View Full Version : Black (cops') Lives (don't) Matter

midnight rambler
1st January 2015, 08:06 AM
Here's a recent incident you never heard about - black rookie cop killed by...you guessed it. Doesn't fit the joosmedia criteria for their public relations agenda so there won't be any ***>>>BIG FUCKING STORY<<<*** on the national scene. Sitting here wondering if 20,000 cops from all over the country will show up for her funeral, since she was more of a hero (by saving the little girl's life) than two cops sitting on their asses in a cruiser getting OT pay while playing Homeland Security.


1970 silver art
1st January 2015, 09:02 AM
Black on Black crime does not fit the current MSM "criteria" for it to be a big news story and therefore big ratings. It has to be White (cop) on Black (victim) crime. Black on Black crime whether it is a cop or not does not press the buttons and not ignite anger and threats on social media like a White (cop) on Black (victim) crime story would. Black on Black crime does not generate the kind of ratings to go after more advertising $'s. That is just my take on it.

1st January 2015, 09:09 AM
She is the true definition of a hero. She sacrificed her life for an 11 year old child. She had just finished field training a couple of weeks ago.

But, you are right midnight, the media agenda along with a race war, wants folks to hate cops.

midnight rambler
1st January 2015, 09:10 AM
Black on Black crime does not fit the current MSM "criteria" for it to be a big news story and therefore big ratings. It has to be White (cop) on Black (victim) crime. Black on Black crime whether it is a cop or not does not press the buttons and not ignite anger and threats on social media like a White (cop) on Black (victim) crime story would. Black on Black crime does not generate the kind of ratings to go after more advertising $'s. That is just my take on it.

Of course you're right, however I must add that had this been anyone except a black guy shooting a black cop THEN it would be a BIG DEAL. Because it was a black guy killing a black cop, then it's like, "Just another day on the job."

1970 silver art
1st January 2015, 09:27 AM
She is the true definition of a hero. She sacrificed her life for an 11 year old child. She had just finished field training a couple of weeks ago.

But, you are right midnight, the media agenda along with a race war, wants folks to hate cops.

And with "social media" (twitter, instagram, Facebook, etc.), it will, at a much quicker rate, just fuel the flames of black hatred towards cops and white people. The victims of this type of crossfire would be innocent black people and innocent white people along with cops who are just trying to enforce the law. This is a very scary situation indeed IMO.

1st January 2015, 10:53 AM
She is the true definition of a hero. She sacrificed her life for an 11 year old child. She had just finished field training a couple of weeks ago.

But, you are right midnight, the media agenda along with a race war, wants folks to hate cops.

Last time I looked, "cops" were not classified as a race.

The agenda is for non-jews (black, white, whatever) to hate and destroy each other, leaving jews to dominate.

1st January 2015, 12:59 PM
Last time I looked, "cops" were not classified as a race.

The agenda is for non-jews (black, white, whatever) to hate and destroy each other, leaving jews to dominate.

Religion isn't a race either. There are multiple agendas, a race war being one of them. Hatred, and more importantly fear, of cops is another.

2nd January 2015, 03:04 AM
Last time I looked, "cops" were not classified as a race.

In the not too distant future, they will be genetically distinct enough to warrant being a race of their own. Already though the legal system is very different for cops vs humans. Pretty much the same legal distinction as between humans and animals, though with that baboon being granted person status the lines become more blurry now...

2nd January 2015, 05:52 AM
Not a race but for sure all are starting to look like fireplugs in build !

2nd January 2015, 07:05 AM
Religion isn't a race either. There are multiple agendas, a race war being one of them. Hatred, and more importantly fear, of cops is another.The State is violence. Cops are the physical manifestation of that violence, at least locally. They are the domestic military force.

Officer Friendly is a relic, if he ever existed at all. It is right that people should hate and fear violence, especially the institutional variety.