived a life in the spirit or essence of Christ, and you can sleep with a good conscience, no matter if you pronounce his name correctly or at all, or if you are brought up in a cultural tradition where you are taught something different in terms of belief. If anything it may be easier to live such a life if you read the New Testament, but I doubt it is necessary in the eyes of God to pronounce your belief in Christ.

"Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words."

- Francis of Assisi


29th December 2014, 03:27 PM
My father died 2012 and I can understand your feeling of loss, but at the same time, feeling of release as the sickness and pain will no longer have a hold on him.

29th December 2014, 03:32 PM
My condolences on your loss.

29th December 2014, 04:37 PM
Sad news.
Hang in there.

29th December 2014, 09:01 PM
Neuro, sorry to hear about your loss. Happy to hear that you had a good relationship with your father. Rest in Peace.

Many thoughts and prayers sent your way. Be well, my friend.


30th December 2014, 04:20 AM
nice tribute. sorry for your loss. i miss my dad, too. 17 yrs now.

30th December 2014, 08:48 AM
I'm sorry to hear of your loss Nero. I know the feelings that come with losing a parent. My mother passed in 1991 and my dad in 2008. I'm glad to read that your dad wasn't alone when he passed on. I was with both of my parents when they died and it is a very powerful experience.

About a week before my dad passed he told my sisters and I one morning that my mother, who had passed away many years before had been there to visit him. My dad was conscious right until the end when he accepted it and let go.

An uncle of mine told me a story about a friend of his who's wife had passed away some years earlier from cancer. I can't remember his name but his wifes name was Mae. His heart was bad and he was in a VA hospital because of it. He was sitting up visiting with the nurses and had been for awhile. They told him he needed to lay down and get some rest but he said he didn't think so because Mae was there and he thought he'd just go with her. He passed away a few hours later.

My grandmother went to church everyday she could and prayed the rosary every day for about twenty years in hope that she would be reunited with my granddad and I hope that her prayers were answered.

I hope to see loved ones who have gone on ahead when I pass to the other side and I think most of us do. These stories I've shared give me hope that we will and that we will again some day be reunited with our loved ones.

I hope some day you will be reunited with your dad too Nero.

30th December 2014, 10:10 PM
Sorry to hear Neuro. Those that leave before us help us across when it's our turn.